Thursday, December 27, 2018

Painkiller: just look at this picture of a horse and read the text

B448. Pains, aches and knitted horse model

I add this here too since that way it is easier to find.
So, to pains seems to help to watch this picture of a horse.

The horse has in fact been made to be a model of life according to feelings. More room for feelings mildens pains, since pains often are a consequence of some thing being difficult to bear, it pressures, is nasty or the like, so then more room for one's own feelings brings freedom to be without hurting oneself somehow.
In the hrose it is essential that it runs in an arch instead of coming straight toward from which a conflict was born and more pain, instead it curves it's way according to it's heart's wishes, and so it all the time chooses a good route and a good way to be and do, which lessens pains since one can then choose just good options.
The horse runs it's own ways and enjoys it's time, which too eases one's feelings when one can choose just the right thing to do, right things to do, right ways of doing etc for oneself.
The horse has been made (by me) to be a knit model, so it is nice things to do that many like, their ways of doing, their spirit and ways of being social, and at the same time softened social ways like on a coffee table and teh social ways of a person in one's hobby which is free, friendly and leaves others at least part of the time further aweay.
The horse as it runs has healthy spirit and is sporty.

The picture should be looked at with social eye and not copied, especially not copied detailedly ad not acted at all. Instead like on one's own do things in the same theme, so especially things according to feelings, and listen how it affects how one feels.
Knitting tips

In English:
Watching this picture of a horse mildens pain, without need for pain killers or medicine. The picture is a model of indivudualistic life according to feelings. The free running horse runs in an arch. This way to ease pain suits also pets and other animals.

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Would this picture of a knitted horse help in alcoholism too, if alcoholism is a consequence of life being too hard to bear?

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25.11.2023   For softening life, read my long blog text Skills of Christmas gnomes

Monday, December 17, 2018

INDEX WITH CURE SUGGESTIONS after the word "and"

Cure attempts to illnesses etc made by comparing with fully healthy ways of living, no medicine, no treatments, ought to cure by reading, understanding and using that point of view & it's recommendations, ought to ease in 5min or no effect.
(It is said thatthe name Tervola (="Healthy/Fit"/"Health/Fitness sings"/"Place/Family/Person with healthy, fully fit ways of living as high value") teaches those with that name to be skilled healers. That is why I have written these guesses /this insight up, just in case it might help many.)

The internet address of this index is: . The Finnish language original is at .

Here are some 600 headers with cure suggestions in them after the word "and". The texts are nu,bered but I have translated only some 50 texts to English (see the rest of this blog for them). The originals are in Finnish language.
This index is not yet ready but has already 500 headers in it.
(The translations are meant for an international audience. The language seeks to be simple. The names of illnesses are either with everyday words or found from an internet dictionary.)

Please read the cure suggestions too when you bladdre the index, especially of similar illnesses, since so you gain a view of what kinds of cures these are and maybe also how to figure out something on the same lines yourself.
(One can learn similar view of what is a good way to live and what not, from having some form of motion as a hobby. In moving one each moment makes observations of how one feels and what one's understanding says about what is a good way to move and what not. Similarly one can learn from living with varying weathers, from making adjustments to one's way of living to suit the moment and to bring good feeling, endurancy and health in the long run.)

A328. Abort   14.4.2016
39. Helping a person after an accident  6.5.2015
accident   A218. A hit in the head and an understanding that one has been doing something unusual  26.12.2015
A219. About the reasons for accidents   26.12.2015
accidents   A226. Wounds just caused and try now the miracle cure attempts   31.12.2015
accident   A324. Emergency help of one who fell to cold water from ice cover ??   6.4.2016
4. Aches and movement intentions  2.2.2012
31. Nerve ache in the nose area and skin & body under the skin warm  22.2.2015
33. Cold aches and keeping the whole body warm  27.2.2015
172. Muscle aches & kramps(?) and sportiness & warmth   23.11.2015
173. Muscle aches after sprts and payinga s much attention to moving  23.11.2015
A261. MStomach aches and correcting life choises tyo be according to feelings   24.1.2016
aches   A334. "Lihasleini" and experiencing senses strongly   21.5.2016
B448. Pains and aches and horse knit model   13.2.2017
97. A wish for acupuncture and taking more distance to people that one identifies with    15.8.2015
B408. Enlargened Adam's apple (Suurentunut aataminomena) and yto not to interprete life to technical engineering kidn of language   6.11.2016
A298. Addiction and meeting the same needs in ways with healthy spirit   9.2.2016
B462. Computer addiction and other nice things to do but similar main current of life   27.2.2017  
long age   A318. Living long   31.3.2016
B472. Schools' indoor air problems and teachers who were in their age at least as good inschool studies as their pupils are  15,3,2017
B416. Albinism and to value nature higher, finer than books   29.11.2016
79. Allergies and seeing their causes as important parts of the healthy world  6.7.2015
A321. Spring time allergy of trees' seed dust in the air   4.4.2016
A359. Altzheimer disease and lifting the level of profoundity to artistic & spiritual  7.8.2016
10. Ankle hurt by being twisted and keeping it in the center position  23.11.2012
87. Astma (breathing difficulty) and the lush greenery of nature  16.7.2015
144. Astronauts and nature & women's points of view  2.11.2015
A317. Poor atmosphere in medicine   30.3.2016
B449. Disturbancies in one's skill of attention and a healthier spirit in way of trying   16.2.2017
72. Autism and socially different social relationships and compeltely different job options than parents  27.6.2015

19. Loose stomach of babies and mothers should watch trees  20.1.2014
126. Infections of too early born babies and home like sphere of life  8.10.2015
192. Abotu how a baby gets it's caracteristics   8.12.2015
B475. Baby dying while sleeping and the awareness of adults' theory perspective   21.3.2017
94. Back problems and practising walking with four limbs    4.8.2015
129. Back problems and not being stuck to habits plus sportiness  11.10.2015
A335.   Lower back pain and not to comment the work of another one when he/she is just finishing doing it and not later either   21.5.2016
B424. An arched back and pause gymnastics   22.12.2016
78. Bacteria etc and friendliness  6.7.2015
81. Too little bacteria and  Finnish ways of living  6.7.2015
108. About our relationship to bacteria  25.8.2015
B470. Bacteria transmitted and a social picture iof the world of who has which hobbies and how skilled they are in them etc   14.3.2017
40. Sense of balance and lively neck, shoulders and back  8.5.2015
A225. "As if it were a ball"  29.12.2015
A381. Beard growth and being worried about the work of a guard   21.8.2016
8. sGiving birth & pregnancy  11.10.2012
18. About giving birth  15.10.2013
60. Paisn when giving birth and adapting to the situation  14.6.2015
birth   A367. Knee ball misplaced and images in mind of it getting back to it's right place and the knee recovering   17.8.2016
B450. About using muscles in giving birth   16.2.2017
37. Losing blood & stopping bleeding and the cold adaptation of blood circulation near the wound  6.5.2015
bleeding   160. Shortage of blood and the atmosphere of the brancehs of pines  13.11.2015
49. Blindness and mildening the reasons for sorrow  1.6.2015
137. Blindness and sefety & making looking nicer  26.10.2015
B411. Getting blind from freezing temperature and the Christams song Holy night(Jouluyö, juhlayö)   13.11.2016
About this blog   23. How the name Tervola (="Health") teaches of healing  10.7.2014
45. Things told about the name Tervola: why this blog  21.5.2015
blog   95. (About the name Tervola) Fracturelessness bring curing insight  10.8.2015
blog   135. About the name Tervola (="healthy") and the need to renew medicine  23.10.2015
blog   152. About the name Tervola  8.11.2015
blog   155. About these advices  11.11.2015
A222. About this blog in the end of the year 2015  28.12.2015
A259. Abotu the lenght of this blog  21.1.2016
blog   B391. About choosing words   21.9.2016
blog   B394. About the name Tervola ("terve" = healthy) and diseases getting cured   28.9.2016
blog   B404. Still more about the name Tervola, Healthsing   5.11.2016
B490.  About the lenght of this blog  16.4.2017
blog   B497. About my background   8.6.2017

