Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Cold climate illnesses

From my long text about the seasons

"Having gotten cold and AVOIDING A FLU
To catching a cold it helps to keep thoroughly warm in a warm place indoors and to eat some vitamins. I do not know this so well, I guess that all Finns have likewise their own advices about curing a cold.
When you have catched a cold, it is important that you do not get any exposure to cold anymore. You have to stay in a warm place, wear loose dry woolen socks, warm clothes and a blanket and drink something hot and eat an orange, and if you have been very cold, then eat something that makes you strong, like a meatpie or a warm meal, if you can but at least some bites. The orange or juice should not be cold at all and not the environment either at all.
If you need to ventilate the room, put the cold one to bed under a thick blanket and others ventilate a lot quickly and then let the air get warm before one can get out from the shelter of the blanket. And if one has been very cold or still is, don't ventilate the same room, but shut the door and ventilate other rooms and let the air get warm again before you open the door.
Others serve. If you are only a little cold, you may move like feels good for you. The skin should not be cool anywhere, neither the body or it's parts, but if it is, wear warm woolen clothes as it's shelter, drink hot and eat warm food and if one lies in bed wear a thick blanket and a daytime wide decoration blanket over to prevent cold air from breezing from the gaps in the sides of the blanket. You should not ventilate if you do not need to, and not spend any longer time in cool even if you are only a little bit cold.
The one who has catched a cold should be informed (if you know these things for sure) about the temperature of the environment and about it's changes and about the observations of others about one's skin and body temperatues at different places (legs, feet, hands, arms, forehead) of one's body, but one should not disturb the one who has catched a cold by these things more than once or twice, except always inform about the temperature changes of the environment.
The most important thing is to not to get any cold anymore, because such would bring a worse illness. Listen to what brings you wellbeing and hope when you have catched a cold, and cultivate those options.
The clothes and blankets ahould be dry, loose, warm and quite clean."

"In curing a flu, at least slimy cough, there are the same advices to be diligently followed as in avoiding a flu: warm clothes, warmer than how one caught a cold, don't spend time in cold, espcially not without walking or the like, wrists, feet and near the throat keep protected by warm clothes (long-sleeved shirt, knit or the like, outdoors loose wind-proof coat, warm quite long socks and warm shoes) so that there is no need for coughing but instead one has warm kind of round feeling like in a sofa." 

A248. Paleltumat ja lämpö & elävöittävyys
A248. Freezing injuries and warmth & making livelier
Freezing injuries should be prevented beforehand by keeping the skin and the whole body warm all the time. If some part has cooled, one can warm it with warm hands and warm the ahnds against the throat or against the warm sides under the clothes and immediately gloves back to hands. Usually one needs to warm with the hands this way very often, if one does not run to get warm or the like so that heat production gest better and blood circulates well in the whole body all the way to skin too. And quickly back indoors to warmth. Also dress immediatelya ll warm clothes, for example the hood. Avoid very carefully all things that make cooler like the wind, lacks in clothing, low heat production of the body (move sportily to get warm), eyeglasses, ear rings, not moving, etc. Drinking hot and things to eat can bring warmth, but take care that the drink does not get cool in the cold weather, it gets cool in seconds even if it were very hot to begin with. One needs to get to warmth very soon! Take care that clothes and all body parts stay dry, not moist at all.

If when you have returned indoors and warmed the skin at some place feels not so good, try to cultivate the warmth of the air inside maybe 10cm of that area and that that air should have like indoor air and neighbouring parts of the body normal healthy amount of bacteria. Try also lively lightening on the area that feels harmed and around it. Whatever making livelier and at the same time lightening, like fresh juicem prayer, the green of nature, walking in lightness, nice feeling of moving, nice atmosphere, nice human contacts, liberating civilized subjects etc aroung the healthy natural ways of living.
Take care to not to get so cold anymore, since expesion to cold gets worse from catching a cold for a long time, instead of getting used to cold or body learning by itself.
This is copied from my advice about waking from death. Freezing injuries have to be avoided beforehand! Read my miracle cure attempts too.

Ja lisää vitamiineja tarpeen mukaan. You can in addition every now and then eat quite little of fruit or the like with lots of vitamins, for example an apple in a few parts during an hour or two.

