Tuesday, August 1, 2017

For the elderly

See earlier blog post about diseases of old age being caused by having grown wise!

93. "Kaihi" (= poor eyesight of the elderly, amy result in blindness) and as a cure liveliness
Not with papers when with eyes, instead one is livelily with the eyes.

Likewise something else too flat like a too boring theory perspective compared to everyday life or empty boring walls can cause the glance is not interested in what it sees, to which would help to search a sphere of life which one can enjoy endlessly, for a long age and also nowadays at least a lot.

Interesting fascinating things to look at, even for a second, makes the glance livelier, makes on interested with one's feelings about looking and has a better atmoshphere as is as such better for eyesight, the natural way for humans to look. A way to look which is like a twinding path or the interest in the multitude of things to see like in poetry can be more fascinating, likewise healthily atmospheric things like wandering in the nature.

106. Keeping up moving possibilities and physical fitness
Usually when one has certain amount of physical fitness, one can bear strains of that size well without problems but bigger ones are tougher. So if you can keep up your physical fitness and maybe slide it gradually toward better, you in the long run will be in much better physical shape than if you let your energy smallen or if you copy people of the same age who move much less and not as well, who maybe have some illness or haven't been exercising for a long time. Often one manages to move when one feels like it, somewhat inclined toward sports, even if one sometimes did not move much and even if one moved more only sometimes every now and then.
Exercising if prevented by stiff habits of not moving and too much strain compared to your forces. If your body is stuck and consequently your mind stuck too, then already daily chores are much more a burden. If one instead every now and then in between moves something just out of the fun of moving, for example a lighter step or two, or when one feels like it just throwing a hand to a momentary strentch, and so on, then your ability to move is likely to stay better and your mind more energetic. If one adds to one's days like a twinding path different kinds of sporty kinds of things of varying lenghts, varying type of motion, one can via time increase one's basic physical fitness without it being a burden that would exhaust motivation or lead to some wound liek thing, to which light movements according to your likings and your basic physical fitness would bring a physical fitness with which to survive well without such problems. If one via time like this gradually increases one's amount of motion, maybe one then even if one sometimes had some problem with the body, will across time stay well moving and physically fit like before.

 Ohjeita heikkokuntoisen liikunnan aloittamiseen

There is some of the same theme in the text 12. Diabetes - see earlier blog post about healthy ways of living.

Liikkuvuuden palauttamisesta jumiutumisen tai liikkumattomuuden jälkeen 205. Jumittunut niska ja kohmeloisuuden suojaamat mielentilaa kuvastavat pienet liikkeet * Ihmeparannusohjeyritelmä XXI  15.12.2015 http://parantamisesta.blogspot.fi/2015/12/jumittunut-niska-ja-kohmeloisuuden.html

6.July 2016   I though that I had written this already, but I add it here since I did not find it.
When one has a temptation to move ina  certain way certain distance, movement or way of moving ewtc, then that temptation tells that such moving would be a good idea for you right that second when you have that temtation. But if you instead put it to memory that after a half a minute or a couple minutes you will do so, then the moment when such moving would have suited you well, has gone by and in addition the movement comes from memory and not as a temtation of the moment. Wishes connect with feelings and get the central body and with it the whole body lightly into motion so that one feels good and free because of it, one's whole life starts going on better lines. But memory instead is your former picture of a situation you were in, and when you try to move based on your memory, it is easily "kraah, klonks, krunts, yäk" and the like and it does not bring any of the psoitive effects of moving, but is like acting against one's wishes, is like forcing oneself to something that is not natural for oneself.

115. Bones fragile from old age and rising to meet challenges
Yung persons uses lots of rising to meet challenges of life, they need to grow to be equal to challenges in life, need to answer challenges with their whole way of life, practical, physical, feelings, understanding's faraway edges and full understanding, the practical impoirtant things at the instinct level of life, with a full capacity. And that makes their bones too bound together thread like and resilient. On the other hand the  easiness an over 40 years old or an elderly erson rises above the challenges in life and the unmoving habits of the daily life don't bring suhc challenges, so the bones do not grow more bound together and resilient, to which sports hobby on the younger and dance hobby on the elderly would help something. It is essential to rise to do one's best when meeting challenges with one's whole being: maybe summer cittage life, wandering in the nature, take part in practical physical life and at the level of feelings and the practical flow of life.
My impression is that at least on the younger, cheese makes bones more fragile but vegetables and milk could be good. But I do not understand so much about foods.

Broken bones, see 134.
Making more alive, lively, doing one's best with one's whole being for the bone to grow unified again, in touch with life, meeting life's challenges like the wheels of a car bite into the pavement when one adds more fuel in a slight turn.

28.6.2016 My impression is that "ruis" dark flour wheat bread could be good for the bones, but not so much light colour bread and not other dark flours. Helathy diet could be good for the bones.

B424. Arched back and pause gymnastics
As people get older, many have at least part of the time an arched back, when they sit a lot and don't change to sporty motion even when they rise from the chair, but are more like as if they had risen just to move some object a little bit and then return back to sit. To an arched back it would help to really understand that one is moving, to stretch, have some pause gymnastics when one has risen from teh chair, and to do all kinds of somewhat sporty things to drown into, and not just to reading or the like.

Maybe some sit long times because they cannot rise from the chair by themselves. One's body becomes stiff if one sits at one place for a long time so that one's body gets cool even in normal room temperature. So woolen socks and a blanket around the feet would be valuable.
Sometimes another person does not know how to or does not have power to lift one's spouce up from a chair. One can easily lift another person to his/her feet, if one stands first 10-20cm from his/her feet and grips the arm, one's own back at least almost straight and then leans a little bit backwards (enough to be balanced by a small step backwards) with completely straight feet and at the same time pulls with one's own body weight upwards and somewhat toward one's own back, quite much upwards, not to sides. Then one's own weight pulls horizontally (straight legs prevent downwards but leaning backwards causes horisontalmotion to that direction) over the pelvis so that it becomes a lift and not a step. But one must be prepared to take a step backwards when the other one maybe stiffly rises and does not serve as a counterweight anymore.

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