42. Blood cancer, blood diseases and attaching to things which make lively  18.5.2015
98. Blood pressure problems and stretching beautifully just somewhat    17.8.2015
160. Shortage of blood and the atmosphere of the brancehs of pines  13.11.2015
115. Bones fragile from old age and rising to meet the demands f life 16.9.2015
134. Broken bones and things making more lively  22.10.2015
 41. Tick(?) caused brain fever, it's afterward effects and being nature centered  16.5.2015
28. Brain vein stuck, migreen headache and the parasites of fishes fitted to one's climate  17.1.2015
91. Brain vein bleeding and soft "Soooh"  25.7.2015
A358. About the symphtoms of brain and heart infarkts   6.8.2016
brain   A363. A vein breaking in the head and supporting schooled perspective with the wisdom of one's older years   12.8.2016
A382. Brain shaken and the earth solid, garden and slow movements in the central position   21.8.2016
67. Difficulties in breathing and investing healthily in the main current of the society which has been said aloud  14.6.2015
87. Astma (breathing difficulty) and the lush greenery of nature  16.7.2015
A224. Difficulties in breathing and taking room for oneself   29.12.2015
breathing   B433. Regaining breath and an image in mind of tubes in which flows a mixture of water and air   3.1.2017
A267. Brutal ways and recognizing right the differencies in the sphere of understanding   26.1.2016123. Small burns and medium temperature water  8.10.2015
6. Cancer and accepting only good  21.3.2012
42. Blood cancer, blood diseases and attaching to things which make lively  18.5.2015
48. The spreading of cancer and in one's mind images of health  1.6.2015
110. Cancer and eating  29.8.2015
A330. Skin cancer and summer as a a holistic experience   27.4.2016
cannibalism   B478. Laughter disease (Naurutauti) and a world with a healthier spirit   28.3.2017
B440. The behaviour problems of cats and taking into account the small insects living on the skin of the cat   20.1.2017
71. Cerebral palsy, epilepsy and relaxingly free options of what job to choose  27.6.2015
149. Cavern by the nose/cheek inflammated (sinusitis) and lightening & positive conten tto life  4.11.2015
B392. Cheek tunnels (maxillary sinus) & hearing and lying on grass lawn   22.9.2016
A325. Being exposed to chemical vapour and green plants & vegetables   10.4.2016
A314. Chickenpox and take social distance to cookers with their supporters   5.3.2016
A255. Children compalining in the evening and for the parent to notice how tired the parents are   19.1.2016
children   A264. Zika virus / being left behind in development and not to copy at all from robots and other build thinsg   25.1.2016
A289. Cholera and for the educated to avoid totalitarism & open-mindedness   7.2.2016
A257. Impossible life circumstancies and an environement like oneself   20.1.2016
180. Problems depending on the climate and identifying only with people of the climate that one is presently in  29.11.2015
A273. Poor capacity & not adapted to climate and twinding path like way of doing and healthy ways of living   29.1.2016
A271. Clumsiness and an interest in moving   28.1.2016
33. Cold aches and keeping the whole body warm  27.2.2015
128. Catching cold and just satying warm plus vitamins  9.10.2015
cold   A239. Ordinary damage from outdoors in freezing weather and keeping warm   8.1.2016
A243. Having gotten cold & fever and thorough getting warm   13.1.2016
cold   A248. Freezing injuries and warmth & liveliness   17.1.2016
Of the danger of foreigners dying to cold in Finland     12.8.2016
cold   B411. Getting blind from freezing temperature and the Christams song Holy night(Jouluyö, juhlayö)   13.11.2016
 35. Drunken painters' poor body coordination and keeping less things in the mind at the same time  17.4.2015
197. Feeling wobbling & problems of coordination ability as one gets older and going through and analying one's habits  12.12.2015
193. Coughing blood and gripping hand almost to a fist as if one ept something soft in it  10.12.2015
A297. Couching and leisurely free time & nice hobbies   7.2.2016
75. Air (?) in cow's stomach and one liter milk rpoduct can  5.7.2015
145. Crohn disease and healthy spirit & free time fun things to do & copying from the animals  2.11.2015
A249. Body part dead and liveliness   17.1.2016
50. Deafness/ poor hearing and lively neck / knowing from far  1.6.2015
A360. A form of music for the deaf   7.8.2016
A361. The coordination problems of the deaf and curing their chronical flu   8.8.2016
21. An advice to waking from death (or koma) - lighten with your whole way of life, start a new life as abetter person  26.4.2014
56. Religion & the life after death  13.6.2015
death   A284. About the possibilities of practising getting cured   5.2.2016
B402. Abotu death and sorrow   29.10.2016
A280. Dengue fever & diseases caused by mosquitoes and not to think anything connected with mosquitoes  2.2.2016
146. Depression & planning suicide and correcting big problems  4.11.2015
12. Diabetes and positive attitude toward natural stimuli  20.1.2013
A340.  Diahhorrea cauysed by noro virus and warm water to drink or the like 3.6.2016
92. Divers' disease and sunglasses  29.7.2015
170. A skilled doctor  20.11.2015
A315. Dog's teeth stone(?) and that everything went well   7.3.2016
A319. Too fat dog feeling not so good and more speedy theme to life   2.4.2016
A346. A heart attck on a hot day & dog dying of heat and avoiding sudden cool   25.6.2016
A350. Dog getting back to it's senses   23.7.2016
dogs   B423. Top of the mouth hole in half and the company of a hunting dog   20.12.2016
B459. Dogs' puppy disease (Koirien penikkatauti)   27.2.2017
154. Drinking too much tea and keeping legs warm  9.11.2015
A263. Inner organ disease of drunkards and increasing skills in happy life   24.1.2016
83. Ears whistling and understanding the songs of insects  12.7.2015
121. Pain in the ears and protecting ears from wind 30.9.2015
A308. Ear inflammation and sensing the atmosphere   20.2.2016
B496. Ear pain when in flu in an aerioplane and refreshments drink with "inkivääri" as spice   16.5.2017
201. Eating overly too much and not grasping with msucles & an image of pouring water  13.12.2015
eating   213. Feeling ill from Christmas pork and freezed fish cooked and being tuned to Christmas  23.12.2015
eating   A220. Too big appetite and copying ways from those with small appetite & climate skills   27.12.2015
24. Ebola and a valuing attitude toward elephants / religious hymns which sing livelily beautifully  3.8.2014
25. Pergament thin skin of the elderly and the lush green of plants on windows  3.8.2014
89. Health problems of the elderly and a much more narrow grou to identify with  20.7.2015
93. Poor eyesight of the elderly, leading to blindness and as a cure liveliness    31.7.2015
elderly   174. Gottens tiff from old age and warmth, moving and sensitivity  24.11.2015
elderly   176. Old person seeming unwise and others communicating with wisdom  24.11.2015
A217. Elderly feeling weak and to blood pressure problems stretching slightly & beautifully  24.12.2015
elderly   B393. An elderly person suffering fromlack of memory goes wandering and company of her/his own level & a list of her/his projects   23.9.2016
elderly   B424. An arched back and pause gymnastics   22.12.2016
B431. Sleepiness as one is elderly and a wiser group to identify oneself with   3.1.2017
B453. The reasons for the elderly getting ill or dying and a better idea of intelligence and wisdom
elderly   B479. Dementia and interesting subjects   28.3.2017

163. Being close to electricity, electric shocks and avoiding the danger pus fracturelessness  14.11.2015
A241. Emergency help and liveliness in teh middle of the body  11.1.2016
A316. "Endometrioosi" and moral   17.3.2016
B388. Lack of endurancy and getting slower as one ages and free fascinating basic things to do     5.9.2016
139. Feeling grey like a shortage of energy & blurred eyesight and moral, healthy ways of living & vitamins  1.11.2015
184. Energy means liveliness, power to live  3.12.2015
71. Cerebral palsy, epilepsy and relaxingly free options of what job to choose  27.6.2015
131. Epilepsy and the liveliness of nech and shoulder area  19.10.2015
A302. Euthanasy and letting go of wary doing one's best, just relaxing and getting lower   12.2.2016
A282. Evil and "Live and let otehrs live", selfishness, healthy spirit, pictures of wholes and a sense of the areas talkes about   3.2.2016
51. Poor future expectations and eating to one's sorrow, religion and seaching for good luck  1.6.2015
64. The expectations of others about nearing death and one's own claims of good life, made wirh healthy psirit  14.6.2015
65. The expectation of others about being often ill and healthy ways of living & good luck  14.6.2015
B483. The experiments on humans of nazi-Germany and an understanding that healthy one works best   7.4.2017
A365. A branch hitting an eye and dodge & cultivate the fracturelessness of the eyes  17.8.2016
A366. A piece of something in the eye and protecting the eye & "little bird" takes the piece to the corner of the eye 17.8.2016
A374. Eye structure deteriorating & tunnel like sight and an interest in teh landscape around   21.8.2016
B413. Dry eyes and a way of looking that tastes more like life  16.11.2016
14. Poorer eyesight via aging and praying & admiring the nature  15.3.2013
93. Poor eyesight of the elderly, leading to blindness and as a cure liveliness    31.7.2015
102. Eyesight gotten poorer and running speedily short distance  19.8.2015
109. Poor eyesight in twilight and the rythm of glance depending on how bright the things watched are  28.8.2015
139. Feeling grey like a shortage of energy & blurred eyesight and moral, healthy ways of living & vitamins  1.11.2015
150. Feeling eyesight blurred and to not to mix eyesight and feelings  7.11.2015
190. Variations in eyesight and recognizing what one is tuned to, mood & healthy spirit   8.12.2015
eyesight   A374. Eye structure deteriorating & tunnel like sight and an interest in teh landscape around   21.8.2016
B429. About losing one's eyesight from New Year's fireworks and livelier & a glance to the other side of the room   29.12.2016
B390. Fainting and thinkinf of plants and insects   20.9.2016
167. Carefully avoiding falling on slippery and softening  18.11.2015
3. Being fat and visual stimuli & motion  2.2.2012
171. The fatness of nurses etc and sharing wisdom of life  20.11.2015
fatness   188. Diet and one's own emotionally felt ideal weight   8.12.2015
A319. Too fat dog feeling not so good and more speedy theme to life   2.4.2016
fat   B489. About getting thinner on the spring   12.4.2017

