Thursday, January 30, 2020


(Did people wonder if something had happened quite near, like an atom bomb or some other attack, and that left them feeling like the disease, but they did it in uncertain ways, not knowing for sure?
" If there is something big wrong in the world, one often gains a quite serene place if one does not spend much time pondering about it and worrying but instead tries on one's own behalf to not to worsen the situation at all, whatever it is, and that means following civilized wisdom, living an ordinary life and doing positive things."

22.2.2020   This kind of disease would make one feel as if stomach somewhat turning at the same time as one is unsure, kind of without proper grounds like if one tried to figure something social but used wrong word in it and so it went wrong and one was kind of wobbling "outs where am I?", and could have vomitting too but not necessarily, and has kind of body turning bad like eaten too old sausage, both like having eaten and one's own body turning somewhat similar. The reason is that one uses social reasoning that is too unsure and went wrong, and was maybe based on some social observation or some piece of knowledge and one begun to think that such is there, what then is such somewhere elsewhere too, and in too many places there was something like taht wrong. But that was not the error so much since it is just an observation but not very sure about what kinds of things thiose are and what causes them. But the problem is that the person did not use civiliced wisdom in thinking of the society and of the world, did not think of all people at the same time and how people follow civiliced ways and cure things to good for life via them, and did not invest mainly in civiliced ways, which would have been the cure.)

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18.3.2020   Some days ago there was in the news the symhtoms of corona virus, and it was something like dry cough, fever, tiredness, possibly difficulties in breething, possibly muscle pains, and I do not remember what. Fever and nose bleeding may be a result of shoes having gotten wet this time of the year. Dry cough etc sound like influence from someone with ordinarily such characteristics, some person who reads a liot, smokes, spends time in dry indoors, is maybe thin and unenergetic, maybe a corona virus journalist or a favourite novelist. Of such effects it would be thought that it is good to know such but the real problem maybe was an atom bomb.  (One far-fetched attempt at cancelling the destruction caused by an atom bomb, by synchronizing lives after death )
Headache may be a result of having drank too little water because of having influence from a dry type of person.
Because of the coronavirus epidemy there has been lots of influence from medicine in the medial and those are largely female professions and many women eat less than men,so there may come such influence too. The spring affects also toward lighter diet.
"Coronation" brings to mind Japan, is there such infleubce? Or should one crown oneself and the professions and persons one usually respects and not give so much room to medicine since it brings influence from diseases and not from the healthy functioning of workers and of the society.

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In Finnish about coronavirus

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30th of March 2020   To couching it might help to think of pines' green branches.

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4th of April 2020

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20th of April 2020
Dry cough is less energetically good than an ordinary cough, so could the difference to ordinary flu be because of that, even the corona deaths? The ordinary flu goes past via following more juicy, kind of more flourishing choices.
Corona can eb at least oartly a question of having caught cold, so one needs to follow all the ordinary advices of such symphtoms in a some kind of flu: especially warm clothes that cover the arms till palm and feet fully, with woolen socks too, and the chest fully. Ventilate the room air so that it isbn't moist. Eat so much that you have normal heat production ability.
Deaths to some kind of having cauight cold typically occur if the breathing gets obstructed because of too much slime in the breathing channel. So do not avoid coughing, coughing any slime away.
Diahhorea, difficulties in breathing and some type of muscle pain near stomach can be symphtoms of fear, worry, horror.
If there is dark heavy feeling like in the first pictures of corona in chona, could it be that some big thing like the death of someone has been bypassed without telling it?
In the news there was some time ago a picture of an Italian man having corona and he seemed as if he was squuzed because of identifying with some group too much, which could have beeninsects, some Chinese women, medicine, some school boys or young men.
The over 70 years old are often religious in their views about curing, so can it be that a medical doctor with a dry cough isn't enough religious and not finely tuned enough to suit them?
Usually people live without needing to go to the doctor, and when they visit a medical doctor, they feel ill because of the amount of illnesses and misfortune there. So an epidemy in the media ought not take all the news in one way or another but instead there should be room for the ordinary wisdom of life and skills of staying healthy of the other professions, of ordinary life, without needing to connect it with an epidemy.

9th of May 2020   During this corona epidemy spring one problem has been that people are stuck doing work and studies at home and the atmosphere has suffered from influence from the medicine, from life in connection with illnesses. Here my attempt from yesterday of making the atmosphere at home and so also the quality of one's work better

15th of  July 2020   In some news picture from corona epidemy in Brazil the people seemed to have lost their normal kind of even heat regulation ability because of too much influence from nurses who propably were used to air conditioning or otherwise different conditions, and who were bordened by work so that they were more tense than the Brazilians, and so the ordinary heat regulation ability of the Brazilians was not in use. Ordinarily the body heat should be even all the way to the surface, so doing one does not usually catch cold. Ordinarily one learns heat regulation by comparing to one's usual ways, and from the atmosphere f trees and other nature: just live like way of life the atmosphere seems describe. When the situation is differentm you need to look again at some tree there. Usually if there is heat and one gets a very relaxed way of keeping the body, and then there comes cool from somewhere, one ought to catch a good heat regulation ability to avoid catyching cold, and usually this means maintaining even temperature in the body and using the sense of sight in a detailed way with atmosphere tones observed too, since so one can better observe pne's blood circulation and factors like for examplesocial ways, affecting it.

