Monday, December 30, 2024

Of easing pains of school pupils, students, etc

 In Finnish: See 

The text is in Finnish language (Finland, North-East European Union), but some links about wisdom of life are in English. There are many different advices. I am just a (thinker and a) writer with over 10 000 different subjects already. If you translate some text(s) of mine, you are called the author of the translation(s) and my texts are just it's sources. 

12th of January 2025   There is also a blog about trying to figure out how to change school toward better. The blog is mainly in Finnish, but some of the latest entries are in English. 

 About softening life there is my very long Christmas gnome skills text, starting from . And also quite many of my books at may teach skills that somehow soften life. 

22nd of February 2025   I composed yesterday a melody thinking of some view of harmony when I was young. See 

27th of February 2025   From my blog 

"  "  Just an ateempt at natural feeling basic harmony in a society, kind of common sense and people separate, ages old wisdom followed, nothing special 

D, E, A(long), G, E, D, - , A (long), upperC(long), G(long), E, D, G(long)

Not so sure about the lenghts in the latter part

Had problems in getting lenghts right in the Noteflight's notes. I think the above markings are more right. At least in the first part of the melody it is the A which should have been long. 

Just tried to remember from my youth in the 1980's how a young person could create or help to create ordinary good life in the society around. 

25.2.2025   I finally managed to get the note writing program to work ok : 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Of insects and small holes in the skin

 " 14th of December 2024   If there are holes in the skin, either because of insects or because of having hit one's skin against some brush or shaw like bunch of small sharp objects, it might help placing an airy bunch of grass upon that area of skin, so that if there are small insects gone inside the body or there near the wound, which prefer the grasses, the insects would go to the grasses and so the body would heal better. 

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Increasing your general level of health

 Take as your goal to be ideally healthy in natural healthily wise ways, even if no-one has ever been that healthy, and even if such health varies from person to person and even across time and depending on the situation even on the same person. 

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Softer some sides of life by new skills instead of by drugs or medicines

 Narcomans, drug addicts or people using some medicines to soften some sides of life, could maybe try reading my advices for a Christmas gnome / elf like life to be possible in the modern world, world-wide, and try if they could by some such skills soften tgeir life like they wish to or need. See which ought to lead to or go to and in the latest(?) post click tge link to the beginning of the Christmas gnomes skills text. 

Friday, October 18, 2024

Who can heal

 People with insistent health problems sometimes are unaware that some people accept advices about lufe skills and ways of living also from other types of people than what they themselves are, but most people would not agree to change their human type, since it woukd mean a loss of a certain type of work and continuing a different kind of life, maybe unempliyed or in some otger type of job without simikar social position. So if you want advices that may change your thinking type, or values, or ways of living, or the like, such advices often do exist somewhere, for example in the library or in the knowledge of materials to read of the medical personnel associating with the healthy? But often such needs to be mentioned, since some people with a career may get angry from such suggestilns, and people's social eye does not always tell right who knows of such advices and who not. 


( In the news there was about an artist, was it a singer, a header that "she knows what it is like when in one's veins flows at the same time strong alcohol and agony". The impressiln was that of someobe havibg guessed tgat she/he coukd learn about life skills, wisdom of life from a certain type of people, sone group, but they had not given any advice, just suggested to drink strlng alcohol, so she was left on empty ground, without as much of her former own ways of living or wisdom of life, since she had tried to folliw the example of tge others, but those too maybe had problems and just covered them in some ways, and so she had pains and an empty feeling. But it is so that often peopke do not give others a y advices, sknce peopke are so different, lufe just does not work based on advices of peopke with a somehow rough, neglecting or vague style. Instead the basic wisdom usually recommended works better: live, spend outdoors a minute or two or how you feel liking such and kniw to have the weather skills egc for, exoerience life from  moment to moment, get everyday lufe skills, fknd advices that are good for all and that is why those are available, find your own choices of jobs, hobbies, healthy kibd of content to life. Good life ought to cone via such living the life, learning wudely valued basic wusdom of life, instead of copying from others. By slightly copykng you get some social eye, you kniw something of what the lives of those persobs are like, and usually such does not suit others at the level of exact copying, since tge likings of others are often a burden if copied too closely. ) 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

These healing advices are not my most important work

 It is an old widely known piece of wisdom tgat healthy ways of living keep one healthy or healthier than otherwise, and make one heal quicker. So that is not my invention. Even the basic medicine contacts in Finland are called "terveyskeskus"="health center", because the word "healthy" is said to be the best advice in healing, the healthy is what to aim at, based on one's life experience and civiliced wisdom. 

So these healing advices are not necessarily just my idea. I just tried to write my impressions of how to heal, since my name Tervola ("terve"= healthy) is said to teach healing skills. And these healing advices at ( ) are a nice relieving view of healing by pieces of healthy ways of living and wisdom of life. 


