Monday, July 31, 2017

Some texts translated from 400. to 500.

Not yet any translations here.

B424. Arched back and pause gymnastics 
See later in this blog For the elderly

B433. Starting breath and a picture in mind of water tubes in which flows water-air mixture  
See later in this blog Emergency first aid

 B435. Miracle cure attempt XXXIV * Solving via wisdom 
Sometimes life goes cumbersome, the perspective is not a good one, the way to approach things not a good one either. Sometimes on the other hand thinsg go well and it seems to connect with the approach having healthy spirit. One can oevrcome difficult problems with the help of religion. By investing in all wisdom and wisdom of life that you happen to have, you can survive in problems that otherwise would be too much for you. So, if you are in problems, invest in healthy ways of living, healthy spirit, thinsg making livelier, life according to feelings, moral, wishing good, praying, wisdom of life, beauty and other wisdom and rise above the situation, solve your problems with a wiser mind and only after you have well recovered by living at least somewhat wiser ways, you can return to your old course in life if you still think it is wise enough.

 B441. About recovering
  As I was knitting, it came to my mind that whether many knit when they are ill or recovering. One can look at it from at least two points of view. On the other hand it is good that one has comfortable not-so-demanding things to do in on'e own rythms and which have maybe something to show to others and to talk about. On the other hand knitting lacks any intellectrual demandingness and is so repetitive that does it make everything just like a porridge of things. Usually it isn't good to cultivate the memories of a disease, because they are nasty and maybe make one ill again, and so one needs to replace them with better life, even if it is porridge like, just nice everyday life. But on the other hand recovering seems to demand a healthy spirit, which is brought by healthy practical content to life, among others somehow clearer head and healthy kind of content to life. So does this mean that it may be good to knit a little bit but not mostly only knit, so as to not to lose some posture, clear headedmness and healthy spirit. Prefer going outdoors at least a little bit, admire the nature, take part in life, do at least a little bit of ordinary daily chores, be social, maybe read something, etc.
(Knitting tips

B448. Pains, aches and knitted horse model
See earlier post about painkiller.

 B466. A strangling feeling in the throat & pain and crying aloud
  If one does not cry when one feels like crying, brings usually a some kind of feeling into the throat, and if one feels strongly that one should now cry, it brings a pain to the throat or mouth area, to which would help to cry aloud.

28.6.2018   Crying and sometimes crying with a big noice is needed to handle sorrow. If one cries the amount that feelings and sensations say right then needed and at the same time feels the sorrow, melts the subject in one's mind trrying to find ways to live with it, then the pain which is a result of not crying when one feels teh need to cry, usually passes by feeling the sorrow for one evening and thinking with wisdom of life wiser choices.
But if one lies and cries something else than what would have needed crying according to one'as feelings, it does not necessarily help, unless one at the same time feels sorrow for that thingand melts it. Usually cring means the need to make some choise in one's life, for example stopping to do something, for example partially gioving up.
One cannot cry instead of somebody else even though one can feel the sorrow in addition to him or her. One cannot also cry exactly the same way somebody else does or like one has cried before, instead the situtaion lives and demands a somewehat different reaction each time.

 B476. General skill level on some area or group poor and reading my thinking course and my advices about developing in intelligence
I have written advices about learning good quality rationality and increasing intelligence in it, in my Finnish blog , of which one can study the thinking course in English at and some of which are on video playlists' advices about increasing intelligence at . If some area or some group has a poor general skill level, maybe if they read these links' advices about developing in thinking skills, so that that understanding would become a part of their civilized wisdom, it propably could help them to develop in thinking skills and intelligence. Advices about increasing skills in my Finnish blog . In addition one should invest in civilized wisdom and civilized behaviour.

B479. "Dementia" (nonsense like old persons?) and interesting subjects 
See earlier blog post about the elderly having grown wise 


Some texts translated from between 301. - 400.

A327. Typhoid (typhoid fever?) (problems with shit production) and a healthy kind of view of soldiers' virtues
I read from Finnish Wikipedia about lavantauti = typhoid. Headache, lack of appetite, tiredness and pains in lower back, later more tired and skin problems, fever.Later may be blood in "suoli".
That sounds like problems with shit production, that one does not know well when to shit and which substances should go to shit from the body. Shit is often in images cvonnected with nasty things, doing evil and being cynical, also to soldier like things.

A330. Skin cancer and summer as something you experience with your whole being See later blog post about cancer

A359. Altzheimer disease and lifting the level of profoundity to arts and spirituality
See earlier post about the elderly.

A367. Knee ball misplaced and images in mind about knee ball returning to it's right place & knee getting well
See earlier post about giving birth.

B393. An elderly person with poor memory starts wandering and social contacts of one's own level & a list of one's projects  
See earlier post about the elderly and wisdom 

Some texts translated from between 201. - 300.

A 241. Emergency first aid and making livelier in the middle of the body
See later in this blog Emergency first aid

A251. Malaria & tropical fever diseases and a sense of temperatures, right temperature & food
To the trembling from fever in malaria and tropical fever diseases, see the advice about having caught cold and gotten fever:
A sense of temperatures of the body and of the environment and of the heat production of the bpdy that one then needs, of cooling, of adjusting blood circulation, clothes etc, is important:
A243. Kylmettyminen & kuume ja perusteellinen lämmittely   13.1.2016 and
A240. Kuume vilustuttuaan ja oikean lämpötilan tavoittelu   9.1.2016
Cultivating the right temperature and taking care of body's energy reserves and it's need for vitamins like in the advice
128. Vilustuminen ja ihan lämpimänä pysytteleminen sekä vitamiinit  9.10.2015
In additional one should take into account differencies in cultural background in what it affects climate adaptations. Best model is someone from your own climate who has moved to your present climate and learned it well. Another good model could be local music, maybe pop music or spiritual, if the religion is the same and familiar enough.
Nature stimuli usually helps natural ability to estimate and regulate, for example a branch that one can see from the window (at the times of dark it would be in lamp light) or a green plant indoors or a flower, maybe also a beautiful dry branch or something of the kind decoration picked from the nature.

Would an indoor thermometer and it maybe with moisture meter help?

 * * *

Culd these help in tropical fever diseases at large?

See also 195. Ihmeparannusohjeyritelmä XX * Tulehdus & turvotus ja tyynnyttävä vaikute ihan terveestä kohdasta  10.12.2015

if some fever disease comes on some area especially when it is cooler or hotter tahn usually on that area, or after having been in cool or hot, then I would think that fever is a consequence of lacks in estimating the right temperature for body and of right amount of heat production in the body, the reason for which is often the empty flat walls of rooms etc looks of the build environment, to which would help tyo see a local tree through the window or it's branch of a traditional local natural tree or bush. If that isnt enough, then neighbouring areas that one often associates with friendlily but which have such weather more often, would maybe have such tree or bush species - if not otherwise, then from tv or from photograph or from postcard.

See also
A280. Dengue kuume & hyttysten aiheuttamat taudit ja ettei ajattele mitään hyttysiin liittyvää

A253. Lack of sleep and sleep & living according to feelings 
see later in this blog abotu Lack of sleep

A287. Measles and valuing liveliness
I just read about the symhtoms of measles and it came to my mind that if (a child?) values at those times more than usually indoor like, theoretical, not with healthy spirit, not connected to nature, thinking and way of living, so is unwisely investing to artificialities, would it produce such symhtoms? Maybe such view was a rumour from child to child? So then would help to value liveliness, healthy spirit, valuing healthy common sense and douptful attitude toward artificialities and to cruel or negative toward life, theoretical ways.

A270. Parkinsson disease (?) & being stuck and having many areas of life & several approaches
See earlier post about the elderly

A291. Miracle cure attempt XXV * The flow of life and symhtoms just an addition
  When I looked at the list of symhtoms of yellow fever and wondered what kind of situation could cause it, I noticed that if there comes such feelings to the ordinary flow of life via expressing feelings, social ways and way of life, it brings a picture of what kind of situation in life could cause it. And with ordinary sense of healthy spirit in things ane could suggest some cure.
On the other hand when I via gesture language discussed with my dog, I noticed that if it emphasizes the feeling of fever in some social situation or some situation of life, where there is such fever like hotness for emotional or social reasons, then if that fever is claassified as a symhtom and one looks at things in a symhtom oriented way, it appears that one is ill in the ordinary way.. If one instead would look at one's flow of life as ordinary life with quite healthy spirit and would notice that to it came such maybe too big variation, reaction or the like, then there would be the advice for getting healthy again, in other words healthy way of living as the manin idea and so one would stay healthy.

