Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Someone in a hot climate having similar healing skills

 It is summer and I just found this video of someone in a hot climate who seems to have wisdom of lufe which heals by her advices, but it is jyst an impression of her style of wisdom of lufe in her face forms, body forms and it maybe connects with figuring out new medicines, but seems to be like wisdom of life as advices. But the video is too sexy looking, so propably that is because such is thought to be more likely to learn from, but such is not a good way for skilled people to associate with others, since so one gets influencies from the others who do not have such high skills. 

It was the song "Spirit in the sky" and a roller blader video but I do not know how well she heals or is she fobd of killing or somethings such often malicious.  

I do not mean she being better than me. I prefer my own views, ways of living, life choices, ways of doing, of being social, my own views of skills, etc. But I am stuck to blogging, and I feel that people would like some other possible forefigures. I have not robbed the place of anyone. I just write my own thoughts to these free blogs of mine, since I am or have been unusually good in thinking and healthy wisdom of life and I tend to wish well in the world, aim at being fair, etc. And since the subjects interest othefs so much that I feel oblidged to write because of some occult demand, even though there is no wage and almost no incomes at all from my books. I have written now almost 26 years, since August 1998. 

The person on the video brings to mind also selling products in shops, but somehow that impression is kind of left aside from the road of healing illnesses or products helping to not feeling well. The song is not suited to Finnish climate, and the videos I have seen seem to say they are from a very hot climate, like Sahara for example, but on the other hand the song and videos may be just traps. 

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One can comment under each blog post of mine, but the blogs are aimed for a global audience, so the comments too should be from a so general point of view, and with well workkng beautiful values.

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...