Sunday, July 30, 2017

Illnesses of the elderly seem to be caused by having grown wise

I try to translate here some illnesses of the elderly. Such seem generally have been caused by the elderly having grown wise.

A270. Parkinsson disease (?) & being stuck and having many areas of life & several approaches

I met in the news a mentioning of Parkinsson disease and it's symphtoms reminded me of an old man who relies overly much on his education, work, profession and it's younger male colleagues or to some other who are likewise stuck to stiff habits. As one ages one usually learn one's job better and in a way grows out of it. but if one has valued one's job, one maybe wants to invest in it  still, but it does not carry as well as the ordinary level of skill of the elderly, instead work is by it's general skill level poorer, which causes unsureness (trembling hands) when one invests to it, and makes one's views more narrow and makes one stuck to more simple skill level than what it would otherwise be, which is seen in other actions getting slower and movements clumsy. So one would need several areas of life and not just the old work, and more open-mindedly getting along with several different subjects and their ways of doing and their viewpoints, and not only stuck to work (or remembering work or keeping company to the younger who continue in the job), and common sense like ways to think and getting wiser from one's whole experiuence of life and not largening the egos of the younger or the like: across years one learns lots of things and good so.

The thinking course I made would maybe suit here too to bring easiness of doing and a non-stuck rationality:

See maybe also A256. Käsien tärinä ja omaa ikäluokkaa olevat hoitajat yms   20.1.2016

If the reason for being stuck is that oe does not have money but work brought money, it is essential to live according to how much money one has, forexample that there are as many rooms in the apartments as persons who continually live there, or that one does not give money to people who work if one oneself dies not have much money.

A359. Altzheimer disease and lifting the level of profoundity to arts and spirituality

As people get older they usually learn new skills. From teh old skill level of the demands of work one develops to artistic and spiritual, which means much bigger amount of profoundity, complexity and abiltiy to social observations. On teh other hand oen has gotten bored of the old work perspective and skill levels like that and now latest grows past them and would not have the energy to work in them but is in them like a burn out, low energy, absent-minded, short term memory weak, wandering to other subjects, interested in bigger wholes and especially in other things with more content. Then weakens also the ability to follow boring long advices which do not have insight, like for example following the letter of the rules instead of their spirit, conversations on too low level of understanding, conversations without insight, small matters of daily life which usually would demand a note, things done by others that are on skills at low level, too atheistical views, human situations in which others do not have social eye trained by arts, etc.
If new perspectives do not fascinate but are too elementary, rememberinga nd living in the middle of them gets weaker, since they are not one's own world but empty words only. A bigger level of skill brings the role of a teacher which after some time of experience changes one's way of talking toward telling tales: one talks really big things as if they were nothing special. One also understands differencies in the level of skill and in types of people and avoid social problematic situatrions and wnats to build wiser life.
If one is forced to do basic things together with others, one wouldnot have the energy tp pay good attention to every detail, when one oneself can in a few seconds figure out many ways to do such things. And so one forgets such things like where one did put some thing, or the like, and there are other things in one's mind, or lackof well being caused by lack of motion, so that one needs to cultivate well being in other ways. If one is blaimed for these and put to eat medicine or otherwise restrict life now or in the future, it makes one feel bad, sad, depressed, desperate, alienated, argumentative and angry, communication gaps, unfriendly style, unsensitive and so one's practical skill get poorer. If feeling bad gets so big that it makes one lose the skill to explain how others can do such evil things to an elderly person, it can even lessen the skills of walking and talking.
Because an elderly person doesn'tdo much just basic things at a basic level, others do not recognize so easily what he/she does, and so others do not turn toward him/her the same side, same type of thing done, and so some things that earler were clearly in sight may be lost from sight, which makes social relationships more difficult especially with the younger age groups.

 14. Eyesight getting poorer via age and praying and admiring the nature
When one is older, one has already found a well working strategy of life, it works in every situation and is no longer the ups and downs of one's youngre years, of which life strategy to choose, instead now the same strategy of life works well all the time. But looking demands adapting to situations, one looks near in a different style and different attitude than to far, and also small things have to be taken into account, even though one has in life already learned what is a big thing and what s á small one. 
Usually when a person prays something, he/she wishes and adapts to sensitively to changes in style and things done, tries a more finely tuned style than usually. And I would guess that such would help the eyesight of the elderly.
The beauty of nature is good for the senses,teaches the wisdom of using the senses and a good way to use them.

