Saturday, December 30, 2023

How a baby gets it's characteristics

 "  It seems that a baby gets it's skills, basic approach to life from how parents make love when the new life gets it's start. So it is needed that parents would have skills in use and a way of life with which it is good for the baby and child to learn about life and the world and skills etc. So instead of referring to some experience of life or knowledge, for example to some older children, idols, influencies, knowledge, or the like, one should have a good way of living and doing, with one's own skills in use, like one wants the baby to have too. So instead of just drowning in the moment, one more likelily ought to have such skills, such strenghts and wisdom of life, healthy ways of living, common sense and life skills in use in daily life and especially when making a baby, just take into account that you sre making a baby, but keep the life skills along too. 

Just a guess of mine. I do not have children of my own. 

Here are some skills that people seem to like in my blogs : 

But please bladdre my blogs to find texts that interest you. 


About giving birth 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Healing in space

 For healing in space: Please read the corresponding ordinary advice for healing in the indexes, with the healing suggestions in them. 

There are also advices about healthy natural ways of living and doing, on all areas of life. Plus advices about giving birth, etc. 

30.12.2023   About inhabiting new planets, etc 

22.3.2024   Some impression of people in the international space station brought to my mind that do they lose body heat by escaping heat radiation, are kind of tired as if too low body temperature in that respect. There are in the cold countries both wall insulation materials and window glass types which prevent a quite large part of heat loss by heat raduation through walls or windows. But it is good to know somewhat that it is cold outdoors. 

10th of July 2024   About return from long time in space, see 

After writing lots of these guesses of how to get healed via healthy ways of livibg and wisdom of lufe according to feelings, I wrote also something about an impression on some mental side of mice as miracle healers which maybe can help to grow new limbs to replace list ones. After that I have run amazingly much just to that subject, to handicapped, even though I do not know about it, but there are some clmments of mine in the text about miracle healing advices. Anyway, there seem to be too many handicapped compared with my former picture of the world. So one reason may be some having ibtentionally caused such, either for milutary reasons or because of some view of there being lots of such sonewhere and it needing some comment, for exampke in spaceships or in stuck ways stupid long term work like old times' countrysude, someone woukd say. 

One guess is that on long space journeys there are not enough natural sensory stimuli, so someone would guess a bone such. But bones are typically watched vua social eye only, so those bring only simikar influencies as those via social roads. For sensory stimuli of compkex shapes plants are the best, likewise thete are other natural shapes watched largely with tge sense of sight, like pieces of dead plants, or seezs, or landscapes, stobws, maybe crystals, water puddles, maybe some half-frozen thing melting or freezing, etc. 

Accidents are typical when people are not tuned to reactive wise enouch caried lufe or do not hace such life possibilities. Also copyong from machines or buikd things brings less complex understanding and less physical wisdom of life. Also when peopke were changing ftom farming to town lufe, some maybe were not encouraged to or tied to farming skills, and likewise nowadays if there are people chanhing to another kinds of professions and new obes coming to farming areas. Anyway, if one wants to stay in some job, one maybe considers tools and other things connected with that job impirtant, and those are kibd of stationary, so leading to a huge lack in reactilns. And some also care for the ill countryside, so some with more complex looking jnderstanding may associate a lot with the ill, and so one nay get such lack of everyday lufe skills as an influencw fro. One's near environment. 

25th of July 2024   See also 

Monday, August 14, 2023

My ebooks "Healing", "Healing 2." and "Healing 3.: Miracle healing advices"


The e-books about healing are good for library use. 

19.11.2023   If you wonder what to read before reading miracle healing advices, read the indexes of the two first books about Healing by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, and pay attention to each suggested cure in the indexes: how would it affect, would such ease anything even roughly like the mentioned illness or wound. 

Ebook: "Waking from death, advices, just an attempt: live kn a more lively way and make life lighter to bear"



Thursday, August 10, 2023

Good healing advices for those who have gotten lots of bacteria etc from working in medicare

 These advices ought to help somewhat if one has gotten lots of bacteria etc from working in medicare.


Also available as books at and at other Amazon internet bookshops

You can also try an internet translation to the index at , and also the miracle cure collection might get translated right, but the actual texts have mostly been translated badly wrong, often like evil. 

These Finnish healing advices are made by a professional writer without any background in medicine. So I cannot offer any insight or experience of their use in medicine or in care professions. The advices ought to be safe and all fit well together to be parts of healthy happy civiliced ways of living. 

For example :

"4. Aches and movement intentions  2.2.2012

31. Nerve ache in the nose area and skin & body under the skin warm  22.2.2015
33. Cold aches and keeping the whole body warm  27.2.2015
172. Muscle aches & kramps(?) and sportiness & warmth   23.11.2015
173. Muscle aches after sprts and payinga s much attention to moving  23.11.2015
A261. MStomach aches and correcting life choises tyo be according to feelings   24.1.2016
The above was my own translation. A Google translation of the index is at 

If the translation of the index is understandable enough, one could learn it's advices as a view to healing and healthy ways of living that include a view of wisdom of life according to feelings. Of each of the entries there is a text in Finnish and some of those texts include a few more attempts at healing similar problems or other problems with similar means. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Of ways of keeping the stomach muscles

 " f15.   9th of August 2023   I was thinking of how people from the tropics tend to keep their stomach muscles unmoving, it seems rigidly the same all the time, which does not allow variations in the ways of doing according to the things done. The ever varying weathers in a climate of four seasons bring lots of such variation, which to me feels like needed for wisdom of lufe, and is good for health and revovery, but as said the people voming from the tropics do not seem to take the Finnish weathers that way. And I do not know if so much variation of weathers is needed for such a basic thing in life. It seems that people with another kind of character could get the variation in the tropics from the different times of the day with their temperatures and activities. And such variation comes also from the other things done, not only from being outdoors in a certain weather, just for such variations of activities is the need for varied states of mind and ways of doing, which are reflected kn keeping stomach muscles in a certain way. So as one changes from one kind of activity and emotionally felt atmosphete via natural rythms of action to anither activity, say from work start going homewards, go to a hobby, enjoy one's time there and start going homewards in a kind of happy state of mind, which is diffetent from the even tracks of some other people that one knows, so one's rythm of life, stomach muscles, feelings, way of doing vary in natural ways according to the situations, and the rythm is different and more natural than that of the fixedly living. 

From my blog Skills of Christmas gnomes  

Friday, July 21, 2023

About translations - the translator from culture or climate to another is called the Author of the healing advice and my texts just one of it's sources in literature

 Healing advices are difficult to translate. My first guess was that one should understand the advice and then think of a similar effect in lne's original climate and culture, but even such a translation usually ends up being a translator's view on healing and not the original insight. So a dictionary like translation is often the best. The internet offers free translation services to over 100 languages, for example search "Google translation" or "a dictionary like translation". But also such translations are often human-made and found from the internet. So they too often translate wrong.

The world is wide and there are many different strong views to whether one wants such healing advices to be available in one's own country, district or group. And so the available English translations of my Finnish healing blog differ a lot too. Some just translate the tect, some replace the vies by some view or evil suggestiln of their own, some just sabotage and some maybe did not understand the original advice at all but complain that it is impossible to get healed. So it matters a lot which group you identify with. Your group should wish well and support good possibilities for getting healed, such for all fairly. It also helps if ypu log into the translatiln services etc, so that you can choose yourself. 

So it seems impossible to translate for all tge world. But if you would translate for slme much smaller group which agrees that they want such healing advices, want to support recovery to full health, then I would guess that such translations could succeed much better.

I have publushed my own translation as a book Healing, which is copied from this blog. There are also Google translations of the two kndexes as a book Healing 2., and a translation of my muracle healibg advices as a book Healing 3. See . Of these the fiest brought relief, the second was considered interesting insight for fuyure learning on lne's own and the third a peek to my healing advices, while healing texts connected with the index do not seem to interest people so much and so they largely remain jntranslatez. 

5th of August 2023   When I tried to translate the first five hundred healing advices in my Finnish blog to English by my mobile phone's browser's translator, there was African drumming somewhere outdoors near by. There also lives lots of people from the tropics here in this district. So can it be that my mobile phone has some intelligent social eye for recognizing cultures from sounds at the background or from my looks etc, so thst the cultural background of my Finnish heaöing advices was mistaken to be African instead of the Finnish Eurooean which my cultural environment has been and from which culture I still communicate. 

13th of August 2023   It seems that the numbered texts have not been translated dictionary like. When there is some Google translated, i.e. translation found from the internet, healing advice that appears made by a human, it helps in recognizing by whom, if one pays attentiln what is the sovial deed that ghe person does almost all the time, as if trying to replace by it the other views, like "Not so, but instead : we are now on doctor's office. / One ought to be evil. / we don't want so Nordic style here in the tropics."

3rd of November 2023   There seems to be no wish for me to translate more of my heaming advices to English, since the world is huge and surprisingly many do not want any healing advices or any new healing advices. There are my translations in the first tens of posts in the beginning of this blog. In addition there are new healing advices written judt for this blog. Only a dictionary like translation could be marked as my text transmated. If so.eone else translates some text of mine, they typically trandform it from a climate to another and from a culture to another taking intl account differencies in ways of living, skills and ways of communicating. So that is like in school or university studies a new orihinal work with .y texts as one source for it but with the translator's view so important that he/she is called the author of the healing advices. 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Book "Healing 3. : Miracle healing advices"

 I had lots of computer problems when tfhing to publish the English translations of my Finnish much liked miracle healing advices as a book. There seemed to be many versions of the translations, some of them ok but some just sabotage and not at all ok. There seemed to be versions by different kinds of people from different coubtries and with entirely different values. So if you would like to buy the book, "Healing 3. : Miracle healing advices", 7 usd +post, at or st the Amazon internet bookshoos of other countries, byt not yet, only after a few days from now, please take a look at the "Look inside" feature to see if the translation quality is good enough for you. World wide audience with different cultural values is too wide for the Finnish church, so please rely on your own cjurch for spiritual support to get good luck to get a good version of tge nook. It propably also helps if you first sign in to the internet bookshops, ( or internet translator service if you yourself try to translate the texts in the internet ).

15th of July 2023   The book "Healing 3. : Miracle healing advices" is for sale at 

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

A Google translation of miracle healing advices from + press "download"


