Monday, July 31, 2017

Some texts translated from between 201. - 300.

A 241. Emergency first aid and making livelier in the middle of the body
See later in this blog Emergency first aid

A251. Malaria & tropical fever diseases and a sense of temperatures, right temperature & food
To the trembling from fever in malaria and tropical fever diseases, see the advice about having caught cold and gotten fever:
A sense of temperatures of the body and of the environment and of the heat production of the bpdy that one then needs, of cooling, of adjusting blood circulation, clothes etc, is important:
A243. Kylmettyminen & kuume ja perusteellinen lämmittely   13.1.2016 and
A240. Kuume vilustuttuaan ja oikean lämpötilan tavoittelu   9.1.2016
Cultivating the right temperature and taking care of body's energy reserves and it's need for vitamins like in the advice
128. Vilustuminen ja ihan lämpimänä pysytteleminen sekä vitamiinit  9.10.2015
In additional one should take into account differencies in cultural background in what it affects climate adaptations. Best model is someone from your own climate who has moved to your present climate and learned it well. Another good model could be local music, maybe pop music or spiritual, if the religion is the same and familiar enough.
Nature stimuli usually helps natural ability to estimate and regulate, for example a branch that one can see from the window (at the times of dark it would be in lamp light) or a green plant indoors or a flower, maybe also a beautiful dry branch or something of the kind decoration picked from the nature.

Would an indoor thermometer and it maybe with moisture meter help?

 * * *

Culd these help in tropical fever diseases at large?

See also 195. Ihmeparannusohjeyritelmä XX * Tulehdus & turvotus ja tyynnyttävä vaikute ihan terveestä kohdasta  10.12.2015

if some fever disease comes on some area especially when it is cooler or hotter tahn usually on that area, or after having been in cool or hot, then I would think that fever is a consequence of lacks in estimating the right temperature for body and of right amount of heat production in the body, the reason for which is often the empty flat walls of rooms etc looks of the build environment, to which would help tyo see a local tree through the window or it's branch of a traditional local natural tree or bush. If that isnt enough, then neighbouring areas that one often associates with friendlily but which have such weather more often, would maybe have such tree or bush species - if not otherwise, then from tv or from photograph or from postcard.

See also
A280. Dengue kuume & hyttysten aiheuttamat taudit ja ettei ajattele mitään hyttysiin liittyvää

A253. Lack of sleep and sleep & living according to feelings 
see later in this blog abotu Lack of sleep

A287. Measles and valuing liveliness
I just read about the symhtoms of measles and it came to my mind that if (a child?) values at those times more than usually indoor like, theoretical, not with healthy spirit, not connected to nature, thinking and way of living, so is unwisely investing to artificialities, would it produce such symhtoms? Maybe such view was a rumour from child to child? So then would help to value liveliness, healthy spirit, valuing healthy common sense and douptful attitude toward artificialities and to cruel or negative toward life, theoretical ways.

A270. Parkinsson disease (?) & being stuck and having many areas of life & several approaches
See earlier post about the elderly

A291. Miracle cure attempt XXV * The flow of life and symhtoms just an addition
  When I looked at the list of symhtoms of yellow fever and wondered what kind of situation could cause it, I noticed that if there comes such feelings to the ordinary flow of life via expressing feelings, social ways and way of life, it brings a picture of what kind of situation in life could cause it. And with ordinary sense of healthy spirit in things ane could suggest some cure.
On the other hand when I via gesture language discussed with my dog, I noticed that if it emphasizes the feeling of fever in some social situation or some situation of life, where there is such fever like hotness for emotional or social reasons, then if that fever is claassified as a symhtom and one looks at things in a symhtom oriented way, it appears that one is ill in the ordinary way.. If one instead would look at one's flow of life as ordinary life with quite healthy spirit and would notice that to it came such maybe too big variation, reaction or the like, then there would be the advice for getting healthy again, in other words healthy way of living as the manin idea and so one would stay healthy.

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