My main work has been to write about the rationality of feelings, so that also the point of view of technologization would respect old civiliced wisdom and the wisdom of life according to feelings. I have also written of wisdom of life and of learning skills and talents. Please see my books at 


21st of October 2024   It really is an old widely known fact that healthy ways of living keep one healthy, and make one recover quicker if there is an illness or wound. The health center got their name from trying to remind of the importance of fully healthy ways of living as a forefigure for getting well and staying well. So school, media, books, fitness courses and medical profwssionals all try to remind of that. I guess that is also how tge capital of Finland got it's name, but once again there was a translatiln problem. 

Of healthy ways of living in other climates and cultures, see my text "As if of a naturally healthy family" ealier in this blog. 


7th of November 2024   One can take my healing advices into use for exampke alongside other healing methods, either by giving the advice on a piece of paper or in addition reading it aloud. Generally people value medical professionals having all kinds of info about healing, so if some piece of advice is easy and heals safely and quickly, it anyway is a valued side of professional skilks that someone knows it and offers it when it is needed, so that is the reason who some read really lot in their studies of healing, and so people do not think that the advice itself should be any longer. 


8th of November 2024   My other texts, see 


10th of December 2024   The name Tervola ("healthy sings") is said to have taught those with that name to be skilled healers. It is said that in the old times they at some time managed to get such work out so well that there were no or almost no illnesses, since people understood about how to stsy healthy and heal quickly if there was sometving. But they become famous and so they got patients also from abroad, and it turned out that the foreigners mostly had so different ways of living etc that it was a question of managing to teach them healtvy ways of living, but that was surpfisingly difficult because those places were so different in climate, ways of living, culture, location, etc. Such is the story from some time when there were no roads or at least no cars, some patients came by sledge in the winter time through much of Russia. Now long long time later, my text "As if of a naturally healthy family" seems to have managed to solve a large part of the problem, together with modern culture's wisdom. So it seems that the task has been transferred to many others. 


From my blog :

"  "  Sibelius monument 

As far as I understand it is like the feel of nature, like wind by forest's side having a different strenght at each place, a different atmosphere at different distancies and when looking in different directions, so those tell some ages old wisdom of nature connected with living the four seasons there, and so the Sibelius monument seeks to be a wise view of nature's wisdom as a panorama of music, like one can undersrand different oarts of the landscape singing, like a stream, trees near by, wind, weather, character traits suited to living there, etc. "


If one would think of how to compose of such abroad somewhere where there is nature and the weathers impressive, I guess one would have (to go outdoors!) to look at a landscape with trees, and search for the wisdom of the trees of how to atmospherically live the weathers, and search for many such views of how to live the near by weathers of these few days, and what about these months and some views of the other seasons, and of landscapes like this county etc, and how would a squirrel live them out in the nature, and what about the little singing birds how would they live the weathers and the seasons in the nature, and plants etc, and is there some well carrying wise healthy kind of atmospheric beauty typical to that area, to also the human life there, and is there some ages old advice of how to find nature, moments to admire it outdoors, live in the middle of the weathers, branches waving in the wind, etc in everyday life. 

8th of February 2025   

Saturday, September 21, 2024


  " I do not so well understand the Eurovision songs. Some later year somebody else's song was called Jezebel. Now I came to wonder did the name seek to say or ask how are people beautiful. So now just a moment ago I tried to compose of that subject: to be somewhat like this song and social with people around, maybe they or quite many would look beautiful: D,E,G(longer),short pause and after it somewhat glidingly A, F, E


Sunday, September 8, 2024

If you would like to change away from medicare work with the help of these advices

 I do not know of medicare work, I am just a thinker, a writer and have compised some music some years ago. But my impressiln is that people are often satisfied with havkng these advices. So if you want to change away from medicare work, you coukd just put on your internet page a text saying that you have changed to this view of healing that has been liked by many, and have there the link to the old translated index, , and ask people to read the bmog and discuss with the people near by, see if these advices are good for them. And in addition have some contact adress to the ordinary medicare, if they need such. Such has seemed an easy way to change jobs. 

18th of January 2025   Obs. If you have some working place to guide all certain types of patients or questions to this blog, there may come very many of such, and so there anyway is a need to have several workers possible to help in reading or in other problems. If it us in the internet or spiritual, there may come lots of patients from otger towns, countries, etc too, for exampke animals interested in such too. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Miracle healing advice for first aid in serious accidents, or big wounds, or something such possible

 " If some accident or other loss of limds is so new that you are not quite sure if it so or if you can live in the old ways, say to yourself, to your body and mind abd to possible spiritual and other helpers around, that a fully healthy body like before is ok, you hooe for such, but fully healthy body is the criterion even if it is in some spiritual sense better somewhat other style somewhere, and sl if there somewhere is a momentary or even longer impression of some parts of the body maybe lacking, tell that it is ok to griw them bavk to the fully healthy body form, even if one needs to repeat such advices several times during thenearest few days, it is anyway good to have a fully healthy body even if it needs the world being somewhat spiritusl in slme sense, in some ways, so it is ok to clntinue with a fully healthy body anyway, even if that means needing to try to be somehow spiritually well for the world the next month or two or I do not kniw for how long. Is there any place for such tasks? " 

( Copied from the entry 6th of September 2024 in the older blog post ) 

See also 

A good (largely the same as the above link) basic miracle healing advice both for first aid and maybe also later 

7th of September 2024   Wishing well for the world means having very many things well at the same time always, so such is a good model for getting one's body well in many ways at the same time always.  

