Thursday, August 31, 2017

AIDS, the weakness of immune defnce and binding to one's pair with one's whole way of life, culticating the fracturelessness of near areas

13. AIDS, immunipuolustuksen heikkous ja koko elämäntavalla pariin sitoutuminen, lähialueen eheyden vaaliminen
13. AIDS, the weakness of immune defnce and binding to one's pair with one's whole way of life, culticating the fracturelessness of near areas
Even more vague impression than usually but:
AIDS seems to connect with having too wrong kind of pair and one is still trying to find one's right own roads in finding a pair, so that one ought not to be in so close relation ship with such a pair at all, so that one is like with occasional pairs rtaher than creating a lasitng relationship. One should invest in marriage with one's whole way of lufe, beig social like friends and comrades in life and being serious about being a pair, committing oneselfalso a couple of months into the future.
The immune defence seems to connect with who is close to one's heart and who not. For a persons with a healthy immune defence that difference is clear. Broken immune defence connects to allowing near at the same time both the present pair and new pairs to be, while one is not solidly committed by one's identity to them.

Immune defence ta large maybe generally connects with inside, near oneself, body, one's own space's fracturelessness is cultivated by oenself and takes care not to allow near such who are not healthily committed to a close relationship. So one shouöld not, for exmaple because the åresent date is not good, to allow near mnew possible date, but instead one should allow the new relationships develop naturally with their own dynamics without mixing it with the okd one, and let the old one get distance from teh routines of daily life etc if he/she is not fit to so close contanct with you.

29.10.2017   Autumn's and spring's good outdoor recreation weathers bring a sense of being separate if one is outdoors with healthy spirit and not warm via food.

18.1.2019  You must not take a new date as near and the same way as the old one, but instead each sexual relationship has to have one's own kind of place in your life, own kind of distance and own kind of relationship. Since all people are different and do not fit into a same kind of relationship, do not offer the same things the same amount. Many think mistakenly that each person has one's own style like the same artifact made of a different material, even though people have the same materials, same features in different amounts so that a different kind of whole is born with different characteriustics and good and bad sides, fitting to a different kind of social relationship, also sexual in a different way.

27.4.2023   If you think it safer to treat the new date the same way of esrlier dates, could you find the wisdom of life and the beautiful values that were in use and invest in them in the new situation that you have, instead of treating all the same? 

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