Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Miracle healing advices, much liked ones

 " c26.   The Google translations ( see https://translate.google.com/ ) of my miracle healing advice attempts https://parantamisesta.blogspot.com/2017/11/parantamisnakemykseni.html from Finnish language to English seem to be teanslated quite ok. My impression is that especially the handicapped have liked them a lot. "

There are tens, over 90 if I counted right, of hese miracle healing advices. You can translate them one by one by he text translator if the internet page translator does not work.


My vision of healing: miracle healing instruction attempts My healing vision is compiled in these miracle healing instructions. But they would require you to browse this blog of mine first anyway, so you can get an idea of what kind of healing efforts these are. The purpose of these attempts is to have an insight into the curability of any problem, i.e. those that are not in my healing instructions or for which they do not work. At the same time, these are an attempt to cure the most difficult ailments, mainly wheelchair patients. So these are largely issues of alignment and visualization, i.e. they work largely just by reading and trying based on understanding. They may be read in numerical order or one by one, i.e. based on the previous ones at least in part, but that part cannot be evaluated for sure. If you can only read a few now, then start from the beginning or from the ones marked as important by color (11., 12. and B435. (not A291.)) and the one you choose based on the title. My impression is that if you read a few of these with thought, at least at the beginning, you are more likely to get better than someone who tries to drag himself through almost everything at once, because the latter reads more superficially, more schematically, and cannot think about where to take off from and how to have such a vision. There were these improvement instruction attempts etc. at the beginning of December 2018, 59 in Roman numerals + 18 others.


1. Who gets sick from what - and how to get better * Miracle healing guidebook 0. In general, diseases seem to be caused by overexertion. It depends on the person which part of the body is stressed too much or if nothing is stressed. The opposite of strain is a body alive in a healthy, natural way, which has been observed with good sensuous and philosophical attention to life. Over-stressing points are those that are left out of your attention when you live according to your habits. You will be careless towards them and that's why they get stressed easily when you don't notice them and meet their needs. Noticing that and responding to needs should be taking care of straining the whole body and the whole lifestyle and enlivening it in a healthy way. You recognize the neglected "edge" by a heavier feeling, as if by a drier atmosphere, motionless like school books and not lively like the eyes of athletic children. The point where in your body-mind (i.e. in your body, in your mind, e.g. in your lifestyle and habits and in the way that phenomenon of the mental level manifests itself through sign language, enlivening or badly neglecting a specific point in your body) you push aside the burden of the rest of your life in the style of "My life is here, these things, and those other things don't matter Ola from the point of view of my life.", becomes strained and over time, depending on the amount of strain, you can get sick, either mildly or more seriously. This would be helped by a good lively attention to the whole body, lifestyle, habits and their change possibilities, social habits, etc. Then the body will not be strained, unless you are otherwise at the limit of your strength psychologically, when the attention often gets tired. Strength is given by sports (free-form, pleasant, as much as possible), nature, healthy spirit in social relationships and meaningful activities, as well as enough stellar achievements. Of course, praying and meditation also help. Meditation is about improving the use of attention, so especially meditation related to the body and lifestyle helps. So this is just a "seems like this to me" view, not from school medicine. 





Miracle healing instruction set 5. Regeneration and rejuvenation 21.3.2012 5. Regeneration and rejuvenation When one's own actions are a burden to the world, the body can't bear them and somehow just collapses like a sack, powerless and unable to regenerate. When one's actions are beautiful in intention and thoughtful enough in execution, the body is light and rejuvenates as if by itself. Our wishes, expressed in the mind while valuing the body as a miracle with a beautiful view, affect the functioning of the body. It's as if the body hears, rejuvenates, takes care of things with delicate beauty. Especially wise in this way is the Krishna of the pictures, as if skilled in regeneration! If you appreciatively socialize with Krishnb's pictures in a friendly way, you can learn his perspective and his skills based on his perspective, just as you learn the skills of your valued friends. For learning skills and gifts, see my blog http://nopeaoppsiuus.blogspot.com  





