Monday, July 31, 2017

Some texts translated from 400. to 500.

Not yet any translations here.

B424. Arched back and pause gymnastics 
See later in this blog For the elderly

B433. Starting breath and a picture in mind of water tubes in which flows water-air mixture  
See later in this blog Emergency first aid

 B435. Miracle cure attempt XXXIV * Solving via wisdom 
Sometimes life goes cumbersome, the perspective is not a good one, the way to approach things not a good one either. Sometimes on the other hand thinsg go well and it seems to connect with the approach having healthy spirit. One can oevrcome difficult problems with the help of religion. By investing in all wisdom and wisdom of life that you happen to have, you can survive in problems that otherwise would be too much for you. So, if you are in problems, invest in healthy ways of living, healthy spirit, thinsg making livelier, life according to feelings, moral, wishing good, praying, wisdom of life, beauty and other wisdom and rise above the situation, solve your problems with a wiser mind and only after you have well recovered by living at least somewhat wiser ways, you can return to your old course in life if you still think it is wise enough.

 B441. About recovering
  As I was knitting, it came to my mind that whether many knit when they are ill or recovering. One can look at it from at least two points of view. On the other hand it is good that one has comfortable not-so-demanding things to do in on'e own rythms and which have maybe something to show to others and to talk about. On the other hand knitting lacks any intellectrual demandingness and is so repetitive that does it make everything just like a porridge of things. Usually it isn't good to cultivate the memories of a disease, because they are nasty and maybe make one ill again, and so one needs to replace them with better life, even if it is porridge like, just nice everyday life. But on the other hand recovering seems to demand a healthy spirit, which is brought by healthy practical content to life, among others somehow clearer head and healthy kind of content to life. So does this mean that it may be good to knit a little bit but not mostly only knit, so as to not to lose some posture, clear headedmness and healthy spirit. Prefer going outdoors at least a little bit, admire the nature, take part in life, do at least a little bit of ordinary daily chores, be social, maybe read something, etc.
(Knitting tips

B448. Pains, aches and knitted horse model
See earlier post about painkiller.

 B466. A strangling feeling in the throat & pain and crying aloud
  If one does not cry when one feels like crying, brings usually a some kind of feeling into the throat, and if one feels strongly that one should now cry, it brings a pain to the throat or mouth area, to which would help to cry aloud.

28.6.2018   Crying and sometimes crying with a big noice is needed to handle sorrow. If one cries the amount that feelings and sensations say right then needed and at the same time feels the sorrow, melts the subject in one's mind trrying to find ways to live with it, then the pain which is a result of not crying when one feels teh need to cry, usually passes by feeling the sorrow for one evening and thinking with wisdom of life wiser choices.
But if one lies and cries something else than what would have needed crying according to one'as feelings, it does not necessarily help, unless one at the same time feels sorrow for that thingand melts it. Usually cring means the need to make some choise in one's life, for example stopping to do something, for example partially gioving up.
One cannot cry instead of somebody else even though one can feel the sorrow in addition to him or her. One cannot also cry exactly the same way somebody else does or like one has cried before, instead the situtaion lives and demands a somewehat different reaction each time.

 B476. General skill level on some area or group poor and reading my thinking course and my advices about developing in intelligence
I have written advices about learning good quality rationality and increasing intelligence in it, in my Finnish blog , of which one can study the thinking course in English at and some of which are on video playlists' advices about increasing intelligence at . If some area or some group has a poor general skill level, maybe if they read these links' advices about developing in thinking skills, so that that understanding would become a part of their civilized wisdom, it propably could help them to develop in thinking skills and intelligence. Advices about increasing skills in my Finnish blog . In addition one should invest in civilized wisdom and civilized behaviour.

B479. "Dementia" (nonsense like old persons?) and interesting subjects 
See earlier blog post about the elderly having grown wise 


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