Saturday, March 2, 2024

 The internet domain address ought to lead to the old index of this blog . That is my own translation of some 500 or 600 first entries of the Finnish blog . In addition there is the possibility to translate by one's internet browser's translator tge original Finnish indexes which you coukd find by folliwing the above link. In this blog there is some version of I guess Google translated indexes, and such appears quite ok as an aid in guessing what kind of parts of healthy natyral ages old ways of living, wisdom of lufe according to positive feelings and the benefical effect of civiliced wisdom could relieve and even heal the illness or wound or the like, if taught like to a beginner. So these cures ought to be completely harmless things but need common sense and civiliced values. In addition there are in tge beginning of the blog some tens of these texts translated to English, so one can get an idea of the original advices, but the climate and culture differencies are so great that you will have to find your own well healing versions of the advices. The internet translations of the texts are or were jyst awful, criminal, not worth reading, not translations but crimes. So I guess that all countries do not want these advices. You will have to turn to religion to get a good enough translation, since there are too many different kinds of wishes in the air in global questions. 

26th of March 2024   (Easter week's Tuesday)   A good miracle healing advice for first aid plus later 3rd of February 2023, see

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One can comment under each blog post of mine, but the blogs are aimed for a global audience, so the comments too should be from a so general point of view, and with well workkng beautiful values.

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...