A266. Feeling as if sticked by tiny sticks and filling one's energy reserves   26.1.2016
A234. Feeling bad when moving and many times more attention to moving   6.1.2016
B403.   Feeling dark & agitated and living in a big town &"luve and let others live" & freedom to choose   4.11.2016
feeling dizzy   B495. Being dizzy and away those who interfere with one's picture of how things really are   14.5.2017
feeling fed up   A276. Getting fed up and natural stimuli and healthy ways of livcing   31.1.2016
139. Feeling grey like a shortage of energy & blurred eyesight and moral, healthy ways of living & vitamins  1.11.2015
143. Feeling melancholic and warm clothes  2.11.2015
A380. Nervously feeling / sleeplessness and enough stimuli   21.8.2016
B401. Feeling nervousbefore public performance and wandering on a curving path   29.10.2016
A268. Feeling "Phyi!" and quickly indoors to warmth & wear warmer clothes   26.1.2016
feeling sorrow   B461. Sorrow about the death of one's spouce and continuing life   27.2.2017
B466. Strangling feeling in one'sthroat & pain and crying out loud   4.3.2017
A223. Feeling uneasy and adapting to smallened personal space   29.12.2015
185. Nervous thin feeling & feeling weak and investing in bigger wisdom  5.12.2015
A283. Feeling weak in the joints & nauseating and not to dream of reading   3.2.2016
197. Feeling wobbling & problems of coordination ability as one gets older and going through and analying one's habits  12.12.2015
B434. Feelin wobbling % narrowing eyesight and an image in mind of green bushes   3.1.2017
feet   107. Bone inthe side of a toe gotten bigger or more outwards and a happy way to keep the leg  25.8.2015
203. Enlargened veins in feet and motion  14.12.2015
A227. Feet don't carry, difficult ot move and get well warm  1.1.2016
B436. Hurting feet of Chinese women and a civilized sphere of life that is meant for the more stupid   8.1.2017
feet   B451. Muscle tensing in the bottom of a foot and warm the area & apen like a young plant's growth
44. Thinking gotten confused from fever and the fine motorics of shoulders  21.5.2015
86. Feeling bad when fever or inlfammation calms down and guiding the poison away from the body  16.7.2015
A240. Fever after having caught cold and reaching for right temperature   9.1.2016
A250. Trembling of fever and food, warmth & an understanding of the need for armth  19.1.2016
A251. Malaria and tropical fever diseases and sense of temperatures, right temperature & some food   19.1.2016
A260. Fever diseases of the mountains and noticing blood pressure  and noticing having caught cold   21.1.2016
A296. Lung fever and nature element   7.2.2016
B389. Mole fever and recognizing right the type of heat regulation of moles   19.9.2016
147. Fingers etc curved as if twisted and to not to mix different perspectives  4.11.2015
17. Flu and quick inspirated rythms of life  6.8.2013
A229. Pig(??) flu and nose bleeding water & orange juice  4.1.2016
flu   A240. Feever after having caught cold and reaching for right temperature   9.1.2016
flu   A243. Having gotten cold & fever and thorough getting warm   13.1.2016
flu   A297. Couching and leisurely free time & nice hobbies   7.2.2016
A322. Flu and to not to keep company tothe surrounding air   5.4.2016
A351. A flu patient having heart trouble and being active the same way one hurries to a shop     25.7.2016
A307. Food balanced wrong and increasing other stimuli in life   20.2.2016
A345. Food shop keeper having a reddish feeling as a cover for not feeling well and "lakritsi" (type of candy), carrot & milk   21.6.2016
A353. Lazying like food centered in other countries and a landscape like view, healthy ways of living and weather skills   29.7.2016
B421. Food ´s that make you fatter   16.12.2016
B 439. Reddish feeling and head mixed coming from food and learning the rythm, state of mind and way of edging of the climate one is in  20.1.2017
B487. Food shop keeper or the like needing enermously food   11.4.2017
B451. Muscle tensing in the bottom of a foot and warm the area & apen like a young plant's growth
199. Forcelessness and updating one's deeds to follow one's best understanding, insight  12.12.2015
A238. Freedom to be oneself and "Live and let others live" & nice hobbies   8.1.2016
68. Inner organ gallbladder problems and investing in heart's wisdom  14.6.2015
generally   29. Why the idea of how diseases get caused is usually left unclear  5.2.2015
generally   130. Factors making vulnerable to diseases and a time scale of a few months or longer  16.10.2015
generally   182. Getting well poorly and curing similar problems  30.11.2015
generally   A228. Tendency to fall ill and healthy ways of living, helping others and breaking ties to worst options  2.1.2016
generally   A252. Mildening symphtoms and balancing between opposite ends of the spectrum & healthy ways of living   19.1.2016
generally   A332. Greenish blue as a colour that connects to healing   8.5.2016
generally   A344. Getting sudden attack of a disease and giving up the estimates that caused the attack    21.6.2016
generally   B397. About vaccinations   10.10.2016
generally   B398. About the characteristics of a healer   15.10.2016
generally   B399. Vows   22.10.2016
generally   B400. For comfort   22.10.2016
 generally   B407. About naming health care centers    5.11.2016
generally   B412. For slow witted men who are interested in the skills of healing   14.11.2016
generally   B415. Does the care of the ill have poor luck  24.11.2016
generally   B428. About givving away something   22.12.2016
generally   B441. Abotu recovering   21.1.2017
generally   B442. "In emergency one can find the ways" in other words with the joined effect of many good things   24.1.2017
generally   B454. Getting well & being physical
generally   B467. Getting used to medicines and replacing the medicine with fake no-effect medicine   4.3.2017
generally   B471. Rotten nursery professions and the skill level of basic school common to all   15.3.2017
generally   B492. Giving advices to an ill person or to someone in trouble and somewhat distance & a model to support the limbing areas of life   19.4.2017
generally   B494. The health of one's mind and the basic skills of Finnish culture   2.5.2017
A311. Ghosts and to wish according to justice good for all in life after death   24.2.2016
166. Gigalomania and re-estimating the skill level of forefigures  18.11.2015
112. Graziness and agreeing that people do lie  13.9.2015
211. Losing hair and a real interest in one's life  18.12.2015
A256. Hands trembling and nurses etc care personnel of one's own age   20.1.2016
happiness   A303. Poor qualituy of life and healthy ways of living, "Live and let others live" & to not to copy   12.2.2016
B414. A tumor in the head, or a result of a hit in the head and fine motorics and images of healthy skin area  19.11.2016
B447. A tight feeling in the head and sauna or a hot day   8.2.2017
32. Instructions of how to get warm, how to walk outdoors winter time, about seasons and healthy ways of living  22.2.2015
50. Deafness/ poor hearing and lively neck / knowing from far  1.6.2015
B392. Cheek tunnels (maxillary sinus) & hearing and lying on grass lawn   22.9.2016
2. Problems with the heart and a lively body  2.2.2012
30. Sydämen kammiovärinä ja lihaksistoHeart trembling instead of beating and using muscles  10.2.2015
151. Heart beats missed and emphasizing liveliness in limbs  8.11.2015
A292. Sydänvaivat & rintakipu ja viisaiden etsiminen & elinvoimaisesti eläminenHeart problems & pain in the chest and searching for the wise and living with lively strenght   7.2.20916
A306. Heart vein blocked and two fingers (like veins) against an open palm   18.2.2016
A346. A heart attck on a hot day & dog dying of heat and avoiding sudden cool   25.6.2016
A351. A flu patient having heart trouble and being active the same way one hurries to a shop     25.7.2016
A357. Heart vein disease and an image of the liquids flowing in the trunks/threads? of nature's flowers  6.8.2016
A358. About the symphtoms of brain and heart infarkts   6.8.2016
189. Problems with heat regulation and sports   8.12.2015
A215. Hiccubs(??) and lively current in the central parts of the body  24.12.2015
13. HIV, the weakness of immune defence and bonding to one's pair with one's whole way of life, cultivating the fracturelessness of one's near areas  20.1.2013
A323. Hormons and recognizing one's situation of life nowadays   6.4.2016
76. Bearing hot and forefigures from hotclimates  5.7.2015
A346. A heart attck on a hot day & dog dying of heat and avoiding sudden cool   25.6.2016
13. HIV, the weakness of immune defence and bonding to one's pair with one's whole way of life, cultivating the fracturelessness of one's near areas  20.1.2013
A301. Inferiotity complex and re-estimating the quality level of others   9.2.2016
85. Inflammation and cool gliding flatness  15.7.2015
86. Feeling bad when fever or inlfammation calms down and guiding the poison away from the body  16.7.2015
195. Miracle cure attempt XX * Inflammation & swelling and calming influence froma fully healthy place  10.12.2015 
A333. Joint inflammation and healthy spirit in a natural mood   20.5.2016
B427. Blood inflammatioon?(Verenmyrkytys) and "Sooh Ooh Aa Ii Ee"   22.12.2016
insect caused disease   41. Tick(?) caused brain fever, it's afterward effects and being nature centered  16.5.2015
insects   125. Moose's parasites on humns and wandering in moose's living environment  8.10.2015
32. Instructions of how to get warm, how to walk outdoors winter time, about seasons and healthy ways of living  22.2.2015
A326. Itching and getting to know the type of being social   12.4.2016
156. Food/shit channel (intestine) in a knot or some other local problem and spreading the atmosphere of the neighbouring healthy parts to that area too  11.11.2015
82. Using Jasmine scent  11.7.2015
job    A245. Wrong profession and "Live and let others live!" and people you discuss with valuing just your dream professions  15.1.2016
job   A246. Burn out and an entirely different nice profession  16.1.2016
job   A356. Getting away from engineering professions and reading, hobbies & dream job    4.8.2016
job   B469. School or work heavy burden and the usefulness of free time to work   10.3.2017
job   B484. Burn out and changing one's job to dream job   8.4.2017
A333. Joint inflammation and healthy spirit in a natural mood   20.5.2016
26. Problems with joints and getting motion  8.12.2014
200. Joints saying klonks and right routes of movement and the support of muscles  13.12.2015
A372. Joints worn through and gradually more and more motion   21.8.2016

