Thursday, June 27, 2024

About tropical climate related problems

 From my blog "Weather skills for all climates" 

" Some basics: for heat regulation connected problems, look at a branch of a local bush or of a local tree. Outdoors the tree or bush ought to be healthy and the way the branch curves ought to be in sight i.e. not overly many leaves if you look at it from a side. Indoors either watch out from a window, or have as decoration an old fallen branch, which maybe is without bark. You ought to look at tge branch glidingly following the direction it has grown. 

For problems of too much bacteria, washing but not with an overly strong detergebt, and cool but not overly cold. Social eye telling lije from smells if tgere has been at the same place or near it someone doing certain, kind of if there has been someone who came in from havkng been cutting the lawn and sweating, or if in the bus sat some elderly who has sat in a lot and read and cooked, or if there passed by a sporty clean youth, etc. Lijewise other factors about ways of living. If you wash some place which was dirty, preferably wash evenly with much water and a so mild detergant that you do not lose the view of what kibd of lufe there was. A short walk in tge nature when it is cool abd daylight time abd moist enough for tge plabts, might make wisdom of lufe better and be easier for this kibd of understanding. 

Also something about difficult places to live in.


 I live in northern Europe, in a cold climate of the four seasons, so I do not know about artificial cooling. If it makes one feel not well, it may be some chemical smell or otherwise too artificial, to which maybe would help a green plant on a window or some old branch as decoration. But impression is that in the tropics the cooling is maybe often on too strong. As one returns indoors, one should first return one's body temperature to healthily normal and feeling well, which is maybe by drinking cold juice or the like. And in the indoors the temperature should ve comfortable for spending ling tines indoors. Generally most comfortable is if in the indoirs one somehow notices the weathers, kind of lives alobg with those outdoors the day and night.

If you feel tgat you would like to eat more on a hot day, buy some ordinary food but choose it of some type liked by people who are fond of food and maybe tend to eat also on hot days, or it is pissible that such happens to them. You could also ask the shopkeeper for advice. * It may also help, if you instead of fasting, re-estimate (by eating a small piece when you feel it to be good food for you) how long you in today's weatger this time of the day live with one small piece of a sandwich and some fresh juice, or the like, and eat accordingly but not so much at a time. * It matters that one would like jyst that kind of food right then. Of ice-cream etc, if one thinks that it is not ok food then, "oho outs ouch oijoijoi not that much, is it ok at all?" kind of attitude is likely to make one's mouth more acid, while if one likes jyst such ice-cream or whatever right then, it also feels good for the mouth and teeth, kibd of sheltering. Similarly, in the summer some amounts of food and some foods can be such that the individual jyst feels that "not so much!" or "not that kind of food", and especially in the summer obe should diligently lusten to such wishes, even if the company does not say it many times. An hour later may sometimes be a different situation, especially if there has been some strenous activity. But anyway, one should not tie one's own meal to those who are less hungry or cannot eat such types of foods and feel well. 


It is possible to live without bringing the carbage out, it depends on how one lives

 One criterio that some people use for claiming that it is ok to go to somebody else's apartment to check if everything is ok, is that if they haven't come out for a very long time. But there may be reasons for people staying indoors, and all do not produce smelling carbage or bacteria. 

If one does not leave food in warm, it usually does not get spoiled. Either one must empty a food package fully and wash and dry it or just dry it to very dry (so that it is just dry and not food like (and not soft like a fabric, instead like a thin dry layer of some solid dry substance - so dry that if one would have sent it analyzed it would be called dry, having in practice no moisture in it) or with bacteria at all), for example on tge kutchenvtable airily, if obe likes such food and if it is dry indoors, (and later store the fully dry things in a fully dry place). Or if there was some food left, one must store it so that it does not get spoiled, for example in the refrigerator or in the freezer. 


Cold air does not contain as much water as warm air can contain water. So for getting a room dry in the tropics, one maybe could have a (refrigerator like?) cooler which cools so much that it can collect moisture. And have that maybe at a lower level, and the rest of the room not artificially cooled. So when the new cool air warms, it makes the room dryer, and so one could use the cooler momentarily to get a feeling of fully dry to the middle of the rolm, and then jyst right away turn off the cooler&condenser. So you can keep the room warm. But if you need extra cooling, it ought to go the same way. 