Some texts translated from between 101. - 200.

102. Eyesight gottenpoorer and running eagerly a short distance
Speedy motion with eyes open looking detailedly the grasses etc which fly by makes the eyesight better somewhat the same way as the wheels of a car bite into the asphalt. Likewise avoiding motion makes eyesight poorer across time.

Melting? food, dizziness and hot weather (lazying and hot) can make eyesight dizzier, likewise not caring attitude, clumsiness and lack of consciousness in one's social contacts and lack of wisdom of life.

From my text about healthy ways of living:
"(273.) Jos joltakulta jää järki tai suomalaiseen tapaan suuri kapasiteetti puuhata sitä sun tätä hyvällä ymmärryksellä ja miellyttävän jaksavaisesti puuttumaan, niin syynä on useimmiten kai näköhahmotuksen summittaisuus, etenkin se, ettei nähty liity ymmärrykseen kuin summittaisesti. Katsoa ei kuulu yhtä putkea vain kuin työlästä työtä vaan mielitekojen mukaan, katsomisen kiehtovuuden ja näköaistimusten miellyttävyyden mukaan, hetken sitä, sitten hellittää, siirtyä toisenlaiseen kiehtovuuteen, antaa katseensa vaellella, katsella kaikenlaista kaunista, vaikkei se niin merkittävää olisi, olla kiehtoutunut, että mitä jännän näköistä näkyy missäkin, vaikka orava puuhailemassa, jäädä pikemminkin maiseman tunnelman ja maisemassa elämisen kanssa kuin kaavamaisen kuvan."

106. Keeping up moving possibilities and physical fitness
See later blog post For the elderly

110. Cancer and eating 
See later blog post about cancer

115. Bones fragile from old age and rising to meet challenges
See later in this blog For the elderly

151. Missed heart beats and emphasizing lively energy in the limbs  
See later in this bnlog Emergency first aid

164. An attempt to paint a curing picture

I just only tried, more like searching for good luck
 More like pondering the way I have pondered short whiles in making these advices, or like when solving world's problems.

Some texts translated from between 1. - 100.

1. Who falls ill to what - and how to get well again * Miracle cure attempt 0.
Usually illnesses seem to be caused by too much strain. It depends on the person, which part of the body gets an overly burden or does any get such. The opposite of strain is to have a in healthily naturally lively body which has been perceived with a good attention with the senses open and mind open to questions of philosophy of life.
The places in the body which get an overly strain are such which are left away from your attention when you live according to your habits. So it happens that you at those places are senseless and that is why those places get strained when they are not noticed and their needs not met. One should notice the different parts of the body and meet their needs by taking care with one's whole body and way fo living to not to strain them, and in addition to make them lively in healthy ways. You recognize aplace left without attention from a heavier feeling, as if dry atmosphere which is unmoving like things learnedins school and not lively like the eyes of sporty children. The place to which you in your body-mind (in your body, in your mind for example in your way of living and in your habits and in how those effect your body by making some parts livelier and by neglecting some) lay the burden of the rest of your life in the style "Life s here, these things and those others don't matter.", gets strained and across time you can at that place fall ill, badly if the strain was big, or slightly if the strain was small.
To this would help good lively attention in the whole body, in one's way of life, in one's habits and in their possibilities for changing, in social habits etc. Then one's body doesn't get so strained, if you are not on the extremes of your forces otherwise too, when attention too often gets poorer. One gets energy froms ports (free, varied, pleasant, as much as possible), nature, healthy spirit in social relationships and meaningful thinsg to do and enough meaningful achievements. Prayer and meditation help too of course. Meditation means making one's attention better, so especially mediation connected with one's body and ways of living helps.

Obs. This is just a feeling of mine, not based on medicine.

2. Heart problems and a lively body

Heart prioblems would mostly seem to be caused by tention in the shoulder area. The lively atmospheric relaxedness of body and mind is best. Try the advice about moving in my blog !

* * *

Would the green lushness of trees and natural energetizing stimuli at large help, like with diabetes (see point 12.)

The green lushness of trees also because the country's naturaö tree species teach by their atmposphere the skill of living with the seasons, which affects blood circulation and how energetic one is. When there are no leaves in tress, the green of pines.

3. Lihavuus ja näköaistivirikkeet ja liikunta
3. Being too fat and sight stimuli and motion
Reaching for continuous good feeling is propably born of that one should kow how to enjoy looking all days long: colours may touch feelings, shapes and structures fascinate, an endless richness of nuances, experiencesof beauty and beautiful atmospheric viewpoints and of course nature's sensory richness! Also bodily sensations should be a source of countinuous pleasant feelings and an always fascinating rich subject of fascination: try the advice about way f moving in my blog !

4. Aches and movement intentions
When one moves pseedily, many naturally think of their movement intentions as some kind of lines which are from the body toward the direction of movement intention. If one pays attention to such when it is relaxed and warm and one is in a quite active mood, then there are more of those movement intention lines: people talk about auras. If one moves and keeps one's body livelily relaxedly according to those movement intentions, and not stiffly according to the seen looks of the body, then aches get mildened. Try also the advice about the way of moving in my blog !

 About aches in this blog points 4,7,31,32,33 and 58.

Advices about getting warm

5. Regeneration & getting younger
When one's own deeds are a burden for the world, the body hasn't strenght tp carry them but collapses like a sack as forceless and unable to renew itself. When one's own deeds are beautiful in their intentions and thought well enough in how they are put to practise, one feels light and gets younger as if by itself.
Our wishes, spoken in our mind with beautiful view valuing the body as a miracle, affect the way the body functions. It is as if the body heard, got younger, with sensitive beauty would care things to a good state. Especially wise in this way is the Krishna of pictures, as if with regeneration skills! If you are friendlily respecting with the pictures of Krishna, you can learn his view and some of his skills which are based on his view,like you learnm the skills of your friends whom you value. About learning talents and skills see my blog

6. Cancer and accepting only good
It seems that people who fallill to cancer, seem to be often of teh type who emotionally accept something evil near them, for example a in a way helpful mother or some other close persons who is though evil or somehow harmful to them. If one wants to get well, one shouldn't accept evil at all, not adapt to it, but instead accept only thoroughly positive things like the wild nature and natural healthy ages old ways of living on all areas of life.
see also text 48.

7. Headache and relaxed attention
When some part in a human gets a too big strain, it starts to ache in order for the human to take care to not to strain it. One needs to avoid straining with the abilities of one's whole being, also on the part of social relationships, social and emotional space, attention, etc
Headache is usually caused by too much strain on attention. Th attached picture ought to relax your way of using attention and so milden yoir headache for a moment while you look at it.

About aches in this blog texts 4., 7., 31., 32., 33. ja 58.