30th of October 2024   Maybe one can try this miracle healing also at some other time, if one's motivation is strong enough for starting a new kind of life. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

For catching cold, try this

 See  Ought to suit all climates. 

Might help something against a flu, but to a flu it is typical that one somehow happens to keep company to others who think that one shoukd follow some other climate's climate skills ibstead of being suited to the local climate. Each person should care heat regulation separately from others, especially separately from persons with different likkngs or a different situation, like small animals for example. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

About healing the long term patients

 I have now been making these healing advices since the spring winter 2011. In the first month of 2021 I moved from Savonlinna back to Espoo. After my apricot poodle died a couple of monts later I have been sleepy and have had the problem of really lits of influencies from other humans, especially since last autumn, when I made advices about giving birth and about babies learning. Lately I have thpught that maybe I so had a view to some long term patients' lives without it disturbing me so much, since I was kind of out of order anyway and mostly just sleeping etc. And it seems that I do not have anything to say especially to the any more unmovingly or any more long term like ill. Even with these this far, mostly they have had different goals, different ways of living aimed at, different values and different degrees of health at all supported, so mostly I have ended up thinking that there maybe could be wisdom of lufe available in written form, but the differencies in life choices are so huge that actual healing advices must be made according to the climate, culture, human type, professional inclinations, etc. 

Good general advices include : 

As if of a naturally healthy family 

Miracle healing advices, including 

3rd of March 2025   I came to think tgat the old vegetable beef like long term patient might maybe remember from one's youth healthy ways of living, how the basic elements of healthy natural ages old life make one feel better and healthier. Like a second of sunshine can lift the mood after days of grey light, and some motion, ages old social life like someone walking by, something wise, etc can make a day better, and healthier, better in possibilitues of recovery. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Advices for growing winter fur

 " ...

If an animal for example wants to grow a better coat, one ought to find friendly (very convinced and skilled, like a husky for example) forefigures teaching a warm coat, and give up former views of a certain kind not-warm-enough coat being just of a compulsory kind, termed fine. And look at the forefigure's attitudes toward coming autumn, especially in the coat area and near by it, like posture, blood circulation, goals, their feeling, how widely they affect, in which ways, what are the thoughts connected to this, feelings and picture of the world, is there any actual deed directed toward the coat, are there classifications for things in the environment, to reactions to them, what is such picture of the world and of the seasons, what is the identity like, what does it say of coat, what should the hairs be like, the outer hairs how water resistent endurable etc, the inner coat how warm, in which ways and how to achieve that. Then just transform your life toward that ideal. "

Foods for a weak one to recover must include the ordinary foods of that place and season

 If someone feels weak and it seems to be to a large part need for slme heavier foods, it usually is not enough to eat only heavy food plus butter. Instead one shoukd also eat the ordinary foods of that season of the year, for example summer, and especially the foods must be meant for the same climate and the culture one lives in, so those must be bought locally and for example workibg place's dining pissibility might be much needed, since if there is some quite clmmon problem or special need for nutritients, it is most lijelily corrected just by the workibg places vooks etc. 

Someone in a hot climate having similar healing skills

 It is summer and I just found this video of someone in a hot climate who seems to have wisdom of lufe which heals by her advices, but it is jyst an impression of her style of wisdom of lufe in her face forms, body forms and it maybe connects with figuring out new medicines, but seems to be like wisdom of life as advices. But the video is too sexy looking, so propably that is because such is thought to be more likely to learn from, but such is not a good way for skilled people to associate with others, since so one gets influencies from the others who do not have such high skills. 

It was the song "Spirit in the sky" and a roller blader video but I do not know how well she heals or is she fobd of killing or somethings such often malicious.  

I do not mean she being better than me. I prefer my own views, ways of living, life choices, ways of doing, of being social, my own views of skills, etc. But I am stuck to blogging, and I feel that people would like some other possible forefigures. I have not robbed the place of anyone. I just write my own thoughts to these free blogs of mine, since I am or have been unusually good in thinking and healthy wisdom of life and I tend to wish well in the world, aim at being fair, etc. And since the subjects interest othefs so much that I feel oblidged to write because of some occult demand, even though there is no wage and almost no incomes at all from my books. I have written now almost 26 years, since August 1998. 