Often different kinds of people, like different climstes etc, and so often even on the same area there can be many different wishes of things related to bacteria, often even in the same family can wishes differ. As fsr as I know, in hotels and in arranging living places and in handling big complaints about major errors, and wishes, there often are people who try to answer the needs of different kinds in the same environment, so often they take something harmful away but replace it with somewhat similarly nit-at-all harmful like for example thrown awsy parts of green plants. Sometimes here in the cold climate of the four seasons people arranging things for their family, resort to cjoosing things that one cannot be fully clmfortable lazying with but which make one think, estimate each time again on one's own and maybe learn lufe skills so. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

An ugly looking person

 I saw a picture of a video of a baby with an ugly looking expression as if somehow an old person. But as I watched the picture, the baby was thinking of an engineering oriented oerson whose thoughrs seemed to be short like of one on a traditional computer programming course thinks shall I try this programming command or try that, so the way of thinking was without civiluced values followed and without wise enough picture of the world, clmmon sense and considerate healthy wisdom of life alliwing individuality to others. But instead of the baby's personal interest or idol, it was some person who had come socially too close, maybe the baby's mom or grabdmom or pap like female person who hd come to watch the baby or someone they discussed with. Abd so the baby's expression was that of a wiser person, wanting room for oneself and for wiser ways of thinking and living independently ibside traditionsl ways of livibg abd civiluced valyes and civiluced wisdom of life which alliws individual choices accordibg to one's own feelings and undersranding. Typical to such situatiobs is that the unwise disturbing persons come socially too clise jyst about all the time, and try so to mask the wise person as ugly, instead of as a person needing more distance, also on some occult side, and more room to live in. 

Such can happen to people in all ages, typically the wise being plagued by those who are unconsiderate, appear shortly thinking or lying and without following civiliced values in good quality ways and without healthy wisdom of life in ways of doing. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Problematic towns

 If some town or the like has had the problem of people not feeling well, and it has been tried to correct a lot across the years, it might help if there were in the town separate kind of sighrseing spots like places which tell of the major charachteristics of the different cultural domains and climate zones, which have been trying to correct something in the luving environment, like is it Arabs who somehow might prefer or refer to pikes of yellowish salt, and the Sovject Union maybe recommended clumsy basic build structures like children's metallic building blocks of a quite narrow straight sheet with a row of round holes in it, like building that way, not so nice looking and do not appear so wise snd skilled, even though may be according to educated objective picture of the world, and nature flourishing near by, especially forwst ir trees and mostly undisturbed grasses. 


My own texts too often aim at improving something, but mostly in all the world. About town life there is especially the book and maybe my Christmas gnome skills book series at  but those both build on choosing town etc according to one's liked areas of life, and the shops' products, apartments, town's arrangements, etc offering such life there, supporting it with their own skills and knowledge of the world. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Of solving emotional tangles

 I yesterday translated the words of the old Finnish song about learning "Itkevä huilu" to English "A crying flute", see , and remembered from my childhood how my Chinese working life oriented mom had difficulties kn learning wise ways, then learned with the help of the song. But was left pondering, can you then solve emotional tangles, since she thought that those are typically the problem. And so she came with examples of awful emotional attitudes etc, and created an awful mess and ruined so many of my major life possibilities as I had been interested in a career in music. A big part of the problem was she wantkng such tangles, social unjustice, etc. 

But so, an awful emotional tangle often has some strong motivation, so one must learn to recognize of each part what kind of factors are there, what major basic happenings and basic motivations of human lufe or usual situations, things done, etc. A strong insistent tendency of an awful problem to stay, is usually connected with the person causing it, living it strongly, being motivated to such a life in the long run, choosing such to be a major factor of one's future life for tens of years or even longer, if one thinks people living maybe in afterlives or via soulwandering even hundreds or thousands of years. So such is caused by having a social eye that one wants a child with just that person there, now that it is possible, and one sees it as a major good choice in one's lufe, somewhat like someone might see a possibility of a dream job or of cultural influencues of hoped for kind. 