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Page 1
Miracle healing advices
Healing 3.
Kaisa Hannele Tervola
Machine Translated by Google
ISBN: 9798851906183
Imprint: Independently published
Copyright © Kaisa Hannele Tervola 2023
Machine Translated by Google
The purpose of these attempts is to have an insight into the curability of
any problem, i.e. those that are not in my healing instructions or for
which they do not work. At the same time, these are an attempt to cure the most
difficult ailments, mainly wheelchair patients.
They may be read in numerical order or one by one, i.e. based on the previous
ones at least in part, but that part cannot be evaluated for sure. If you can only
read a few now, then start from the beginning or from the ones marked as important
by color (11., 12. and B435. (not A291.)) and the one you choose based on the title.
My impression is that if you read a few of these with thought, at least at the
beginning, you are more likely to get better than someone who tries to
drag himself through almost everything at once, because the latter reads
more superficially, more schematically, and cannot think about
where to take off from and how to have such a vision.
My healing vision: miracle healing instruction attempts In these miracle
healing instruction attempts, my healing vision is
compiled. But they would require you to browse this blog of mine first anyway, so
you can get an idea of what kind of healing efforts these are.
So these are largely issues of alignment and visualization, i.e. they work
largely just by reading and trying based on understanding.
There were these improvement instruction attempts etc. at the beginning of
December 2018, 59 in Roman numerals + 18 others.
Machine Translated by Google
1. Who gets sick from what - and how to get better
Miracle Healing Guidebook 0.
In general, diseases seem to be caused by overexertion.
Miracle healing instructions: 1.
Who gets sick from what - and how to get better
Miracle healing instructions 0. 3.9.2011
Over-stressing points are those that are left out of your attention
when you live according to your habits. You will be careless towards
them and that's why they get stressed easily when you don't notice them
and meet their needs. Noticing that and responding to needs should
be taking care of straining the whole body and the whole
lifestyle and enlivening it in a healthy way. You recognize the
neglected "edge" by a heavier feeling, as if by a drier
atmosphere, motionless like school books and not lively like the eyes of
athletic children. The point where in your body-mind (i.e. in your
body, in your mind, e.g. in your lifestyle and habits and in the way that
phenomenon of the mental level manifests itself through sign
language, enlivening or badly neglecting a specific point in your body) you
push aside the burden of the rest of your life in the style of "My life
is here, these things, and those other things don't matter Ola from
the point of view of my life.", becomes strained and over time, depending
on the amount of strain, you can get sick, either mildly or more seriously.
It depends on the person which part of the body is stressed too much or if
nothing is stressed. The opposite of strain is a body alive in a healthy,
natural way, which has been observed with good sensuous
and philosophical attention to life.
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Especially wise in this way is the Krishna of the pictures,
as if skilled in regeneration! If you appreciatively socialize with Krishnb's
pictures in a friendly way, you can learn his perspective
and his skills based on his
(free-form, pleasant, as much as possible), nature, healthy spirit in
social relationships and meaningful activities, as well as enough
stellar achievements. Of course, praying and meditation
also help. Meditation is about improving the use of attention, so
especially meditation related to the body and lifestyle helps.
5. Regeneration and rejuvenation
So this is just a "seems like this to me" view, no
When one's own actions are a burden to the world, the body can't
bear them and somehow just collapses like a
sack, powerless and unable to regenerate. When one's actions are
beautiful in intention and thoughtful enough in execution, the
body is light and rejuvenates as if by itself.
from school medicine.
This would be helped by a good lively attention to the
whole body, lifestyle, habits and their
possibilities of change, social habits, etc. Then the body will not be
strained, unless you are otherwise at the limit of your strength psychologically,
Our wishes, expressed in the mind while admiring the body
as a miracle, affect the functioning of the body. It's as if the body
hears, rejuvenates, takes care of things with delicate beauty.
Miracle healing instruction set 5. Regeneration and rejuvenation
when the attention is often dull. Sports give strength
Machine Translated by Google
The person being cured should imagine the following vividly in their mind
11. My impressions of the healing of the spirit
Miracle healing instruction manual I
so that the spirit of that vision would be as excellent as possible:
profound, ancient, enlivening, universally beautiful, touching
all aspects of life, having adopted the most soulful forms of those aspects
of life, in accordance with the sensitized enlivening serene vivid sensuous
landscape observation and lifestyle instruction in all areas of life and as a
whole, according to your idea of soulfulness and a whole life full of love, like a
summer day in the bosom of nature on a natural lakeside or pleasantly
active while playing various sports.
My impression of spiritual healing (and healing by the power of faith)
There is an original right way of life such as why God created us and what
kind of life He intended us to live. Everything that works is based on that
age-old wise way of life, its parts, e.g. reason is based on a deep understanding
of life and the world. We reach that right way of life when the life instruction
given by the sensitized way of experiencing comes as an answer to prayer
their point of view, the same way you learn the skills of your friends you value.
Miracle healing instructions kit: a basic skill that helps in healing 11. My
impression of spiritual healing Miracle healing
instructions kit I 16.1.2013
Machine Translated by Google
Commit to that right lifestyle 30-40 years from now, including your
afterlife, without ever seriously deviating from it! Your perception of the
future also improves, making you feel lighter. The long-term effect gives space
and an additional effect to recover. Over time, develop your vision of the right
way of life to become more soulful. Pray like
Living according to that right way of life is the body
in your heart you feel true and pure-hearted, and not just formally as
you have learned in school.
self-healing: the living atmosphere of the body repairs adjacent parts of
the body and that face itself towards perfect ancient health and improves our
entire being towards living whole health.
* * *
Just as someone who straightens their back feels better, in the same way,
by achieving that right lifestyle, we can repair what would otherwise
be beyond our ability to repair in our body. For example, if you keep a
sprained wrist in its natural middle position, it will recover better when
natural movement is allowed, but be careful, because the wrist is
we follow in all corners of life - not legally but
Abdominal muscles are the center of the body, from where large movements
originate and in whose region large emotions in the body are largely
located. If you don't get the spirit healing instruction to work right away, try
applying it to your stomach area, the center of your body. From there, it's easy
to expand the area of influence to your entire body and the surrounding
emotional and social space.
Correspondingly, by committing to the right "middle" best lifestyle with the
whole lifestyle, exactly as the ancient voice of the soul says, you can fix many
things that otherwise would have been too "broken" and impossible to fix.
listening to the voice of our heart and hoping for universally beautiful
good for all living beings.
Machine Translated by Google
A positive attitude towards stimuli seems to help with diabetes.
as such, they bring strength like a vacation, moving in nature, doing
something fun, spending time with friends. For example, you can make
a hobby of looking at all kinds of beautiful and fascinating things, enjoy the
charm of the weather, move even with a light step here and there. I would
preferably see this many times a day, e.g. 1
12. Diabetes and a positive attitude towards natural stimuli
Diabetes seems to be related to the fact that you think that you only get
strength from food and behave as if everything else is crap.
Miracle healing instruction set: a basic skill that helps in healing 12. Diabetes
and a positive attitude towards natural stimuli
In other words, more natural healthy stimuli are needed. They
Actually, a person gets energy from all kinds of healthy natural
lifestyle. Sunshine brings energy, so do flowers and admiring nature,
animals, pleasant varied brisk exercise, watching, being active in a
good mood, friendly sociability, fascinating things to do, listening to music, etc.
etc. A day filled with activity is often a day filled with contented life
content, and besides, healthier .
Machine Translated by Google
It seems to me that it's a conscious process on their part and not
something that happens unconsciously. So you can learn a lot from them
I've probably put on what I've put on baked goods, but then I wondered
why I hadn't noticed myself,
15. Injuries heal like a miracle Miracle healing
instruction kit II 5/5/2013
Well, I wrote something like this yesterday. A lot of people would
learn that...
15. Injuries heal like a miracle Miracle healing
instruction kit II
a second - a few seconds - a few minutes at a time, enjoy those
healthy stimuli, the sensations they bring and use them afterwards
as an energy reserve.
I noticed here that there are thousands of calories in a bun, while fruits
have almost nothing and chocolate only 250 kcal.
Such a thing came to my mind yesterday. Maybe it's because in the last
couple of years I've learned to talk to birds in the same way as I do with a
friend. The biggest insects have just woken up and set off, the
first flowers have arrived. Insects have wisdom about
metamorphosis and for the winter they fall into a deep hibernation, from
which they come back to life in the spring and heal the frost damage
caused during the winter.
Machine Translated by Google
What if you really pray and hope that you will get better, and then you
look at the injured part and say hopefully "As if it has improved a
little...", then you have learned the basics of healing: if you continue
on that path, your body can heal too! That's the impression I got. It's
like there's a skill to be learned here.
I noticed here that there are thousands of kilocalories in a bun, when
* * *
Hello, a few days ago I sent you the attached article about the
possibility of a miracle cure. Since then, I've thought about it
more and tried to learn that skill.
when I gained or lost weight. Until I suddenly noticed something that
could be very relevant in terms of the recovery
and healing possibilities of disabled people: As a child, other family
members told me five minutes after I had eaten a bun that you were
already gaining weight, it can be seen. A while ago, when I was
paying bills, I felt stressed and thin, even if I was just sitting. When I
eat fruit as a treat, I immediately feel invigorated, like
something that my muscles, my mood, etc. just need along with
the blood circulation. A person who is in a good and lively mind
is beautiful, and a person who is not stimulated by anything looks
like a slacker. When sometimes in the kitchen I burn my finger a
little on something hot and put it under the water tap to cool, I think
"huh, did it hurt, will there be a mark, as if (the mental image
immediately affected the body in a second), well it's probably
nothing, and it wasn't (the body had time to heal itself), I survived with
a fright".
Here is the writing:
The body seems to react to thoughts and feelings as well
as mood and lifestyle in seconds, approximately 1-3 seconds.
Machine Translated by Google
The body seems to react to thoughts and feelings as well as
mood and lifestyle in seconds, approximately 1-3 seconds.
again, almost nothing in fruit and only 250 kcal in chocolate.
Every time I take a step, it has a different style in different parts: there is a
solid weight on the heel and foot, there I lift up, here there is an
atmospheric swaying movement.
Here are today's thoughts on the subject:
I've probably put on what I've gained from baked goods, but then I wondered
why I hadn't noticed myself when I gained or lost weight. Until I suddenly
noticed something that could be very relevant in terms of the recovery and
healing possibilities of disabled people: As a child,
other family members told me five minutes after I had eaten a bun that you
were already gaining weight, it can be seen. A while ago, when I was paying
bills, I felt stressed and thin, even if I was just sitting. When I eat fruit as a
treat, I immediately feel invigorated, like something that my muscles, my
mood, etc. just need along with the blood circulation. A person who
is in a good and lively mind is beautiful, and a person who is not
stimulated by anything looks like a slacker. When sometimes in the
kitchen I burn my finger a little on something hot and put it under the water
tap to cool, I think "huh, did it hurt, will there be a mark, as if (the mental
image immediately affected the body in a second), well it's probably nothing,
and it wasn't (the body had time to heal itself), I survived with a fright".
What if you really pray and hope that you will get better, and then you look at
the injured part and say hopefully "As if it has improved a little...", then you
have learned the basics of healing: if you continue on that path, your body
can heal too! That's the impression I got. It's like there's a skill to be learned
It's as if my body image is in those seconds
Machine Translated by Google
That is, you could heal your body in two seconds, if only you
could get it to stay healthy and not remember the old while
slipping, you would create old faults in it again in two seconds. If
we constantly strive for continuity, our old self, the changes
in our way of life and body will not remain permanent, but
we will always fall back to that old situation. But if I were as caught
up in the moment with lifestyle changes as I would like to be with
the healing of my body, then I could change permanently for the
better in seconds. How could that change be made permanent?
With lifestyle and attitude change, changing values to
healthier ones, and getting stuck in place with prayer...
different, so it changes very quickly. When I go in front of the mirror
and see that I have a sloppy posture and the stomach seems
to be too, then I straighten up a bit, thinking that what if I pulled my
stomach in a bit and was more athletic, would that help? And
immediately that nbäkyy had an effect in a second or two. Then
when I'm wasting my time wondering if I managed to do this,
my interest fades and my posture begins to slump again: what's
wrong with my old age, I haven't even recently been in such an
uninteresting mood and shriveled when I came to the mirror.
In seconds, just in seconds, YOUR MOOD AND APPEARANCE
CHANGE ACCORDINGLY. When I see acquaintances at
different times, they have been doing different things and you are
in different company and so their mood is different, their appearance
also seems to have changed according to the style, are my
eyes lying, am I making a mistake of perception according
to the mood of the moment? No, they change in seconds
according to their current state of mind and mood...
If this would help the song's journey forward on the
path of learning to be a miracle healer? :)
Machine Translated by Google
an invitation to be a certain type, to pursue a certain career. If wants
Often we make some kind of call to our being in the style of "I will
16. Wishful thinking as an aid to healing
Miracle healing instruction set III
but this same thing now." or when you are in pain when you feel like it
* * *
This instruction goes perfectly with the love of nature and prayer.
The following addition to the miracle healing instructions attempt:
16. Wishful thinking as an aid to healing
Miracle healing instructions III 2.6.2013
in line with their health image or with a lighter lifestyle, and
Your way of doing things depends on whether you feel well or