The person on the video brings to mind also selling products in shops, but somehow that impression is kind of left aside from the road of healing illnesses or products helping to not feeling well. The song is not suited to Finnish climate, and the videos I have seen seem to say they are from a very hot climate, like Sahara for example, but on the other hand the song and videos may be just traps. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

IMPORTANT ADDITION TO YOUR HEALING SKILLS: "As if of a naturally healthy family": How to stay healthy and recover when needed

 "  This is a much wished for thing to learn from the northern climates, but this attempt that seems successful, is surprisingly different in ways of communicating and values and skills referred to, than what I and I guess many other northerners too, would have expected, see and at a link from there. " 

Waking to life 

 " ...

If one thinks of what those who tend to be ill and mostly just sleep and stay st home, if they needed some advice of how to recover and live comfortably at home. My strong opinion has always been that as healthy and capable I can make much better advices. But now via experience I have noticed that if I would for example make a melody of wakkng up, being revived to life, refreshed, vitalused, it would include some element from active life remembered, so maybe it woukd disturb those ill who seek to be unfairly dominant socially and in the society even if they are foreigners valuing some not do healthy culture, and so maybe such lufe would grt destroyed. Which maybe happened already beforehand. So writing of Christmas gnlme like lufe, I would have guessed that also for those who are so ill that they mostly stay kn bed, it would have been good influence if I had a nice well running way to leisirely make home cjores like feels good and needed and keeps home and lufe nice, full of activities when one feels so and with a good quality rationality. But such too has seemed too much for some who want to compete with snything healthy. So maybe there are reasons for not wanting such either, even though it would be good for life. Maybe somewhst fat elderly nurses feel it uncomfortable to be active with the liveliness typical to young people, so I guess they should fknd in their own ways and amounts the needed natural waking to life and to natural pleasant kind of straightforward action, to which tgere coukd suit the advice about honey like atmosphere at .


Tranquil peace and beauty, serene fracturelessness with healthy wisdom of life 

 Try to follw these two advices fully: 

1. An ok angel 

"  ( The Finnish word for an angel is "enkeli", in which "en" means "No, I am not...", and "keli" means weather to travel in, and those both have to be taken into account: freedom to folliw one's likibgs in miral ways, and takkng the situations into account, the situations of all, and folliwing civiluced valyes and healthy wisdom of life. )

27th of April 2024    Learned from changing weathers demanding individual judgement to stay alive, like the melting of the ice cover of a lake in the spring time. 

16th of April 2024   First, follow civiliced values with good quality. Then have some independency, the right to refuse, so as to have some personal fracturelessness and healthy kibd of wisdom in lufe choices. Pay attention to weather like situatiobs: does the thing seem good, wished for in tge world, and for you right now, and for others, kibd of taking the ibfo of feelibgs into accoubt well, since often drawbacks are difficult to put to words, since those are often in another perspective or side or between perspectives, but kind of felt atmospheric fracturelessness in how one is in a landscape may help one notice such and take them wusely into account. "

2. Beneficial for life 


My own home as an adult has sometimes had a honey like atmosphere. I value animals and nature, admire bees, and I tend to think that it is good to leave things at home in a way that is good for life, but sincere enough so as to know where one needs to learn better ways of living. I value wisdom of life a lot and consider good ways of doing important. I think strongly that wishing well in the world and being fair in one's life are important values to follow in practice, always in everything. 

My books 

From my blog 

Some English texts also in my latest Finnish healing blog


Something of climates etc also at 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

A new book: "Healing 4."

 The new book "Healing 4. : About the theoretical possibility of growing a new limb" ought to be soon available at , see 

Alternatively you can jyst read from this blogs the texts from the last year. There are also some additions to the older texts, but those are maybe not all in this new book. And in this blog you can folliw the links, so it is easier. 

Miracle healing summarized

 " Wish well for the world at large so that your effect in the world is positive and beautiful. Pay attention to the landscape around, especially trees and the weathers of the season, how they make more alive and spiritually sensitive in return. With the help of this effect on your body and mind, turn to religion seeking for miracle like healing. Give to your body and mind as an advice these effects and that each part of the body should be completely healthy, aim at healing to fully healthy. Each part of the body should heal itself and the neighbouribg areas, the wholebody too back to full health. "

"   One's ability to get miracle healed  gets better if one in connection with the above miracle healing advice dedicates one's life responsibly and fairly for the good of the world. " 

This latter advice is where one can get extra strong effect, partly relying in the thought of the world being of spirit, but also otherwise aiming for the good of the world, without ever erring badly, can bring a much creater force toward recovery than just trying on one's own. 