Miracle healing instructions kit: a basic skill that helps in healing 11. My impression of spiritual healing * Miracle healing instructions kit I 16.1.2013 11. My impression of spiritual healing * Miracle healing instruction manual I My impression of spiritual healing (and healing by the power of faith) The person to be healed should imagine the following vividly in their mind so that the spirit of that vision is as excellent as possible: profound, ancient, enlivening, universally beautiful, touching all aspects of life, having adopted the most soulful forms of those aspects of life, in accordance with the sensitized enlivening serene vivid sensuous landscape observation and lifestyle instruction that prayer often brings in all areas of life and as a whole, according to what your idea of soulfulness and a whole life full of love is like on a summer day in the bosom of nature on a natural lakeside or pleasantly active while playing varied sports. There is an original right way of life such as why God created us and what kind of life He intended us to live. Everything that works is based on that age-old wise way of life, its parts, e.g. reason is based on a deep understanding of life and the world. We reach that right way of life when we follow the life instructions given by the sensitized way of experiencing that comes as an answer to prayer in all corners of life - not legally, but by listening to the voice of our heart and universally hoping for beautiful good for all living things. When living according to that right way of life, the body is self-repairing: the lively atmosphere of the body repairs the adjacent parts of the body and that face itself towards perfect ancient health and improves our entire being towards living whole health. Just as someone who straightens their back feels better, in the same way, by achieving that right lifestyle, we can repair what would otherwise be beyond our ability to repair in our body. For example, if you keep a sprained wrist in its natural middle position, it will recover better when natural movement is allowed, but be careful, because the wrist is sore. Correspondingly, by committing to the right "middle" best lifestyle with the whole lifestyle, exactly as the ancient voice of the soul says, you can fix many things that otherwise would have been too "broken" and impossible to fix. Commit to that right lifestyle 30-40 years from now, including your afterlife, without ever seriously deviating from it! Your perception of the future also improves, making you feel lighter. The long-term effect gives space and an additional effect to recover. Over time, develop your vision of the right way of life to become more soulful. Pray the way you feel in your heart to be right and pure of heart, and not formally just as you have learned in school. * * * Abdominal muscles are the center of the body, from where large movements originate and in whose region large emotions in the body are largely located. If you don't get the spirit healing instruction to work right away, try applying it to your stomach area, the center of your body. From there, it's easy to expand the area of influence to your entire body and the surrounding emotional and social space.  





Miracle healing instructions: a basic skill that helps in healing 12. Diabetes and a positive attitude towards natural stimuli 20.1.2013 http://parantamistesta.blogspot.fi/2013/01/sokeritauti-ja-viriketten-paljous.html 12. Diabetes and a positive attitude towards natural stimuli Diabetes seems to be related to the fact that you think that you only get strength from food and behave as if everything else is crap. Actually, a person gets energy from all kinds of healthy natural lifestyle. Sunshine brings energy, so do flowers and admiring nature, animals, pleasant varied brisk exercise, watching, being active in a good mood, friendly sociability, fascinating things to do, listening to music, etc. etc. A day filled with activity is often a day filled with contented life content, and besides, healthier . A positive attitude towards stimuli seems to help with diabetes. http://parantamistesta.blogspot.fi/2015/08/liikkuvuden-ja-kunnon-yllapitimasema.html http://parantamistesta.blogspot.fi/2015/06/ohjeita-kovin-heikkokuntoisen-liikunnan.html In other words, more natural healthy stimuli are needed. As such, they bring strength like a vacation, moving around in nature, doing something fun, spending time with friends. For example, you can make a hobby of looking at all kinds of beautiful and fascinating things, enjoy the charm of the weather, move even with a light step here and there. This is preferably many times a day, e.g. 1 second - a few seconds - a few minutes at a time, to enjoy those healthy stimuli, the sensations they bring and use them afterwards as an energy reserve. 