badly, whether you get better or get sick. What you thought was wishful
thinking may be your path to better health through smarter living
could give himself a similar exhortation to continue
maybe marked "This same thing continues.", i.e. should be given to the
If at some point you feel better than wishful thinking, that's
when you've reached a good way of doing things and a good
lifestyle and attitude, and you feel better for that second. The body reacts
to the mind very quickly, well within a second.
If you realistically think that you are not doing so well, then your way of doing
things is worse and you are doing worse. The body also reacts
to deterioration in the blink of an eye.
Machine Translated by Google
When you're sick, you often imagine your pain in your mind and
then listen to it, miss it, that's it. That is, first there is an image of the
disease in the mind, then he listens to his body as if commanding
to do the disease to it now, then a good sign for the body when the
disease is present and finally that I will continue doing the
same thing.
I guess that mistake occurs in childhood, when there is a problem and
the mother can't find it, or the child seems to be acting as if it is not there,
even if it is a big problem that requires treatment, then the mother
commands that you now imagine that part of the body in your mind and
where the problem is there, what kind , describe, good. I guess Tarttis calls for a description
22. Basics of healing * Miracle healing instruction manual IV
That is, when the mood seems to change from one second to the next, or at
least to change a lot already in a second, so that the mind commands
the body with the help of mental images, then the person creates his own illness.
The method of creating them reminds me of creation. It's not a
coincidence, it's a similar phenomenon> a situation of reality is
created in a planned way.
22. Basics of healing * Miracle healing instruction manual IV
In other words, you need to pay attention to that and create only
health > give the image of ideal health as a guide with the body and
if it conforms to that, if even for a second, then immediately give
the body a good sign and continue on that path only when it feels
right now.
Such an impression.
Machine Translated by Google
In such a magic show, it seemed as if the man had mastered this miracle
healing trick, and I'm crazy!
Miracle healing instruction set 29. Why the understanding of the
causes of diseases usually remains unclear 5/2/2015
In that case, the previous Miracle Healing Trial II and III
would be required as prerequisites.
29. Why does the understanding of the causes of diseases
usually remain obscure
27. Unbelievable company (in the video miraculous healing
But just a guess, he didn't say anything.
British man?)January 4, 2015
well, how is that body part healthy, well, and thank you very much so.
Circus-level style anyway, so you can know a lot, but maybe not exactly this.
27. An incredible attempt (a British man with miraculous healing skills
in the video?)
Is it possible to think that the skill of healing lakars is related to the fact that
they have a strong image of the structure and function of the body due
to their education? If you had a different mindset, maybe you would
be healed, just like now with the help of religion.
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more broadly. I think that the concept of the origin of
diseases is obscured by this
got too cold. The skin should be very warm, moving briskly
a lot.
human skin even in winter. That is, the treatment of the problem is also
completely wrong
In other words, looking at the problem does not lead to a solution
in either case,
I was looking at a women's magazine here and it
had a lot of skin care products
not from Finns, but from those whose skin and body have cooled off
feel that there are enough idiots in Finland, so they haven't
too much, or someone using really southern blowing
ads, which is wrong, because winter skin is because the skin is
deviation from the balance of lifestyles in another area of
for the same reason: diseases are assumed to arise in
the same period of life
so it occurred to me that if a southerner doesn't
from the strain, as if the trouble is visible, even though the cause is
actually something
which would be the most natural, but healthy lifestyles
must be understood
of type.
And when I wrote about warming up indoors
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sopeutuminen.html more than 150 fairly standard warm-up instructions
& guesswork about crossing foreign stumbling blocks + winter
outdoor activities.
32. Warming instructions and winter outdoor instructions (150
pieces in total), seasons (long) and healthy lifestyles (110 pieces)
autumn section at the end of summer.)
I have prepared more than 150 normal warm-up instructions, primarily
for indoor warm-up, etc. In addition, in a different blog entry, instructions
for winter outdoor activities, and in the third entry
about healthy lifestyles.
elamantavat.html something about healthy lifestyles, more than
250 instructions, (a lot about healthy mental orientation and not so
much about body health), isn't the culture of the capital region a good
model for learning healthy lifestyles?!
Miracle healing instructions kit: a basic skill that helps in healing 32.
Warming instructions and winter outdoor instructions (150 pieces
in total), seasons (long term) and healthy lifestyles (110 pieces) 22/02/2015
In the English-language blog, it's also about learning Finnish skills, but
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walking without jumping too much, without falling into bad quality, believing
34. I guess I saw a miraculous cure on 14 April 2015
that how the miracle cure works in practice. Somehow it seemed
34. I must have seen a miraculous cure at a glance
using vision in an animated or living way for the body
e.g. English a translation of the Finnish seasonal guide about the wise
way to live autumn from the end of summer and winter
who knew, knew how to make miracle healing instructions work.
incredibly cool stuff! But now you don't know what the fuss was,
24.2.2018 Those healthy lifestyle instructions are largely instructions for
healthy ways of doing things and policies, which I think will make
starting exercise and healthy lifestyles in general easier and smoother,
somehow naturally more successful.
to good opportunity and religion."
moved like anyone else, at least on the surface
in review. He seemed to say to his being that he was them,
Savonlinna seemed to fit that way of healing feelings
the route of positive emotions in a broadly positive direction
A couple of days ago I saw a woman in the checkout line at the Market who
looked like he had been in a wheelchair for years, but now he was walking and
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Feeling neutral is better. Positive feelings, liveliness, revitalization, lightness
and brightness, and positive emotions are signs of good healing ways of
being, so grab them, cherish them. Feelings exist through natural selection or
god's wisdom to a large extent because we would notice what is a good
way to be and live. That's why we feel about those things, that's
why our feelings are so strong, so that we know how to take those
things into account.
43. Healing and sensations * Miracle healing instruction manual V
Miracle healing instructions
Not everyone knows how to be equally wise, e.g. listen to their
feelings and act according to them. That's why some or many ailments can
heal at a different pace for some people than for others, or someone can heal
and another can't, even die.
If the trouble is in a bad harmful way, it will get worse.
46. Companionship and healing
On the other hand, if you deal with it in a good way, it will be alleviated or
cured. So that in a way it is not so and so bad trouble but so and so wise or
unwise person.
in terms of a positive route.
The basic instruction is to listen to your feelings. Pain, awkward feeling and
negative feelings are signs of bad habits, harmful to effort or general well-being.
Get rid of them immediately.
43. Healing and sensations * Miracle healing instruction manual V20.5.2015
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47. Handicapped and Friendly Insects Miracle
Healing Guide VII 6/1/2015
47. Miracle healing instruction manual VII
Companionship and healing
In the spring and summer, the friendly insects could be a good model for the
recovery of the disabled, because their shape change is a conscious process,
and in the spring they also repair the winter damage to their bodies.
Doing it in different ways has a different feeling, which reflects what
it's like for the body in both the short and longer term. Thinking in
different ways, different things have to be done, with different rhythms, structured
in different ways, in relation to feelings in different ways, and therefore,
living like that, the prospects for healing are also different.
Different people have different ways of thinking, different prognosis for healing.
Disabled and friendly
So when the company, including the people you keep in mind, influences the
ways of thinking and doing things of those people and therefore the rhythms of
their lives and ways of healing, it also essentially affects the healing of who
you are social with. Not everything is for everyone. Some are clumsy
and obtuse and do not believe in healing, and their influence excludes the wise
actions of more subtle attention, leading to overwork, pragmatism, and
poor prospects for healing. Some things, like the enlivening nature of
birdsong or the summer friendliness of the flight of insects, seem
to have healing skills, putting life on the right track and enlivening, believing in
better things, and so does prayer.
46. Miracle healing instruction set VI
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When I was a child, under school age or ten at the most, I believed
almost everything my parents told me about how concrete things are
in general. If my own observation supported those claims that were
read as certain, then they became a formula to be followed. But
as an adult, I have learned that my parents have their
own style, way of thinking, amount of understanding, range of skills,
interests, neglect and mistakes. And what they said in Lao,
e.g. about how someone gets better or doesn't get better, was just
a reflection of their own genre and the amount of knowledge they
had on that topic and not exactly like that for other people, but each
one has
52. Old truths and healing new doctrines Miracle
healing instruction manual VIII
own version. If you yourself learn new things about healing, they
should be included as certain truths in the same way
to how to treat the body. Instead of the father saying "It won't get
better that quickly.", you can command the body with the same
certainty that it can get better, or give the body an instruction
that "healthy is good for the body" and being healthy helps to get
About teaching skills in general, e.g.
52. Old truths and healing new doctrines Miracle
healing instruction manual VIII
So if you get a communication link with a friendly insect, you can ask it
how you could heal. Use this blog's previous miracle cure tutorial
attempts as a guide.
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The benefit of disintegrating sleepiness
59. Why miracle healing instructions 14.6.2015
Miracle healing instruction set IX13.6.2015
59. Why miracle cure attempts
Sometimes, when there is an important point, he is tense with such a tense style that
his nervousness ruins the whole thing. Similarly, if you are exhausted, a tense way of
doing things without a vision ruins the whole thing.
There are now 10 of these miracle healing instructions (0. - IX) plus two other writings
related to miracle healings (see titles). I have prepared them because many people
would probably be interested in having even an idea of how to get better and how
to stay healthy. Of course, healthy lifestyles are also an important source
of strength and bringer of good luck.
If one were to improve using a good attitude and positive mental images as help, then
it would be important, especially at the beginning, not to let negative
thoughts spoil the spirit and level of what one does.
57. Sleepiness
* * *
Then, at first, when you are groggy, groggy or sleepy, for example 5 minutes or fifteen
minutes, you can get used to the fact that mental images are good, positive,
enlivening, and do things in a good, healthy, comfortable way of doing things that
listens to your feelings, and so you won't be overwhelmed by bad luck so easily, you
won't spoil things with negative thoughts or too sudden unskilful actions promising
Miracle Healing Guidebook IX
57. Sleepiness
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again. For example, if after being injured you have to be
stuck in some areas and on the other hand look for fixed points to build
on, like nature's wisdom by taking a model from the wisdom
of trees, doesn't that suggest that there is a way to heal if only you
could find it.
84. Miracle healing instruction set X * Painting & fetal period
13.1.2021 I have prepared the miracle healing instructions mostly
just to be sure, because I assume that with the combined
wisdom of several people, you could perhaps get better, even if the
wisdom of one would not be enough. And because I think that it is
good that there is hope, beginnings that actually have some
good idea to build on, then with the combined effect
of several sources or the combined wisdom of several instructions,
it could be improved, if it goes well. For example, there is hope
for regrowing a missing body part from the metamorphosis and
fetal development of insects, as well as from the notion that the
mind partially guides the healing of the body when I was preparing
these instructions. I think it's good that there is hope, because if a
sick or injured person feels like they can get better, maybe some
instinctive wisdom would tell them how, if only they could
find a way in human nature
84. 84. Miracle healing instruction set X * Painting &
fetal time 7/15/2015
In drawing and painting, there is something about searching for
each creature's own character, e.g. searching for the own rhythm
of a plant's leaves and searching for the connection between
the emotional beauty and practical functionality of a horse's body
structure, when you live in the spirit of the object, its delicacy and time
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88. Miracle Healing Manual XI * Social Influences & Body Structure
When you socialize with people in a friendly way, immersing yourself
in contact, your style and way of doing things, life attitude and outlook with their
usual practical patterns and features of social relationships are
absorbed into your own being for a moment or for a while. When
you're in a company, you also catch the other person's features in sign
language, and if you believe
88. Miracle healing manual XI * Social influences & body structure
strives for realism without compromising that spirit. When you find that
connection, a great drawing or painting skill is born, some kind of way to your
own kind of wisdom, which I guess we look for, among other things, when we
look. When I thought about this, a memory came to my mind from
my fetal days, when the body had to be built and it was something
like this kind of wisdom: enlivening the body's tasks, life, in those tasks,
meaningful structural features in areas of life such as the nervous
system and the structure of the hand, and then shaping the body in a free
form to be good in those relationships as well. a little in the same way as a
normal wound heals and a scar forms over time, the scar falls off and the
intact skin is revealed underneath. I guess prayers could create security for that
kind of integrity.
September 5, 2020 If with the help of the memories of the fetal period it is
possible to grow a new one to replace the missing limb, etc., then
perhaps it will be similar to the fetal period in the beginning, and only by
somehow going through the different age stages, by growing through
them, will it become an adult type.
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96. Miracle healing manual XII * Transformation of the caterpillar
body. Since such impressions vary from moment to moment, the features of the
body can also vary from moment to moment and from company to company.
So it is likely that at some moments he has gotten better and at other times he
has gotten sick, and at most moments he lives at the skill level of his everyday
life, pretty much in his career. But if you learned to pick out those