(" 30th of May 2024   The answer to the question of why lost limbs etc do not recover, is msybe that the phace of life isn't such then. Humans need a healthy body that stays healthy, without growing unnecessarily or wrong. But as a baby in their mother's stomach they grow a healthy normal human body, and it seems that it does not require much experience of life, but intentions should be toward the right direction and the goal to be a healthy normal human body. An impression from some mental or spiritual side is tgat if some adult has list for example half a limb, it may be possible for some to grow a new one, but it requires that ghey really wish to live with such a new linb for years and tens of years, fully healthy, are really convinced of such, such is their major lufe chouces. And in such occasions, for example having watched on some mental side someobe grow a new limb, it may be possible to grow also other mussing body parts. ")

" But usually growing other missing body parts goes via spirituality, just wishibg things going well and living according to that wiser healibg picture of the world. So one cannot be social with peopke who wish that weapons would have strobg effects in the sense of no healing possible, or in the sense of suppirting lufe chouces which tebd to cause death. So one should somehow stick to spiritual healing life choices, and so on such roads healing would be possible, one would just transform to healthy vua such lufe chouces. "   

The quotations are from which ought to lead to the blog .

Thursday, June 27, 2024

About tropical climate related problems

 From my blog "Weather skills for all climates" 

" Some basics: for heat regulation connected problems, look at a branch of a local bush or of a local tree. Outdoors the tree or bush ought to be healthy and the way the branch curves ought to be in sight i.e. not overly many leaves if you look at it from a side. Indoors either watch out from a window, or have as decoration an old fallen branch, which maybe is without bark. You ought to look at tge branch glidingly following the direction it has grown. 

For problems of too much bacteria, washing but not with an overly strong detergebt, and cool but not overly cold. Social eye telling lije from smells if tgere has been at the same place or near it someone doing certain, kind of if there has been someone who came in from havkng been cutting the lawn and sweating, or if in the bus sat some elderly who has sat in a lot and read and cooked, or if there passed by a sporty clean youth, etc. Lijewise other factors about ways of living. If you wash some place which was dirty, preferably wash evenly with much water and a so mild detergant that you do not lose the view of what kibd of lufe there was. A short walk in tge nature when it is cool abd daylight time abd moist enough for tge plabts, might make wisdom of lufe better and be easier for this kibd of understanding. 

Also something about difficult places to live in.


 I live in northern Europe, in a cold climate of the four seasons, so I do not know about artificial cooling. If it makes one feel not well, it may be some chemical smell or otherwise too artificial, to which maybe would help a green plant on a window or some old branch as decoration. But impression is that in the tropics the cooling is maybe often on too strong. As one returns indoors, one should first return one's body temperature to healthily normal and feeling well, which is maybe by drinking cold juice or the like. And in the indoors the temperature should ve comfortable for spending ling tines indoors. Generally most comfortable is if in the indoirs one somehow notices the weathers, kind of lives alobg with those outdoors the day and night.

If you feel tgat you would like to eat more on a hot day, buy some ordinary food but choose it of some type liked by people who are fond of food and maybe tend to eat also on hot days, or it is pissible that such happens to them. You could also ask the shopkeeper for advice. * It may also help, if you instead of fasting, re-estimate (by eating a small piece when you feel it to be good food for you) how long you in today's weatger this time of the day live with one small piece of a sandwich and some fresh juice, or the like, and eat accordingly but not so much at a time. * It matters that one would like jyst that kind of food right then. Of ice-cream etc, if one thinks that it is not ok food then, "oho outs ouch oijoijoi not that much, is it ok at all?" kind of attitude is likely to make one's mouth more acid, while if one likes jyst such ice-cream or whatever right then, it also feels good for the mouth and teeth, kibd of sheltering. Similarly, in the summer some amounts of food and some foods can be such that the individual jyst feels that "not so much!" or "not that kind of food", and especially in the summer obe should diligently lusten to such wishes, even if the company does not say it many times. An hour later may sometimes be a different situation, especially if there has been some strenous activity. But anyway, one should not tie one's own meal to those who are less hungry or cannot eat such types of foods and feel well. 


It is possible to live without bringing the carbage out, it depends on how one lives

 One criterio that some people use for claiming that it is ok to go to somebody else's apartment to check if everything is ok, is that if they haven't come out for a very long time. But there may be reasons for people staying indoors, and all do not produce smelling carbage or bacteria. 

If one does not leave food in warm, it usually does not get spoiled. Either one must empty a food package fully and wash and dry it or just dry it to very dry (so that it is just dry and not food like (and not soft like a fabric, instead like a thin dry layer of some solid dry substance - so dry that if one would have sent it analyzed it would be called dry, having in practice no moisture in it) or with bacteria at all), for example on tge kutchenvtable airily, if obe likes such food and if it is dry indoors, (and later store the fully dry things in a fully dry place). Or if there was some food left, one must store it so that it does not get spoiled, for example in the refrigerator or in the freezer. 


Cold air does not contain as much water as warm air can contain water. So for getting a room dry in the tropics, one maybe could have a (refrigerator like?) cooler which cools so much that it can collect moisture. And have that maybe at a lower level, and the rest of the room not artificially cooled. So when the new cool air warms, it makes the room dryer, and so one could use the cooler momentarily to get a feeling of fully dry to the middle of the rolm, and then jyst right away turn off the cooler&condenser. So you can keep the room warm. But if you need extra cooling, it ought to go the same way. 


