Sunday, August 13, 2017

Lack of sleep

A253. Lack of sleep and sleep & living according to feelings
If one stays awake much too late or if one sleeps much too little, the body and mind long for more sleep and it would be best to sleep as much as one needs sleep, even if it were a wrong time of the day.
If one does not have the possibility to sleep the whole night, it would be good to sleep or at least rest as much as one can but at least 5 minutes telling one's body and mind that I will rest now deeply and well this so and so long time, for me to have more strenght, to live without accidents.
If one has a lack of sleep, some get stuck to habits and their reactions get slow. Sleep would bring relaxation and so a way to relax really much according to feelings - like as if one curled to sleep in a very good posture - to enjoy how one feels, the freedom to live according to feelings, Enjoying the sensations of one's visual view, atmosphere sensations and a more emotional way to live. These in a way bring rest at the same time as one is awake, and so a really feeling and relaxed person can that way stay awake longer and need less rest. This is a healthy way to live and that's why i is less strenous and more refreshing, bringing rest, and not a trick for a lack of sleep.
Based on this I would estimate that Australians maybe do well with just a little sleep. Asians on the other hand have lots of the drawbacks of people who have slept too porrly or too little.

18.2.2017  Having slept too shortly lately and short nap resting deeply
If one hasn't slept enough at all lately or is very tired, but without the possibility to rest long times, it would be good to begin with rest about 5 minutes (5-15min) in deep slumber not moving except slightly is ok, justbreathing calmly, letting one's body rest deeply and the mind rest deeply too especially at those parts which have lacked sleep. Then open one's eyes and look at the landscape in daylight time's way, adapting to being active in light landscape.
If one can in addition rest 15 min to 1,5 hours, one would sleep relaxedly refreshingly like one who enjoys morning sleep, in a way that is good for the mind and body. And then wake again into the middle of active life.
Once one has found good sleep, one can sleep like does good, if one has enough time for it.
Good night's sleep and to have rested well enough are very important. They are said to be one of the secrets of long life and health.

4.4.2017   If one is very tired, maybe with a chronical lack of sleep, so that one is afraid to fall to too deep sleep or slumber and die, if one sleeps or the like, then one can rest so that a part of the person stays awake in a awareness which makes more alive, and a prt of the person sleeps worst lack  of sleep away. First one needs an awareness which makes one more alive, somewhat like a prayer or in the nature and good will, healthy ways of living etc. The parts of the mind which have rested best, an area which quarantees staying awake and resting at the same time, these guard being aware in a way that makes more alive and cultivate the sleep of the most tired parts as if they covered them with a blanket etc, giving them room like a teen starting one's own life on those parts has that one has the freedom to live completely freely. First let them rest in a good way and deeply refreshing 5-8min, then wake them too and analyze how much what kind of sleep each part needs and can they sleep without falling to too deep slumber. Slumber alone does not make one as refreshed as resting in a good way, and that is why cultivating guarding side makes more alive (energetic) and tries to find a good free posture for the parts of body and mind and room to be and rest in a good way, getting deeply refreshed.

13.8.2017   I would guess that if one is somehow ill or feels as if ill, then the last advice does not work as easily as usually, and so one could try it sitting with lights on in the room, so that the side which is supposed to stay awake, would have been helped, and one would let the body have free expressive movements, not stuck to habits but living their lives.

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