useful influences and beneficial mental images, attitudes, habits, etc., you would
improve a lot in just a second or three.
If the metamorphosis skill of insects is a conscious skill, then it is best in the
mind of larvae and other insects that are in the metamorphosis phase or just near
My own impression is that the general skill level determines the condition of
the body as well: the tuner's body breaks down when he doesn't take
care of it properly, and someone who makes good quality life-wise has a
good influence on others, also in terms of the body.
I was watching a grasshopper yesterday and it seemed to communicate like
this. It also seemed to confirm that the larva is tubular, something
(This would seem to make the gaps between the teeth grow in a second
so that the dental floss slides freely if it first got stuck in the same gap.)
the body can change into a freak, very well in a second, so I bring the proportions
and essence of another body temporarily as well. In this way, it should be
possible to learn which feature causes any kind of body, and so features
and ways of portraying
96. Miracle healing instruction set XII * Transformation
of the caterpillar August 12, 2015
by choosing to be able to choose for yourself healthy in each respect
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If you yourself have a difficult starting situation, then perhaps you could try
immersing yourself in the life of a caterpillar and the life wisdom of a caterpillar
like in a movie, forgetting your worries for a while, or like a life change that
hopefully takes away your worries. Praying could also help to succeed in this.
grow. At the same time, it doesn't have the disturbing old in mind
There are probably the most logs in spring and early summer.
character, but the old essence is like a formless, to go away, not an adult, not even
competing in the same series and so the whole intention is directed towards
adopting a new character.
If you feel that the mental images from the worm are not strong, clear or versatile
enough, then avoid mental images of a sick body and a too heavy lifestyle and
instead think about your healthy, healthy moments, pray, read something healing.
So, at the same time, try to correct your other old lifestyle mistakes and
your old perception and attitude mistakes and continue to do
something religiously beautiful and healthy
In the mind of a larva, the features of an adult character are essentially
connected to the function of those features in life, just as we naturally think that
we see with our eyes and hear with our ears, or that we are a certain type
of social character.
somewhat formless in the style of "I'm just here, I'm moving".
I guess men use snakes, worms and caterpillars as models to learn the art
of marriage. Maybe there is something larva-like and something teenage-
like in those images of sexuality, which is probably also related to the transformation
of a young person...
It achieves the transformation by thinking about a certain character, a
certain kind of adult insect in the style "I wish I was like that!" Then it has
a new character in mind, to be
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Energy reserves
The difference between the calmness and wholesome atmosphere of a sleepy
baller or religious moment, to the harsh realism of the type when it
turns out that some beautiful proposal is not the right one, and what remains is
99. Miracle healing instruction set XIII
99. Miracle healing manual XIII Can Ola
know that the heat of the body and the surrounding environment has an
effect on how well one can follow mental images or how badly one
collapses into some bad compartment. Powerless as tired, hungry, cold,
unlucky, pained, squirming, too narrow-minded, disgusted realist easily fall
into a bad compartment and stay there, that is, in bad ways in terms of thinking
and imagination. On the other hand, the body's energy reserves
have been repaired, such as warm, warm, well-fed, in a good mood,
enthusiastic, thinking like a vacationer, supportive of religion, friendly,
wise in life, knowing how to grasp successes, build on them even if they
go in different careers and different genres than habits or recent careers .
116. Ballerina feeling * Miracle healing instruction set XIV16.9.2015
Energy reserves
along or at least supporting such, and not sinking into the old swamp
out of habit. Several cures, especially with support for religion, are
probably better than just one, if they are healthy, particularly undamaged,
in general enlivening and healing.
116. Miracle healing instruction manual XIV * Feeling bloated
Posted by Kaisa Hannele Tervola
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If you have a clear image of the illness, you can still, for
example, pray for your recovery and thus create a healing
atmosphere, which is also an image related to healing. And
that's how you can emphasize the healing image, let the
revitalizing healing and healthy take over your body with its
influence, and so the body heals and the bad image
evaporates, giving space for healing and complete healing.
117. Miracle Healing Instructions XV * Revitalizing effect
asphalt, fillar's wheels against the asphalt sand, little boys,
the army perspective of a young man, fatigue after a day's
work, incompetence - compared to the feeling of a vacation, gazing
at the sun from a break in the clouds, a full, warm stomach, candy,
etc., good friends to do things with, thoughts, familiarity, good
weather, the company of friends, etc. There is something far-sighted,
something that finds a good path, something that notices the
edges of things from a distance in the balleriness that is
associated with carrying over difficulties - something sensitivity,
life wisdom, not flattening, healthy spirit, wealth, a happy moment,
the main things in life are in order, something that one's own life is
in order and not neglected or put in a sloppiness, something in line
with the larger wisdom of life, well-intentioned. And when you
don't neglect it, you feel better and heal faster.
117. Miracle healing instruction set XV * Revitalizing effect
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I've been quite social since I was young, and I've had a lot of social
influence from the people I've met, and along with that, I've noticed that their
troubles come, as if their lifestyle causes them in me too, even quite quickly, so
that in the long run that kind of strain can be
* Summary
120. Miracle healing instructions XVI Now
when you put together these miracle healing instructions, it seems that there
are two factors that need to be known.
Bad habits,
* Summary 23.9.2015
138. Miracle healing instruction manual
XVII lifestyles etc. cause diseases and ailments 30.10.2015
Bad habits,
120. Guide to miracle healing XVI
choices and invest in those things that have a good effect.
3) In addition, it is necessary to realize that the body can heal or get sick or
heal again very quickly, e.g. in a second, accompanied by mental
images, influences, etc.
138. Miracle healing manual XVII lifestyles
etc. cause diseases and ailments
1) There is a beautiful healing point of view, a lifestyle, an effect as I
described in my article about spiritual healing http://
2) And there is making choices: you have to choose good, healing, and
not bad, sick or getting sick. Making choices is partly social: you have to
say goodbye to the bad things of others
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trouble again and again, so by changing some habit, lifestyle to
a healthier one, you could get better even in a short time,
like half an hour or a few hours.
156. Intestinal node(?) etc. local defect and extension of the
atmosphere of adjacent healthy parts to the problem point
large. For example, when I saw two children in wheelchairs at
the Market, I got a headache, perhaps caused by neck
tension, and I was sick for two days. In physical stress, it is
especially clear that someone does not take care of some part
of the body, but moves awkwardly, etc. But there is
also similar stress in characteristic postures and styles related
to character quality, as well as slacking, etc. in stress related
to mood, pace, stimulation, emotional tone and type of sociality (do
they affect the internal organs) and in degrees of vitality. If that's
how you can get sick from the same thing
Miracle healing instructions 156. Intestinal knot(?) etc. local defect
and the extension of the atmosphere of adjacent healthy parts
to the problem area 11.11.2015
If there is a local problem, for example in the intestine or a member,
then that point is often held in a bad way, too cramping and too
rude, lifeless. If you would then stop holding it in such a bad way
and instead extend the atmosphere from all the healthy
parts nearby to gently spread the feeling to the painful part, then you
would learn in a good living way holding and sensitivity and healthy
spirit to that problem point as well, which would help it to heal.
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164. An attempt at a healing picture
If someone is really sick and prays a lot to get well, then why is it
that he doesn't get well? Isn't he religious in a good way? Is
he too stuck in his old ways? In addition to praying a lot and being
spiritual, should he make a lifestyle change towards better healing?
I was just trying, rather I was looking for luck
To adopt as a way of life a spiritual path that is enlivening and
truly religious, in accordance with positive feelings,
constructive in human relationships and wishing for good in the world
Rather, the kind of thinking that happens when making this blog,
or when solving the world's problems.
moral and wishing for good, healthy and emotional in lifestyle,
emotional in religiosity, embarking on a variety of beautiful and
good-doing activities with his lifestyle, giving up old ruts, starting a
new life invigorated by religion...
157. Guide to miracle healing XVIII * Praying and healing
Miracle healing instructions trial 164. Trial of a healing image
* Praying and 157.
Miracle Healing Guidebook XVIII healing
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13.10.2016 That mark is much messier and less
skillful than when painting usually, because I didn't know how to aim
for improvement and focus on painting impressions at the
same time.
If only those whose job it is to heal would paint better healing
pictures. In their everyday life, they would already have a
focus on healing and in their habits a vision of how it is applied to
different people. To help with that, for example, the painting
My pictures in my watercolor painting diary
* * *
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179. Miracle healing instructions XIX
179. Miracle healing manual set XIX * Lilac instrument I
have a lilac colored instrument, the tone of which is somewhat similar to
religion and my understanding of healing. It may be that it has taught me
some approach that seems fruitful. I guess if you want to learn about healing
and like playing, then lilac would be a good color choice, if you are thinking of
being religious as well.
17.10.2016 If a nurse has a lot of contact with sick people, it probably has
a bad effect on the image, but what about on vacation or retirement?
First, of course, there would be memories of the sick, but if the first attempts
were painted in such a way that they would help with exactly such
ailments, and perhaps leave the view somewhere further away,
and at the same time open the way to healing more widely, then
you would get both a good picture of it, perhaps bring out somewhere
further away, and at the same time have a better holiday,
retirement days more in peace for your own life?
* Lila player 28.11.2015
That sound of the instrument seems to lead to some right-wing religious, a
bit like this blog's, maybe point 12, entry about diabetes and natural
healthy stimulants. Then your own better alignment brings purity and
things to a better place for both yourself and the environment, but I
have been thinking that some people play the lilac instrument
in religious occasions and that is one of its essential uses, i.e. religiosity is
then for the group and others, perhaps for the good of the world,
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I guess religion heals in at least two different ways: by creating a
reserve, like being satiated with food and a more polite attitude in
human relationships, and on the other hand by enlivening,
which increases healing and its speed and makes you wiser.
Thirdly, religion can show how, what to do, what kind of image to help,
how to fit the whole together, what aspects to have in the way of
doing things and the approach. Posted by Kaisa Hannele Tervola
29.10.2017 Having now prepared more than 500 of these instructions,
it seems based on them that with the help of religion you can
really and effectively heal. It just requires some kind
of aestheticism and going along with the approach of religion, its tips
and style, and following the lifestyle of a religious person until you are
completely cured, perhaps even later, if there is some burden in your
life or lifestyle that causes you to get sick.
195. Miracle healing recipe XX * Inflammation & swelling and a
calming effect from a perfectly healthy place I
don't know this, but if the inflammation is partly dependent on how you
live, how you hold your body, then the effect coming from a perfectly
healthy place could calm the inflammation. Because the inflammation
can be widespread and because it's all about calming down and cooling down,
195. Miracle healing instructions XX * Inflammation & swelling and
soothing effect from a perfectly healthy part 10.12.2015
* * *
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But that wholesome rather whole and wholeness of a spiritual type, etc.
beautiful and not so vigorous.
21.1.2016 But being really cool often causes a fever like
See also156. Intestinal node(?) etc. local defect and extending the atmosphere
of adjacent healthy parts to the problem point
in colds in general: the body tries to keep the whole body at
approximately normal temperature, so if a part is too cool, usually the central
body begins to produce a lot of heat to warm the limbs, the surface parts
of the body, etc. Pleasantly cool, which would be some kind of pale
reddish in mental images/feelings, I guess it's appropriate, maybe pale and not
really cool.
Could this cure other diseases and ailments? But coolness is precisely
related to healing inflammation.
In inflammation, I guess the body thinks that the inflamed area should be
active and warm, while the rest of the body, or at least parts of it, is
pleasantly cool, I guess mostly somewhat cooler than the inflamed
a point in a social or emotional state outside the body can be a perfectly
healthy area. If, according to the model, the rest of the area calmed down,
then the change would have to be flowing in eddies like starting something
new, changes in brightness, acting according to feelings, spontaneous
movement and not moving sideways like a snow plow.
People hate too much antiseptic, which is cool. It is not considered healthy at
all. When coming inside in the cold, an essential part of recovery is that
the normal, non-dangerous particles of the warm indoor air spread into
the air next to the skin, and that the warm air inside the clothes becomes healthy
Coolness therefore reduces inflammation and associated swelling.
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205. Stuck neck and small movements that reflect the state of mind,
protected by politeness * Miracle healing instructions trial XXI
205. Stuck neck and small movements that reflect the state of mind
protected by politeness * Miracle Healing Guide XXI If the neck
etc. is stuck, has cramped it somehow and often thought about
something else or was not-so-energetic, then on the one hand you
should let go of the cramps and on the other hand protect the neck,
which I guess usually goes with comfortable, soft, warm
conditions & movements.
In matters of heat regulation, it would probably be good to eat a piece
of fresh fruit or vegetable, or drink a sip or two of fresh juice, once in a
while, quite often, that somehow helps.
stupid. The body also needs to be warm enough to have a natural
amount of poop. Too much lack of poop, which is brought by the cold
and a cool body, is therefore not healthy, but can increase the need
for poop, i.e. make inflammation worse.
If you have somehow lost the good habit of moving, you should
almost just imagine in your mind, what would be a tentative
movement and posture that reflects your state of mind and the
desire to move, then you will get a straightening of the cervical spine