132. Dialysis (kidney not functioning) and vegetables & berries  22.10.2015
158. Kidney and learning from bird youngsters  12.11.2015
175. Pain ina knee and keeping the knee ina right natural position  24.11.2015
A367. Knee ball misplaced and images in mind of it getting back to it's right place and the knee recovering   17.8.2016
21. An advice to waking from death (or koma) - lighten with your whole way of life, start a new life as abetter person  26.4.2014
A216. Getting better while in koma and green leaves on skin  24.12.2015
136. Poor movements, kramps and experiencing life strongly with the senses &sensations  26.10.2015
172. Muscle aches & kramps(?) and sportiness & warmth   23.11.2015
A269. Laziness and "Live and let otehsr live!" & healthy spirit in life   27.1.2016
legs   A354. Limbs losing their sensitivity and veins open in the central parts of the joints  31.7.2016
55. Limbs not feeling well in the beginning of summer and enjoying the summer  13.6.2015
69. Inner organ liver (takes poisons away from blood) problems and not to hurry the organ  14.6.2015
90. Inner organ liver inflammations and bluish green & cool misty weather  25.7.2015
156. Food/shit channel (intestine) in a knot or some other local problem and spreading the atmosphere of the neighbouring healthy parts to that area too  11.11.2015
A379. Looking near the sun only next to it & with shrp eyes   21.8.2016
lack ofluck   A294. Everything breaks down and changing the ones you lean to ones with healthy psirit   7.2.2016
161. ein blocked in lungs and walking ina park 13.11.2015
B468. Water left in one's lungs and breathing very moist air out   5.3.2017
A251. Malaria and tropical fever diseases and sense of temperatures, right temperature & some food   19.1.2016
man   A378. Getting rid of too much men likedness   21.8.2016
162. Manic-depressiveness and repairing problems  13.11.2015
B432. Market economy disturbs life and dreams about way fo living as a criteorion of choosing what product to buy   3.1.2017
A287. Measles and valuing liveliness   7.2.2016
memory problems   73. Difficulties in remembering and familiar fascinating perspectives & landscape like views  27.6.2015
140. Losing one's memory and returning to perspectives that make life better  2.11.2015
B452. Losing one's memory while sleeping and making a work like perspective of the things to be remembered
B406. Brain layer fever(Aivokalvontulehdus "Meningitis") and forcing less  5.11.2016
A310. Mental disease with an interest in certain food and many-sided food  with berries   24.2.2016
A295. Mers and making work content livelier & wiser ways to work   7.2.2016
28. Brain vein stuck, migreen headache and the parasites of fishes fitted to one's climate  17.1.2015
 53. Advices for starting motion if you are in a very poor physicalc ondition to begin with  2.6.2015
136. Poor movements, kramps and experiencing life strongly with the senses &sensations  26.10.2015

Miracle cure attempts :
1. Who falls ill to what disease - and how to get well again * Miracle cure attempt 0.    3.9.2011
5. Regeneration & getting younger  21.3.2012
11. My impression about spiritual curing * Miracle cure attempt I  16.1.2013
15. Wounds get cured like a miracle * Miracle cure attempt II  5.5.2013
16. Positive thinking helping getting cured * Miracle cure attempt III  2.6.2013
22. Basics of getting well *Miracle cure attempt IV  28.4.2014
27. Uskomaton yritys (videolla ihmeparantumistaitoinen brittimies?)An unbelievable attempt (on a video a British amn with miracle cure skills)  4.1.2015
34. I guess I saw a glimpse of a miracle cured person  14.4.2015
43. Getting well and sensations * Miracle cure attempt V  20.5.2015
46. Company and getting well * Miracle cure attempt VI  28.5.2015
47. Handicapped and friendly insects * Miracle cure attempt VII  1.6.2015
52. Old truths and curing new views * Miracle cure attempt VIII
57. Sleepiness * Miracle cure attempt IX  13.6.2015
59. Why miracle cure attempts  14.6.2015
84. Miracle cure attempt X * Painting and time in one's mother's wonb  15.7.2015
 88. Miracle cure attempt XI * Social influences and one's body type  18.7.2015
96. Miracle cure attempt XII * Worm changing to a butterfly  12.8.2015
99. Miracle cure attempt XIII * Energy reserves    18.8.2015
116. Kind of roud and soft feeling * Miracle cure attempt XIV 16.9.2015
117. Miracle cure attempt XV * Influence that makes lievelier 22.9.2015
120. Miracle cure attempt XVI * Summary 23.9.2015
138. Miracle cure attemptmXVII * Poor ways of doing  living cause diseases and the like  30.10.2015 157. Miracle cure attempt XVIII * Praying and getting well  12.11.2015 
179. Miracle cure attempt XIX * Lila musical isntrument  28.11.2015
195. Miracle cure attempt XX * Inflammation & swelling and calming influence froma fully healthy place  10.12.2015
205. Stuck neck and small movements according to one's mood protected by sleepiness(?) * Miracle cure attempt XXI  15.12.2015
212. Miracle cure attempt XXII * Tiredness and liveliness  19.12.2015
A221. Miracle cure attempt XXIII * Choose between different options  28.12.2015
A242. Miracle cure attempt XXIV * Letting go and not being stuck   12.1.2016
A291. Miracle cure attempt XXV * Life's flow and symphtoms it's unnoticed extremes   7.2.2016
A305. Miracle cure attempt XXVI * One's view on realism   15.2.2016
A309. Miracle cure attempts XXVII * Life to better direction   22.2.2016
A348. Miracle cure attempt XXVIII *   About growing a new part of the body to replace a missing one     10.7.2016
A349. Miracle cure attempt XXIX *  About the ability to stay unwounded when shot   17.7.2016
A375. Miracle cure attempt XXX * Copy from those who have no tendency whatsoever to your disease   21.8.2016
B383. Miracle cure attempt XXXI  * Pay attention to social influencies and the like  23.8.2016
B386. Miracle cure attempt XXXII  * About recovering   2.9.2016
B396. Miracle cure attempt   5.10.2016
B410. Miracle cure attempt XXXIII * Gettimng sensitivity from seeing things as a landcsapoe   12.11.2016
B435. Miracle cure attempt XXXIV * Solving with the help of wisdom   3.1.2017
B455. Miracle cure attempt XXXV * Wheelchair and the center right of way of living
 B485. Miracle cure attempt XXXVI * Protecting personal sovereignity   10.4.2017
 B488. Miracle cure attempt XXXVII * About the effects of one's way of doing   12.4.2017
B499. Miracle cure attempt XXXVIII * The development of personality   11.6.2017
B500. Miracle cure attempt XXXIX * Moral   11.6.2017