14.1.2017   Would this picture of a knitted horse running in an arch milden headache?

8. Giving birth and prenancy
These thoughts came to my mind from a distance.

During pregnancy one should not keep the stomach as if it were a ball that one carries around, but instead like a small furry animal, which one carefully keeps in one's hands, taking care that it should not fall andf hurt itself and that one is not cold toward it: as if it were a hamster in one's hands or a furry ball small lap dog.
During changing speed, colliding or other strain one does not keep the stomach like sports equipment bag but instead like Finnish social ways "Hi, we go now!" so that oner is reactive, caring and takes others into account in a nice way that tastes like life.
If one needs to take care, it does not go like an artifact, but instead with healthy spirit, with happy fractureless mood bringing usic like harmony and taste of life. Take care of your own needs, the needs of the baby to be, the needs of your spouce and other closest ones and your own happiness. The goal is such fractureless happy harmonic state of mind and tasting like life and feeling like sometime sin nature when one for example ina summer cottage feels nature to bring a happy way of living.
Miehistä ei voi ottaa mallia ollenkaan sillä heidän kehonsa ei ole synnyttämiseen sopivalla tavalla pidetty vaan liian jäyhä, jäykkä, kuiva ja piittaamaton. Synnytyksen lähetessä ei puolisoa saisi ottaa synnytykseen mukaan tueksi vaan hänet tulisi lähettää n. 150km päähän matkoille mökkeilemään tms., jottei häneltä tule erityisen paljon vaikutteita, muttei kuitenkaan ole niin kaukana, että nainen tuntisi eroikävää ja siksi samanlaistaisi häneen päin. Mallia (ja tukea) tulee ottaa elämänviisaista naisista, joiden oma synnytys on sujunut hyvin - ei työkoneista vaan kokemuksellisesti elävisträ tuntevista naisten tapaan elämänviisaista naisista.
One cannot coy from men at all since thier body is not kept in ways suited for giving birth, but instead rough, stiff, dry and uncaring. 
Sukulaiset eivät ole keskenään samanlaisia. Samanlaisuuden perusteella et voi ottaa mallia äidistäsi, siskoistasi tai muista läheisistäsi, vaan sinun on samaistuttava elämänviisaisiin naisiin, joilla on erinomaiset synnytykseen liittyvät asenteet ja kehoon liittyvät tavat, joista ottaa mallia.
Et voi myöskään ottaa mallia sikiöstä synnytykseen, sillä sikiä on nuori ja vailla kunnollista maailmankuvaa. Sikiö on keskittynyt omasta osuudestaan huolehtimiseen, ei äidin osuuden saamiseen oikealle tolalle. Niin kuin jokaisessa olosuhteiden huonioon ottamista ja tilanteeseen mielekkäästi reagoimista sekä sopeutumista vaativassa tehtävässä, on sinun tämäkin tehtävä itse, etrillisenä yksilönä, tuntemuksiasi herkästi seuraillen. Ole kokemuksellinen! Vältä älyllisyyttä, kuivuutta ja kehosta vieraantumista! Anna tuntemustesi sanella virittyneisyytesi eri elämänalueille ja tapasi olla kokemuksellinen, Älä pidä vastaan vaan virtaile elämäntavassasi siihen suuntaan, johon tilanne tuntuu luonnostaan kokemuksellisella ja hienoisten herkkien vaikutelmien tasolla vievän. Virtaa kokemuksen mukana siihen tapaa kuin katselet kävelyllä ohi kulkevia oksia kävelytien yllä.
Synnytys ei ole tarkkarajainen jakso, niin kuin ei päiväkään jakudu blokkimaisesti vuorokaudenaikoihin, vaan siirrytään liukuvasti raskauden vaiheesta toiseen ja synnytykseen. Kun raskauden suojelevat aivan alkuajat ovat ohi, alkaa vähittäinen liukuma kohti synnytystä. Synnytyksen ei kuulu tapahtua tiettynä ajankohtana vaan silloin kun tuo yksilöllinen sikiö sinun yksilöllisen vatsassa silloisessa yksilöllisessä elämäntilanteessasi kokee olevansa kyllin valmis ja kun sinulle olisi sopivinta. Kuuntele tuntemuksiasi, äläkä älypohjaisesti tai ennakkokäsitysten varassa laita vastaan sille, miten olosi, kehosi asento, mielenvireesi ja synnytystä edeltävä vaihe omia teitään kehittyvät.
Venyttele siten kuin kehosi tuntee oikeaksi. Ei ole liian aikaista venytellä vaikka aikaa olisi vielä paljon. Tee mikä tuntuu oikealta ja turvalliselta. Kun katselet puita ja muuta luontoa venytellessäsi, niin liikkeet sujuvat helpommin, kun mielentilasi on onnellisempi ja eheämpi, seesteisempänä jaksat laajempia liikkeitä ja ne menevät oikein pakottamattoman hyväätekevin tavoin.
Lähettänyt Kaisa Hannele Tervola

9. Poisoning and lightening & sensitive awareness
Lightness and sensitive awareness on all sides of one's being shukd be aimed at al the time, because it brings an ability to affect blood circulation and so avoid paisoning damages until the liver has had enough time to in it's own rythms get rid of the poison. All heaviness in thoughts, feelings, movements etc should be avoided, because it loses the ability to regulate blood circulation and loses sensitivity. Promise to follow this thought for tens of years, also in your life after death, and it will lighten your being: "I love good life. That is why I take cultivating good life also in the lives of others as my course in life and in the world."

10. Twisted ankleand keeping it in center position
Keep the ankle with your muscles healthily in middle of it's natural area of moving as if it were fully healthy. Avoid moving it needlessly and twisting it, and let it heal in the center position for hours, days or weeks. If you walk, support with your muscles the ankle to a good position as if you were climbing a hill with skiis. Small natural movements and sensitivity do just good if the ankle is also gi´ven time to heal in peace in center position.

11. My impression of spiritual healing * Miracle cure attempt I

( 23.2.2022   This view is mostly based on what I had earlier read about spiritual healing, mostly about reiki and iguess that across the years also from Readers' Digest. This is among the very first of myvtexts about healing. ) 

My impression of spiritual healing (and of healing by religious belief)
The one to be healed should imagine the following in his/her mind livelily so that that insight would have an as good spirit as possible: profound, ages old, making livelier, globally good wishing and beautiful, touching all sides of life, taken to heart just the most soulful versions of those sides of life, according to prayer's sensitive, lively, making livelier, calm sovereign, sensing richly landscape like view and a guide to ways of living on all sides of life and in life as a whole, according to your view on what is soulful, filled with love like on a summer day in nature on untouched shore or pleasantly active in varying sporty activity.
There exists an roiginal right way to live as such what God created us to be and what kind of life God meant us to live. All that functions is based on taht natural ages old way of life, it's parts, for example rationality is based on the remains of profound understanding of life and the world. We reach some of that right way to live when we follow the answer to our prayer sof getting to know it on all areas of life - not rigidly law like but instead listening to our heart's voice and wishng fairly the best for all living beings.
When living according to that right way to live, the body is self-repairing: the lively atmosphere of the body repairs neighbouring parts and that part itself toward perfect ages old full health and cures our whole being toward full lively fractureless health.
Just like a bent one who straightened one's back, likewise by reaching for that right way to live we can repare in our body things that otherwise would be outside our ability to repare. For example if one keeps overstretched wrist in the right centraö position, it gets easier fully cured, where natural moving is allowed but snesitively, carefully, since you have hurt the wrist. Likewise reaching with your whole way of life to right "middle" best way of life, bonding yourself to it, just like your soul says, you can repare many things that otherwise would be too squeezed to a mess and impossible to repair.
Promise to follow that right way to live 30-40 years from the present moment onwards, also in your after death lives, never erring badly away from it! Your view on the future cures too, making you feel lighter. Long term effect brings room and extra effect to recover. Across time develop your view of the right way to live so that it is more according to what soul says. Pray like you feel right in your heart and like is with pure moral heart, and not just formally.
* * *
  Stomach muscles are body's center from which big movements start and where big feelings to a large extend are located in the body. If you do not get this advice to work immediately, try to apply it to your stomach area, which is the center area of the body. From tehre the effect is easier to enlargen to your whole body and to the surrounding emotional and social space.

12. Diabetes and positive attitude toward natural stimuli
Diabetes seems to connect with the fact that the person thinks that he/she gets energy only from food, and has an attitude that other things are boring.
In reality a human being gest energy from all kind of things that belong to natural healthy way of life. Sunshine brings energy, likewise flowers and admiring the nature, animals, pleasant varied sporty motion, looking, being active ina good mood, friendly social relationships, fascinating things to do, listening to music, and so on. Aday filled witha ctivity is often a day filled with satisfied content to life, and in addition more healthy.
Positive attitude toward stimuli seems to help one who has diabetes.

So one needs more natural stimuli with healthy spirit. They bring energy like holiday, wandering in the nature, nice things to do, spending spare time with pals.  For example one can be interested in looking all kinds of beautiful and fascinating things, enjoy the charm of the weather, move a lighter step here and there. Like this preferably very many times a day, for example 1 second - a few seconds - a few minutes at a time, enjoy those healthy stimuli, the sensations they bring and use them afterwards as one's energy reserve.

13. AIDS, the weakness of immune defnce and binding to one's pair with one's whole way of life, culticating the fracturelessness of near areas
Even more vague impression than usually but:
AIDS seems to connect with having too wrong kind of pair and one is still trying to find one's right own roads in finding a pair, so that one ought not to be in so close relation ship with such a pair at all, so that one is like with occasional pairs rtaher than creating a lasitng relationship. One should invest in marriage with one's whole way of lufe, beig social like friends and comrades in life and being serious about being a pair, committing oneselfalso a couple of months into the future.
The immune defence seems to connect with who is close to one's heart and who not. For a persons with a healthy immune defence that difference is clear. Broken immune defence connects to allowing near at the same time both the present pair and new pairs to be, while one is not solidly committed by one's identity to them.