and a posture arising from a natural emotional state, a good posture
brought by interest and at the same time you will move a little in
the way that is natural , as you should always move, just according
to your feelings, taking care of the body's good posture. When you
do at least a few of those small movements, maybe you'll get the hang
of how to move, and then you can move bigger movements in a good
way. And again, if you miss a note, it's just a soft neck
Here, too, a pleasant feeling in the body and parts of the
body, and in the mind, indicates the right choice, even if it is not so cold.
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You could try the same thing if the body is otherwise stuck. And maybe, even if
you are in a wheelchair or unable to exercise, you can look for a good
way to move and even some muscle condition in those hunchful movements
and maybe learn to move.
But in general, the movement should be like that with the whole body, e.g.
curl up a little according to the emotional mood, wave your hand a little, turn
your head a little, etc.
meals have been missed, etc. If you had taken a break from strain earlier, when
your attention was still lively and you were still energetic,
21/06/2018 This could be combined with instruction
11. My impression of healing the spirit Miracle
healing method I 16/01/2013 if not otherwise, at
least instruction 12. Diabetes and a
positive attitude to natural stimuli 20/01/2013
Fatigue and vitality
212. Miracle healing instruction manual XXII
revitalization 19.12.2015
in a good way, listens to his feelings and thoughts and moves delicately according
to them, then even more, the neck is protected from bad postures by a soft, warm,
comfortable way of moving.
Fatigue and
212. Miracle Healing Guide XXII If you are
tired, you can't carry yourself through difficulties, you don't choose the wisest
strategies to overcome problems, but you can act rudely, stupidly, collapse
into problems. And I guess this is normal fatigue, familiar from, e.g.
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A221. Miracle healing instruction set XXIII between
options Sometimes, when
you think about a problem, you wonder if it was this way or this way and how I usually
had it, and what about others. So it's similar to thinking between different lifestyle options:
should I go through the park or go for a long run or just the street, etc., and so
in the case of a single thing, you end up making lifestyle choices, much broader
choices that affect endurance and energy. I guess body health choices are also
like that, like this or like this or like this or how -
choices in which you choose something that seems like a small thing and then it
determines to a large extent how the continuation goes: whose way you live, whose
numbers have improved, how big your trouble already seems,
Think differently
contagious with happiness, and used the time to rest, recover, have a meal, do
something nice, then I wouldn't have been so tired that my resistance is weaker.
Similarly, life's other problems, difficulties, downsides, even if you don't really
know why they are so insurmountable, can feel like a strain that pulls you down,
gray, dysfunctional, collapsing, sickening. And correspondingly, energizing things,
e.g. according to full understanding, even if you don't know why they energize and
bring strength, can correct that situation, lighten it, bring luck and happiness, vitality
and aliveness. In this way, both in healing and in avoiding illnesses and accidents, it is
essential not to get too tired, even if you don't really know which side of a person
is exhausted, why that side is so important or why a certain type of vitality
lifts you from the bottom.
Think differently
A221. Miracle healing instruction set XXIII between
options 28.12.2015
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A242. Miracle healing guide book XXIV not
getting stuck If I
wonder why people die or get sick, at least the flu gets worse when
work or studies are heavy, as if escaping them with the help of illness,
even if the conscious mind itself cannot decide that it is a place for
vacation. And a person dies when it's time to change circles, but the
same old thing just goes on and on - when the conscious mind
doesn't respond to the needs of change, which I guess happens
especially with the closest relationships and work, carried
away by their continuity.
If you just went from one appropriate way of doing things and
from one pattern of life to another, without getting stuck, without
looting, preserving your vitality and cherishing your energy,
in harmony with the world, I guess you wouldn't get so sick or die so
easily. Which I guess means some kind of getting stuck
out, choosing a lifestyle instead of being stuck in a groove, towards
learning something new, from change to something
charming, to something new.
Letting go and
On Practicing Miracle Healing Instructions A284. About the
possibility of healing training on February 5, 2016
which would lighten, improve, how to get the easiest and healthiest
A284. About the possibility of training for healing
Letting go and
A242. Miracle healing instruction set
XXIV unstuck 12.1.2016
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And if you don't know how to cure your little trouble, anyway, when it sometimes goes
on and sometimes off, you get some sort of impression of what it could
be about. And so, gradually over time, you can learn about healing by practicing what
brings good feeling and health.
A291. Miracle healing instruction set XXV * The stream of life and symptoms only as a
A291. Miracle healing instruction manual XXV * The flow of life and symptoms only as
an addendum 7 February 2016
From these attempts at improvement, I have gotten the impression that the way of doing
things, the mood, the atmosphere, the points of attachment, the lifestyle, the
feeling, the actions and the sociality influence how one gets better. That is, if you had it
the right way, if you did it the right way, you would get better, at least you would get
better. But what is the right way to get the hang of it? I have written down my
impressions of the factors that promote healing in my miracle healing instructions. So at
least you could invest in them. I think that the best training target is a small
ailment, which some of the time is there and some of the time is not, and which does
not bother you so much that you would like to go to the doctor, etc. For example, even if
you have been sitting badly and some limb is stuck, numb or indented, or that
there is a small wound, a chafing, some part of the body is strained, etc. Then you could
try how to adjust your being and your efforts so that you feel better, try different options and
look for ones that make you feel good all the time and get better. It would have already
accumulated some sort of understanding of how to alleviate ailments and
heal. It would be better if you ever have a real disease, etc.
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A305. Guide to Miracle Healing XXVI
Concept of realism
A305. Miracle healing guide XXVI In the
functioning of the body and in what state the body remains, if from one moment
to the next it feels a little or more different or the troubles are different
When I was just thinking about the symptoms of yellow fever, what kind of
situation could cause it, I noticed that if in the normal flow of life, in terms
of the expression of emotions and sociality and lifestyle, such a
feeling, such features, then a picture emerges of what life situation could
cause the disease. And with a common sense of sanity, one could suggest
some improvement.
to a certain extent, it would seem that the concept of realism is important. It is
something for which the mind can command the body. Disgusting realism is
bad: "It's pretty bad anyway." etc. and "It won't get any better.". Faith in the
ability of the body to heal itself and to live healthy is also good: "The body
has its own wisdom, with which it can heal itself." and "It's amazing that those
wounds will heal anyway." etc.
Concept of realism
But on the other hand, when I stopped to talk to my dog about the subject using
sign language and expressions, I noticed that if it emphasizes the feeling
of fever in some social situation or life situation, where there is a fever-
like or feverish feature, then if that fever is classified as a symptom and it looks
at the matter from a symptom-oriented perspective, so it is sick as usual.
Instead, if you looked at the flow of life as a normal healthy life and noticed
that there was now such a perhaps excessive variation or reaction, etc.,
then there would be instructions for healing, that is, that healthy lifestyle
as the main plot, and that way you would obviously stay healthy.
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* Life for the better A309.
Miracle healing instructions for XXVII uri
Let it happen as you wish." From that moment on, the daughter was healthy.
This is just a collection of images from those previous miracle healing
instruction attempts and my instructions for raising the dead and its red-
I saw such a quote online:
A309. Miracle Healing Guide Series XXVII * Life for the better
A348. Miracle healing instruction set XXVIII on
regrowing a body part 10.7.2016
for careers on February 22, 2016
A348. Miracle Healing Instructions for Regrowing
Body Part XXVIII
Matt. 15:28"
First of all, one should be vigorous and lively, have a good aura in the areas
where the part of the body is going to grow again, i.e. a person of good fortune,
healthy living, conscious,
It reminded me that if the illness is partly due to psychological reasons:
a person just can't stand something, then if his life then goes on a much better path
in a healthy spirit, he will get relief from it and his troubles will disappear almost
completely or completely.
"Then Jesus said to her, "Great is your faith, woman!
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15. Injuries heal like a miracle Miracle healing
instruction kit II 5/5/2013
Then, in the same way as I described in my attempt at miracle
healing instructions on fetal development and painting, grow
that missing part, perhaps quickly. This step is supported as in the
picture I mentioned and as I have advised in the miracle healing
instructions until now.
47. Handicapped and Friendly Insects Miracle
Healing Guide VII 6/1/2015
2/5/2018 See all miracle healing instruction sets
benevolent and in harmony with the world in terms of morals,
healthy minded, religiously beautiful - that is, vital for that area and its
vicinity, where the body part is going to grow.
seni.html and especially the passages
See that yo link's descriptions of the aura and my
previous miracle healing instruction attempts, especially
my impression of spirit healing.
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24.12.2019 I tried to compose my own image of growing a missing
body part like fetal development: D, E, FD(long), G, A(long),
GEC(long), A, upper C, GEC(long note)
* Personal B485.
Miracle healing instruction set XXXVI Protecting
sovereignties 10.4.2017
28.1.2020 If you were to try to grow normal hands for thalidomide, you
would have to grow at least a very short arm first, then something like
a joint, then an elbow joint and then a hand of a suitable size and
otherwise suitable, good to live.
If you have an artificial joint, you could probably try this in your sleep
so that there is no tight clothing over the joint, but in
a dreamy state, undisturbed by the healing process, you could
momentarily move the artificial joint to the bedside table or next
to the foot of the bed, and continue with an intact body, if the body
can once heal itself, I wonder, like unawares.
30.12.2020 In general, if there is something wrong with a part of the body,
a piece is missing or is otherwise defective, but when you were younger
you were healthy and probably brisk, with a healthy spirit, then you could
probably go out into the bosom of nature, where it is good to be healthy,
walk at least a little and try to renew yourself, to be healthy
as a healthy life in that environment, to give one's body
I guess it would be important not to panic into inhorealism and start looking
for the trouble back, but to live undisturbed, with a positive mind like a
dreamer or satisfied with life.
* Painting &
84. Miracle healing instruction set X
fetal period 15.7.2015
It would probably be important to take care of healthy meals here, e.g.
fresh vegetables, fruits, etc.
* Through wisdom
B435. Miracle healing instruction set XXXIV
resolved on 3 January 2017
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20.9.2021 If the new body part initially looks different than
29.10.2021 After a miraculous healing, you should be so religious about that
body part that you can see from the style of the miraculously healed body part
that it is miraculously healed and not somehow defective, e.g. left at a
distance from life.
to reform into the kind, perhaps familiar from younger years, to be strong,
healthy, to live well, and as if to leave those years when the body has not been
in good shape, in between, if it is miraculously healing in this way, e.g. your
lungs are healthy when breathing fresh air in the bosom of nature, like a new
better start with healthy free time.
normal, e.g. fetal development-style, but will be corrected over time into a
normal healthy body part, so you must remember to tell the people around you
that the body part is not yet final but just created in the manner of fetal
development, and will still transform into a normal healthy body part.
30.10.2021 (For some reason, I once got the impression that there is quite
a large proportion of the elderly who have lost their limbs, and that if someone
lives to a very old age but in good health, then he may have had a bad season,
and so centenarians and maybe older people often have a
prosthesis, and so all their examples slower and more inactive than the
younger ones usually think. And so it has seemed very
essential to all
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3.11.2021 Regrowing a missing limb or the outer part of a
limb seems to be possible by taking a model of fetal development
in maybe half a minute when the limb grows the most, and those
who have succeeded have had a serious, focused attitude and their
own vision. They have seemed to build on how they, as individuals,
have an order in the world, for what aspects. But the
problem has been that the doctor has reacted aggressively and
wanted to amputate a new limb immediately, or the spouse
has thought that someone else has taken the place of the disabled
person or has gone astray and wanted to amputate a new
limb anyway, partly because the possibility of growing a new limb is
out of the picture thing. Perhaps it would help to be
actively involved in life, to invest heavily in the protection of religion
and in the usual security arrangements for times of danger.
a hand that is held a bit like a robot hand.
in terms of well-being, try to find a way to grow a healthy body, even if
you have lost a limb, etc.)
For someone who can grow a missing body part without problems, I
guess instead of a rather correct-looking robot hand, a real healthy one
28.11.2021 The one who succeeds in growing a new, decent one to
replace a missing limb, does so in a basic way, he just makes the
fetus using a model. That's how he perceives the task for himself
as important and central that you can do it when you use all your
healing wisdom to support you. A limb, etc., can grow in a short time,
but for the time being it should be established as a good
model, good to use and in all respects healthy and well-functioning,
even the right size. But later on, the motivation and sense of
importance in shaping the body is not
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You can possibly get information about miracle-healing animals from the disabled
Such a sleepy memory image just came to my mind:
A349. Miracle healing instruction manual
XXIX On invulnerability 17.7.2016
In the spring of 1999, when I was still living in Helsinki, I had not been
involved in the activities of the Red Cross and had heard their radio
ad about the Kosovo crisis fundraiser and it was looking for fundraisers for
a few days, so I was at that fundraiser at the turn of March-April by
the railway station on the other side of the street at the entrance of the corridor
where you can get to
A349. Miracle Healing Guidebook XXIX On
just as big and probably not as healthy, i.e. kwhonosa should preferably
be fully recovered at once.
To the mine yard, and so the dream claimed that I went from
the direction of the railway station and the trams across the street, to which I
