Saturday, March 2, 2024

Learning healing

 In learning healing one ought to pay attention to how different things done, associated with, ways of living, social situations, etc affect one's being, the situation and so one's health. Those are kind of cloud like things: the effect of the deed or whatever, and how long it lasts, what is the total effect, like for example what different kinds of foods cause, thinking of when one longs for just that kind of food, for example an orange maybe gets senses open, while a sweet dessert may make it easier to trust one's emotional wisdom of life, and musli sometimes makes it easier to think of farmer's life. Line like markings are usually sosially commanding, so one must discern vetween social bullying and maybe benefical relieving civiliced wisdom as a part of the fact content, but those too have some effects with some atmospheres which slmetimes help to discern what areas of life those are about and so mention more of the effects. 

This blig's way of healing is to suggest as a cure the piece of healthy natyral ways of living and wisdom of lufe according to positive feelings, which people with such an illness often most lack, and teach them like to a beginner. 

Some good luck 

Miracle healing advice 

Machine translated indexes with cure suggestions in them 

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