Immune defence ta large maybe generally connects with inside, near oneself, body, one's own space's fracturelessness is cultivated by oenself and takes care not to allow near such who are not healthily committed to a close relationship. So one shouöld not, for exmaple because the åresent date is not good, to allow near mnew possible date, but instead one should allow the new relationships develop naturally with their own dynamics without mixing it with the okd one, and let the old one get distance from teh routines of daily life etc if he/she is not fit to so close contanct with you.

29.10.2017   Autumn's and spring's good outdoor recreation weathers bring a sense of being separate if one is outdoors with healthy spirit and not warm via food.

18.1.2019  You must not take a new date as near and the same way as the old one, but instead each sexual relationship has to have one's own kind of place in your life, own kind of distance and own kind of relationship. Since all people are different and do not fit into a same kind of relationship, do not offer the same things the same amount. Many think mistakenly that each person has one's own style like the same artifact made of a different material, even though people have the same materials, same features in different amounts so that a different kind of whole is born with different characteriustics and good and bad sides, fitting to a different kind of social relationship, also sexual in a different way.

 14. Eyesight getting poorer via age and praying and admiring the nature
When one is older, one has already found a well working strategy of life, it works in every situation and is no longer the ups and downs of one's youngre years, of which life strategy to choose, instead now the same strategy of life works well all the time. But looking demands adapting to situations, one looks near in a different style and different attitude than to far, and also small things have to be taken into account, even though one has in life already learned what is a big thing and what s á small one. 
Usually when a person prays something, he/she wishes and adapts to sensitively to changes in style and things done, tries a more finely tuned style than usually. And I would guess that such would help the eyesight of the elderly.
The beauty of nature is good for the senses,teaches the wisdom of using the senses and a good way to use them.

15. Wounds etc get cured like a miracle * Miracle cure attempt II

A that kind of thing came to my mind yesterday. Maybe it was because I during the last a couple of yours have learned to talk with birds like one with one's friend sees his/her ways of doing as one is social, and gradually in the same way also with insects - how intelligent they are! The biigest insects have just woken up from winter dozing and started moving aroiund, the first flowers have just come. Insects have wisdom about trabsforming from work to a flying ailt and for the winter time they lower to deep dozing from which they wake to life in the spring time and cure the frost admages that came during the winter months. It seems to me that it is theior conscious process and not something that hapen unconsciously. So one can learn a lot from them about getting cured and even about waking from death.
But this is what I wrote yesterday. I just wish that many could learn that...

I noticed that bakery has thousands of calories, while fruits almost nothing and chocolade also only some 250kcal. So I must have gotten fatter from the bakery, but then I was left to wonder why haven't I noticed when I got fatter or thinner. But then I noticed something which can be very essential for the handicappeds' possibilities of recovering and getting well: When I was a child, other family member said maybe 5 minutes after having eaten bakery, that you got fatter already, it is visible. A while ago when I paid bills, I felt strained and gotten thinner even though I had only sat. When I eat fruits according to my likings, I feel at once more energitized, lively as if with the blood flow came smething which the muscles, my mood etc just longed for. A person with good enegetic mood is beautiful, and a person who is not at all motivated, looks  as if sank to a pile. When I sometimes in the kitchen burn my finger slightly insomething hot and putit under the water in cold,thinking that "whoah, did it hurt, wil it leave a scar, it is as if it had (the picture in mind affected the body at once, in a second), oh it must be nothing, and so it wasn't (the body had time to cure itself), I just was scared for a moment".
It seems that the body reacts to thoughts, feelings and atmospheres and ways fo living in seconds, in 1-3 seconds I guess.
If you really pray and wish to recover and look at then at thhandicapped part and think wishing "It is as if it had slightly gotten cured..." then you have already learned the beginning of curing skills: on that road your body knows how to cure itself! This is my impression. It is as if here were a skill yto be learned.

* * *

I sent you a few days ago the attached text about the possibility of miracle cures. After that I have been thinking of the subject more and trying to learn that skill.
Here is that text:

I noticed that bakery has thousands of calories, while fruits almost nothing and chocolade also only some 250kcal. So I must have gotten fatter from the bakery, but then I was left to wonder why haven't I noticed when I got fatter or thinner. But then I noticed something which can be very essential for the handicappeds' possibilities of recovering and getting well: When I was a child, other family member said maybe 5 minutes after having eaten bakery, that you got fatter already, it is visible. A while ago when I paid bills, I felt strained and gotten thinner even though I had only sat. When I eat fruits according to my likings, I feel at once more energitized, lively as if with the blood flow came smething which the muscles, my mood etc just longed for. A person with good enegetic mood is beautiful, and a person who is not at all motivated, looks  as if sank to a pile. When I sometimes in the kitchen burn my finger slightly insomething hot and putit under the water in cold,thinking that "whoah, did it hurt, wil it leave a scar, it is as if it had (the picture in mind affected the body at once, in a second), oh it must be nothing, and so it wasn't (the body had time to cure itself), I just was scared for a moment".
It seems that the body reacts to thoughts, feelings and atmospheres and ways fo living in seconds, in 1-3 seconds I guess.
If you really pray and wish to recover and look at then at thhandicapped part and think wishing "It is as if it had slightly gotten cured..." then you have already learned the beginning of curing skills: on that road your body knows how to cure itself! This is my impression. It is as if here were a skill yto be learned.

Her is what I thought of the subject today:
Each time that I take a step, it is of a different style by it's different parts:there is the weight steadily on the heel and leg, there I rise upwards, here an atmospheric swinging movement. It is as if my picture of my bodywere at those second different at those parts, so it changes really quickly. When I go to front of the mirror and look that I have a sloppy posture and some stomach too, and then I try somewhat more, that wat if I would pull my srtomach somewhat in and were more sporty, would it help? And immediatrely it seems that it affected in a second or two. Then when I some moments look there that what if I could succeed this way, I lose then interest and my posture gets sloppy again: old looking, I wasn't so uninterested and sloppy when coming to the mirror. Just insecondsVARIES THE MOOD AND LOOKS ACCORDING TO IT. When I see people I know on different times, they have been dping different things, been in different company and their way of being active is different, even their looks seem to have varied according to the style, do my eyes lie, do I make an error in percpetions according to the moods of teh situation? No, instead they change from second to second according to their mood then and according to their way of being active then...
So one could cure one's body in a second or two, if one only could get it to stay cured and notwhen remembering the old create the old faults into it in a second or two. If we continually reach for continuity, our old self, the changes in our body and ways of living do not stay but instead one always faals to the old situation. But if one were in changes of ways of living as eager to grasp the moment as I wish to be with the ability of my body to cure itself, I could make a lasting cange for the better already ins econds. But how could one make such change a lasting one?By changing one's way of living and one's attitudes, by changing values to more healthy in spirit, and fixing it to place by prayer...
Could this help some distance forward on the way to learning to be a miracle curer? ... :)

16. Believing in wishes to be real helping getting healed * Miracle cure attempt III
If at some moment you feel that you are better, as if it were believing in wishes, then right then you have reached a good way of doing and good ways of living and good attitude and so youreally are better that moment. The body reacts to the mind very quickly, well already in seconds.
If you then think realistically that you do not in reality feel so well, then right at that moment your way of doing is worse and so your health is worse too. The body reacts also to things getting worse in seconds.
It depends on your way of doing, are you better or worse, do you get healthy agaisn or fall ill. What you thought to be believing in wishes, could be your road to better health brought by wiser ways of living.
This advice fits very well together with love of the nature and praying.

* * *
To my miracle cure attempt the following addition:
 Often we do to our being a some kind of encouraging command of the style like "I continue this same now." or when one is ill and listens to how one feels, one maybe marks "This same would continue.", in other words one happens to give the body an encouraging command to be of a certaiun kind, to continue on some course. If one wants to get healthy, one could give oneself the same kind of encouraging command to continue along one's idea of healt or along lightened ways of living, and so get healthy.h

17. Flu and quick inpirating rythms of life
When a flu begins, slow exhausted rythms of life seem to make one fall ill and quick light wide open inspirating rythms of life, in which alread in a second or even quicker can open some new thing in life and on the next seconds still new ones, these quick light well understanding rythms in the flow of life seem to bring sensitivity to live each moment like is best right then, and so stay healthy.