somehow startled a little and left the place on the escalators of the tunnel's
little-used entrance that were in that direction,
9/5/2023 If a body part came off a while ago and it's a question of whether it
could still be reattached, you can ask for help from the
miracle-healing mouse. Remember to reward with good living conditions
and treats suitable for the mouse, and perhaps with money, if successful.
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In the summer of 2009, I moved to Savonlinna, and a yard forest between the
apartment buildings opened up at our door. Once I started running from it along
the path into the forest, when I thought it was nice, but some human resident didn't
like it and I heard a bang from the stairs behind me like a gunshot, at the same
time I tripped as if on a root, even though there probably wasn't a root. I did as
the British man with miraculous healing skills in the video of the first part of this
blog, inches intact, preserving my previous overall image of the body's integrity, I
shook my middle body intact and smooth, removed the impressions of bullet
holes, and continued the journey, but no longer running but walking
because of the humor of the neighbors.
In 1999, for a few years or maybe even longer, I had eagerly read New Age
books and poems that I borrowed from the Helsinki City Library, New Age
books seem to be the most read
Beautifully good in the world
better para
where on the stairs I noticed that I had a bullet hole in the middle of the left
side of my jacket and maybe a centimeter or less of blood had flowed. I was
thinking something like ( 19.3.2022 It's as if someone has tampered with
this instruction.
This is my impression of the beginning of the first part of the healing
tips blog about spiritual healing and Injuries heal like a miracle.
My memory picture was that it read:
hoping,..." etc., so a spiritually beautifully hopeful instruction, but now when I
read it, it read something completely different. ) there is no hole in it, the body
just fixes itself to function well, and I was beautifully spiritually, living
beautifully in the world , universally wishing good things, the skin to be
completely healthy and the body inside to be perfectly healthy and a good healthy-
spirited living wisher, and then I was whole. And I guess I went home. But has
my life since then been messed up by the impression of wounded ducks contacting
me, surgery patients who wish
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Another vague memory tells me that in the spring of 1999 I found a
pair of bullet holes in my jacket and called the police to ask whose
jacket it was, what happened and the police replied that it was my
jacket, I just don't remember the events of the previous day.
My recollection of that first one is that there was a bullet hole in the
side a couple of centimeters from the side and a few fingers' width
below the lower part of the chest, which closed almost immediately
and almost didn't bleed at all.
there in general, mostly about Zen Buddhism and meditation, but also
about the mind-body connection, chakras, auras, ghosts, graphology
(my parents had a book) and I myself had Stephen Mitchell's English
book that my mother bought for me. a translation of the Tao-Te Ching,
which I liked a lot and still like, it can be read many times, a bit like
poetry. In addition, I was interested in Christianity, but from an
atheistic background. That is, if there was any miracle healing skill in
that, then yes it was largely spiritual, related to a beautiful moral
and healthy spiritual life, e.g. sports life, and not some imaginary
gimmick from the level of ordinary life.
24/04/2020 Tollane's composition work from this day
* * *
* * *
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17.12.2020 in the spring of 1999, maybe a couple of weeks before that Red Cross
fundraiser, when my mother had said that I had two big moles on my back that
probably needed to be cut out, so that there was no risk of cancer from them, so I
was at the health center and a male doctor cut out two moles from my back lying
on my stomach, but the knife had a long blade and when I listened to my
sensations, it felt like a case of place perception, a vague outline image,
that the knife had cut the heart where he had stretched the skin on my
back, so the heart split once or twice, and I listened to it somehow that it
was or it isn't, and so I instructed my heart to return to its former shape, intact, but I
didn't try to make it beat with the knife, but I took a very short pause in the
heartbeats and then continued again with an intact heart. And soon the wound
was stitched up and I walked home and it was no worse.
* * *
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B383. Miracle healing instruction set XXXI for
social effects etc. 23 August 2016
While preparing these instructions, it has seemed easy to come up with
instructions for distant people's ailments that are unfamiliar to me, but if I
have ever delved into the life experience or
perspective of someone who is ill, such as social or
friendly human relationship, then he has lived in the ruts that naturally
bring that very disease, and so no cure has occurred to him. The cures have
been (almost?) always from the advice of someone who has no inclination
to that trouble. He just thought that "share them, they are that type of
people, they probably always do something like
Pay attention to
that is, if there is a community of people suffering from the same problem, it
is not worth socializing much, although it is perhaps good to get some picture
of how they feel and what they do
* Model of those without
A375. Miracle healing instruction set XXX
don't have any tendency to trouble you 21.8.2016
usually get sick with this type of disease. And it's worth taking a lot of
inspiration from the lifestyles and life attitudes of those who don't get sick
from those types of ailments at all, nothing like that. It does not require
dragging them into the company of the sick, but you can socialize with them
even further, because you have the motivation yourself.
A375. Miracle Healing Instruction Kit XXX * Model from those who have
no inclination towards your problem
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Pay attention to
B383. Miracle healing instruction set XXXI for
social influences, etc. Different
people do things in different ways. They also live in different ways and from
different points of view and rely on different skills. Different things suit them and
so they make different solutions in the same situations: usually, if they are
free to choose and are not too much advised or controlled by others,
then they are suitable for them, but they are not necessarily or even usually
such that they would suit others in a similar situation, or at all for those
who were. For example, if someone has a severe pain, he will look for relief
immediately. But what is a great pain for someone and what relieves someone.
Someone may need a better life choice, another may need painkillers, and a third
may want to go to a care center. You should listen to different
choices, noticing if they are your own spiritual people, comfortable in
the same things, secure in the same things, of the same level of skills, unable
to use the same solutions, equally mature, equally in tune with the human
contacts that will come through those solutions, with similar hopes for the future,
in a similar life situation, with a similar with quality and endurance, with
the same sources of energy as you. And if they are not, then they should be
kept at a distance to the extent that they are different or their differences
affect their decisions. And one should listen to oneself, one's own
feelings, and not to paint scumbags like your unreachable loved one,
who is worried by responsibility or bothered by trouble or for whom your
style is too different, a burden. You yourself know how it feels,
what else you know or are able to listen to than your close circle, so also invest
in your own wisdom, your own feelings, and not so much worry, but a positive
mind helps in healing, as well as being healthy and avoiding Tool who is too
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Very successful Christmas, warmth of emotions, religion, beautiful
decorative objects, art, nature, sense of atmosphere, own free-form ideas,
guided by positive emotions with the help of common sense, then the
successful creates a model, a way to succeed in other things in life.
A very successful person has many good traits for success in general,
and it's good to follow a model like that anyway.
for the better.
About recovery
Emotional goals, without discarding them because of stupidity, help to
find routes, ways of doing things, choices, habits and ways of life, of which
your own instinctive understanding says that they are good, even if your own habits
or those of acquaintances do not support them.
B386. Miracle healing instruction set XXXII * About recovery
A sense of atmosphere, just like when making decorations, Christmas and
crafts, choosing the nice, is usually an important element of the tuning
and perception required by skills and talents. And so it's good to be touched by it,
which also brings, for example, nature and songs as well as religiosity and life
Just as it comes to mind that someone recovering from a problem with hand
function might be good to make Christmas wreaths, so similar
elements are useful in other types of recovery: Religious support
and prayer, the good will of the community, like-
minded people
It's good to indulge in all kinds of fun, to be so caught up in life and get
stimulation and exercise, to live more actively, to be in better shape and stay
healthier, to be on a path that leads
B386. Miracle healing instruction set XXXII
September 2, 2016
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B396. An essay on miracle healing I
have a vague memory of the late 1990s, when I still had the
second last name, lived in my hometown of Helsinki and had
read a lot of New Age literature, which I got from the shelves of
the city library. At that time, I practiced aikido, which is the
Japanese so-called a martial art, the "way of harmonious power",
where the idea is to defend oneself without harming anyone
and learn to find both self-defense and harmony: harmony
between the healthy aspects of oneself, with other members
of the community and with the universe. We had an aikido
camp, which means training twice a day on the weekend, and I
guess Igarashi-sensei from Japan was the leader. But I don't
really remember this ending, I just had a vague memory or an
idea that someone had claimed that a Japanese leader had
murdered a camp participant or a couple of malevolent women
there, and I heard that in the same building but not in the
same room, and there were dozens of campers in
different changing rooms, corridors, etc. That's how I would have
tried to direct the atmosphere of the camp: "healthy,
refreshing, like a pleasant atmosphere consciously and
doing good, enjoying brisk exercise, finding and remembering
good sides in others and the community, enjoying the camp
chores, hoping for the best, the body getting better, each camper
getting space spiritually, who needed that then, waking up as
if to a new morning, getting space for himself from the fact that
others are already leaving for the gym, in his own time
usually saying hello to nice talks from the beginning, getting
strength and refreshment from friendly well-wishing young women and others, making a new star
carried by the familiar entertaining activities of the camp". That's it
B396. Trial on miracle healing 5 October 2016
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But I don't think this is being used in a mannerly manner, but only as an
emergency measure, because it gets diluted and becomes
false when the delicate figure is simply consumed
along with wishing well, and so from that sensitive, healthy landscape, you
can extend the same type of sensitive, nurturing, mood-sensing
attention and serenity to your body as much as you feel natural at any given
time, and start again from the sensitivity of the landscape or prayer,
if you lose the functionality of the idea. Then the cramps will ease,
instead of a lumpy image, there will be a sensitive, enlivening,
serene attention that eases the troubles away. And if it succeeds in taking
over the whole body with its surrounding areas and life situations, its
environment and its prayed world figures, then it is a wiser, more
wholesome point of view, with which one can understand how to heal
and how to be better and to which one can heal.
I guess the camp was run by Igarashi-sensei, but all I remember is that
it was a nice camp in a way and the atmosphere was kind of cracking when
some women as individuals were interested in learning
something about murder in addition to their martial arts hobby.
B410. Miracle healing instruction set XXXIII
From landscape sculpting to sensitivity 11/12/2016
B410. Miracle Healing Guide Series XXXIII
From Landscape Characterization to
Sensitivity Sometimes if there is something wrong with the body, it
simultaneously cramps or is blocked or somehow more epony than usual.
Then I guess it helps to make an enlivening lightening,
which opens the attention to perceive the world in a landscape-
like way, with a sensitive sense of mood, e.g. especially with prayer or
wishing well like at Christmas. Then, at least for the most part, you can get
that landscape representation in a healthy way, for example a prayer or
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Sometimes life struggles, the perspective is bad, the approach is bad.
Sometimes things go well and it seems to be related to a good
healthy approach. Difficult problems can be overcome with the help of
religion. By investing in all the wisdom and life understanding you have,
you will overcome difficulties that would otherwise be overwhelming.
So if you are in trouble, invest in healthy lifestyles, healthy spirit,
liveliness, emotionality, morality, wishing for good, praying, life wisdom,
beauty, etc. wisdom and rise above the situation, solve your
problems with a wiser mind and only when you have properly recovered
by living even somewhat wiser, you can to return to your former
careers, if you still consider them wise enough.
Miracle healing instruction set B448. Aches & pains and
horse knitting pattern 13.2.2017
B435. Miracle healing instruction set XXXIV * Solving with the help
of wisdom
and not recreate in a healthy form. So, in times of need, you can use it a
few times or even a few days, but not normally every day and
preferably not even once a week, but you should make your body
stay healthy otherwise, or have such a religious or benevolent nature
that you naturally charge the batteries of this type of attention often
and with good quality, fair.
* Through wisdom
B435. Miracle healing instruction set XXXIV
resolved on 3 January 2017
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The horse is made into a knitting pattern, that is, the mood of pleasant
chats held by many people and their sociality, at the same time the sociality
softened like a coffee break and the free-form, friendly, if others at a
distance, the usual chatty sociability of a hobbyist at least some of the time.
The horse is actually designed for an emotional life
When neighing, the horse also has a healthy, athletic and independent character.
as a model. More space for feelings can ease pain, because pain is often the
result of something being difficult to carry, putting pressure on,
missing, etc., when space for one's own feelings brings freedom to be
without hurting oneself somehow.
The picture should be looked at with a social eye and not imitated
exactly or acted out at all, but in the way of learning on your own, make stories
about the same theme, especially emotional compatibility, and
listen to how it affects your mood.
It is essential in a horse that it bends and does not come straight towards
where the conflict arose and increases the pain, but it bends as it pleases, in
which case it constantly chooses a good route and a good way of being and
doing, which relieves pain when you can choose good ones options.
B448. Aches & pains and horseshoe pattern I'll
put this here as well, because I think it's easier to find that way.
The horse moves in its own way and enjoys itself, which also makes it easier
to feel when you can choose what to do, what to do, how to do it, etc.
So looking at this horse knitting pattern seems to help the pain.
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So the picture is of someone who gets space with the principle of
