Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Cancer and pictures of health in mind

6. Cancer and accepting only good
It seems that people who fallill to cancer, seem to be often of teh type who emotionally accept something evil near them, for example a in a way helpful mother or some other close persons who is though evil or somehow harmful to them. If one wants to get well, one shouldn't accept evil at all, not adapt to it, but instead accept only thoroughly positive things like the wild nature and natural healthy ages old ways of living on all areas of life.
see also text 48.

42. Blood cancer, other illnesses of the blood and being with things that make more alive, livelier
In blood cancer and other diseases of the blood one could feel better, maybe get healthier via being with things that make more alive, lively: sunshine, fresh orage juice, lush greenness, free time making you more alive. And smallen the depressing darkness of one's way of life and one's thoughts' subjects, and lift one's whole way of life to lighter (both weight & sunlight). All the time more things making livelier and get rid of heavy evil things. It does not mean that you shouldn't at all think of nasty siubjects, but instead that you should think them through quickly and not stop to feel long dark feelings in your heart, and that you shouldlive lighter (both weight and sunlight) like earlier much of the time. and keep the direction of development toward things that makle you livelier in religiously beautiful way. 

48. The spreading of cancer and images about health
According to the miracle cure attempt of this blog, images in mind affect the way the body recovers and also to whether it falls ill. Pictures in mind abouut cancer spreading increase the spreading of cancer, and pictures in mind of somewhere being a tumor increase the possibility that there is and stays a tumor. If pictures in mind guide the body this way, via pictures of health in mind can tumors dissolve away without danger. Instead of images f cancer, one shouldall the time prefer pictues of health in one's mind and pictures of things that make one healthier like the beauty of nature, religion etc to be guides to one's body, to be the content of one's mind, see the first miracle cure attempts of this blog.

Via images in mind get influencies from health and not from illness.

110. Cancer and eating
The word "syöpä"= "cancer" seems to refer to "syö"="eat". Maybe that is an old good way to cure cancer. Then it would propably be eating of the style "Is it sure that he/she eats ok? - Yes he/she does! He/she eats proper meals and now too eating some snacks..." which means to warm, with full stomach's satisfaction, round like well being, like eating according to one's wishes but without much control to not to eat too much, so bringing continuos good mood from snacks and meals.
To the same would propably fit keeping the bosy warm with warm clothes and by moving in ways that create warmth. There are some instructions of how to get warm in my bog about learning the skills of Finns http://Finnishskills.blogspot.fi .
These would bring to mind that stiffening muacles to hard at some places propably isn't good but instead one should be relaxed, in a good mood, one's body like warm, eaten some snacks and in a good mood with healthy spirit.

February 2016
Can it be that one should eat delicious foods in the style "Of here we have these! Of how wonderful. I will take some and bring them to my room.." and in addition eat healthily according to the food circle diagram taught in schools and according to one's wishes of the moment.

A330. Skin cancer and summer as something you experience with your whole being 
I do not know of this either, but diesn't skin cancer which is born of too much sunshine on skin, come somewhat in a same way as sunspots on skin: the skin, the body or the person reacts wring way to the sunlight. I guess the error is to think taht sun would affect only skin, when summer in reality is a thing to be experienced with one's whole being, likewise is being in sunshine: one's whole mind and whole body experience it and the person as social and feeling being, as someone who lives a practical kind of life, understands about things in life. Sun warms the body, mind relaxes, social relations become more relaxed and in a good mood, it is a huge thing to have summer and sunshine, and not just some skin thing, skin being hit by sunlight.


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D893. NEW cure attempt to cancers:


Often near by people forcing wrong kind of things or things which have wrong kind of spirit to one's picture of the body or tyo one's life, seems to cause cancer, for example claiming nasty things to be good for the other. While free life with healthy spirit, like civiliced wisdom seeks to offer, like seeking towards one's dream job, healthy wyas of living and music, seems to cure cancer away and at leastd oes not cause cancer at all.

6th of February 2024   Supporting civiliced wisdom of life which is relieving for others too. 

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