Instructions on how to get warm

See also point 128. if you are cold or have just been cold

27.1.2017   Can it be that when one falls ill with a flu, one without noticing it oneself, copies from some close by person's way of living, rythm of life, mood, way of being active etc, and so things do not go along their ordinary courses, instead one has somehow different rythm, mood, is clumsy, fails often since one does not go along one's ordinary routes iand is somehow unsuited for one's normal life?
Does it come from thinking: "If I now am in a flu, my closest ones will help me, bring food, fruits, tea and other daily chores" so that oe then leans on them and goes consequently along their habitual routes, while one's own skills would shoe the road to healthy ways of living, staying healthy and getting well?

17.5.2017   Flunssaisesta jotenkin olettaa, että hänen pitäisi haistaa jotakin, että haistaminen jotenkin aukaisisi röörit. Voiko olla, että hajuaistin turtumus onkin nuhan syy eikä toisin päin? Hajuaistin turtumus on jotakin samantapaista kuin urautuneen insinöörisuuntautuneen seuran tuoma urautuneisuus ja turtuus, arjen peruselämisen sekä työnteon tasolle jääminen. Olisiko flunssaisena kiinnitettävä huoniota siihen, ettei vain kukaan tuttava ole ollut tuohon tapaan urautunut ja seurana, ai ainakin että laskee sosiaaliseen ympäristöönsä myös muita tekemisentapoja, esim. taiteellisia kiinnostuksenkohtaita ja arkijärkeä, joka ei ole kiinalaismaisen persutasoa palikkamallisesti. Jotta haistaisi taas, urautumien ulkopuolisilta lähestymistavoiltaan, ja kenties siksi paranisi helpommin, viisaammalla tavalla. Voiko osa flunssasta olla urautuneisuutta, esim. jokin perheenjäsen jää perustasolle urautuneesti, kun katsoo flunssaisen kaipaavan yksinkertaisempaa peruselämää, mutta se viisaasti kuten taiteessa ja terveissä elämäntavoissa on eri asia kuin insinöörimäisen urautuneesti.Lähettänyt Kaisa Hannele Tervola

18. About giving birth
A good way to handle unusually demanding task is to be like one who watches from a side, like a woman who in a party sits in a corner of a sofa and listens and watches as others talk. The body, life at the level of experience and feelings arewise and take care of giving birth.

Sopiva tukihenkilö synnytykseen voisi olla jostakin aidosti allekirjoittamastasi harrastuksesta tai kiinnostuksenkohteesta vanhempi nainen, joka on samoin harrastunut, mukava, elämänviisas ja kokeneempi sekä keholtaan rento, elämänmakuinen ja tunteva. Naisen ei tarvitse olla tuttu, vaan voisi ihan vain synnytyksen vuoksi mennä kysymään häneltä apua.

Katso kohdat 8., 18. ja 60.
Lähettänyt Kaisa Hannele Tervola

19. Dddiahorea of babies and mom should watc trees
Diaorea od babies might be a consequence of the mom thinking of human relationshipos too much like indoors and build environment. Maybe it would help if the mom would make a habit of watching trees while thinking of social things and also pick then the routes that feel most natural ways to be social.

20. Waking up an unconsicous person and seneitive complex movements
Could onesucceed, if you woiuld take the hand closer to you of the unconscious  person by the finger tips of it's longest fingers, without pressure, just a light touch, warm, open-mindedly sensitive, and would wait in a lively relaxed atmosphere a couple of minutes touching so warmly peacefully, but not stiffly, letting her/him wake up in one's own ways?
If one feels heavy, it is often in the middle body and connected with clumsiness. The movements of the torso are often big, heavy and clumsy. The outer reaches of the body instead move lightly, sensitively, in complex ways and expressions. By emphasizing the outer reaches of the body one maybe would reach lightness, sensitivity and complex wisdom of life with which to wake up.

21. Waking from death (and coma?) - lighten with your whole way of life, start a new life

Would the same help to waking from coma?
Sometimes close relationships are so difficult to bear that they are a burdewn for the ill. That is why the closest ones aren't always the best for this task. Instead sometimes it may be the time to take distance from the old relationsiphs.

22. Parantumisen alkeita * Ihmeparannusohjeyritelmä IV
22. Basics of getting healthy again * Miracle cure attempt IV
Tallainen vaikutelma.
This kind of impression.

When one is ill, one often imagines one's wound or illness in one's mind and pauses to listen to it: where was it, of there yes. So one has first an image oof the illness in one's mind, then one listens to one's body as if commanding that make now the ilnness there, then a good sign for the body when one has the illness and then last say that I will now continue this same here.

So when one's feelings of wellbeing change from moment to moment or at least change a lot already in a second, so that the mind commands the body with th ehelp ofi images in mind, so theperson himself or herseöf creates one's own illnesses. This method of creating them reminds me of god's creation work. That propably isn't a coincidence but instead it is the same kind of pohenomena here, intentionally we create some situation in the reality.
So one should pay attention to this and create only health: give the ideal health as an instruction for the bvody, and give if there is even a second of such, a good sign for the body, and then continue along those lines when just now is good.
I guess that that error is born in childhood, when there is some wound or the like and mom does not find it and the child seems to behave as if there were no such harm, even though it is so big that it needs care, so mom comands that imagine now the part of the body in your muind, where in it the harm is, what kidn of, decribe, good. I guess that one should suggest to describe how th body part is healthy, feels well, and thank you, good so.

Could one think based on this that medical doctors' skill to heal connects with them having from their education a strong idea of the structure and functioning of the body? If one would have another kind of picture, maybe one would get cured other roads, like via religion.

This presupposes Miracle cure attempts II and III.

23. Kuinka Tervola-nimi opettaa parantamisesta
23. How the name Tervola = "healthy" teaches about healing
Name Tervola refers to health: both health of ways of living and health of the world in every respect.  So it serves as a note of these important values in life.
Kun ihmiset lisäksi ovat tarkkasilmäisiä ja huomaavat, mihin aihepiiriin kanssaihmiset ovat kulloinkin keskittyneet, ja kääntävät sen tapaisen puolen itsestään tähän päin, niin Tervola-nimi voi luoda kantajalleen paremman mielikuvan terveydestä, osin muidenkin ihmisten näkemysten tuella. Osin on kyse pelkistä vaikutelmista ja osin omasta elämäntavasta ja elämänkokemuksen sen myötä tuomasta viisaudesta.
Tervola-niminen oppii siis terveistä elämäntavoista. Niihin hän vaistomaisesti tulee verranneeksi muidenkin elämiä. Jos joku on sairas ja terveiden elämäntapojen kannalta pahoin erehtynyt jossakin asiassa, niin heti tulee huomanneeksi, että tuossa hän ainakin on pielessä ja sen voisi hän korjata noin, jolloin ei ainakaan sen puolesta sairastuisi.
Terveet elämäntavat voivat myös olla keventävä elävöittävä voima verrattuna ei-niin-terveisiin elämän tottumuksiin. Kuin appelsiinimehun elävöittävä vaikutus juuri appelsiinimehua kaipaavalle.
Myösparantamisesta voi syntyä tuollainen vaikutelma, jos ihmiset kääntävät parantamistaitoiset puolensa minuun päin siksi, että sekin tuntuu Tervola-nimen synnyttämän vaikutelman vuoksi olevan elämäni teemoja.
Lähettänyt Kaisa Hannele Tervola

24. Ebola ja arvostava asenne elefantteihin / elävöittävän kauniisti soivat virret
24. Ebola and a repecting attitude toward elephants / beautiful religious hymns
In our local newspaper Itä-Savo there was a picture of African medical doctors who care for the ebola patients in Africa. It brought as an association to my mind that arespectfula ttitude toward elephant or not knowing anything about elephants could cure from ebola. To not to value fine, clearly seen big, slow enough to be understood, old enough and a power factor in one's living enviornment, is somehow mistaken,unrealistical and from it follows some kind of "what? huh?" reaction of the body with flu and inner bleeding - maybe similat to our autumn flu after insects died or sank to doze the winter: all food rpoduction and a feeling of the summer is based on the insects, there is reason to value them. So one's attitude toward elephants should to be similar to Finnish environmentalists toward bigger furry animals and birds: valuing, respecting their wisdom, wishing well for them, respecting thie ropinions, reaching for harmonious coexistence.

Ebola appears to be a flu worsened by depression about hod bad the possibilities for life are in the society, like a young adult not yet found his or her place in the society depressed about stuck satisfied older bosses,teachers etc, about the living conditions they made for him/her. The flu worsened by depression is made worse by the hot climate's bacteria everywhere which bring the inner bleeding. Better society, civilized books, religion's beautifu curing view. How religious hymns sometimes sing very beautifully, a little bit like the summe rhymn, could maybe cure from ebola.