"Live and let others live" and enjoys fascinating things according
to his own feelings, who doesn't come straight but around a curve,
being friendly, social and independent, doing what he wants and what's
good at any given time. At the same time, there is a softened style like
coffee in a bun, many people think that all kinds of things are
comfortable and emotional, so you can be better at peace, it is a
more constructive way to go.
This way to ease pain suits also pets and other animals. http://
* * *
* * *
(For avoiding labor pains, see childbirth
more gently A367. Dislocated kneecap and mental images of a returning
& healing knee 17.8.2016
One option would be to make a pattern out of dots. And someone could
print it on wool fabric, etc. Or as cross stitches with two adjacent threads,
so that it doesn't look like a quilt.
Or just print the top picture if it is visible enough.
In English:
Watching this picture of a horse mildens pain, without need for pain killers
or medicine. The picture is a model of indivudualistic life according to
feelings. The free running horse runs in an arch.
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B455. Miracle healing instruction set XXXV
lifestyle center right
Wheelchair and
* * *
If the legs don't work properly and you have to use a wheelchair, but the
arms and upper body work, then perhaps by trying to move in a good way,
you could find a point in the way of moving, attitude, way of doing things, etc.,
where the movements work more easily and even well, including the movements
of the legs. At the same time, it would be an invigorating salutary point in the
lifestyle, improving the mobility of the legs, lower body, etc. I guess it would
be like that
Would this horse knitting pattern, for example, as a print, also help with
alcoholism, if the alcoholism is caused by the fact that life seems too hard?
Wheelchair and
B455. Miracle healing instruction set XXXV
lifestyle center right
healing instructions and childbirth)
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miracle healing instruction set B480. Old troubles and clinging to
healthy times with your body April 1, 2017
If an old injury has been troubling you for a long time, you shouldn't
focus on the time the injury occurred or how the area was bad or was still
bad, but give your body a healthy body as a guide, focus on the healthy
times with your body, inspire your body to that oven, encourage and
give for it to develop under favorable conditions to be like healthy and
even healthy, to praise and be grateful for the improvements. Thus, if,
for example, there was some difficulty from childbirth, then one should
not think of the baby or the child as completely connected to the body,
at least in such a concrete way, but let the body heal in peace: the
baby was probably not in a wise and considerate way from that point of
view, or
quite clever, especially now in hindsight, when the child is already living
his own life.
B485. Miracle healing instruction set XXXVI * Protecting personal
sovereignty 10.4.2017
B480. Old troubles and clinging to healthy times with
your body
In that, morals and emotional compatibility would be especially
important, because they help to find the right balance of the
whole a way to be with emotions and with the rest of life and in general
the right kind of motivation, etc., from which also in other parts of the
instructions. The text is really long, maybe more than 230 paragraphs
in its current state.
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If I even have an image that this is how I stay healthy, living this way I am
healthy, so in order to stay healthy based on that, I have to be able to
follow that view of mine and that means that I have to be able to do things
in my own way, but somehow wisely, with integrity in a way, even doing
the math.
B488. Miracle healing instruction set XXXVII * On the effects of the
way of doing things 12 April 2017
B485. Miracle healing instruction set XXXVI * Protecting personal
sovereignty When I was thinking
about these options for healing and getting sick, I got the
impression that it was particularly sickening when I was young when my
mother said after we were somewhere, "Just be careful not to..." because
it shrunk my personal space, my personal dominance, my sovereigns
away from that subject, from that area where I should have nurtured
my own possibilities of influence, my own integrity, my health, which
requires space and not to be put in a box. At the same time, be
careful of getting infected, etc., but don't deny myself from life, from
being knowledgeable about those topics, from being sovereign
like an adult.
That's also why it's bad if the father says that now it has this and that fault,
and it's more stupid to assume that such faults cannot be cured, then if you
are not dominant enough, the possibility of improvement in that
direction disappears much faster than what the father says is possible. So,
if healing takes place through mental images, atmosphere, rhythm of ways
of doing things, etc., that depends on the perception of reality or who
decides how to do it.
B488. Miracle healing instruction set XXXVII * How to do it
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After practicing painting, I've come across the strange old familiar
phenomenon that the way of doing things has a lot of influence on
the end result and therefore whether it succeeds or not.
When I enjoyed poetry, exercise and nature, that was a familiar
thing, and now the tip of painting and religion is more than
imagination, but miraculously it works. Different people,
animals and life situations have different ways of doing things, e.g. seasons.
What do I observe, how surely and accurately, what remains
stuck, what lifestyle skills I nurture and what I don't, what I do with
purity and what without power, what is the rhythm and interest of
what I do, my current fascination and stamina. "Kraah kraah räts",
produces a different result than, "hey yipii, I'm doing these". Or, "let's
try, let's see how I'll succeed now, but I can't really handle it" or
"how is it going, I'm a first-timer but it would be really nice to learn
these things, what I've seen others do has been great". "Wrumm,
wrumm, jaa wrum" or "hip hips, how exactly is this going, have a
good time". Etc. Etc. Recently an African, Arab, etc. got on the bus
in nylons or without pants at all, even though it's only the first
half of April and it snowed yesterday, I was somehow confident
that he would try how it would go, but I guess it was carelessness
in the tropics, different climates would have needed different way
of doing things and precision, if I didn't want to get a
fatal disease. If something doesn't work, then you should
check if you need a different way of doing things, a
different picture of the situation, a different way of life, a different
quality of character with virtues and values, ways
of doing things, daily rhythms, emotional life, sociability, identities
and degree of representativeness. To some extent, such
people catch on from the social
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it would seem that the body also lives according to such differences.
B499. Miracle healing instruction set XXXVIII * Personality development
according to the current way of doing things. So
through, can bring stupidity to others and misfortune when trust is built on
the wrong facts. On the other hand, if you are an independent individual and build
on your own well-versed skills, saying no to the criminal's carelessness, then you
can get pretty close to your usual ways."
oddity-brings-talent-and.html . Since it's about your own interests, what
naturally suits you, you can also learn skills related to lifestyle and staying healthy:
to be more like yourself, finer, more skilled in fine things, in the
things you really care about
B499. Miracle Healing Guide XXXVIII * Personality Development People's
lives are
different. Others are sick with whatever, others are healthy and live whatever
kind of life they have. You don't learn everything, but usually people have their
own hobby areas, which they invest a lot in and which things they learn well,
which they adapt to with every cell and from which their future development
direction is born, what kind of personalities with their good and bad sides
they will be a few years older. For learning about gifts and skills,
A person's essence is determined by lifestyle and e.g
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Arje has some beds. When those beds are different, staying healthy
is either a more natural or a more difficult task. Similarly, in the
circle of acquaintances there are, for example, energetic and serene or not-
so-energetic people who are weighed down by things, from whom you
can learn healthier or worse lifestyles through social media.
B508. Miracle healing instruction set XL * Mental images of a healthy
and soon-to-be-healed wound area
B500. Miracle healing instruction set XXXIX * Moral 11.6.2017
If you can choose the best one from several options, then one would assume
that mental images matter: which path I choose, what I try, what I
believe and invest in, what is my drawing of the goal, my instructions in
my company. Then it wouldn't be good to look carefully at the
wound to see what it is like, a bit like in a disgustingly realistic way,
because it creates an image, an instruction about the wound, about not
healing. Instead, you should look at the wound less and think that it can
B500. Miracle healing instructional attempt XXXIX * Moral
I guess what I wrote a couple of points ago belongs to these
miracle healing instructional attempts:
"I have a responsible nature and I think that keeping an eye on the
world and being good-natured about it brings some of the balancing
skills that staying healthy requires."
more engaged, and more versatile, also healthier.
B508. Miracle healing instruction set XL * Images of a healthy and
soon-to-be-healing wound area 29 June 2017
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"Getting better, getting better, getting well, okay, just keep
going." etc. and accept it, if you feel lighter and healthier, then you
are already healthier: the approach matters.
B509. Guide to Miracle Healing XLI
B510. Miracle Healing Manual XLII * Images of Krishna
B509. Guide to Miracle Healing XLI
married 29.6.2017
change for the better quickly, even in seconds, and vary in
appearance and feel. I guess it's good to choose good paths for
healing based on a better feeling or a good feeling. You should have
an image of a healthy body, a healthy wound area and give it
to the body as a guide to where to soon recover with the body's own
miraculous wisdom.
They greet life
They greet life
Healing is also influenced by what kind of life is more broadly,
whether the person to be healed is healthy, empowering,
positive, free enough, emotional, in line with the best
understanding, free of big weighty factors such as relationships
with loved ones and work. If the beds of life are not terribly
healthy, you can change them to better ones. For example, doing
subjects that fascinate and are good for the mind, lifestyle
and body. Every fascinating topic can be like a path that you start
to walk: how great it would be to be like that, to enjoy those
things, to be able to, to live that kind of life, etc. At the same
time, you can leave unpleasant things out of your life, not to
indulge in them, not to keep company with their supporters.
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* Images of Krishna
B510. Miracle healing guide book XLII I don't
know Indian religions, except that I have read Japanese books about
Buddhism, but maybe ten years ago I watched videos on the internet and one of them had a song and pictures of the
Indian deity Krishna, which, viewed from a social point of view, seemed
particularly capable of healing, somehow in harmony from living with the
world, to religious heights, so that they would have known how to grow a
limb to replace a missing one. I think you could learn healing skills from
them with the help of a social eye, assuming they are human.
Your healing paths are different from those next to you or the same
B513. Miracle healing instruction set XLIII * Your character can only be
found by you 9/7/2017
those suffering from trouble. Similarly, your skills are different, e.g.
B513. Miracle healing guide XLIII * Characterize your ailment as something
that can only be
found in you If healing an ailment requires intuition, movement, bodily
functions or images, mental health, etc. skills, then each person
has different and different amounts of them.
Therefore, you usually cannot find the best posture, way of moving, way of
healing, mental images, mood of doing things for yourself, your
own body and your mood by imitating others, but you have to make your
own version, the way you feel good about yourself.
You mustn't look to see if other people have a problem, whether I have it there,
because the purpose is not to create trouble, but to get around it, get by
without it, heal just like that, with the body's miraculous ability
to heal and the mind's kindness.
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B527. Miracle healing instruction set XLIV * Eliminating predisposing
factors August 16, 2017
I guess completely gone, even if it would otherwise be interesting or
B527. Miracle healing instruction set XLIV * Eliminating
predisposing factors
How about carrot and red milk, and if you're on friendly terms with insects,
this year's honey too?
My e-mail like this would probably also be suitable for other medical
"Sometimes it's sad, if you should have gone a certain way in a certain matter,
but then you didn't, even though others thought you would almost certainly go.
You seem like a reader.
Are you
or have you noticed that some
in terms of your character, different purity and rhythm, based on
different areas of life, flexible to different degrees, lively, strong, vital, alive,
etc. Your mind also understands the body, movement, naturalness and natural
habits to different degrees to do, be, be social, feel, act, heal. And so you
have to do it in different ways, as if your trouble is not for others. The most
well-known ailments are probably the ones from which they don't really get
better, and the ones that get better easily forget their troubles quickly.
Therefore, identifying with a group of people with the same illness brings
many influences from those who heal worse.
promised to read some text or some magazine, which for others would have
been a pretty easy task, a
certain type of reading brings stiffness, lack of flow, bad luck, compulsions,
etc., i.e. it should have been left out of the readings
But not
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So those estimates come from when I've tried to solve problems that I'm too
confused about and then I've had to go with hunches, hardly noticed ones
unrelated to the topic
B535. Guide to Miracle Healing XLV
the way of taking into account, than being guided by others or anticipating
dangers and making sure to get by."
* Skilled doctor? picture
don't know about food.
A skilled doctor? picture
B535. Guide to Miracle Healing XLV
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An educated style is perhaps for communication and a
conscious aura for healing. A straight nose could be an
interest in improving the spirit, etc. in effective and beautiful
methods of arantaming. The name was called OAELönnbohm
Could it be that if people get other people's perspectives in
their everyday life, they come a bit like some box-like part of a
crow's perspective? Varis is probably a human enthusiast. Will it
I am reading a book about the life of the famous poet Eino
Leino. It mentions that he was the youngest of a family of ten
children. After reading something about the journey, I came
across a picture that was said to be from one of his vleis, but which
somehow reminded me of the impression I had of the
person who was said to be able to heal all the sick in a
minute or two, just by seeing him. But now I don't know about
doctors, probably many would have that impression, this picture
wasn't exactly the same, but it reminded me of the same thing.
(1856 - 1927) and reportedly liked to use his father's name
Mustos. When I showed a picture of the healing to my
hobbyist Japanese upright ear (9-year-old male, white, called
Vaapukka, or Vompsu), it seemed to me that that man understood
at least many of the causes of diseases as poisonings: with
some perspective, one poisons a person, I guess, as an
adult's perspective goes beyond a child's style and way of
life. People felt it was important to find out who you identified
yourself with and why: they are influenced to the point of trouble,
