Thursday, June 27, 2024

About tropical climate related problems

 From my blog "Weather skills for all climates" 

" Some basics: for heat regulation connected problems, look at a branch of a local bush or of a local tree. Outdoors the tree or bush ought to be healthy and the way the branch curves ought to be in sight i.e. not overly many leaves if you look at it from a side. Indoors either watch out from a window, or have as decoration an old fallen branch, which maybe is without bark. You ought to look at tge branch glidingly following the direction it has grown. 

For problems of too much bacteria, washing but not with an overly strong detergebt, and cool but not overly cold. Social eye telling lije from smells if tgere has been at the same place or near it someone doing certain, kind of if there has been someone who came in from havkng been cutting the lawn and sweating, or if in the bus sat some elderly who has sat in a lot and read and cooked, or if there passed by a sporty clean youth, etc. Lijewise other factors about ways of living. If you wash some place which was dirty, preferably wash evenly with much water and a so mild detergant that you do not lose the view of what kibd of lufe there was. A short walk in tge nature when it is cool abd daylight time abd moist enough for tge plabts, might make wisdom of lufe better and be easier for this kibd of understanding. 

Also something about difficult places to live in.


 I live in northern Europe, in a cold climate of the four seasons, so I do not know about artificial cooling. If it makes one feel not well, it may be some chemical smell or otherwise too artificial, to which maybe would help a green plant on a window or some old branch as decoration. But impression is that in the tropics the cooling is maybe often on too strong. As one returns indoors, one should first return one's body temperature to healthily normal and feeling well, which is maybe by drinking cold juice or the like. And in the indoors the temperature should ve comfortable for spending ling tines indoors. Generally most comfortable is if in the indoirs one somehow notices the weathers, kind of lives alobg with those outdoors the day and night.

If you feel tgat you would like to eat more on a hot day, buy some ordinary food but choose it of some type liked by people who are fond of food and maybe tend to eat also on hot days, or it is pissible that such happens to them. You could also ask the shopkeeper for advice. * It may also help, if you instead of fasting, re-estimate (by eating a small piece when you feel it to be good food for you) how long you in today's weatger this time of the day live with one small piece of a sandwich and some fresh juice, or the like, and eat accordingly but not so much at a time. * It matters that one would like jyst that kind of food right then. Of ice-cream etc, if one thinks that it is not ok food then, "oho outs ouch oijoijoi not that much, is it ok at all?" kind of attitude is likely to make one's mouth more acid, while if one likes jyst such ice-cream or whatever right then, it also feels good for the mouth and teeth, kibd of sheltering. Similarly, in the summer some amounts of food and some foods can be such that the individual jyst feels that "not so much!" or "not that kind of food", and especially in the summer obe should diligently lusten to such wishes, even if the company does not say it many times. An hour later may sometimes be a different situation, especially if there has been some strenous activity. But anyway, one should not tie one's own meal to those who are less hungry or cannot eat such types of foods and feel well. 


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