A280. Dengue fever & diseases caused by mosquitoes and not to think anything connected with mosquitoes  2.2.2016
A233. Soft mouth and clean cool mouth area   6.1.2016
B460. Mouth's soft parts inflammated and keep them cool & clean & school pupil like quality   27.2.2017
106. Keeping up the flexibility of the body and one's ability to move  24.8.2015
A227. Feet don't carry, difficult ot move and get well warm  1.1.2016
A230. About spiritual persons' moving possibilities   4.1.2016 
A234. Feeling bad when moving and many times more attention to moving   6.1.2016
A352.  A poor start to moving and noticing how one's motivation is spread to different subjects   25.7.2016
moving   B387. The lack of sports talents of Chinese and the sense of atmospheres   4.9.2016
183. Muscles degenerated and the basic skills of moving  30.11.2015
210. Milk acid(???) in muscles and a way of moving according to temptations & softening afterwards  17.12.2015
B443. Muscle deterioration diseases and experienced, not thought and not copied, way of moving   29.1.2017
B493. Muscles vanishing and being picky in to whose ways of moving one identifies with   29.4.2017
205. Stuck neck and small movements according to one's mood protected by sleepiness(?) * Miracle cure attempt XXI  15.12.2015
A380. Nervously feeling / sleeplessness and enough stimuli   21.8.2016
A299. Unclear head % producing nonsense and living in a way that suits the climate one is in   9.2.2016
B491. Nose bleeding blood and touching a hand & breathing in thinking "gets healthy, gets heaöthy"   17.4.2017
181. Nuclear radiation and thinking of beautiful things like a meadow  30.11.2015
B480. Old wounds etc and bonding with one's body to healthy times   1.4.2017
pains   4. Aches and movement intentions  2.2.2012
pain   7. Headache and relaxed attention  21.3.2012
pain   28. Brain vein stuck, migreen headache and the parasites of fishes fitted to one's climate  17.1.2015
58. Pains and carefully with one's whole way of life avoiding hirting  13.6.2015
60. Paisn when giving birth and adapting to the situation  14.6.2015
61. Paisn during menstruation and candy  14.6.2015
105. The perspectives of others feeling painful and living along with those persons too  23.8.2015
175. Pain ina knee and keeping the knee ina right natural position  24.11.2015
178. Pains from lack of energy and warmth & activity with positive mindset  25.11.2015
muscle pains after sports   210. Milk acid(???) in muscles and a way of moving according to temptations & softening afterwards  17.12.2015
pains   A261. MStomach aches and correcting life choises tyo be according to feelings   24.1.2016
A335.   Lower back pain and not to comment the work of another one when he/she is just finishing doing it and not later either   21.5.2016
pains   A336. Rheumatism and warmer body   21.5.2016
A343. Mildening pain and room for feelings    18.6.2016
A371. Crippled pain (Kihti) and ivesting in teh sides in life which taste more like life  21.8.2016
B384. Chronical pains and a body that is thoroughly warm   26.8.2016
B385. Local pain in the back (noidannuoli) and warmth, feeling positive and stomach muscles carry   1.9.2016
B438. Feeling like full & with pains and touching lightly in a mildening way to far from the pains   20.1.2017
B448. Pains and aches and horse knit model   13.2.2017
B466. Strangling feeling in one'sthroat & pain and crying out loud   4.3.2017
paralyzed   38. Unability to move and living according to prevented cumulated feelings  6.5.2015
B457. Paralysing in a car accident and not to think of the car and to make the  needed changes to one's way of living right away 27.2.2017
A270. Parkinsson disease & being stick and having many areas of life & many approaches   27.1.2016
62. Unability to avoid peeing and physical activity  14.6.2015
194. Salt balance, superfluous substancies in the body, poisons etc and the way one pees  10.12.2015
A313. Peeing from the center hole and not so nice(??) official relations   29.2.2016
164. An attempt to make a curing picture  16.11.2015
B482. Children pissing in their bed while sleeping and warm relaxedness in the evening when going to the toilet   6.4.2017
100. Plague and relationship to the nature  19.8.2015 
9. Poisoning and lightening & sensitive awareness  23.11.2012
80. Poisoning and friendly terms with the poison  6.7.2015
A312. Polio and music   29.2.2016
A293. One's well deserved position missing and basic things clearly    7.2.2016
A276. Getting fed up and natural stimuli and healthy ways of livcing   31.1.2016 that are said to be caused by oneself and noticing burdens  30.1.2016
165. Psychosis and for the social environment to notice taht t is an influence from having been in the company of psychologists  16.11.2015
127. Rabies and my thinking course  9.10.2015
181. Nuclear radiation and thinking of beautiful things like a meadow  30.11.2015
B395. Reading problems (lukihäiriö) and only university students or the like asd forefigures   3.10.2016
A281. Lack of religiousness and social eye & sense of size classes   2.2.2016
101. Mental retardedness and visual stimuli &my thinking course  19.8.2015
A336. Rheumatism and warmer body   21.5.2016
A288. Rubella and not to lie so unwisely   7.2.2016 
A277. Lack of safety and being a part of the major current of the society/people   1.2.2016
safety   B445. A danger of a fight and good luck, good energy and "Live and let otehrs live!"   6.2.2017
safety   B473. Danger of war and an understanding of the naturaö borders between countries   20.3.2017
194. Salt balance, superfluous substancies in the body, poisons etc and the way one pees  10.12.2015
187. Stopped feeling from salty food and drinking water  7.12.2015
B469. School or work heavy burden and the usefulness of free time to work   10.3.2017
142. Scitsofrenia and common sense way of understanding the workings of a society  2.11.2015
B418. Sea sickness and an interest in fishes, old sailors, sea, etc   2.12.2016
54. Sexually tarnsmitted diseases and taking distance to not-present-moment spouce possibilities  13.6.2015
63. Sexual unability and getting room for oneself  14.6.2015
168. Old men's sexual area problem and starting new fascinating hobbies  19.11.2015
177. Sexuality seeming unobjective and taking into accoutn individual differencies in skills  24.11.2015
186. Sexuality bringing pains, weakness & stiffness and doing things in one's pair's ways  5.12.2015
sexuality   A236. Unability to get kids and several different types of pairs to oneself   8.1.2016
A342.  A sexually transmoitted disease (tippuri, "clap") and tomato  10.6.2016
A355. Losing life energy in sexual intercourse and sex & and to not to reach for erect penis by the force of one's own life energy  2.8.2016
A368. A sexually transmitted disease (Syfilis eli kuppa) and recognizing  the differencies in wisdom of life to be big enough   21.8.2016
A369. A sexually transmitted disease (Klamydia) and agreeing about even slight feminism   21.8.2016
sexual   B456. Penis not erect when needed and "Live and let...", somewhat more distant relatiosnhip & being considerate   22.2.2017