17th of July 2020   During the last few months there has been lots of inflences from medicine in the media, so that people are as if they or their family member had just visited a doctor. Such makes one ill because of the masses of influences from poeple who associate a lot with illnesses and wounds. It makes one wonder ifone ought to have curing skills of one's own, everybody so, so that one would not need to go to the doctor. Healthy ways of living, religion, these advices of mine,alternative curing methods, common sensein daily life questions, weathers skills etc. offer these. Could this shift toward skills of one's own be a possiblepositive effect of the corona epidemy...

Corona epidemy, a somehow understandaböle flu like disease, does not make one so suprisingly much horrified if one thinks that maybe during the last one and  ahalf years or so there might have been towns in the world bombed by atom bombs and the power balance of the world likewise changed, for example because of immigration etc an rea with some kind of different nature.  But it can be for me so that since I have now lived 11 years in a countrysiude town that is very different from the capitaldistrict I grew up in. And my life has been changed a lot also beecause of the long gnome skills text  that I have been writing, and I do not quite know why so much.

15.8.2020    In the news there have been told about mashes/breathing protectors / scarfs, but such seem to make the air inside moist and full of bacteria, so that they could increase the possibility of virus transmitting in dropsof water in the air. They seem to be liked by people from the tropics which do not like the feel of the coll air. Often a scarf in the winter cold freezes, so that such breathing shelters could increase the danger of frost bites, regardless of whether used outdoors or indoors just before going out.

29.9.2020   A mask ( I mean breathing protection against diseases) moistens air which increases a lot the riskof catching a disease transmitted via drops in the air. I guess that it is quite typical that it is ea sier to use a mnask if one has mouth open. My experience as a passer-by is that one wearinga mask spreads diseases (moist air, feeling of bacteria, smell of the mouth) as much as one talking near toward you with mouth open. I guess that someone without practical skills translated the nmessage that a mask spreads diseases maybe a hundred times more than without mask, to the opposite that masks protect from diseases, since that is the idea in masks.

9th of October 2020   If corona is dangerous because first there is a dry cough which I guess means a lack of energy and then later in serious cases quite the opposite: lots of slime in the breathing channel, then that sounds like a difficulty in keeping the amount of slime in the slight which is normal, kind of miidlemost, and to such tuning tasks one can get help from tree branches of the climate one is in, maybe also from the branches of undergrowth plants. So one could try giving the patient a dry piece of tree branch of maybe some tree species that one finds suited for one's character.

If one caughts a cold in too thin clothes,one can get a feeling as if there were coming slime from everywhere: both from the cough and from the skin of hands, maybe alsewhere too. If such is a feature of corona, that means that the patient has been kept in much too thin, in much too cold clothes, and the clothes are still much too cold.

10.10.2020   Could it be that some lack skills of avoiding a bad flu? From my text about the four seasons :

"Having gotten cold and AVOIDING A FLU
To catching a cold it helps to keep thoroughly warm in a warm place indoors and to eat some vitamins. I do not know this so well, I guess that all Finns have likewise their own advices about curing a cold.
When you have catched a cold, it is important that you do not get any exposure to cold anymore. You have to stay in a warm place, wear loose dry woolen socks, warm clothes and a blanket and drink something hot and eat an orange, and if you have been very cold, then eat something that makes you strong, like a meatpie or a warm meal, if you can but at least some bites. The orange or juice should not be cold at all and not the environment either at all.
If you need to ventilate the room, put the cold one to bed under a thick blanket and others ventilate a lot quickly and then let the air get warm before one can get out from the shelter of the blanket. And if one has been very cold or still is, don't ventilate the same room, but shut the door and ventilate other rooms and let the air get warm again before you open the door.
Others serve. If you are only a little cold, you may move like feels good for you. The skin should not be cool anywhere, neither the body or it's parts, but if it is, wear warm woolen clothes as it's shelter, drink hot and eat warm food and if one lies in bed wear a thick blanket and a daytime wide decoration blanket over to prevent cold air from breezing from the gaps in the sides of the blanket. You should not ventilate if you do not need to, and not spend any longer time in cool even if you are only a little bit cold.
The one who has catched a cold should be informed (if you know these things for sure) about the temperature of the environment and about it's changes and about the observations of others about one's skin and body temperatues at different places (legs, feet, hands, arms, forehead) of one's body, but one should not disturb the one who has catched a cold by these things more than once or twice, except always inform about the temperature changes of the environment.
The most important thing is to not to get any cold anymore, because such would bring a worse illness. Listen to what brings you wellbeing and hope when you have catched a cold, and cultivate those options.
The clothes and blankets ahould be dry, loose, warm and quite clean.
"In curing a flu, at least slimy cough, there are the same advices to be diligently followed as in avoiding a flu: warm clothes, warmer than how one caught a cold, don't spend time in cold, espcially not without walking or the like, wrists, feet and near the throat keep protected by warm clothes (long-sleeved shirt, knit or the like, outdoors loose wind-proof coat, warm quite long socks and warm shoes) so that there is no need for coughing but instead one has warm kind of round feeling like in a sofa." "


If a corona patient erits slime like cough or the like or has a feeling as if skin might do something of the kind, as a cure a thick woolen blanket (the patient fully under it, except head, and no air holes) or better still an even warmer winter time feather or the like blanket, and when not in bed proper winter time clothes with warm air inside them and wind proof surface.

1.11.2023   Get under the warmest padded winter blanket, only head outside, and stay there so long that you are thoroughly warm and comfortable. If you later get out, change to warm winter time indoors clothes. 

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