Friday, October 18, 2024

Who can heal

 People with insistent health problems sometimes are unaware that some people accept advices about lufe skills and ways of living also from other types of people than what they themselves are, but most people would not agree to change their human type, since it woukd mean a loss of a certain type of work and continuing a different kind of life, maybe unempliyed or in some otger type of job without simikar social position. So if you want advices that may change your thinking type, or values, or ways of living, or the like, such advices often do exist somewhere, for example in the library or in the knowledge of materials to read of the medical personnel associating with the healthy? But often such needs to be mentioned, since some people with a career may get angry from such suggestilns, and people's social eye does not always tell right who knows of such advices and who not. 


( In the news there was about an artist, was it a singer, a header that "she knows what it is like when in one's veins flows at the same time strong alcohol and agony". The impressiln was that of someobe havibg guessed tgat she/he coukd learn about life skills, wisdom of life from a certain type of people, sone group, but they had not given any advice, just suggested to drink strlng alcohol, so she was left on empty ground, without as much of her former own ways of living or wisdom of life, since she had tried to folliw the example of tge others, but those too maybe had problems and just covered them in some ways, and so she had pains and an empty feeling. But it is so that often peopke do not give others a y advices, sknce peopke are so different, lufe just does not work based on advices of peopke with a somehow rough, neglecting or vague style. Instead the basic wisdom usually recommended works better: live, spend outdoors a minute or two or how you feel liking such and kniw to have the weather skills egc for, exoerience life from  moment to moment, get everyday lufe skills, fknd advices that are good for all and that is why those are available, find your own choices of jobs, hobbies, healthy kibd of content to life. Good life ought to cone via such living the life, learning wudely valued basic wusdom of life, instead of copying from others. By slightly copykng you get some social eye, you kniw something of what the lives of those persobs are like, and usually such does not suit others at the level of exact copying, since tge likings of others are often a burden if copied too closely. ) 

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Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...