7.2.2016 I read from somewhwre in the net about the symphtoms of African bleeding fevers, and I thought they resemble as if somebody else's near the ill used schooled perspective weretoo dominant and too stupid and too clinical, negative to life, not open-minded, and maybe valuying too much antiseptic, but I do not know that for sure.

25. Vanhusten pergamentti-iho ja viherkasvien rehevyys
25. Pergament like skin of the elderly and the green of plants on window
To the thin easily broken pergament like skin of the elderly would maybe help to have green plants on window.

If pergament skin is caused by medicine that is for the alienation of the elderly, maybe the alienation is because the life skills of the elderly would already be enough for repairing away the biggest compulsions of the younger ones' lives and to spreading information etc practical thngs to do n that, for example school, too hard working life, tough world, human relatio nships not working out, difficulties in getting room for one's feelings and wishes - and that is why the elderly get alienated from the sufferngs of the younger ones, when they appear unrealistical, since there after all is the religion etc, but how to teach those skills of the elderly to the younger ones?

Green plants on window are good but also the atmosphere of pine branches, I mean the atrmosphere around the green parts of pines when it is sunshine, is a good model of how to live with the weather, which is a quaéstion of skin too, of healkthy way to live with the skin. Senses open, active, friendlily social, sporty (good aura). A lot like a squirrel.

23.8.2017  At least younger ones' skin seems to long for summer time lake water, preferably warm days' than cool days' water. Masybe also summer time rain water on skin. An dto some degree also shower in ways that feel good, witho soap or shampoo.
24.8.2017 But cold lake water works too, better than rain water.

26. Joint problems and motion
If one does not move at all, the muscles get weaker and so they do not support the joints as well as earlier when one was fit, and so the joints feel as if not spirited and as if somehow used, old on young too. But if one then exercises, teh muscles get stronger and support the joints better and so the joints gewt a good spirit, nice feeling and move withotu problems, are like new.

"Here a piece of advice that I have made and that makes happier, suits all and increase sports talents:

"Do not make plans about how to move but decide each second and each fraction of a second anew what right now feels like the best idea about where to move, how to move, in which style, in which attitude, in which mood, with how much eager interest and quickness resulting from that or relaxed awareness or emotionally motivated force,... So you change all the time, your plans change and you learn to pick each fraction of a second just the things that you like best right then to be your goalsetting right then in practice in your movements. So you feel happy and fulfilled. Be wary of boredom and habits."

After maybe a dozen non-stuck attempts and experience brought by them this advice about way of moving generalizes to advice about life on other areas of life, and helps you to reach your best all the time, or almost. So you are not left at the level of your starting situation in quality but instead reach your dream style in yourt daily life."

Physical fitness rises gradually, first one gets used to having motion in one's life, then one tris more speedy ways of moving and then starts having such as hobbies.
At first one gets tired from motion, it can take a few days to rest, even if it wasn't so strenous. But afterwards one can move ordinarily, and if one has similar starin again, one recovers much lighter. Gradually pf´hysical fitness gets better and one gets a wish to be active and enjoys moving. One does noty need to move in nasty ways but instead one should move like is good for the body. This and that sporty activity is good but so are sports hobbies ytoo if one picks what one likes.

27. Uskomaton yritys (videolla ihmeparantumistaitoinen brittimies?)
27. Amazing attempt (on a video a British man with miracle cvure skills?)
In a magic show it seemed as if a man knew this miracle cure trick, and quickly!
But it is just a guess, he did not claim anything.
But circus level style though, so that he can have lots of skills, but maybe not this, not surely at leasdt.

Miracle cure attempts in thsi blog 1., 11., 15., 16., 22., 27., 29., 34., 43., 46., 47., 52., 57., 59.

28. Aivoveritulppa, migreeni ja Alaskan seitin loiset
Aivoveritulppaan ja migreeniin voisi auttaa raakana pakastettu Alaskan seiti, ei liian kypsäksi keitettynä mutta ihan ok kypsäksi kai kyllä.

Siis raakana pakastetun "Alaskan seiti"-nimisen kalan loiset, paljain käsin koskien osin sulanutta pakastekalaa. Alaskan seiti on kylmän seudun kala ja siksi sen loiset voivat olla hyvällä tuulella ja auttavaisia suomalaisen kehonlämpötiloissa. Heti kalaa koskettuasi rukoile tai toivo, pyydä ystävällisesti mielessäsi, että pienet ystävät avuliaasti tervehdyttäisivät pääsi verenkierron yms korjaisivat ihan terveiksi.

31.8.2016 Jähmeitä rasvoja ruokavaliossa tulisi välttää.
Katso myös kohta 12. Sokeritaudista: tervehenkinen toimeliaisuus voisi olla hyväksi aivoveritulpassakin.
12. Sokeritauti ja positiivinen asenne luonnollisiin virikkeisiin  20.1.2013

10.10.2016  Mieluusti pyydä kauniisti ja rukoile, että pienet ystäväiset korjaisivat pää ja koko kehon verenkierron, ja kehon muutenkin, jos osaavat, sillä voihan veritukoksia olla muuallakin

14.1.2017   Aivoveritulpan kaltaiset oireet mutta lievempinä, aivoveritulpan vaara kuin olisi syönyt liikaa leivonnaisia ym rasvaista ja se tuntuisi päässä tokkuraisuutena. Niin niihin auttaisi kai harrastaa sellaista vaativuuttaan paljon energiaa kuluttaaa ja oman aikansa vaativaa, mikä on jotenkin ylentävää ja pullakahvin arvoista kuten taide, uskonnosta oppiminen, luonnon viisaudesta oppiminen ja keskioikea kuten terveet ikiaikaiset elämäntavat, yhteisön hyvä toiminta ja tervehenkisyys vanhojen hyvien aikojen tapaan.

20.3.2017   Aivoveritulppa tai sydäninfarkti on kuulemma usein seurausta siitä, että esim. jaloissa on verenhyytymiä, klimppejä hyytynyttä verta, joka sitten liikkeelle lähtiessään kulkee sydämen tai aivojen kautta ja saattaa aiheuttaa niihin tukkeuman. Hyytymiä kuulemma muodostuu, kun ihminen on paljon paikoillaan. Eli terveemmät liikunnallisemmat elämäntavat auttaisivat muttei kai yht'äkkiä aloitettuina vaan liukuvasti liikunnan määrää kasvattaen. Esim. ihan paikoillaan pidettyjen jalkojen sijasta voisi liikutella niitä hieman, vähän kuin tanssiaskelin, edes istuessaan, niin ehkei veri niin helposti hyytisi,muttei myöskään lähtisi isoja klimppejä yhtäkkiä liikkeelle.
Katso 114. elämäntapamuutokset ja liikunnallisuus viieässä, tms?
Lähettänyt Kaisa Hannele Tervola

29. Miksi käsitys tautien aiheutumisesta jää tavallisesti hämäräksi
Katselin tässä naistenlehteä ja siinä oli paljon ihonhoitotuotteiden
mainoksia, mikä on pielessä, sillä talvi-iho johtuu siitä, että iho on
kylmennyt liikaa. Ihon pitäisi olla ihan lämmin, reippaasti liikkuvan
ihmisen iho talvellakin. Eli tuossa myös on vaivan hoito ihan väärän
Ja kun kirjoitin tuota lämmittely sisätiloissa- aiheista
niin siinä tuli mieleen, että jos etelämaalainen ei
tunne Suomessa olevan kylliksi pöpöjä, niin ne eivät ole kadonneet
suomalaisiulta vaan niiltä, joiden iho ja keho ovat viilenneet ihan
liikaa, tai jotaka käyttävät ytyjä etelämaalaisia puhidstusaineita
Eli ei kummassakaan vaivassa vaivan katseleminen johda ratkaisuun,
joka olisi luontevin, vaan on ymmärrettävä terveitä elämäntapoja
laajemmin. Luulen, että käsitys tautien synnystä jää hämäräksi tästä
samasta syystä: tautien oletetaan syntyvän saman elämänelueen
rasituksesta kuin millä vaiva näkyy, vaikka oikeasti syynä on jonkin
toisen elämänalueen elämäntapojen tasapainosta poikkeaminen.