133. Problems connected with shit and natural youghurt and persimon(? "persikka")  22.10.2015
208. Small wound where shit comes out and that area open just about the right size for shit  17.12.2015
149. Cavern by the nose/cheek inflammated (sinusitis) and lightening & positive conten tto life  4.11.2015
sitting   A278. Having sat too much and being tired because of it and healthy sporty muscle tension & posture   1.2.2016
A247. Poor skill level and trying one's very best   16.1.2016
25. Pergament thin skin of the elderly and the lush green of plants on windows  3.8.2014
74. Poor skin and positive active life  5.7.2015
113. Poor skin and healthy psirit  14.9.2015
206. Loose skin and emotionally felt ideal weight  15.12.2015
209. Finns in skin and being adapted to the Finnish climate  17.12.2015
A235. Winter skin and keeping the skina lways warm   7.1.2016
A331. "Psoriasis" (large skin spots) and motion and spending time putdoors   30.4.2016
A373. Liver spots on the skin and beautifully livelily according to healthy ways of living   21.8.2016
B422. Skin trouble? near the waist (Vyöruusu) and sporty outdoor recreation and recovering well  18.12.2016
A253. Lack of sleep and skleeping & life fully according to feelings   19.1.2016
A254. Difficulties in sleeping and healthy spirit in life, motion & being outdoors   19.1.2016
A279. Features of sleep in waking consciousness and sleep as a resting time to which the projects of waking hour do not interfere   1.2.2016
A380. Nervously feeling / sleeplessness and enough stimuli   21.8.2016
B431. Sleepiness as one is elderly and a wiser group to identify oneself with   3.1.2017
191. Slowness and independency   8.12.2015
A237. Slowness and stimuli   8.1.2016
B388. Lack of endurancy and getting slower as one ages and free fascinating basic things to do     5.9.2016
A286. Smallpox and reducing the power or instituation like rationality   7.2.2016
A339. Sneezing ("Hatsih!") and getting warm and better blood circulation  1.6.2016
B463. Sneezing and avoiding the danger of catching a cold   27.2.2017
A376. Space disease and relationship to the nature    21.8.2016
speaking   B420. Problems in producing speach and paying attention to producing sound instead of to the fact content only  5.12.2016
B409. Curved spinal chord and carrying a bag in a good way   8.11.2016
A274. Spital and not to mix humans, animals or plants with what is build   29.1.2016
A320. Spring tiredness   2.4.2016
36. Stepping flat kind of twisted ankle and classifying oneself as more depressed  18.4.2015 
202. Stiffness and motion & stretching  14.12.2015
19. Loose stomach of babies and mothers should watch trees  20.1.2014
66. Loose stomach and sovereignity  14.6.2015
A258. Stomach front(??) and imagine cool current down the torso and feet  20.1.2016
204. Stretching like wounds and to not to stiffen one's muscles like dizziness(??)  15.12.2015
A272. Stupidity and my thinking course and advices in inclreasing intelligence  29.1.2016
B437. Having gotten a lot more stupid and basic things to do with healthy spirit, especially looking   19.1.2017
B444. Indigenous peoples getting more stupid in towns and looking continually at trees   31.1.2017
stuidity   B474. Sloppy head while others have an ok head and doing school level work tasks diligently and with endurancy   20.3.2017
stupidity   B476. Widely poor level ofg skill in some area or group and reading my advices about developing in thinking skills   21.3.2017
A344. Getting sudden attack of a disease and giving up the estimates that caused the attack    21.6.2016
146. Depression & planning suicide and correcting big problems  4.11.2015
55. Limbs not feeling well in the beginning of summer and enjoying the summer  13.6.2015
A341.  Feeling as if ill in the summer time and 1,5 liter's bottle of refreshment drink, motion & half shadow  4.6.2016
169. Chinese superbacteria and discerning between good and poor quality  19.11.2015
70. Sudden inner organ sweetbread inflamation and refreshmentdrink (soda??)  20.6.2015
195. Miracle cure attempt XX * Inflammation & swelling and calming influence froma fully healthy place  10.12.2015
B498. Problems of liver(maksa) when swimming and floating and a memory of what one has eatern  8.6.2017 
B477.  Swollen part and good hygienia on tha whole area   22.32017
B446. A too much commanded teenager and food that brings a looser stomach   6.2.2017
104. Sensations of teeth & mouth and washing & toothpaste  22.8.2015
124. Bare necks of teeth and a more pudding like way to keep that area  8.10.2015
148. Straight teeth and civilized perspective used like imago perspective  4.11.2015
159. About using teeth cleaning thread  12.11.2015
A231. Holes in teeth and try in the direction of the miracle cure attempts   6.1.2016
A315. Dog's teeth stone(?) and that everything went well   7.3.2016
B458. Softened teeth and school rationality & other strong side   27.2.2017
B464. The spaces betwen teeth and friendly not rigid man or pedantic rigidly thinking   27.2.2017
B465. Pain in (shaped?) teeth's edgeand finger next to it like the bottom of one'sfoot agaisnt war,m ground   4.3.2017
B481. About the ability of teeth to cure themselves   3.4.2017
B486. Problems with teeth (karies) and avoiuding acid and keeping teeth clean   10.4.2017
153. The normal body temperature varies from person to person  8.11.2015
temperature regulation   A244. Body hot in the center & cool on the sirface and blood circulation made better by motion   13.1.2016
44. Thinking gotten confused from fever and the fine motorics of shoulders  21.5.2015
thinking   B405. Lack of rationality and my thibnking course  5.11.2016
B466. Strangling feeling in one'sthroat & pain and crying out loud   4.3.2017
A329. Thyroid gland(?) and speedily in touch with life   18.4.2016
A265. Tiredness and healthy ways of living   25.1.2016
A320. Spring tiredness   2.4.2016
118. Translation right 23.9.2015
141. Trauma(??) and protecting from the same threath  2.11.2015
A256. Hands trembling and nurses etc care personnel of one's own age   20.1.2016
B430. Tropical sleeping disease(Unitauti) and healthy food   3.1.2017
B425. Upper throat organ trouble and giving room to the play phase of kid age   22.12.2016
77. Tuberculosis and warm limbs  6.7.2015
A327. Typhoid (typhoid fever?) and healthy spirit in views about the virtues of soldiers   12.4.2016
38. Unability to move and living according to prevented cumulated feelings  6.5.2015
A232. Unability to move and stimuli from the nature   6.1.2016
207. Unability to speak and learning diplomatic ways & variation of the tone of voice  15.12.2015
20. Waking up an unconscious person and sensitive liberated(?) complex movements  26.4.2014
uncontrolled ways   A300. Out of hand ways and re-estimating skill level & reducing social pressure   9.2.2016
198. Men unfriendly to women and a more sturdy posture   12.12.2015
177. Sexuality seeming unobjective and taking into accoutn individual differencies in skills  24.11.2015
111. Urinary blade inflammation and keeping pelvis area warm  1.9.2015
urine   B419. Blood in the piss and a weekend like ball like style & healthy ways of living    2.12.2016
28. Brain vein stuck, migreen headache and the parasites of fishes fitted to one's climate  17.1.2015
119. Vomitting and cool hands and legs 23.9.2015
A262. Vomitting and replacing torture like things by one's favourite things   24.1.2016
20. Waking up an unconscious person and sensitive liberated(?) complex movements  26.4.2014
21. An advice to waking from death (or koma) - lighten with your whole way of life, start a new life as abetter person  26.4.2014
B473. Danger of war and an understanding of the naturaö borders between countries   20.3.2017
B417. Waving one's torso and natural stomuli & healthy bacteria on the skin   2.12.2016
114. Changes in way of life and motion in cool  14.9.2015
122. Poor ways of living as one gest old and independent course in life 4.10.2015
196. Questions of way of living and twinding path like way to do things  11.12.2015
B455. Miracle cure attempt XXXV * Wheelchair and the center right of way of living
A362.  Lack of will to live and truly better possibilities for life   8.8.2016
A370. Woman's bottom hole disease (Emättimen hiivatulehdus) and listeniong to the voice of one's own feeling in questions of way of life   21.8.2016
 A377. Getting rid of too much women like things   21.8.2016
A285. Tiredness after working day and twinding path like way of doing   6.2.2016
wound   37. Losing blood & stopping bleeding and the cold adaptation of blood circulation near the wound  6.5.2015
A304. Wounds & hygienia and hygienia & huijuijui   14.2.2016
B426. Lying wounds ("decubitus") and ball like style   22.12.2016
B480. Old wounds etc and bonding with one's body to healthy times   1.4.2017
A290. Yellow fever and a civilized view to work's role in society and in life   7.2.2016


Obs! The headers here are not yet in the index.

B501. Like this you learn to make cure advice attempts yourself   13.6.2017
B502. India's illnesses and cultivating the lively energy of one'sapproach   19.6.2017
B503. Salmonella diahhorea and think of red meat & the lives of chickens   19.6.2017
B504. Diabetes and to not to identify oneself with the food centered eople   21.6.2017
B505. Something about giving birth   21.6.2017
B506. Eyes stare unmoving and attention yto the left hand   24.6.2017
B507. Bending the neck too far backwards and curling forward   25.6.2017
B508. Miracle cure attempt XL * Images in mind about healthy and soon getteing healthier the area near the wound   29.6.2017
B509. Miracle cure attempt XLI * Ways of living that make healthier   29.6.2017
B510. Miracle cure attempt XLII * Krishna's piuctures   29.6.2017
B511. Dusty lungs and couching & thinking that it is just your own nuisance only    5.7.2017
B512. An elderly person or famour person having a lack of luck and celebrating & at least somewhat magnifient looks   6.7.2017
B513. Miracle cure attempt XLIII * Think that only you have justthe type of the disease that you have   9.7.2017
B514. Children getting more "Chinese" and make ordered forefigures less dominant   9.7.2017
B515. Feeling nauseating while travelling and gliding down a snowy hill with a sledge & standing and waiting at roughly one place, somewhat moviung   9.7.2017
B516. Cows' infalmmation and a garden leaf   10.7.2017
B517. Insect bites and respecting & good-willing but distant relations to the individual who bited   10.7.2017
B518. Being borne to accidents when the weather is hot and using a detailed ovjective perspective of what one has already done   10.7.2017
B519. Better movements for cows and pine's branches & meadow flowers as forefigures   14.7.2017
B520. Portuguese feeling not well and making corrections to the ways of living at the sea   15.7.2017

B521. Lots of bad luck and following one's dreams   23.7.2017
B522. Bad luck in medicine and changing what one leans into from persons to spirituality, nature etc   26.7.2017
B523. One on a diet or having been on a diet feeling down and woolen clothes   31.7.2017
B524. Assimilating a soldier to peace time society and civil hobbies & civilized reading   6.8.2017
B525. Stupidity of AAfricans and quite cool body & the detailedness of landscae like view   10.8.2017
B526. Stafylokokki-food poisoning bacteria and the style of a food seller some time after meal    11.8.2017
B527. Miracle cure attempt XLIV * Dropping away factors which make one vulnerable   16.8.2017
B528. Do reading glasses of the elderly smallen sports abilities?   16.8.2017
B529. Lots of crime in one's living environment and a lower posityion for oneself & one's idols   19.8.2017
B530. About the structure of a wheel chair   21.8.2017
B531. About ambulances, medical care etc   21.8.2017
B532. Itching feet in August or September and warm indoors  31.8.2017
B533. Pains when starting moving and themood much more sports oriented & lots of more speedy motion   12.9.2017
B534. Unsure medical personnel and much older doctor & nurse   25.9.2017
B535. Miracle cure attempt XLV * A skilled doctor? a picture   29.9.2017
B536. Aquiantages seem to have lots of illnesses and telling them about this blog   30.9.2017
B537. Hospital and health care center to different locations    11.10.2017
B538. New body parts replaced and learning skills for life   12.10.2017
B539. The "mad days" advertised in shops and leaves falling   15.10.2017
B540. Pregnancy time nauseating & vomitting and making the daily life of small kids' parents better   18.10.2017

