Thursday, August 3, 2017

Emergency first aid (making livelier)

A 241. Emergency first aid and making livelier in the middle of the body
emergency first aid   B433. Starting breath and a picture in mind of water tubes in which flows water-air mixture

A 241. Emergency first aid and making livelier in the middle of the body
I wonder would it help in emergency, in making heart work out well again, to recover in a natural way, if one by touching with a hand or by praying or the like would make the person livelier in the middle of the body, somewhat front from the spinal chord, on a quite long area inside the torso, maybe from a pair centimeters to a handwidth by breath.

151. Missed heart beats and emphasizing lively energy in the limbs
If the heart misses beats, it maybe beats too lightly and forcelessly and then being alive, lively and energetic would help, but near the heart one has to take care and act naturally, but in the limbs and in the outer parts of the middle body one could emphasize being alive, lively, energetic especially much, so when the whole would be more alive and energetic, would the heart too beat normally.
That the heart would beat along with the lively energy of the limbs, and also the middle of the body and heart area could be alive and energetic, but according to one's own skills, which is good for the heart and for how one feels.

Making livelier
Things making livelier are among others the fascination of the ongoing season, the fascination of music and it's beauty, prayer that make one more alive, the beautiful atmosphere of the summer hymn, sunshine and lush greenery, bird song, being according to feelings, with healthy spirit, being relieved, something doing good, beautiful course of action in the world, getting room for one's real self with a healthy spirit, getting free, holiday and free time, naturality, not forcing ways, sensing atmospheres, fruits and vegetables, ...

11. My impression of spiritual healing * Miracle cure attempt I
My impression of spiritual healing (and of healing by religious belief)
The one to be healed should imagine the following in his/her mind livelily so that that insight would have an as good spirit as possible: profound, ages old, making livelier, globally good wishing and beautiful, touching all sides of life, taken to heart just the most soulful versions of those sides of life, according to prayer's sensitive, lively, making livelier, calm sovereign, sensing richly landscape like view and a guide to ways of living on all sides of life and in life as a whole, according to your view on what is soulful, filled with love like on a summer day in nature on untouched shore or pleasantly active in varying sporty activity.
There exists an roiginal right way to live as such what God created us to be and what kind of life God meant us to live. All that functions is based on taht natural ages old way of life, it's parts, for example rationality is based on the remains of profound understanding of life and the world. We reach some of that right way to live when we follow the answer to our prayer sof getting to know it on all areas of life - not rigidly law like but instead listening to our heart's voice and wishng fairly the best for all living beings.
When living according to that right way to live, the body is self-repairing: the lively atmosphere of the body repairs neighbouring parts and that part itself toward perfect ages old full health and cures our whole being toward full lively fractureless health.
Just like a bent one who straightened one's back, likewise by reaching for that right way to live we can repare in our body things that otherwise would be outside our ability to repare. For example if one keeps overstretched wrist in the right centraö position, it gets easier fully cured, where natural moving is allowed but snesitively, carefully, since you have hurt the wrist. Likewise reaching with your whole way of life to right "middle" best way of life, bonding yourself to it, just like your soul says, you can repare many things that otherwise would be too squeezed to a mess and impossible to repair.
Promise to follow that right way to live 30-40 years from the present moment onwards, also in your after death lives, never erring badly away from it! Your view on the future cures too, making you feel lighter. Long term effect brings room and extra effect to recover. Across time develop your view of the right way to live so that it is more according to what soul says. Pray like you feel right in your heart and like is with pure moral heart, and not just formally.
* * *
  Stomach muscles are body's center from which big movements start and where big feelings to a large extend are located in the body. If you do not get this advice to work immediately, try to apply it to your stomach area, which is the center area of the body. From tehre the effect is easier to enlargen to your whole body and to the surrounding emotional and social space.

B433. Starting breath and a picture in mind of water tubes in which flows water-air mixture
If the breathing needs to be restarted and the road to lungs is open, would it help in the beginning, for example for 3 seconds, to put two fingers on the stomach a little bit above the navel, and two fingers a little bit to the left side (heart's side)  of the middle of the chest, maybe a handwidth under the heart quite in the middle of the chest,
and at the same time imagine over the stomach and chest spiritedly a water pipe (inner diameter a few millimeters) in which flows little bit under handwarmth water with lots of air bubbles
and maybe at the same time imagine fluids flowing in a plant of the undergrowth layer
and breathing fresh humid air for example on a sea shore, just having come out on misty weather or after rain?

B435. Miracle cure attempt XXXIV * Solving via wisdom 
Sometimes life goes cumbersome, the perspective is not a good one, the way to approach things not a good one either. Sometimes on the other hand thinsg go well and it seems to connect with the approach having healthy spirit. One can oevrcome difficult problems with the help of religion. By investing in all wisdom and wisdom of life that you happen to have, you can survive in problems that otherwise would be too much for you. So, if you are in problems, invest in healthy ways of living, healthy spirit, thinsg making livelier, life according to feelings, moral, wishing good, praying, wisdom of life, beauty and other wisdom and rise above the situation, solve your problems with a wiser mind and only after you have well recovered by living at least somewhat wiser ways, you can return to your old course in life if you still think it is wise enough.

* * *

Miracle cure advice attempt for first aid & later
 Wish well for the world at large so that your effect in the world is positive and beautiful. Pay attention to the landscape around, especially trees and the weathers of the season, how they make more alive and spiritually sensitive in return. With the help of this effect on your body and mind, turn to religion seeking for miracle like healing. Give to your body and mind as an advice these effects and that each part of the body should be completely healthy, aim at healing to fully healthy. Each part of the body should heal itself and the neighbouribg areas, the wholebody too back to full health.

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