Ihmeparannusohjeita tässä blogissa 1., 11., 15., 16., 22., 27., 29., 34., 43., 46., 47., 52., 57., 59.
Lähettänyt Kaisa Hannele Tervola

30. Sydämen kammiovärinä ja lihaksisto
Jos sydän lyö huonosti, joko rytmihäiriö tai kammiovärinä, siihen voisi oikean rytmin tehdä lihaksisto. Vie oikea käsi oikean kyljen luota takaviistoon sivulle ehkä 30cm, ja juuri silloin kun liike on valmis, aloita vasemman käden vastaava liike vasemman kyljen luota etuviistoon sivulle. Käytä liikkeisiin myös keskivartalon lihaksia kuin siirtäisit jotakin aika painavaa, vaikkapa ruokakaupan kassia (ei siis kädestä roikottaen vaan kassin sivulta painaen). Jos makaat tai muuten et voi tehdä liikkeitä vapaasti, tee ne eläytyen mielikuvituksessasi, siis kaksi käden heilautusta sydämelle rytmiä ja liikettä tuomaan, myös keskivartalon lihaksia käyttäen kuin liikuttaisit käsiäsi oikeasti jonkin verran. Tee liikkeet sydämelle hyvältä tuntuvalla tavalla sydämelle hyvältä tuntuvalla rytmillä. Arvaus on, että käsien liikkeet veisivät kumpikin sekunnin tai kaksi.
Älä ajattele näitä vasaraniskun tapaisina konemaisina juttuina, vaan hyväntahtoisena sydämen auttamisena ja tsemppaa jälkikäteen, että kunpa sydän nyt lähtisi lyömään hyvin.
Lähettänyt Kaisa Hannele Tervola

42. Blood cancer, other illnesses of the blood and being with things that make more alive, livelier 
see later blog post about cancer

48. The spreading of cancer and images about health
see later blog post about cancer

93. "Kaihi" (= poor eyesight of the elderly, amy result in blindness) and as a cure liveliness
see later blog post For the elderly


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Illnesses of the elderly seem to be caused by having grown wise

I try to translate here some illnesses of the elderly. Such seem generally have been caused by the elderly having grown wise.

A270. Parkinsson disease (?) & being stuck and having many areas of life & several approaches

I met in the news a mentioning of Parkinsson disease and it's symphtoms reminded me of an old man who relies overly much on his education, work, profession and it's younger male colleagues or to some other who are likewise stuck to stiff habits. As one ages one usually learn one's job better and in a way grows out of it. but if one has valued one's job, one maybe wants to invest in it  still, but it does not carry as well as the ordinary level of skill of the elderly, instead work is by it's general skill level poorer, which causes unsureness (trembling hands) when one invests to it, and makes one's views more narrow and makes one stuck to more simple skill level than what it would otherwise be, which is seen in other actions getting slower and movements clumsy. So one would need several areas of life and not just the old work, and more open-mindedly getting along with several different subjects and their ways of doing and their viewpoints, and not only stuck to work (or remembering work or keeping company to the younger who continue in the job), and common sense like ways to think and getting wiser from one's whole experiuence of life and not largening the egos of the younger or the like: across years one learns lots of things and good so.

The thinking course I made would maybe suit here too to bring easiness of doing and a non-stuck rationality:

See maybe also A256. Käsien tärinä ja omaa ikäluokkaa olevat hoitajat yms   20.1.2016

If the reason for being stuck is that oe does not have money but work brought money, it is essential to live according to how much money one has, forexample that there are as many rooms in the apartments as persons who continually live there, or that one does not give money to people who work if one oneself dies not have much money.

A359. Altzheimer disease and lifting the level of profoundity to arts and spirituality

As people get older they usually learn new skills. From teh old skill level of the demands of work one develops to artistic and spiritual, which means much bigger amount of profoundity, complexity and abiltiy to social observations. On teh other hand oen has gotten bored of the old work perspective and skill levels like that and now latest grows past them and would not have the energy to work in them but is in them like a burn out, low energy, absent-minded, short term memory weak, wandering to other subjects, interested in bigger wholes and especially in other things with more content. Then weakens also the ability to follow boring long advices which do not have insight, like for example following the letter of the rules instead of their spirit, conversations on too low level of understanding, conversations without insight, small matters of daily life which usually would demand a note, things done by others that are on skills at low level, too atheistical views, human situations in which others do not have social eye trained by arts, etc.
If new perspectives do not fascinate but are too elementary, rememberinga nd living in the middle of them gets weaker, since they are not one's own world but empty words only. A bigger level of skill brings the role of a teacher which after some time of experience changes one's way of talking toward telling tales: one talks really big things as if they were nothing special. One also understands differencies in the level of skill and in types of people and avoid social problematic situatrions and wnats to build wiser life.
If one is forced to do basic things together with others, one wouldnot have the energy tp pay good attention to every detail, when one oneself can in a few seconds figure out many ways to do such things. And so one forgets such things like where one did put some thing, or the like, and there are other things in one's mind, or lackof well being caused by lack of motion, so that one needs to cultivate well being in other ways. If one is blaimed for these and put to eat medicine or otherwise restrict life now or in the future, it makes one feel bad, sad, depressed, desperate, alienated, argumentative and angry, communication gaps, unfriendly style, unsensitive and so one's practical skill get poorer. If feeling bad gets so big that it makes one lose the skill to explain how others can do such evil things to an elderly person, it can even lessen the skills of walking and talking.
Because an elderly person doesn'tdo much just basic things at a basic level, others do not recognize so easily what he/she does, and so others do not turn toward him/her the same side, same type of thing done, and so some things that earler were clearly in sight may be lost from sight, which makes social relationships more difficult especially with the younger age groups.

 14. Eyesight getting poorer via age and praying and admiring the nature
When one is older, one has already found a well working strategy of life, it works in every situation and is no longer the ups and downs of one's youngre years, of which life strategy to choose, instead now the same strategy of life works well all the time. But looking demands adapting to situations, one looks near in a different style and different attitude than to far, and also small things have to be taken into account, even though one has in life already learned what is a big thing and what s á small one. 
Usually when a person prays something, he/she wishes and adapts to sensitively to changes in style and things done, tries a more finely tuned style than usually. And I would guess that such would help the eyesight of the elderly.
The beauty of nature is good for the senses,teaches the wisdom of using the senses and a good way to use them.

B479. "Dementia" (nonsense like old persons?) and interesting subjects 
Luin netistä dementiasta. Listaan tähän tekstin viereen selityksiäni:
I read from the internet about demntia. I list here next to the text my explanations:
By dementia is meant a state in which person's intellectual and brain functioning have smallened restricting him/her social survival. It can be caused by central nervous systm problems, lack of nutritients, poisonings or medicines.
 To the memory problems in dementia it is tyical difficulty to learn new things and to recall to mind what one has learned earlier.   - If earlier work created better posture to one's day and to one's actions, bringing speed and quality, then when work was left away, the habits of daily life do not carry as well, but instead one would need something of the kind but maybe more part time.
Memory problem alone does not mean that the person would have a beginning dementia. The ability to remember names and places gets weaker on all as they get older, without it being a memory illness.   - lack of interest, the fact that chores in daily life are easy to do absent-mindedly and get repeated almost as exactly alike every day every year or the like
Also work like memory gets unvoidably weaker as people age, which means that it is difficult to keep many thiungs in mind at the same time.   - If one does not have work which would bring practise and if one does not look at the nature and life around, take part in them, then visual perception ability gets weaker while one sits indoors, gets more elementary, wisdom weakens.
To Altzheimer disease it belongs that memory of recent things gets weaker and the learning of new things gets difficult. What was just talked about or agreed about does not get recalled even if one would remark on it by something on that direction.   - too noninteresting surject for the old person, try a much more demanding and profound subject
One does not recall a recent visit to a shop.   - see above
Tasks that formerly seemed easy, do not work out, like turning on washing machine does not succeed.   - sadness, depression, horror, worry about one's own future, agitation toward dry advicing perspective which does not mention anything important in life but only a machne or the like
Repeating same questions or stories is a sign of a beginning memory illness.   - If one is more interetsed in the subject than in communicating it to others who do not understand it well but to whom one needs to explain basics, then one maybe does not pay attention to whether one already explained it or is one only planning to explain it.
In addition to memory problem it is typical to dementia that the content of speech gets smaller (afasia)   - lack of interest, a task that is ok for the other isn't demanding at all for oneself but just technocal, only work without being demanding enough and enough profound thinking, without touching life, wrong level of difficulty that is
difficulty to dress and to succeed on motorics of moving (apraksia)   - sadness, depression, being shocked, doing against one's own will, not motivated to where we are going, with whom and what to do there
and to understand what one sees (agnosia)   - conflicts with one's spouce or with care personnel or interest elsewhere
The ability of a person with dementia to plan daily things to do, to understand wholes and to understand metaphors in language has weakened   - conflicts about how to use the day, what to do and what to not to do, what the participants are like, etc
Especially to more difficult dementia connects usually different kinds of behaviour problems"   - conflicts, communication gaps, need for enough room for oneself, caretaker tired, having own wishes and dreams but a social position like that of a child