Other advices connected with cold:
A239. Tavalliset pakkasvauriot ja lämpimänä pysyttely   8.1.2016
A240. Kuume vilustuttuaan ja oikean lämpötilan tavoittelu   9.1.2016
A243. Kylmettyminen & kuume ja perusteellinen lämmittely   13.1.2016
A244. Kroppa keskeltä kuuma & pinnalta viileä ja liikunnan vilkastuttama verenkierto   13.1.2016
A248. Paleltumat ja lämpö & elävöittävyys   17.1.2016
A235. Talvi-iho ja ihon pitäminen aina lämpimänä   7.1.2016
A226. Juuri aiheutuneet vammat, kokeile heti ihmeparannusohjeyritelmiä   31.12.2015
189. Lämmönsäätelyongelmat ja liikunta   8.12.2015
180. Ilmastoriippuvaiset vaivat ja samaistuminen vain kulloisenkin ilmaston asukkaisiin  29.11.2015
32. Lämmittelyohjeita, talviulkoiluohjeita, vuodenajat ja terveet elämäntavat  22.2.2015
33. Viileän kehon säryt eli kylmänsäryt ja koko kehon lämpimänä pitäminen  27.2.2015
81. Liika antiseptisyys ja suomalaiset elämäntavat  6.7.2015
121. Korvasärky ja korvien suojaaminen tuulelta 30.9.2015
128. Vilustuminen ja ihan lämpimänä pysytteleminen sekä vitamiinit  9.10.2015
149. Poskiontelontulehdus ja kevennys & positiivista elämänsisältöä  4.11.2015

 Freezing injuries usually connect with the body not producing enough heat compared with teh demands of the weather, and for that would help the means that usually most increase body's heat production: physical labour in sporty ways and heavy food, for example a meat pie carried along and eaten when needed, and especially to have lots of strenght and heavily eaten when going outdoors and being outdoors just a short time and in warm enough clothes and carefully enough and quickly fleeing to indoors already from feeling slightly cold.
Christmas songs teach skills of warm wandering winter time outdoors, so even if it isn'ty Chruistmas, humming them to oneself could help to catch the idea in how to keep warm outdoors in the freezing cold. Singing in the cold can take one's voice away (maybe harm the throat making the voice harsh) so one cannoty sing aloud  more than short pieces at most, taking care that the throat stays warm (breathe in through the nose and jaw quite near the throat or otherwise in warmth).

  I had the Christian radio tsation Dei open one nioght when it was very cold indeed outdoors, and there sang a Russian rpan, a priest who could the winter wandering outdoors and curing freezing injuries from the people wandering near by by his song, Russian winter grandfpapa or what is it called pakkasukko, came to my mind, just a magnifient song. But when wandering outdoors in the freezing weather  a Russian, a Russian preist too, is by his or her skin and limbs much colder than Finnish, maybe because they have skills of curing freezing injuries and Finns do not have, and so Finns should not copy winter outdoors skills from Russians in thsi, not from thewintergrandpapa either who knows how to cure freezing injuries and so does not avoid them. See my text about the seasons and on links from there in the same blog about getteing warm. If those and commons sense aren't enough, flee indoors to warmth, and if you cannot do so immediately, wear a hood, seek for sure places to get warm near by, avoid windy places, eat a part of the meat pie you carry along or try pieces of Christmas sngs.
That wintergrandpapa's way to cure freezing injuries seemed to be a lively current from at least 10cm more inside the body to an area of at least 2cm deep, in bigger freezing injuries likewise nbigger, area counting from the sirface of the skin, and at least 10 wide ball like area of the skin, so that is to the freezing injury with it's environment, and also via good mood active style bigger and in more places, I think. He seemed to suppose the injury area with it's environment get better quickly in seconds, in a second a lot and in seconds fully healthy, but to cool healthy like outdoors spring and autumn time  maybe, or indoors by the door

16.12.2016     Eskimos and some Russians seem to have skills about healing freezing injuries.
17.12.2016    But in those cultures one takes too little care of avoiding freezing, so Finns and Lapplandish people are much better model for being outdoors in the winter time.

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