Translation types 

Text translation 

Source text 

15. Vammat parantuvat ihmeen tapaan * Ihmeparannusohjeyritelmä II 5.5.2013 15. Vammat parantuvat ihmeen tapaan * Ihmeparannusohjeyritelmä II Tuollainen tuli eilen mieleeni. Johtuneekohan siitä, että parina viime vuonna olen oppinut juttelemaan lintujen kanssa samaan tapaan kuin ystävänsä kanssa sosiaalisena näkee hänen tekemisentapansa, ja vähitellen samaan tapaan myös hyönteisten kanssa - fiksuja ovat kuin mitkä! Hyönteiset ovat juuri isoimmat heränneet ja lähteneet liikkeelle, ensimmäiset kukat tulleet. Hyönteisillä on viisautta muodonmuutoksesta ja talveksi ne vaipuvat syvään horrokseen, josta keväällä heräävät henkiin ja parantavat talven aikana tulleet pakkasvauriot. Minusta vaikuttaa kuin se olisi tietoinen prosessi niillä eikä horteessa tiedostamatta tapahtuvaa. Niiltä voi siis oppia paljon parantumisesta ja jopa kuolleista heräämisestä, ks. http://kuolemastajasurusta.blogspot.fi . Hyönteisten älystä http://ampiaiset.blogspot.fi No mutta tällaisen kirjoittelin eilen. Tuon kun v8ielä oppisi moni... Hei Huomasin ntässä, että pullassa on tuhansia kilokaloreita, kun taas hedelmissä ei melkein mitään ja suklaassakin vain 250 kcal. Leivonnaisita varmaan olen lihonnut sen, minkä olen lihonnut, mutta silloin jäin miettimään, että miksen ole itse huomannut, milloin lihosin tai laihduin. Kunnes äkkäsin jotakin, mikä vpi olla hyvin olennaista vammaisten toipumis- ja paranemismahdollisuuksien kannalta: Lapsena minulle muut perheenjäsenet sanoivat viitisen minuuttia sen jälkeen, kun olin syönyt pullaa, että nyt jo lihosit, se näkyy. Vähän aikaa sitten, kun maksoin laskuja, tunsin rasittuneeni ja laihtuneeni, vaikka vain istuin. Kun syön hedelmiä mielitekona, tulee heti elävöitynyt tunne kuin verenkierron mukana jotakin, mitä lihaksisto, mielialani ym. juuri kaipaakin. Ihminen, joka on hyvällä elävöityneellä mielellä, on kaunis, ja ihminen jota ei hotsita mikään on lysähtäneen rupsahtaneen näköinen. Kun joskus keittiössä poltan hiukan sormeani johonkin kuumaan ja laitan sen vesiha´nan alle kylmään, ajattelen, että "huh, sattuikohan sitä, tuleekohan jälkeä, ihan kuin olisi (mielikuva heti vaikuttanut kehoon sekunnissa), no ei se varmaan mitään ole, ja ei ollutkaan (keho ehti parantaa itsensä), selvisin säikähdyksellä". Keho näyttäisi reagoivan ajatuksiin ja tunteisiin sekä tunnelmaan ja elämäntapaan sekunneissa, arviolta 1-3 sekunnissa. Mitä, jos oikein rukoilet ja toivot, että paranisirt, ja katsot sitten vammaista kohtaa ja tuumit toiveikkaasti "Ikään kuin se olisi hiukan parantunut...", niin silloin olet oppinut parantamisen alkeet: tuolla tiellä jatkaen kehosdi osaakin parantua! Tällaisen vaikutelman sain. On kuin tässä olisi taito opittavana. * * * Hei lähetin teille muutama päivä sitten oheisen kirjoitelman ihmeparantumisen mahdollisuudesta. Sen jälkeen olen miettinyt asiaa lisää ja koettanut oppia tuota taitoa. Tässä tuo kirjoitelma: Hei Huomasin ntässä, että pullassa on tuhansia kilokaloreita, kun taas hedelmissä ei melkein mitään ja suklaassakin vain 250 kcal. Leivonnaisita varmaan olen lihonnut sen, minkä olen lihonnut, mutta silloin jäin miettimään, että miksen ole itse huomannut, milloin lihosin tai laihduin. Kunnes äkkäsin jotakin, mikä vpi olla hyvin olennaista vammaisten toipumis- ja paranemismahdollisuuksien kannalta: Lapsena minulle muut perheenjäsenet sanoivat viitisen minuuttia sen jälkeen, kun olin syönyt pullaa, että nyt jo lihosit, se näkyy. Vähän aikaa sitten, kun maksoin laskuja, tunsin rasittuneeni ja laihtuneeni, vaikka vain istuin. Kun syön hedelmiä mielitekona, tulee heti elävöitynyt tunne kuin verenkierron mukana jotakin, mitä lihaksisto, mielialani ym. juuri kaipaakin. Ihminen, joka on hyvällä elävöityneellä mielellä, on kaunis, ja ihminen jota ei hotsita mikään on lysähtäneen rupsahtaneen näköinen. Kun joskus keittiössä poltan hiukan sormeani johonkin kuumaan ja laitan sen vesiha´nan alle kylmään, ajattelen, että "huh, sattuikohan sitä, tuleekohan jälkeä, ihan kuin olisi (mielikuva heti vaikuttanut kehoon sekunnissa), no ei se varmaan mitään ole, ja ei ollutkaan (keho ehti parantaa itsensä), selvisin säikähdyksellä". Keho näyttäisi reagoivan ajatuksiin ja tunteisiin sekä tunnelmaan ja elämäntapaan sekunneissa, arviolta 1-3 sekunnissa. Mitä, jos oikein rukoilet ja toivot, että paranisirt, ja katsot sitten vammaista kohtaa ja tuumit toiveikkaasti "Ikään kuin se olisi hiukan parantunut...", niin silloin olet oppinut parantamisen alkeet: tuolla tiellä jatkaen kehosdi osaakin parantua! Tällaisen vaikutelman sain. On kuin tässä olisi taito opittavana. Tässä tämänpäiväisiö mietteitä aiheesta: Joka kerta, kun otan askeleen, on se eri osiltaan erityylinen: tuossa on paino vankasta kantapäällä ja jalalla, tuossa kohottaudun ylöspäin, tässä on tunnelmallinen heilahtava liike. On kuin kehonkuvani olisi noina sekunteina noilat osiltaan erilainen, vaihtuu hurjan vinhasti siis. Kun menen peilin eteen ja katson, että onpa lösön näköinen ryhti ja mahaakin näyttää olevan, niin sitten ryhdistäydy 