Often different kinds of people, like different climstes etc, and so often even on the same area there can be many different wishes of things related to bacteria, often even in the same family can wishes differ. As fsr as I know, in hotels and in arranging living places and in handling big complaints about major errors, and wishes, there often are people who try to answer the needs of different kinds in the same environment, so often they take something harmful away but replace it with somewhat similarly nit-at-all harmful like for example thrown awsy parts of green plants. Sometimes here in the cold climate of the four seasons people arranging things for their family, resort to cjoosing things that one cannot be fully clmfortable lazying with but which make one think, estimate each time again on one's own and maybe learn lufe skills so. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

An ugly looking person

 I saw a picture of a video of a baby with an ugly looking expression as if somehow an old person. But as I watched the picture, the baby was thinking of an engineering oriented oerson whose thoughrs seemed to be short like of one on a traditional computer programming course thinks shall I try this programming command or try that, so the way of thinking was without civiluced values followed and without wise enough picture of the world, clmmon sense and considerate healthy wisdom of life alliwing individuality to others. But instead of the baby's personal interest or idol, it was some person who had come socially too close, maybe the baby's mom or grabdmom or pap like female person who hd come to watch the baby or someone they discussed with. Abd so the baby's expression was that of a wiser person, wanting room for oneself and for wiser ways of thinking and living independently ibside traditionsl ways of livibg abd civiluced valyes and civiluced wisdom of life which alliws individual choices accordibg to one's own feelings and undersranding. Typical to such situatiobs is that the unwise disturbing persons come socially too clise jyst about all the time, and try so to mask the wise person as ugly, instead of as a person needing more distance, also on some occult side, and more room to live in. 

Such can happen to people in all ages, typically the wise being plagued by those who are unconsiderate, appear shortly thinking or lying and without following civiliced values in good quality ways and without healthy wisdom of life in ways of doing. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Problematic towns

 If some town or the like has had the problem of people not feeling well, and it has been tried to correct a lot across the years, it might help if there were in the town separate kind of sighrseing spots like places which tell of the major charachteristics of the different cultural domains and climate zones, which have been trying to correct something in the luving environment, like is it Arabs who somehow might prefer or refer to pikes of yellowish salt, and the Sovject Union maybe recommended clumsy basic build structures like children's metallic building blocks of a quite narrow straight sheet with a row of round holes in it, like building that way, not so nice looking and do not appear so wise snd skilled, even though may be according to educated objective picture of the world, and nature flourishing near by, especially forwst ir trees and mostly undisturbed grasses. 


My own texts too often aim at improving something, but mostly in all the world. About town life there is especially the book and maybe my Christmas gnome skills book series at  but those both build on choosing town etc according to one's liked areas of life, and the shops' products, apartments, town's arrangements, etc offering such life there, supporting it with their own skills and knowledge of the world. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Of solving emotional tangles

 I yesterday translated the words of the old Finnish song about learning "Itkevä huilu" to English "A crying flute", see , and remembered from my childhood how my Chinese working life oriented mom had difficulties kn learning wise ways, then learned with the help of the song. But was left pondering, can you then solve emotional tangles, since she thought that those are typically the problem. And so she came with examples of awful emotional attitudes etc, and created an awful mess and ruined so many of my major life possibilities as I had been interested in a career in music. A big part of the problem was she wantkng such tangles, social unjustice, etc. 

But so, an awful emotional tangle often has some strong motivation, so one must learn to recognize of each part what kind of factors are there, what major basic happenings and basic motivations of human lufe or usual situations, things done, etc. A strong insistent tendency of an awful problem to stay, is usually connected with the person causing it, living it strongly, being motivated to such a life in the long run, choosing such to be a major factor of one's future life for tens of years or even longer, if one thinks people living maybe in afterlives or via soulwandering even hundreds or thousands of years. So such is caused by having a social eye that one wants a child with just that person there, now that it is possible, and one sees it as a major good choice in one's lufe, somewhat like someone might see a possibility of a dream job or of cultural influencues of hoped for kind. 

Some might guess that wanting to destroy some harmful or unwanted factor or person in one's living environment, might look similar, but it does not, since it is more lije a technical deed, like aiming for a target and hitying it with a small caliber gun, kind of nice and tidy, guided by the intellect. Instead of the "here I live" type of strong choices to stay in such situation. Such crimes are often based on recognizing wrong who are personal relations near by and who just known from younger years but instead caring for some other area of lufe like a professional, typically for a wide group. 

And then there are ordinary motivations in life, like living according to one's ages old nature ghat is wise, and getting fairly room for one's wisdom, in which my book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" at might help. Aggressions between groups often relate with social unjustice, plus failings in social perceptions or in communication. 

One can tune oneself toward one's dream job, culture, etc, and learn their skills, see yesterday's post about cultural inheritage. So it may be one reason for people feeling aluenated, or then some really are ufos, not comfortable on the Earth, but instead dreaming of another kinds of planets for themselves to live in. 

