Saturday, May 12, 2018

Getting thinner quick (only 5min) and easily, comfortably

"Getting thinner quick and easily, comfortably
If your emotional ideal weight is thinner than your present weight. And if the season is such that one uses quite lot of food. But you don't need even all present fat to bear the weather. Then you copuld get somewhat thinner quick, for example in five minutes and then would your diet already be over for the time being. And in so doing you would feel somewhat like one who has eaten oily food or bakery.
So: You can pay attention to your emotional iudeal weight, which needs to be honestly estimated, you real goal. And so you can then take such weight as your identity, that means somewhat smaller body and a body form & size according to your character. The fat that is over this, especially ones feeling cumbersome or not so good, you can let to melt away, and to come near the stomach as an effect like buttery food, which replace some of the fat of some near future meal but not it's nutritients.
So you still need healthy meals.
 I do notr know how well one gets thinner with this but it appears that at least somewhat if the smaller body size is left as one's identity, a more satisfied picture of oneself. Somehow I would suppose that in teh human nature there is some natural weight control mechanism like this."

20. March 2019

1. emotional ideal weight, 2. extra fat, 3. melt away, and 4. (two last notes) come as bakery like feeling to near the stomach

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