Saturday, July 29, 2017


As a child I was told that the last name Tervola ("terve" = healthy) that my mother's mother had had before marriage had taught the people with that last name to be skilled healers, not only healers of diseases etc but also managing to cure working life and other big things in the world. I then promised that if I as an adult take the name Tervola, I will right from the beginning write down my impressions about how to heal, etc. So I have been writing (now that I am somewhat over 40 years old woman) a blog in Finnish: . But it is much too long for me to translate, so I try to translate it's headers, but I do not know if my English skills are enough for the task. Anyway, these are just impressions, not backed up by any medical experience!

3.8.2017   These advices have been made by comparing to full health and to healthy ways of living. There are now over 500 advices in Finnish. Writing them hasn't been in my mind continually, like my other texts in a way are, but only every now and then momentarily, since these advices handle illnesses etc, which is not the point of view from which to figure out cures. I guess that there is the sma thing with this translation: I cannot do it as one big job to keep in mind but only small pieces every now and then, and that too only if I manage to keep lots of distance to the blog.

My Finnish blog has had over 3 thousand views (3300 + 900 + 700 the three parts respectively). It meant to be read with the Finnish school as a background and some experience of life, for example for the patients themselves to read a cure for their illness or their close people to tell read and tell them.I have been making the blog now for a little bit ovet 6 years, all the time of which I have lived in Savonlinna, Finland. (I just noticed that some of the first texts are from 2012, but I guess the year is wrong because I wrote the blog's first few texts spring 2011 in an apartment from which I moved away 2011 i.e. the previous year to what is marked, but the same time of year seem ok. Likewise with 2013: at least the first ones are texts for 2012.)

23.8.2017   If I remember right, I was told as a child that some countries, among them China and some French and Spanich speaking countries, have even in their laws or regulations that the curing advices from Finnish persons with the last name Tervola should be translated to their language and made available as a means of curing illnesses and the like. But I am not sure of that. Anyway, it would have been made tens of years ago when my grandmom was a child or so.

20. July 2018   My momtold me when i was a child that people with the name Tervola get accepted officially as medical doctors or nurses, like they wish if they such want, because of their skills in curing, which is he point in working in medicine. Likewise people who have learned curing skills from the and have basic school education or something of the kind,like f they have learned from the texts of some Tervola with skills in curing. There are now 500 headers translated and pver 50 texts, if I remember right, so already now, if these work, one could learn some skills in cuyring from this blog. But being resistant to illnesses is a different skill, and also needed in medicine. But if in your homecountry people also accept eople with curing skills to work in medicine, maybe, if these advices work, this blog could serve as a quick route to a job in medicine and maybe even official position as a medical doctor or nurse. Maybe. And is one could find some translators for the Finnish text, the more one could learn. There are now 630. blog posts in the Finnish original. I just do not have the endurancy to translate it.

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One can comment under each blog post of mine, but the blogs are aimed for a global audience, so the comments too should be from a so general point of view, and with well workkng beautiful values.

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...