Friday, February 3, 2023

Miracle cure advice attempt for first aid plus later

 Wish well for the world at large so that your effect in the world is positive and beautiful. Pay attention to the landscape around, especially trees and the weathers of the season, how they make more alive and spiritually sensitive in return. With the help of this effect on your body and mind, turn to religion seeking for miracle like healing. Give to your body and mind as an advice these effects and that each part of the body should be completely healthy, aim at healing to fully healthy. Each part of the body should heal itself and the neighbouribg areas, the wholebody too back to full health.

3rd of January 2024   You can try ghe above miracle healing advice also to frostbites

Here in Finland there is no known cure for frostbites, so one must just avoid the possibility of frostbites. Go at once indoors to room tempersture or at least above 0C. Shelter all your body parts from freezing. Christmas songs, especially "Silent night, holy night", teach winter time skills of staying warm, which partly prevent frostbites and may help if one is losing eyesight because of cold. 

One's ability to get miracle healed  gets better if one in connection with the above miracle healing advice dedicates one's life responsibly and fairly for the good of the world. 

Pay attention to the trees in the landscape, follow the warm charm of the miljo's way of life which their magnifient looks create. Look at individual trees to learn about staying warm: how do the trees use space and what is their atmosphere about them staying warm. 

If the nature is such, for example too arctic, that there are naturally no trees, one could try getting a benefical effect from living in ways that suit such nature around, and at least in ways that do not break against the spirit of wildlife and weathers, natural landforms etc in that kinds of places. 

( My winter clothes here in southern Finland: )

25th of March 2024   (monday of Easter week)   Could one use the same miracle healing advice for the blind recovering eyesight? Wish distantly well for the world like in civiliced picture of the world, kind of wishing everything sensitively mire alive in the landscape, like nature recovering. Listen to birdsong and nature around including trees and green plants etc, feel how it makes one more alive, wishing well, like fresh water nourishes a plant on a sunny day. With these two effects try  yourself too live healthily well in the world, like civiluced wusdom advices to. With the effect of these three and with the help of religion let each part and each whole of your body, mind and your relationship to the world around get refreshed, more lively, get healed to full functilning, all your body and mind and eyes too and your relationship to the landscape around. 

3rd of August 2024   I listened to a song para-para-para-paradise, which seemed to aim to heal from paralyzis to a beautiful paradise like direction. It sounded quite far-fetched, but could work out with the first advice in this blog post. In it one ought to be in harmony with the world via wishing well for it, get some healthy model of the beauty or refreshing effect of nature, and by following these one could live in healthy ways that are good for the world. And so living fully according to what is good for the world, that would at the same time be wise in the sense of healthy, and so one would get dupport from compassion toward the well working wise things in the world, and so one could so living heal fully, that's the theory. But I am jyst a theoretican. My paradise theory does not connect with knowing healing skills, I do not have the strenght for the work of care professionals, (I am a thinker and a writer, I have written slme 10 000 - 15 000 advices in learning talents, skills, wisdom of lufe, etc, and demanding me to advice personally, even on the spiritual side, say 100 times each, would make it 1 - 1,5 million times, so that jyst is not my task at all, even if all those super skills etc interest many of my readers, so those are not my job!) so just find someone who can read, wait forvthe morning maybe to read in dayöight, and just ordinarily read the advice, and follow it using your wisdom and common sense and healthy spirit. That is my guess. 


1st of February 2025   Of the view that a paradise even as a word or as a subject in the air coukd somehow miracle heal or help in learning miracle healing skills, esoecially skills of miracle healing oneself, there is the form"wishing things well for life in the world" which especially as the main course in life, in thinking and values and with good quality and wisdom of life, could help to get all tjings well for life also in one's own life, and so in one's own body-mind too, (based partly on wishing well) kn the living environment, relatilnship with the wider world and with other living beings. 

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