Tuesday, July 4, 2023

My very good healing blog translated to many languages

 I copy from my Finnish healing blog parantamisesta.blogspot.com : 


10th of May 2023   Google translations   translate.google.com 

Google translation of this healing blog parantamisesta.blogspot.com to English   https://parantamisesta-blogspot-com.translate.goog/?m=1&_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp

The Google translation seemed available for tens (134) of languages. A dictionary like translation seems good and understandable, so the Google translation to your own language from Finnish might already be available. If it works out, especially if one can learn the cures by reading the indexes, someone ought to copy the translated indexes and arrange them alphabetically. So you could make a translation of the whole healing blog to your language. As a book it would be over 800 pages, so it would be better as a new blog. Please start by reading the index ( not it's foreword ), so you can see, if it is possible to learn the cures just by reading the corresponding index entries with the cures concisely in them. 

My Finnish healing blog parantamisesta.blogspot.com seems to have an understandable Google translation to English. Since the subject is difficult to translate, a dictionary like translation is best. So there could already be a such translation to French etc too. Search for "Google translation", choose translating a web page, fill the above internet adress, and go to the page and wait while the translation proceeds. In the index there are healing suggestions to each illness. Think what such cure would cause, would it ease something of the kind of the mentioned illness, wound or the like. Healing by comparing with healthy ways of living, civiliced wisdom, wisdom of life, life according to feelings and music.

I am just a writer, and haven't worked in medicine or the like, only a thinker and a writer.

c21.   2nd of July 2023   It turned out that a dictionary like Google translation of my Finnish healing blog parantamisesta.blogspot.com is much better than the human like translations, since the subject is so difficult to translate. So it may be that there already is available an understandable Google translation of my healing blog, especially of it's indexes with the cure suggestions in them, to over a hundred languages. Search "Google translation" https://translate.google.com/ , choose translating an internet page, fill kn the internet address of my healing blog parantamisesta.blogspot.com , choose translating from Finnish to your language or to English, go to the blog and wait while the translation proceed while you scroll down the pages. Read especially the indexes, while other translations may get better across time. Use the search on the page feature of youf browser to find certain type of illness from the already translated index. 

3rd of July 2023   I searched for a "dictionary like trsnslation" and found some page which translates quite short pieces of text to almost any language, so at least one could propably translate interesting index entries with the healing advices in them. 


1st of August 2023   The Google translation of the index to English seemed understandable and correct, but I did not check it through. Besides, there are different teanslations in the ibternet. This one you can also buy as my book Healing 2. by Tervola, at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola or at other Amazon internet bookshops, the cost and time of the pistage differ a lot. 
From reading the index you can learn how this method of healing heals, but the numbered texts themselves are mostly translated all wrong, so take care to not to trust them. 
These healing advices aim to be parts of healthy natural ways of living and of wisdom of life. So one can follow them all at the same time to stay healthy and have healing skills, or this was the aim, maybe it succeeded. Some call such "the role of Tervola" by which they mean "a healing role" and not a person called Tervola. 

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One can comment under each blog post of mine, but the blogs are aimed for a global audience, so the comments too should be from a so general point of view, and with well workkng beautiful values.

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