B541. Pains and drinking water   21.10.2017
B542. Instead of exercising on a stationary bicycle indoors, walk & walk the stairs & make your physical fitness better in other ways   21.10.2017
B543. Metabolia sotki syksyllä ja Suomen ilmastoon sopeutuneen tavalla eläminenMetabolical problems in the autumn and living according to the Finnish climate   23.10.2017
B544. Stomach pains "mahakatarri" and not so much fat in food & food ought to be according to the food circle advice thaught in school   23.10.2017
B545. Feel of shit bacteria all around and instead of antiseptic have warm air near the skin   29.10.2017
B546. "Umpilisäkkeen tulehdus" Dead ed bowells's? inflammation and wide adn liberal enough professional future   29.10.2017
B547. "Vatsakalvontulehdus" Stomach surface(?) inflammation and choosing to guide life a wise perspective that tastes like life   29.10.2017
B548. "Mahahaava" (Stomach wound?) and emphasizing life's meaningful things that have healthy spirit   29.10.2017
B549. Pains in the joints and some style of the Michelin tyre man near the joints   31.10.2017
B550. Liver problems and children's poem & look out of the window at trees   3.1..2017
B551. Too small space in lungs and more room to life in one's view on intelligence & on working life   3.1.2017
B552. Hallusinations and rest & rough classifications   7.11.2017
B553. Miracle cure attempt XLVI * Less stuck approach   16.11.2017
B554. Miracle cure attempt XLVII * Don't decide that you are ill   17.11.2017
B555. Miracle cure attempt XLVIII * Which ways of living do not bring the oproblem   19.11.2017
B556. Miracle cure attempt IL * The shelter of religion only to lead toward good   20.11.2017
B557. Rhythm problems of the heart and no coffee, no tea, eat heavily enough, eat fruits   26.11.2017
B558. Living conditions a burden in the neck and healthily warm skin    1.12.2017
B559. Pain in the bones of the limbs and less social with unwise stupid younger people   17.12.2017
B560. Bulimia, overeating much with vomitting and find the food substance or other element of healthy life that you long for   30.12.2017

B561. Miracle cure attempt L * Jusdt live healthily   9.1.2018
B562. Need of coffee and same anout of energy fromfood & atmospheric pause   11.1.2018
B563. Being ill for a longer time and turning into religion   11.1.2018
B564. Miracle cure attempt LI * Carried by pieces of insight   15.1.2018
B565. Miracle cure attempt LII * Changing future views and being individual in some things and going along in others   16.1.2018
B566. An ill person not learning and admiring the beauty of nature   16.1.2018
B567. An oldcompetition athlete haing problmes with the body and basic life with healthy spirit   17.1.2018
B568. An animal licks it's wound and protectively with all one's wisdom and not stuck to lot of bacteria and dizzy head   18.1.2018
B569. Miracle cure attempt LIII * About how essential it is to protect oneself   25.1.2018
B570. Traditional curing methods in the old ytimes   17.2.2018
B571. Cure advice attempts to all the illnesses I know   26.2.2018
B572. "Suurentuneet imusolmukkeet" Large lympf knots?? and instead of dry taste like life & use common sense   9.3.2018
B573. Whatr kind of skills in curing this seems to give   9.3.2018
B574. A complex relationship to food and healthy spirit in life at large   11.3.2018
B575. "Jalkasilsa" Skin problems in feet and washing with soap & water and drying well   22.3.2018
B576. Tickling msmall muscle near the eye and warming the near areas   23.3.2018
B577. Nervous breakdown and keep a pause, curl & change goals to more realistical & healthy spirit   3.4.2018
B578. About the tendency to fall ill and rescuing oneself upon better alternatives   16.4.2018
B579. Brain paralysis and an interest in bushes   17.4.2018
B580. Brain vein disease and avoiding rigid commanding compoany   17.4.2018

B581. Blood circúlation connected dementia and meditation   17.4.2018
B582. Dizzy eyesight and cooling the body to it's healthy normal temperature   19.4.2018
B583. Miracle cure attempt LIV * According yto the atmosphere and according to how well one succeeds   20.4.2018
B584. Lack of something and getting enough food or the like   22.4.2018
B585. Accident wounds getting cured, a basiuc version   25.4.2018

From C586. starts the fourth part of the Finnish blog .

C586. Miracle cure attempt LV * Keep positive options open    28.4.2018
C587. Being on a diet and an emotionally felt ideal weight   28.4.2018
C588. Recovering from a bunc, collision, falling or the like   2.5.2018
C589. From my Japanese Spitz  5.5.2018
C590. About the way one with curing skills helps   14.5.2018
C591. Pains and round positive feeling   17.5.2018
C592. "The role of Tervola" ("terve" = "healthy") is connected to ones who try to learn healthy eways of living   1.6.2018
C593. "Just on case" isn't always a good piece of advice   1.6.2018
C594. Something about happiness and making basiuc things to do possible for over the 40 years olds   1.6.2018
C595. Stopping using glasses and an interest in watd´ching & sensitivity to atmosphere impressions   1.6.2018
C596. The spreading of cancer and praying beautifully   1.6.2018
C597. Tension in the shoulders and young person's pleasant free time acitivity   2.6.2018
C598. Dizzy eyssight or hearing and finely sensitive way to perceive structures witha tmospheres   4.6.2018
C599. Bacteria in food in the summer time and adjusting the stiomach to good preservation  14.6.2018
C600. I cannot make this blog as my profession and not as a source of money either   14.6.2018

I leave this English translation some 100 points behind the Finnish original, because the English version tends to disturb the Finnish one.

* * *


Blog Archive

Sunday, October 7, 2018

For comfort: Christmas Gnomes, a long text

I came to read a book about gnomes amd felt that alternatives between fairy tales and modern town life are needed, and so I wrote about the possibility of gnome life like fascination in one's everyday life . I wonder if children who have been ill for a quite ong time would need it? The links there are important too.

28.2.2020    Gnome like life in the modern world
part 2.
(some additional remarks )

Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)
Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love

The whole blog

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Attempt to lessen pains resulting from air conditioner cooled indoors

 C649. Attempt to lessen pains resulting from air conditioner cooled indoors
I am a Finn. In Finland cooling by air conditioning is not used. My climate skills are not enough for other climates.

Air conditioner cooled indoors are foremostly indoor spaces. One cannot copy to them characteristics from outdoors without feeling not well, falling ill, gets much more stupid, loses energy and endurancy, etc.
In indoors it is essential that it should be good to live indoors for a long time, for example a week uninterruptedly if needed. That is why the temperature there needs to be good for long term stay indoors, and always roughly the same except maybe night/sleeping time and when window is open. Recovering from having been outdoors does not go via the indoor temperature, even though it can help a little bit, but instead via for example drinking hot tea or eating half-frozen juice (very small pieces, half-melrted to cold juice), or the like. Indoors it is essential that the environment there has been made nice to live in, pleasant, fit for it's uses, green plants onthe window and the views from the window tasting like life and having trees in them. In being indoors it is important that oe goes outdoors in between even a little bit, say ten seconds if one is in a flu and a minimum of 5 minutes otherwise, somewhere where there is the weather, trees and life in the larger wolrd but near home district.

In cool oen does not lazy mostly unmoving but is more eager to move and be active, in which it is essential that the blood circulation should be good, efficient in the whole body all the time.

Some texts translated from over 600.

649. An attempt to lessen pains resulting from air conditioner cooled indoors
see later post

Some texts translated from between 501. and 600.

