It is an old widely known piece of wisdom tgat healthy ways of living keep one healthy or healthier than otherwise, and make one heal quicker. So that is not my invention. Even the basic medicine contacts in Finland are called "terveyskeskus"="health center", because the word "healthy" is said to be the best advice in healing, the healthy is what to aim at, based on one's life experience and civiliced wisdom.
So these healing advices are not necessarily just my idea. I just tried to write my impressions of how to heal, since my name Tervola ("terve"= healthy) is said to teach healing skills. And these healing advices at ( ) are a nice relieving view of healing by pieces of healthy ways of living and wisdom of life.
My main work has been to write about the rationality of feelings, so that also the point of view of technologization would respect old civiliced wisdom and the wisdom of life according to feelings. I have also written of wisdom of life and of learning skills and talents. Please see my books at
21st of October 2024 It really is an old widely known fact that healthy ways of living keep one healthy, and make one recover quicker if there is an illness or wound. The health center got their name from trying to remind of the importance of fully healthy ways of living as a forefigure for getting well and staying well. So school, media, books, fitness courses and medical profwssionals all try to remind of that. I guess that is also how tge capital of Finland got it's name, but once again there was a translatiln problem.
Of healthy ways of living in other climates and cultures, see my text "As if of a naturally healthy family" ealier in this blog.
7th of November 2024 One can take my healing advices into use for exampke alongside other healing methods, either by giving the advice on a piece of paper or in addition reading it aloud. Generally people value medical professionals having all kinds of info about healing, so if some piece of advice is easy and heals safely and quickly, it anyway is a valued side of professional skilks that someone knows it and offers it when it is needed, so that is the reason who some read really lot in their studies of healing, and so people do not think that the advice itself should be any longer.
8th of November 2024 My other texts, see
10th of December 2024 The name Tervola ("healthy sings") is said to have taught those with that name to be skilled healers. It is said that in the old times they at some time managed to get such work out so well that there were no or almost no illnesses, since people understood about how to stsy healthy and heal quickly if there was sometving. But they become famous and so they got patients also from abroad, and it turned out that the foreigners mostly had so different ways of living etc that it was a question of managing to teach them healtvy ways of living, but that was surpfisingly difficult because those places were so different in climate, ways of living, culture, location, etc. Such is the story from some time when there were no roads or at least no cars, some patients came by sledge in the winter time through much of Russia. Now long long time later, my text "As if of a naturally healthy family" seems to have managed to solve a large part of the problem, together with modern culture's wisdom. So it seems that the task has been transferred to many others.
From my blog :
" " Sibelius monument
As far as I understand it is like the feel of nature, like wind by forest's side having a different strenght at each place, a different atmosphere at different distancies and when looking in different directions, so those tell some ages old wisdom of nature connected with living the four seasons there, and so the Sibelius monument seeks to be a wise view of nature's wisdom as a panorama of music, like one can undersrand different oarts of the landscape singing, like a stream, trees near by, wind, weather, character traits suited to living there, etc. "
If one would think of how to compose of such abroad somewhere where there is nature and the weathers impressive, I guess one would have (to go outdoors!) to look at a landscape with trees, and search for the wisdom of the trees of how to atmospherically live the weathers, and search for many such views of how to live the near by weathers of these few days, and what about these months and some views of the other seasons, and of landscapes like this county etc, and how would a squirrel live them out in the nature, and what about the little singing birds how would they live the weathers and the seasons in the nature, and plants etc, and is there some well carrying wise healthy kind of atmospheric beauty typical to that area, to also the human life there, and is there some ages old advice of how to find nature, moments to admire it outdoors, live in the middle of the weathers, branches waving in the wind, etc in everyday life.
8th of February 2025