Some might guess that wanting to destroy some harmful or unwanted factor or person in one's living environment, might look similar, but it does not, since it is more lije a technical deed, like aiming for a target and hitying it with a small caliber gun, kind of nice and tidy, guided by the intellect. Instead of the "here I live" type of strong choices to stay in such situation. Such crimes are often based on recognizing wrong who are personal relations near by and who just known from younger years but instead caring for some other area of lufe like a professional, typically for a wide group. 

And then there are ordinary motivations in life, like living according to one's ages old nature ghat is wise, and getting fairly room for one's wisdom, in which my book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" at might help. Aggressions between groups often relate with social unjustice, plus failings in social perceptions or in communication. 

One can tune oneself toward one's dream job, culture, etc, and learn their skills, see yesterday's post about cultural inheritage. So it may be one reason for people feeling aluenated, or then some really are ufos, not comfortable on the Earth, but instead dreaming of another kinds of planets for themselves to live in. 

Lies and social copying and misperceptions, make these more difficult to recognize what is what, who is in which sense doing what, like for example if someone does something and slme others come socially alobg in different ways, with different degrees of moral, and some just do something else, maybe faking to be along. And these vary already in a short time, so it is important who is motivated to what kind of life and what are the values, skills and comfort zones of each.


In the news there was an article wondering what to do if some claim to want to be hurt in certain ways, for example in connection with their sexual relations. 

My opinion is that such is often an attemot to attack others by causing confusion or lies about who wanted such. 

A typical problem in the climate of Finland is that the climate demands lots of climate skills, or otherwise one may fall oll or die, which is the reason why the northern parts of the country are much less densely populated than the southern, the northmost parts being unibhabitable for most, even though they do not always know so well what is the reason why it does not suit them to live in such places. So skills are an impirtant subject in Finland. It is typical that if something requires lots of skills and one does not have so much skills even thpugh one has quite much ordinary lufe skills, if one attempts the things requiring high skills, one tends to fail often and it may make one feel as if nastily treated, for example cold wind snd rain hitting unprepared skin nastily and one falling ill from catching cold, or one falling on slippery ice on the way to bus stop. And if the task is even more difficult or one is not motivatez enough to it, one may get worse ill and die from such, and so it is natural to give up trying and stay indoors, try to make lufe comfortable and varied enough there and rely more on social relatilns and other people, animals, possible spiritual beings, etc around / reachable. And so one is in the usual situation of the much too unskilled lazying ond: one either has to try really hard to learn the needed skills, or give up and change to other subjects and other areas of life. So many wish that via sexual relations they could learn such skills and maybe get the power of allies. And so the spouce candidate wonder, what does the date want, do they want to learn these skills from a more talented skilled pair, or something else, and often they want to learn, but having some habits of taking sagety precautions against too much steain, or of being too unwusely recklessly attemoting without enough skilks they end up in accizents which are often too big for their social relations to understand the size of their musestimates. So they end up asking, what would help in learning, and so they are adviced that the spouce woukd superwise the learning and estimate the dangers, without too big dangers. Or they misestimate the situation being such while in fa t the person isn't that much skilked or motivated toward thst area of life at all, so they agree some forcing needed and the person dreams of it being possible, but there is some big lack, and so it does not work out .

There are also several occasion when someone wants to tell of some major problem, so there is no violence intebded, but knstead they want to tell of themselves being handkcapoed as if it were a new thing, when knstead it is slme old problem. 

Lijewise many difficult life situations, which often are results of taking a job that requires very very overly much skills comoared to how it is usually talked about or seen, are such that some want to tell what the situatiln in fact is, to make pictures of the world wiser and to remove some common erraneous thoughts causing sich or too much strain. So did someone agree to associate with criminals, or illnesses, or just do some work which ought to have suited one as an ordinary work in a well running ckviliced society. 

It may also be that some transvestites look so much like women or girls, that they confure peopke's views of women and girls. A transvestite often does not feel the need for women's things, he just wants to try them or takes such as a job, as if reaching for poibts. So such persons may cause a view that women/transvestites want some women's things removed from them. Especially if some women go with men like fucking without really carkng in the long run, it does not sound like thknking of tens of years of one's lufe at stake at that, so it either is in a group of right kind of men, or with a sure spouce to back it up, or without the ability to get children, or a transvestite, or a trap to kill the men. 

Likewise luars often through away other people's wished for things, while they themselves do not want so much of them. 

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...