B479. "Dementia" (nonsense like old persons?) and interesting subjects 
Luin netistä dementiasta. Listaan tähän tekstin viereen selityksiäni:
I read from the internet about demntia. I list here next to the text my explanations:
By dementia is meant a state in which person's intellectual and brain functioning have smallened restricting him/her social survival. It can be caused by central nervous systm problems, lack of nutritients, poisonings or medicines.
 To the memory problems in dementia it is tyical difficulty to learn new things and to recall to mind what one has learned earlier.   - If earlier work created better posture to one's day and to one's actions, bringing speed and quality, then when work was left away, the habits of daily life do not carry as well, but instead one would need something of the kind but maybe more part time.
Memory problem alone does not mean that the person would have a beginning dementia. The ability to remember names and places gets weaker on all as they get older, without it being a memory illness.   - lack of interest, the fact that chores in daily life are easy to do absent-mindedly and get repeated almost as exactly alike every day every year or the like
Also work like memory gets unvoidably weaker as people age, which means that it is difficult to keep many thiungs in mind at the same time.   - If one does not have work which would bring practise and if one does not look at the nature and life around, take part in them, then visual perception ability gets weaker while one sits indoors, gets more elementary, wisdom weakens.
To Altzheimer disease it belongs that memory of recent things gets weaker and the learning of new things gets difficult. What was just talked about or agreed about does not get recalled even if one would remark on it by something on that direction.   - too noninteresting surject for the old person, try a much more demanding and profound subject
One does not recall a recent visit to a shop.   - see above
Tasks that formerly seemed easy, do not work out, like turning on washing machine does not succeed.   - sadness, depression, horror, worry about one's own future, agitation toward dry advicing perspective which does not mention anything important in life but only a machne or the like
Repeating same questions or stories is a sign of a beginning memory illness.   - If one is more interetsed in the subject than in communicating it to others who do not understand it well but to whom one needs to explain basics, then one maybe does not pay attention to whether one already explained it or is one only planning to explain it.
In addition to memory problem it is typical to dementia that the content of speech gets smaller (afasia)   - lack of interest, a task that is ok for the other isn't demanding at all for oneself but just technocal, only work without being demanding enough and enough profound thinking, without touching life, wrong level of difficulty that is
difficulty to dress and to succeed on motorics of moving (apraksia)   - sadness, depression, being shocked, doing against one's own will, not motivated to where we are going, with whom and what to do there
and to understand what one sees (agnosia)   - conflicts with one's spouce or with care personnel or interest elsewhere
The ability of a person with dementia to plan daily things to do, to understand wholes and to understand metaphors in language has weakened   - conflicts about how to use the day, what to do and what to not to do, what the participants are like, etc
Especially to more difficult dementia connects usually different kinds of behaviour problems"   - conflicts, communication gaps, need for enough room for oneself, caretaker tired, having own wishes and dreams but a social position like that of a child

B393. An elderly person with poor memory starts wandering and social contacts of one's own level & a list of one's projects
I have now for some three years lived in an apartment building where there live quite many elderly persons, and so I have gotten influencies of some of that way to live: having arts hobbies, especially painting, and religion and search for better solutions to old problems which disturb people's lives when they are younger. So some skills rapidly increase but at the same time some old things to do and old fimiliar ways to do get either dropped away or to a much smaller use and that alienates from one's old familiar perspective and old familiar way to live. This alienation is increased by new solutions: one is nolonger in the odl problems, amids old forcing environment, going just one course, instead one does well in the tasks like the old tasks and learns them quickly: what earlier would have been a project of months, is maybe successfully done in five minutes and already past. So one's own perspective changes amazuingly: One starts a new fascinating thing, learns, can it well, gets bored and goes away to find something new to do. Memory works usually best as a work like memory inside one perspective and on picture of the world, but to new skills it is typical that they demand a change in one's picture of the world, one's way of doing and one's way of living, which is ok if one remembers the project well, but if one has forget a few projects or even hundreds of projects in between, then one's perspective seems to change uncontrollably. Tta is why it would be good for oneself to make a list of one's projects lately, making it like a diary but with short expressive language so that from a different perspective and different way of life it is easy to reach a point of view of what and why and what was it like. Likewise, if one has learned to be more skilled in human relationships ja the people you meet have more experience of life and talk deeperly meaningful things compared to times younger, then meeting them is like diving into different pictures of the world, skills and ways of living. Maybe of the most impressive of those and their most impressed features you would need a list too, and if daily chores are not interesting but have changed everunow and then, then maybe with a oen of different colour about the daily life something too, from which one can find that I lived here, why, who are the persons with certain names, etc. Also if a person gets bored or something is too intellectually demanding and drops out of the memory, tehn social contact of one's own skill level would be improtant, so it can mean changing where one lives and intentionally chosen different company in your days, without pouring some burden upon them, for example upon one's spouce.
 On the other hand, many projects, big and small, can be fitted to be parts of the same landscape like view for example like one's social eye observes the people one knows or who live in the same society and at the same time in the same way as the flow of sensory perceptions for example while walking in the town is rich way of life which you can well observe, to which you can refer to, even though it has many things at the same time, for example lots of people. But this demands that the daily life isn't flat, dozed, destroyed by horror ("We have a time for you to meet the doctor." when the person is much more interested in religion and would not want to see the doctor without one's own wish to do so, but nasty persons froce him/her to see the doctor with al kinds of monsters which they figure out for fun ( part of the time they are causing concretical damage like a poison like medicine in food or adding a social contact that leads toward worse illness or then lies which cause small things to be claimed huge diseases which theyir gang then causes), intellectaully low level, without sensory stimuli or the like, but instead the daily life should be with healthy spirit, like for example  and

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