5,000 / 5,000 

Translation results 

Translation result 

15. Injuries heal like a miracle * Miracle Healing Guide II 5/5/2013 15. Injuries heal like a miracle * Miracle healing instruction manual II Such a thing came to my mind yesterday. Maybe it's because in the last couple of years I've learned to talk to birds in the same way as I do with a friend. The biggest insects have just woken up and started moving, the first flowers have arrived. Insects have wisdom about metamorphosis and for the winter they fall into a deep hibernation, from which they come back to life in the spring and heal the frost damage caused during the winter. It seems to me that it's a conscious process on their part and not something that happens unconsciously. So you can learn a lot from them about healing and even waking up from the dead, see http://kuolemastajasurusta.blogspot.fi. About the intelligence of insects http://ampiaiset.blogspot.fi Well, I wrote something like this yesterday. A lot of people would learn that... Hey I noticed here that there are thousands of calories in a bun, while fruits have almost nothing and chocolate only 250 kcal. I've probably put on what I've gained from baked goods, but then I wondered why I hadn't noticed myself when I gained or lost weight. Until I suddenly noticed something that could be very relevant in terms of the recovery and healing possibilities of disabled people: As a child, other family members told me five minutes after I had eaten a bun that you were already gaining weight, it can be seen. A while ago, when I was paying bills, I felt stressed and thin, even if I was just sitting. When I eat fruit as a treat, I immediately feel invigorated, like something that my muscles, my mood, etc. just need along with the blood circulation. A person who is in a good and lively mind is beautiful, and a person who is not stimulated by anything looks like a slacker. When sometimes in the kitchen I burn my finger a little on something hot and put it under the water tap to cool, I think "huh, did it hurt, will there be a mark, as if (the mental image immediately affected the body in a second), well it's probably nothing, and it wasn't (the body had time to heal itself), I survived with a fright". The body seems to react to thoughts and feelings as well as mood and lifestyle in seconds, approximately 1-3 seconds. What if you really pray and hope that you will get better, and then you look at the injured part and say hopefully "As if it has improved a little...", then you have learned the basics of healing: if you continue on that path, your body can heal too! That's the impression I got. It's like there's a skill to be learned here. * * * Hello, a few days ago I sent you the attached article about the possibility of a miracle cure. Since then, I've thought about it more and tried to learn that skill. Here is the writing: Hey I noticed here that there are thousands of calories in a bun, while fruits have almost nothing and chocolate only 250 kcal. I've probably put on what I've gained from baked goods, but then I wondered why I hadn't noticed myself when I gained or lost weight. Until I suddenly noticed something that could be very relevant in terms of the recovery and healing possibilities of disabled people: As a child, other family members told me five minutes after I had eaten a bun that you were already gaining weight, it can be seen. A while ago, when I was paying bills, I felt stressed and thin, even if I was just sitting. When I eat fruit as a treat, I immediately feel invigorated, like something that my muscles, my mood, etc. just need along with the blood circulation. A person who is in a good and lively mind is beautiful, and a person who is not stimulated by anything looks like a slacker. When sometimes in the kitchen I burn my finger a little on something hot and put it under the water tap to cool, I think "huh, did it hurt, will there be a mark, as if (the mental image immediately affected the body in a second), well it's probably nothing, and it wasn't (the body had time to heal itself), I survived with a fright". The body seems to react to thoughts and feelings as well as mood and lifestyle in seconds, approximately 1-3 seconds. What if you really pray and hope that you will get better, and then you look at the injured part and say hopefully "As if it has improved a little...", then you have learned the basics of healing: if you continue on that path, your body can heal too! That's the impression I got. It's like there's a skill to be learned here. 

