Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Nervous breakdown and as cure more realistical goals

 B577. Nervous breakdown and keep a pause, hug yourself, change to more realistical goalsetting & healthy spirit
 I guess a nervous breakdown means that you have some burden, for example you are ill because of headache, and at the same time you try to force something to a certain form and the thing just slips out of your hands, for example when children grow up to quite adult already. Then the goalsetting has been wrong, maybe impossible or at least trying to guide too much. And one's own way of doing has been forceless, maybe copied from someone who sees things like memorized schooled knowledge, for example if one's child is such, instead of having healthy spirit and healthy ways of doing (see http://finnishskills.blogspot.fi/2015/11/healthy-ways-of-living.html ). The goalsetting goes often wrong when as years pass there is a change in living conditions that has not been said to be at all as big as it is: for example when children grow and they ought to get already somewhat more independent and in the future to go fully different ways from their parents, so that there is left only remaints of guiding for a moment and so it ought to be, one should not spoil the adult lives of one's kids. Then communication is important: why do you have headache, for how big part of the day, how much does it disturb your life and whatyou do, and on the other hand, what should the chidren take care of and why and how they well grow up that way. Also, if you have moved to live further away, then cultural differencies can be many and also other differencies in life circumstancies, and so it would be important to restrict the taks one takes care of to much more narrow,  so that one has energy and skills for learning those new things, since all cultures do not take care of the same things and so taking care of some basic thing of one's old good way of life can take a big part of one's space to move in but anyway be needed for the individual. So one should give up those unrealistical too theoretically made goals, so have a pause for a moment, care oneself to good shape for example by squatting(?) and hugging one's legs, or curling to a chair hugging lightly one's legs (but not lying down if you are not so ill) and so cultivate your feelings and your fractureness to well again, choose then more common sense like goal to replace the old unrealistical ones and inform family members too of the change, and collect forces via healthy spirit and healthy ways of living, which both bring also well functioning.

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