 A nasty diagnosis (because of having had social influencies that bring failures) can maybe be undone:

 B554. Miracle cure attempt XLVII * Don't decide that you are ill
Different people fall ill to different diseases etc. Their ways of living and ways of doing, their ways of thinking and their habitual ways, their lacks of attention to things and mistreating some things make them vulnerable to different diseases. And because those characteristics spread to others via social contacts, one's company can for a while make others vulnerable to the same or from roughly same kind of reasons - together with the oerson's own and the influencies coming from others - illnesses, wounds, aches etc. So one can at one moment have some ache or the like as if one had just been diagnosized ill, but the situation is much of the same spirit as cumbersome things, failures, poor spirit, misestimates, difficulties in situations, social situations etc as lately: influencies from somewhere or few such influencies together, of course with one's own habits and characyter etc, brings such total effect: first vulnerability and soon problems of roughly that kind. So you must avoid getting stuck that "Aha, I am ill." but instead think that the situation varies as life proceeds, you can decide to drop those nasty influencies away and suppose that it helps at least somewhat, maybe a lot, anbd then maybe you no longer are ill. But for usre getting ill means that you need to keep some holiday, concentrate in one way or another to getting healthy again, for example by avoiding bad influencies and reaching for healthy ways of living.

22.11.2017 See also
 B435. Ihmeparannusohjeyritelmä XXXIV * Viisauden avulla ratkaisten   3.1.2017
A291. Ihmeparannusohjeyritelmä XXV * Elämän virta ja oireet vain lisänä   7.2.2016

C598. Dim eyesight or hearing and finely detailed way to see structures with atmospheres too When the weather is hot in the summer, and on the other hand also when one ill from some bacteria disease, one's moving goes to as if moving very big pieces only and the body is kept only very roughly, conceived only very roughly, which seem to lessen the detailedness of eyesight, hearing and one's understanding, and their sense of at,ospheres lessens too. Detailed eyesight, hearing and understanding seems to demand that the bopdy would move in a finely tuned way with a sense of structures in it, one with atmospheres like is typical for sharp eyesight when looking at the nature.

10.6.2018   So bacteria in food or spoiled food could also cause the eyesight getting poorer, dimmer, to which would help to eat fresh, not at all spoiled food.

 C599. Bacteria in food in the summer time and tuning the stomach to preserve food very well
If one eats fppd that is on the border that it might soon get spoiled, it can bring unusually much bacteria and a danger of a stomach disease. But if the food isn't yet spoiled, one can tune the stomach somewhat like one tunes one's body, mood, rythm, way of living etc to suit the weathers, one can so tune the stomach to such that the food gets preserved in it very well, fully unspoiled and as good nutritient. And if the it summer, tune also so that the food gets preserved , for example via mild acidity and cool, much longer than usually as good nutritients, because on warm weather and especially on hot weather food melts much slowert than usually, for example in a few times longer time or even longer.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

I have never been much ill

I have never been much ill. As a kid I sometimes vomitted and had sometimes small woulds. Like others in Finland, I tend to get a flu once a year or so. As younger I had pains during my menstruation period. Later I have had sometimes headaches and since I now live in a sunside apartment, also heat regulation problems, especially aches because of the skin being cool and body too warm inside. I have for maybe ten or twenty years had some fin like spots but it does not seem to be cancer. I tend to suffer from lack of oxygen if I do not remember tp ventilate the room enough. I have always had a poor memory in some things and a well working memory in others.
I have all my life been opriented toward healthy ways of living and I like sports and being outdoors where there is nature.

23.12.2018   About me:
I am a 47 years old woman, no kids, own two dogs that are quite wise, have always valued healthy ways of living, like sports, arts and the nature, religion too, interested in solving world's problems and learning new skills and talents. No background in medicine, not interested in such work at all, not suited to it at all, do not have the endurancy, character and resistance against illnesses for it.. I like the Finnish weathers.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Getting thinner quick (only 5min) and easily, comfortably

"Getting thinner quick and easily, comfortably
If your emotional ideal weight is thinner than your present weight. And if the season is such that one uses quite lot of food. But you don't need even all present fat to bear the weather. Then you copuld get somewhat thinner quick, for example in five minutes and then would your diet already be over for the time being. And in so doing you would feel somewhat like one who has eaten oily food or bakery.
So: You can pay attention to your emotional iudeal weight, which needs to be honestly estimated, you real goal. And so you can then take such weight as your identity, that means somewhat smaller body and a body form & size according to your character. The fat that is over this, especially ones feeling cumbersome or not so good, you can let to melt away, and to come near the stomach as an effect like buttery food, which replace some of the fat of some near future meal but not it's nutritients.
So you still need healthy meals.
 I do notr know how well one gets thinner with this but it appears that at least somewhat if the smaller body size is left as one's identity, a more satisfied picture of oneself. Somehow I would suppose that in teh human nature there is some natural weight control mechanism like this."

20. March 2019

1. emotional ideal weight, 2. extra fat, 3. melt away, and 4. (two last notes) come as bakery like feeling to near the stomach

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A natural and easy way to get thinner on the spring

Each person has an emotionally felt ideal weight. I guess it would be easy to get thinner if one took that weight as one's goal and ate healthily but instead of a heavier meal let the body reach it's ideal weight and shape according to your character and values.

"When in the spring one feels livelier because of light, warmth, melting snow, increasing possibilities for life and bird song, then one naturally needs less food. Some people get fatter toward winter, and then some part of body fat is for bearing winter cold, likewise some part of how heavy the food is and how much warmth it brings. In the spring when one thinks of the weathers some two weeks in advance and how it would be nice to live in those weathers, how heavy feeling from food, how warm from food, how much fresh fruits etc, and what on the other hand is winter reserves which one can well give up now. Then maybe winter's obesity, if one has such, is superfluous and can be used as energy for day's chores, even without being on a diet, like replacing a heavier meal, since when spring continues there will be warmer and warmer weather, so one does not anymore need fat and heavy food, but instead the main thing is reaching spring liveliness, spring mood and nice habits suited to spring and eventually to the summer."

15.3.2018   Lainaus blogistani

11.3.2018   Like this in the beginning of spring winter, when the weathers have just gotten warmer but snow yet not melted, it feels that if one now that there are no hard cold weathers coming, now listens to one's body and one's feeling, of what would bring a pleasant feeling, how fat or slender it would be good to be just now, what the shape of the limbs now in the coming half a week or one and a half weeks, then the body somehow well adapts to that and the cold freezing weather reserves is let to be used as a replacement of a heavier meal quickly away naturally, and the body don't seem to miss it but instead feel relieved. And so also later in the spring sometimes listen tyo one's body and feelings that what would be good for them. But the weathers of spring wary: dizzy clumsiness is a mark of too much warmth, I do not have the skills for this, I cannot bear this is maybe because being too fat and nervousness of too light clothing and of a need of one heavier meal, while being nervously shaken means that one needs to re-estimate one's need of food and warmth to be much bigger. When the spring is far it isn't easy to get so easily thinner, but instead the suitable weight should be found before halfway of spring or at least before the beginning of May.
 But this leaves one thinking that the body should be given as an advice aweight that feels good, a body that feels good, and not a group of images in mind saying yak fat, thin and hungry, I would not bother, or the like

Hyvä olo näyttäisi edellyttävän, että suunta on lämmöntuotannolla lämpimämmäksi eikä viilentäytyminen, jolloin siis painon sopisi yleensä olla vuodenaikaan nähden hoikempi. Silloin toki pitää ateriat huolehtia eikä kituuttaa, etenkään liian vähissä vaatteissa.

Sopivin aika hoikistumiseen on juuri, kun kovia pakkasia ei enää ole tulossa, sillä silloin kovien pakkasten talvivaraa ei enää tarvita mutta toisaalta voi hyvin syödä tavalliset ateriat, sillä ruokaa kuluu enemmän kuin lähellä kesää, kun on lehdetkin puissa ja kukkia. Toisaalta nollakelejä ja räntäkelejä voi olla vielä vappuna, joten jollain heikommalla teholla voi siihen asti laihduttaa, mutta toisaalta silloin tarvitsee ruokaakin vaihtelevasti, ankeina säinä enemmän, eikä hoikistuminen ole niin helppoa, vaikka kesää varten sitä tarvitsisi."
"Laihdutuksen kunkinhetkisen tavoitteen valitsemisesta
"Keväällä hoikistumisesta kirjoitin tuollaisen ohjeen, mistä jäi mietityttämään tuo, että antaako laihduttaja keholleen ohjeen, millainen olla. Ja jos laihduttaminen ei suju, niin antaa myös lihavuusmielikuvia keholleen ohjeiksi? Eli tuon kun oppisi, että miten löytää tunteenomainen ideaalinsa ja elämäntapaideaalinsa mukainen kroppa taitettuna nykyelämäntavan vaatimuksiin vastaamiseen, niin olisiko silloin ideaalikroppa tuossa mielessä helppo saavuttaa ja pitää? Siis kullekin luonteenomainen, ei mikään kilpailu. Mutta silloin ei saisi roikkua niskassa joku tuttava, jonka mieltymykset painon, ulkonäön, tyylin tms suhteen ovat ihan erilaiset kuin omasi."

"If you take the goal of a diet to be so thin that the image of it is energy lack like grey or the like, then your body easily corrects your weight to much bigger. Instead you should find a naturally reddish (emotionally liked) weight & shape of the body, brings a pleasant comfortable feeling, then your body naturally would correct toward that weight & shape. "

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...