Here are today's thoughts on the subject: Every time I take a step, it has a different style in different parts: there is a solid weight on the heel and foot, there I lift up, here there is an atmospheric swaying movement. It's as if my body image is completely different in those seconds, so it changes wildly. When I go in front of the mirror and see that I have a sloppy posture and the stomach seems to be too, then I straighten up a bit, thinking that what if I pulled my stomach in a bit and was more athletic, would that help? And immediately that nbäkyy had an effect in a second or two. Then when I'm wasting my time wondering if I managed to do this, my interest fades and my posture begins to slump again: what's wrong with my old age, I haven't even recently been in such an uninteresting mood and shriveled when I came to the mirror. In seconds, just in seconds, YOUR MOOD AND APPEARANCE CHANGE ACCORDINGLY. When I see acquaintances at different times, they have been doing different things and you are in different company, and so their mood is different, their appearance also seems to have changed according to the style, are my eyes lying, am I making a mistake of perception according to the mood of the moment? No, they change in seconds according to their current state of mind and mood... That is, you could heal your body in two seconds, if only you could get it to stay healthy and not remember the old while slipping, you would create old defects in it again in two seconds. If we constantly strive for continuity, our old self, the changes in our way of life and body will not remain permanent, but we will always fall back to that old situation. But if I were as caught up in the moment with lifestyle changes as I would like to be with the healing of my body, then I could change permanently for the better in seconds. How could that change be made permanent? With lifestyle and attitude change, changing values to healthier ones, and getting stuck in place with prayer... If this would help the song's journey forward on the path of learning to be a miracle healer? :)  





16. Wishful thinking as an aid to healing * Miracle Healing Guide III 2.6.2013 16. Wishful thinking as an aid to healing * Miracle Healing Guide III If at any moment you feel better than wishful thinking, that's when you've reached a good way of doing things and a good lifestyle and attitude, and you feel better for that second. The body reacts to the mind very quickly, well within a second. If you realistically think that you are not doing so well, then your way of doing things is worse and you are doing worse. The body also reacts to deterioration in the blink of an eye. Your way of doing things depends on whether you feel well or badly, whether you get better or get sick. What you thought was wishful thinking may be your path to better health brought about by wiser lifestyles. This instruction goes perfectly with the love of nature and prayer. * * * The following addition to the miracle healing instructions attempt: Often we make some kind of call to our being in the style of "I will continue but this same thing now." or when you are in pain when you feel like it comes maybe marked "This same thing continues.", i.e. should be given to the body an invitation to be a certain type, to pursue a certain career. If you want to get better, could give himself a similar exhortation to continue in line with their health image or a lighter way of living, and so on heal.

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One can comment under each blog post of mine, but the blogs are aimed for a global audience, so the comments too should be from a so general point of view, and with well workkng beautiful values.

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...