Friday, July 21, 2023

About translations - the translator from culture or climate to another is called the Author of the healing advice and my texts just one of it's sources in literature

 Healing advices are difficult to translate. My first guess was that one should understand the advice and then think of a similar effect in lne's original climate and culture, but even such a translation usually ends up being a translator's view on healing and not the original insight. So a dictionary like translation is often the best. The internet offers free translation services to over 100 languages, for example search "Google translation" or "a dictionary like translation". But also such translations are often human-made and found from the internet. So they too often translate wrong.

The world is wide and there are many different strong views to whether one wants such healing advices to be available in one's own country, district or group. And so the available English translations of my Finnish healing blog differ a lot too. Some just translate the tect, some replace the vies by some view or evil suggestiln of their own, some just sabotage and some maybe did not understand the original advice at all but complain that it is impossible to get healed. So it matters a lot which group you identify with. Your group should wish well and support good possibilities for getting healed, such for all fairly. It also helps if ypu log into the translatiln services etc, so that you can choose yourself. 

So it seems impossible to translate for all tge world. But if you would translate for slme much smaller group which agrees that they want such healing advices, want to support recovery to full health, then I would guess that such translations could succeed much better.

I have publushed my own translation as a book Healing, which is copied from this blog. There are also Google translations of the two kndexes as a book Healing 2., and a translation of my muracle healibg advices as a book Healing 3. See . Of these the fiest brought relief, the second was considered interesting insight for fuyure learning on lne's own and the third a peek to my healing advices, while healing texts connected with the index do not seem to interest people so much and so they largely remain jntranslatez. 

5th of August 2023   When I tried to translate the first five hundred healing advices in my Finnish blog to English by my mobile phone's browser's translator, there was African drumming somewhere outdoors near by. There also lives lots of people from the tropics here in this district. So can it be that my mobile phone has some intelligent social eye for recognizing cultures from sounds at the background or from my looks etc, so thst the cultural background of my Finnish heaöing advices was mistaken to be African instead of the Finnish Eurooean which my cultural environment has been and from which culture I still communicate. 

13th of August 2023   It seems that the numbered texts have not been translated dictionary like. When there is some Google translated, i.e. translation found from the internet, healing advice that appears made by a human, it helps in recognizing by whom, if one pays attentiln what is the sovial deed that ghe person does almost all the time, as if trying to replace by it the other views, like "Not so, but instead : we are now on doctor's office. / One ought to be evil. / we don't want so Nordic style here in the tropics."

3rd of November 2023   There seems to be no wish for me to translate more of my heaming advices to English, since the world is huge and surprisingly many do not want any healing advices or any new healing advices. There are my translations in the first tens of posts in the beginning of this blog. In addition there are new healing advices written judt for this blog. Only a dictionary like translation could be marked as my text transmated. If so.eone else translates some text of mine, they typically trandform it from a climate to another and from a culture to another taking intl account differencies in ways of living, skills and ways of communicating. So that is like in school or university studies a new orihinal work with .y texts as one source for it but with the translator's view so important that he/she is called the author of the healing advices. 

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One can comment under each blog post of mine, but the blogs are aimed for a global audience, so the comments too should be from a so general point of view, and with well workkng beautiful values.

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