B393. An elderly person with poor memory starts wandering and social contacts of one's own level & a list of one's projects
I have now for some three years lived in an apartment building where there live quite many elderly persons, and so I have gotten influencies of some of that way to live: having arts hobbies, especially painting, and religion and search for better solutions to old problems which disturb people's lives when they are younger. So some skills rapidly increase but at the same time some old things to do and old fimiliar ways to do get either dropped away or to a much smaller use and that alienates from one's old familiar perspective and old familiar way to live. This alienation is increased by new solutions: one is nolonger in the odl problems, amids old forcing environment, going just one course, instead one does well in the tasks like the old tasks and learns them quickly: what earlier would have been a project of months, is maybe successfully done in five minutes and already past. So one's own perspective changes amazuingly: One starts a new fascinating thing, learns, can it well, gets bored and goes away to find something new to do. Memory works usually best as a work like memory inside one perspective and on picture of the world, but to new skills it is typical that they demand a change in one's picture of the world, one's way of doing and one's way of living, which is ok if one remembers the project well, but if one has forget a few projects or even hundreds of projects in between, then one's perspective seems to change uncontrollably. Tta is why it would be good for oneself to make a list of one's projects lately, making it like a diary but with short expressive language so that from a different perspective and different way of life it is easy to reach a point of view of what and why and what was it like. Likewise, if one has learned to be more skilled in human relationships ja the people you meet have more experience of life and talk deeperly meaningful things compared to times younger, then meeting them is like diving into different pictures of the world, skills and ways of living. Maybe of the most impressive of those and their most impressed features you would need a list too, and if daily chores are not interesting but have changed everunow and then, then maybe with a oen of different colour about the daily life something too, from which one can find that I lived here, why, who are the persons with certain names, etc. Also if a person gets bored or something is too intellectually demanding and drops out of the memory, tehn social contact of one's own skill level would be improtant, so it can mean changing where one lives and intentionally chosen different company in your days, without pouring some burden upon them, for example upon one's spouce.
 On the other hand, many projects, big and small, can be fitted to be parts of the same landscape like view for example like one's social eye observes the people one knows or who live in the same society and at the same time in the same way as the flow of sensory perceptions for example while walking in the town is rich way of life which you can well observe, to which you can refer to, even though it has many things at the same time, for example lots of people. But this demands that the daily life isn't flat, dozed, destroyed by horror ("We have a time for you to meet the doctor." when the person is much more interested in religion and would not want to see the doctor without one's own wish to do so, but nasty persons froce him/her to see the doctor with al kinds of monsters which they figure out for fun ( part of the time they are causing concretical damage like a poison like medicine in food or adding a social contact that leads toward worse illness or then lies which cause small things to be claimed huge diseases which theyir gang then causes), intellectaully low level, without sensory stimuli or the like, but instead the daily life should be with healthy spirit, like for example  and

About giving birth / knee ball misplaced

(12th of January 2024   I wrote basic advices about quick natural painless birth, mother and newborn healthy and happy, see .)

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Here is a piece of advice about getting misplaced knee ball back to it's right place. I do not know if it works. But if it does, it could help in giving birth without problems (1. July 2018:  It may take only a minute to give birth this way and be painless, without problems, so be prepared to give birth right then when you read it or have just read it.). So I translate it too:

A367. Knee ball misplaced and images in mind about knee ball returning to it's right place & knee getting well

If knee ball has gotten misplaced, or maybe also if some other joint has done similar, or maybe also in giving birth the baby's coming to the world, then it would maybe help to try along the lines of my miracle cure attempts: an image in mind about the knee ball returning to it's right place - as if one made by a hand a cave or a tunnel to snow on the ground, like a medusa (soft sea creature like half a ball with threads hanging, changing it's whole shape to move) or a ball of buff plastic?? (of which furniture paddings are made, easily giving in and changing shape) or body tissue that gives in but later returns to it's shape around the place would give way, along which the knee ball, or whatever, would return to it's place.
And afterwards all to right places, an image of getting healthy again, of growing to fractureless unified, as an advice to the body somewhat as if one said "quickly, sportily now".

In giving birth there is the good side compared to wounded knee that babies are supposed to come that road to the world. So if one succeeds in opening the birth channel very well, then birth could happen very quickly and well, without problems or need to rely on the skills of one's spouce (who hasn't usually prepared for giving birth all his life).

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15th of October 2023   See E994. at which is in Finnish

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10th of November 2023   "Giving birth, mother and newborn baby healthy and happy" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola

You could try translating (for example ) from Finnish to English the following pages :

The following is the best of my advices about giving birth. The first link's version is my own translation of the first advuce, which though seems on the spiritual side marked as too quick, one does not almost notice it, it does not give a feeling of having given birth, it is more like a miracle healing advice only.

The next text ought to have first the Finnish originals of the same pieces of advices and after them later advices about opening the birth channel, which seems to have given happy healthy mother and a baby and felt like giving birth.

About tge possibility of the baby learning to tace care of giving birth and being born.

Afterwards (if there is bleeding or some other need of adapting to chikd having born)

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There are about a thousand entries in my blog and some entries have a few additilnal healing advices, so in practice there are well over a thousand healkng advices in the blog, miracle like healing advices that is. In the books where the blog is as printed there are some 1450 pages. There exists an ok dictionary like translation of tge index, so one can get some idea of what kinds of healing advices these are. But otherwise the translation is a big problem. In additiln to the translating from Finnish to other languages, there are the cultural and climate differencies in ways of living, values, undersranding, ways of communicating, living environment, etc. And a surprising major influencing factor is that all places do not want healing advices, since they do not have healing as a value, as a goal in the society. So one ought to translate for cultural areas that want healing advices. And in any case, like in school's individual practise translations, the end result of the translation reflects the views, values, ways of living, skills and knowledge of the translator, so he/she is the Author of the end result and has the copyright for it and so can also sell the texts and keep the money, while the original Finnish text is just one of the sources. 

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Blog Women's skills taught for men


21st of November 2023   These advices are from a civiliced country, where the skills of living the four seasons matter a lot. For the people in the tropics I have written the advice about variation, but I do not know if it is enough. 

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11.1.2025   Advices in English about GIVING BIRTH and about how a baby could learn in one's mother's stomach before being born and help in giving birth : 

Painkiller: just look at this picture of a horse

Translating some very few points in teh long text

I can try to translate some of the advices but egnerally when I try to translate more, after a while my work habits get poorer and so I lose the ideas in the text and so the translations cannot convey what was in the Finnish original.

This one is my favourite:

The text has been moved to

About healthy ways of living, a link

Helathy naturaö ages old ways of living are very good for health. See my (very long list like )text about them and healthy ways of doing things .

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I translate here the point 12. from my blog about curing attempts to illnesses and the like, since I think that this is a good advice for keeping healthy and recovering at alrge!

12. Diabetes and positive attitude toward natural stimuli
Diabetes seems to connect with the fact that the person thinks that he/she gets energy only from food, and has an attitude that other things are boring.
In reality a human being gest energy from all kind of things that belong to natural healthy way of life. Sunshine brings energy, likewise flowers and admiring the nature, animals, pleasant varied sporty motion, looking, being active ina good mood, friendly social relationships, fascinating things to do, listening to music, and so on. Aday filled witha ctivity is often a day filled with satisfied content to life, and in addition more healthy.
Positive attitude toward stimuli seems to help one who has diabetes.

So one needs more natural stimuli with healthy spirit. They bring energy like holiday, wandering in the nature, nice things to do, spending spare time with pals.  For example one can be interested in looking all kinds of beautiful and fascinating things, enjoy the charm of the weather, move a lighter step here and there. Like this preferably very many times a day, for example 1 second - a few seconds - a few minutes at a time, enjoy those healthy stimuli, the sensations they bring and use them afterwards as one's energy reserve.

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About living wisely the seasons

( If pains from official position or the like )

 ( Some bosses or famous people seem to have some kknd of square form indicating their profession or radio program or the like, and the body...