Lies and social copying and misperceptions, make these more difficult to recognize what is what, who is in which sense doing what, like for example if someone does something and slme others come socially alobg in different ways, with different degrees of moral, and some just do something else, maybe faking to be along. And these vary already in a short time, so it is important who is motivated to what kind of life and what are the values, skills and comfort zones of each.


In the news there was an article wondering what to do if some claim to want to be hurt in certain ways, for example in connection with their sexual relations. 

My opinion is that such is often an attemot to attack others by causing confusion or lies about who wanted such. 

A typical problem in the climate of Finland is that the climate demands lots of climate skills, or otherwise one may fall oll or die, which is the reason why the northern parts of the country are much less densely populated than the southern, the northmost parts being unibhabitable for most, even though they do not always know so well what is the reason why it does not suit them to live in such places. So skills are an impirtant subject in Finland. It is typical that if something requires lots of skills and one does not have so much skills even thpugh one has quite much ordinary lufe skills, if one attempts the things requiring high skills, one tends to fail often and it may make one feel as if nastily treated, for example cold wind snd rain hitting unprepared skin nastily and one falling ill from catching cold, or one falling on slippery ice on the way to bus stop. And if the task is even more difficult or one is not motivatez enough to it, one may get worse ill and die from such, and so it is natural to give up trying and stay indoors, try to make lufe comfortable and varied enough there and rely more on social relatilns and other people, animals, possible spiritual beings, etc around / reachable. And so one is in the usual situation of the much too unskilled lazying ond: one either has to try really hard to learn the needed skills, or give up and change to other subjects and other areas of life. So many wish that via sexual relations they could learn such skills and maybe get the power of allies. And so the spouce candidate wonder, what does the date want, do they want to learn these skills from a more talented skilled pair, or something else, and often they want to learn, but having some habits of taking sagety precautions against too much steain, or of being too unwusely recklessly attemoting without enough skilks they end up in accizents which are often too big for their social relations to understand the size of their musestimates. So they end up asking, what would help in learning, and so they are adviced that the spouce woukd superwise the learning and estimate the dangers, without too big dangers. Or they misestimate the situation being such while in fa t the person isn't that much skilked or motivated toward thst area of life at all, so they agree some forcing needed and the person dreams of it being possible, but there is some big lack, and so it does not work out .

There are also several occasion when someone wants to tell of some major problem, so there is no violence intebded, but knstead they want to tell of themselves being handkcapoed as if it were a new thing, when knstead it is slme old problem. 

Lijewise many difficult life situations, which often are results of taking a job that requires very very overly much skills comoared to how it is usually talked about or seen, are such that some want to tell what the situatiln in fact is, to make pictures of the world wiser and to remove some common erraneous thoughts causing sich or too much strain. So did someone agree to associate with criminals, or illnesses, or just do some work which ought to have suited one as an ordinary work in a well running ckviliced society. 

It may also be that some transvestites look so much like women or girls, that they confure peopke's views of women and girls. A transvestite often does not feel the need for women's things, he just wants to try them or takes such as a job, as if reaching for poibts. So such persons may cause a view that women/transvestites want some women's things removed from them. Especially if some women go with men like fucking without really carkng in the long run, it does not sound like thknking of tens of years of one's lufe at stake at that, so it either is in a group of right kind of men, or with a sure spouce to back it up, or without the ability to get children, or a transvestite, or a trap to kill the men. 

Likewise luars often through away other people's wished for things, while they themselves do not want so much of them. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

"Some videos : Beetle-home, etc"



Beautiful village

Stell balls moving

My own home as an adult has sometimes had a honey like atmosphere. I value animals and nature, admire bees, and I tend to think that it is good to leave things at home in a way that is good for life, but sincere enough so as to know where one needs to learn better ways of living. I value wisdom of life a lot and consider good ways of doing important. I think strongly that wishing well in the world and being fair in one's life are important values to follow in practice, always in everything. 

My books 

From my blog 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

An elderly person ought not get children with one's long time spouce

 It seems that the characteristics of a baby depend on how the parents (make love and ?) live roughly when the baby gets it's beginning. An elderly couple who has for years liked the life together is like an old dog keeping company or sofa or something in that direction, just socially coming along instead of trying to figure out how I would do in this situation, how do we fit together in a good way, how could each live a healthy natural full life. So with a new pair could maybe each area of life be in it's healthy natural place in life and in healthy natural ways, resulting in a healthy natural baby. But if such gets replaced by keeping company, socially coming along, etc, those might produce a malformed clumsily build body instead of a healthy one. Similarly the family maybe ought not be fully habitually living but instead reactively aware of the living environment and life around, learning skills for life and for taking part in the society in healthy happy ways. 

Friday, March 15, 2024

Heat regulation etc skills advice for all climates

 "  This works only if you know the climate, are tuned to it, and not just travelling as a tourist.

Pay attentiln tl the air around, warmth, cool or coldness at different distancies, possible sunlight areas, shadows, indoor air, breeze, etc, and the quality of air, mostness, saltiness, dryness etc, and so also of other qualities, and your own state of body and mind and way of being social, so that you have some sensed atmospheric and largely understood idea of the situation, including clothes you wear and what body heat balance, moisture eyc are near by the clothes.

From liking melodic music, and from watching or having watched the way plants' branches grow curvingly toward light, from these there usually comes to at least some parts of the hands and feet and of the central body a natural sense of posture that is effortless and good for moving and feeling well, kind of natural wisdom of the body, seen at least along the limbs' central muscles and like the spine carrying the person naturally in a posture that is good for moving, musical, feels well. Kind of relugiously wish - as if from looking them from the sides, for example hand by their side and not actuslly being there in the muscle oneself with one's clumsy thoughts, social ways etc - these naturally wise musical nature like wise parts of your body-mind to tune your heat regulatiln, moisture regulatiln etc, also what clothes to wear, toward which styles or whatever tune your social ways, etc so that the natural effect is cooling or warming and whatever needez, just right for the situation. You should seek for tuning that is good in the lobg run too, for example is well prepared for temperature variations of the next few days plus adapted to the climate. 



21st of March 2024   These climate skills are for local climates, shared only with people near by, preferably individualustic since situations, character etc vary a lot. The individuals must be tuned to just their local climate and situation, not to some other culture, climate or the like. They must want to live just in their local climate, largely in tune with the traditional ways of living ghere. Especially not referring to far away climates, cultures, other seasons, other places' traditional emphazies on values, areas of life etc. Civiliced wisdom is ok. This is like one's instinc nature's view or response to one's experience, understanding, feelings, knowledge, sensatiobs, idea of the situatiln, etc of how to live well in that climate the next two or three hours, two or three days and in the long run, as healthy and happy, at ease, pleasantsantly and with wisdom and respect for civkluced values. This is helped by prayer and music plus experience of the beauty of local nature and of healthy ways of living, especially of moving and basic life plus civiliced wisdom like taught in schools. 

Learn from local plant species.

See also 

Saturday, March 2, 2024

One ought to learn healing where the local comfort zone is the same as one's own and that of the ones to be so healed

 "Public visibility and each person's comfort zone

 I noticed that one cannot show by one's example what to do, how to live etc, if one's own comfortable liked areas of life and main ways of doing and living are outside what is possible for each member of the audience at least part time. So for me such tasks do not suit, especially not internationally, since my comfort zone is in the Finnish climate and with the educated picture of the world along. Anyway, it often seems that for example my profile pictures start to look like some other type of people or that I myself get influencies from too lazying hot weather like ways of living. 

So if your comfort zone suits some area, maybe you could suit publicity there. One can read these texts of mine as kind of theoretical advices, like people interested in the nature sciences usually have the skills for. "

From my blog 

Learning healing

 In learning healing one ought to pay attention to how different things done, associated with, ways of living, social situations, etc affect one's being, the situation and so one's health. Those are kind of cloud like things: the effect of the deed or whatever, and how long it lasts, what is the total effect, like for example what different kinds of foods cause, thinking of when one longs for just that kind of food, for example an orange maybe gets senses open, while a sweet dessert may make it easier to trust one's emotional wisdom of life, and musli sometimes makes it easier to think of farmer's life. Line like markings are usually sosially commanding, so one must discern vetween social bullying and maybe benefical relieving civiliced wisdom as a part of the fact content, but those too have some effects with some atmospheres which slmetimes help to discern what areas of life those are about and so mention more of the effects. 

This blig's way of healing is to suggest as a cure the piece of healthy natyral ways of living and wisdom of lufe according to positive feelings, which people with such an illness often most lack, and teach them like to a beginner. 

Some good luck 

Miracle healing advice 

Machine translated indexes with cure suggestions in them

 The internet domain address ought to lead to the old index of this blog . That is my own translation of some 500 or 600 first entries of the Finnish blog . In addition there is the possibility to translate by one's internet browser's translator tge original Finnish indexes which you coukd find by folliwing the above link. In this blog there is some version of I guess Google translated indexes, and such appears quite ok as an aid in guessing what kind of parts of healthy natyral ages old ways of living, wisdom of lufe according to positive feelings and the benefical effect of civiliced wisdom could relieve and even heal the illness or wound or the like, if taught like to a beginner. So these cures ought to be completely harmless things but need common sense and civiliced values. In addition there are in tge beginning of the blog some tens of these texts translated to English, so one can get an idea of the original advices, but the climate and culture differencies are so great that you will have to find your own well healing versions of the advices. The internet translations of the texts are or were jyst awful, criminal, not worth reading, not translations but crimes. So I guess that all countries do not want these advices. You will have to turn to religion to get a good enough translation, since there are too many different kinds of wishes in the air in global questions. 

26th of March 2024   (Easter week's Tuesday)   A good miracle healing advice for first aid plus later 3rd of February 2023, see

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...