even if you are nothing like them.
tell me about this? Or does it assume that people
aren't interested in it and stay away even when it would
be ordered to talk to people and keep company on behalf of
people and little birds?
Sometimes, when you are dealing with a person with different
hobbies, then afterwards, when you try to do your own thing,
you bring the other person's perspective and their influence
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30.9.2017 I guess that's where the impression came from, when that
posture is like some sort of trailblazer in a topic related to healthy lifestyles.
As if he is more skilled in them than his surroundings and tries to set a model
in their field, even if others don't consider him a central figure. And then,
on closer inspection, that topic seems like medicine and not exactly a
healthy lifestyle.
At least you shouldn't take influences in the usual way or imitate the lifestyle
from him, because he's probably had terrible dealings with sick people, so you
can get sick from anything. He himself tries all the time not to get sick with
others or with the shortcomings of these perspectives in the stresses of his
own life.
instead of own things and you don't get to do your own things, the day is
ruined. Is it because, from that other person, those interests of mine are
inferior, not necessary, not worthy of attention, while he himself is and
his work etc. boring is a fascinating world. But why remains such a fixation or
being connected? I guess the perspectives of much less skilled people will
be haunted in that way, if someone you kind of keep company with, even
from a distance, assumes that you are on the same level as them,
similar, living a similar life, sharing the same circle of life and sharing the
same perspective on life. I guess that's what their family
and the one who inadvertently thought you were on the same level, suitable
conversation partners and life circle to share, that is, perhaps someone with
whom you get along astronomically better, so that even the frills are too
much with those lower level people.
Keep distance, at the level of business communication, so that there
are no infections. It's not clumsy and doesn't stick around.
But it didn't say he was a doctor. It was just such a picture that
brought the doctor to mind. It was said that he worked as a
newspaperman in Hämeenlinna and then moved
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I guess they wanted to recruit me to be a part of this project
as a child, and apparently I was recruited, even though I didn't expect
such a big job, but my part was small.
B553. Miracle healing instruction set XLVI * A less established
approach 11/16/2017
oriented towards healthy lifestyles and not towards healthy spirituality,
at least as much and in the same way as Finnish culture, and so
they did not acquire the knowledge of healthy lifestyles, on
which Finns improved, and he did not know foreign cultures well
enough. And so the idea arose that there is a need for writings about
healthy lifestyles and a healthy society, as well as improvement
instructions in written form, so that they can be translated and
then nurses, etc., in another country can think about how they
could be applied successfully in that country. And
as a school inspector in Kuopio.
B553. The Miracle Healing Guide XLVI * A less established approach
Usually, when a
person is stuck in some kind of trouble, even if there is no illness or
injury, he has some strategy to try to survive, and that strategy
is too rigid, unlearned,
23.11.2019 When I heard about a skilled doctor, who in his time
healed everyone who saw him within a minute or so, he supposedly
healed all the patients who came to him, who were Finns and maybe
Swedes, but then he didn't know how to heal foreigners, because
they still wanted to live the way of his own country and its culture was
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Therefore, if you need better skills, it is usually better to go your
own way, with your own better approach.
that you are ill on 17.11.2017
too one way of seeing things stuck. Either way, when you're in
trouble, it would be motivation to invest in a different
emphasis on life areas, if it would bring the skill to get out of trouble.
If you do it all the time with the same approach, you will always
have the same burdens and, of course, often the same good
sides, in which case it is possible to keep things and what you do
in the same place in the world, you don't need to change your social
compartment, for example. But talent is often associated with
different points of view and different approaches, not rigidity. The
downside of rigidity is that if someone in the environment hasn't
done it, they've learned it by heart or staged it, and if everything is
always done according to the same formula, then
those stagers who don't know how or don't try to do the same will
be included in the group and thus lower the general skill level
of the group a lot, so some otherwise very possible roads remain completely unused.
Particularly nasty diagnoses can perhaps be decoded:
* Don't lock it up, B554.
Guide to Miracle Healing XLVII
* Don't lock it, B554.
Miracle healing guide book XLVII that
you get sick
Different people get sick from different diseases. Their way of life
and way of doing things, their type of thinking and their
mannerisms, their neglect and their unfair treatment of some
things etc. expose them to various diseases. And since those
traits are contagious through social interactions, their company
temporarily exposes others to the same or similar reasons -
together with the effects of the person's own and other
burdens. for diseases and ailments. So as one
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22.11.2017 See also
B435. Miracle healing instruction set XXXIV * Solving with the help
of wisdom 3 January 2017
B555. Miracle healing instruction set XLVIII * How to live without
trouble 19.11.2017
B555. Miracle healing guide book XLVIII * How to live without pain
Over time,
the feeling changes and the pain sometimes weighs more and sometimes
less, sometimes maybe for a while not at all, it's as if there are less or no
pain at all. Jase, on the other hand, is related to how he lives, what he is
attached to, what he thinks, what
A291. Miracle healing instruction manual XXV * The flow of life and symptoms only as
an addendum 7 February 2016
in a moment there may be some trouble as if one has just been
diagnosed with an illness, but strangely a similar situation to other
struggles and stumbles of recent times, low spirits, misjudgments,
awkwardness of situations, social situations, etc.: influences from
somewhere or a few such influences together, of course with the
influence of one's own character, that such an overall
effect: first the exposure and then, perhaps soon, various related
ailments. That's why you shouldn't get stuck in the situation that you're
sick, but see that the situation is still alive, you can weed out those bad
things from your life and assume that it will help at least a little, maybe
a lot, and then maybe you won't be sick anymore. But getting sick
means that you have to take a vacation, focus on self-improvement in
one way or another, e.g. in the form of avoiding those bad
influences and bad circumstances and in the form of pursuing a healthy
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B556. Miracle healing instruction kit IL * The protection of
religion as a path leading only to good 20.11.2017
the way of doing things is doing what you cherish, who
you are social with, who and where you are influenced by, what lines
you follow, and especially what your lifestyle and way of doing is then.
And so if you seize a good moment and imitate those
stresses, especially the lifestyle, then it may be that you get rid of
the trouble just like that, simsalabim, but it's a lifestyle
change, perhaps a personality-like change too, e.g. let's lighten
something up, get healthy and invigorating parts of the
lifestyle .
20.11.2017 And if you don't manage to make such a big
lifestyle change all at once, you can anyway by changing the
emphasis get some benefit right away and prepare, get training
for the whole lifestyle change. So put more emphasis, as much as
possible, on that beneficial alignment, making it the bed of
your life, so that it would be good to continue, and on the other hand,
lighten up, remove the emphasis from those habits that have a bad
effect. And later to make a complete life change.
B556. Miracle Healing Guide IL* The protection of religion as a
path that leads only to good
Here, when I listened to a short clip of a religious program on
the radio, it seemed to be praying for the sick, but overall protection
for the path of illness, as if illness were an inevitable course of
development, perhaps for the worse, and religion was the guarantor
of that course of development. Instead, one should hope for
protection from religion for going in a good
direction, for better prospects for the future, be they healing or
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B561. Miracle healing instruction set L You can
take care of your body in a bad or a good, healthy, healthy way. In the same way,
influences from other things can be picked up precisely from the healthy, salutary,
the healthy wise, the healthy spirit enabling a healthy life like a wild animal, the healthy
enlivening the beautiful, the health-conscious, the salutary. That's why you can
instruct your body and mind to be healthy now, only healthy, then the body will be
better able to heal itself, in some parts perhaps quickly and in the rest at least
with time, its sense of health
B563. Prolongation of illness and coming to faith If the illness just
continues, and the situation does not clearly turn for the better, to recovery, then
perhaps something in the patterns of life is a bad choice, or perhaps many things, but
perhaps you yourself cannot recognize which, or circumstances, e.g. relatives, are too
established part of life, can't change them into something else, live freely as it feels good,
looks good. Then conversion to faith, religion as a big part of life, could help, because
religion has answers to life's needs, including the ability to heal and the ability
to make situations better.
Hello only
dying quietly away. So religion should be a positive alternative or support for
anything. This should already be clear when praying. So not the protection of religion
for everything, but only for genuinely good options.
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B565. Miracle healing instruction kit LII * Fluctuating outlook and separation
or going along
From A248. Frostbite
If the world were only spirit, or if we are dealing with more complex
phenomena of our living nature, then the world is not mechanical and the
conditions are not fixed regardless of our choices. But nature has its own
wisdom and that's how we can choose healing and not getting sick.
Shards of vision
We can also choose well-healing paths and stay away from positions that
somehow have a harmful social or other effect on us.
B564. Miracle healing instruction set LI
The functioning of the human body is very complex. Often
"If you were just looking for some cures in your own stock, as long as it worked,
but it is not necessary to know how, but all kinds of tips and instinctive information
can be used, so would it help to say "simsalabim" and "akrabadabra" and
assume that with each of them perhaps, at least in part, a frostbite that
heals in its own way or in its own ways."
in mechanical matters, if we do one ourselves, we think that the effects of
others, whatever they may be at any given time, will also come in just
as inexorably. But the functions of the body are separate, we can aim for the
functioning of one and the absence of the other, at the same time, one after
the other, etc. We can, for example, adjust our heat production on, for the benefit
of blood circulation, but separate ourselves from the surrounding cool air
or separate from the freezing air further away and slightly warm the air
right next to the skin , warm-skinned. Likewise, we can join our own healing
effort and
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to beneficial effects, even if they are present from time to time
and the rest of the time only nature's own healing, and at the same
time to say no to bad effects, bad suggestions, etc., even if
they are someone classifying themselves as helpful, or some
aspect of the situation like now, for example, the freezing
weather or the getting of bugs on the skin - yes the body may
have some wisdom of its own as to how to manage pooches,
whether they proliferate a lot like a touch of a cherished lifestyle,
or little or not at all like a kept in check not valued slight assumed
to be well mannered.
I was left wondering about my latest
miracle cure recipe B565.
Miracle Healing Guide LII * Fluctuating prospects and separation
or going along, mainly to see if it
would be possible to find immunity and cure for diseases
and ailments in general. Something like what to go with
and what not to go with, and on the other hand, also the art
of protection, what influences to take and what not at
all. I think that when in Helsinki, where I come from,
attention was paid to each person's skill level and sense of
responsibility, etc. when there is someone from a different culture
or in general with completely different skills and not-
so-moral, that person includes the wrong things, e.g.
beyond their skills or doing evil, claiming that mere belief in
the other's decency is enough, but belief is only enough for one's
B569. Essay on miracle healing LIII
on essentiality
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Quote from B481. About the healing of teeth:
"20.4.2018 The condition of the teeth, cracks, the development of the
situation, etc. affect the mood, in the way that, for example, when visiting a
cemetery at Christmas, it has its own atmosphere, or in the
summertime on a green beach in the middle of nature: as if you are
swimming in an atmosphere, a topic with social relationships, etc.
aspects, with its ramifications. And then your mood depends on it, as
does your illness or recovery. For example, when dealing with unpleasant
things, you are bothered more easily when the mood is bad. Correspondingly,
the development of health and therefore also the development of the health
of the teeth would seem to depend on how much misfortune and
discouragement, bad quality, or rather, as a counterbalance,
those good-humored conditions that bring vitality."
according to success
actions, not influencing others. In any case, those wrong effects come with
it, which, for example, in terms of lifestyle weaknesses bring diseases,
or because one does not care about taking responsibility for one's
effects or people's differences.
B585. Instructions for healing injuries, basic version
The body should be given the instruction "Terveesti baan", an image
of full health, e.g. before the accident, from the time of ordinary life, when
the body was fine, it was healthy. Healthy twigs repair adjacent parts
to health. We don't obnoxiously think about what was wrong, but try to live
in a healthy way
B583. Miracle healing instruction set LIV * Mood and
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In the healing direction of prayer, there is a way of healing that is of this
type: enlivening, based on the body's own wisdom, on the ancient wisdom
and beauty of nature, at the same time on good will, etc. In this way,
the body-mind will perhaps find its own way of healing, it will heal very soon,
just be careful
Improvement instruction
set C608. Bumper
need to be.
My 10-year-old Japanese mastiff, who is fond of pooping and
* Keep positive
C586. Miracle healing instruction set LV
options open Here one
day, when I came home, my dogs were in front of the hall and my
Japanese erect ear, who is a healing hobbyist, had gotten on her head (my
dogs are constantly doing tricks) and landed on the ground nicely like a
woman sitting in a wheelchair that someone has arranged nicely. I coaxed
it to move a little in the same way as I would have tried to advise
good movement habits and healing. And afterwards, I made sure that it knows
as much about it as I do, especially when it comes to its own movement.
In healing, one important thing is integrity, that you can try your best, and
the other one too. And that the pace is relaxed, suitable for
healing but also for effective learning of new things. And that the
situation turns out well and not sick, makes the successes a bed for the
but carefully if there has been an injury in any of them.
That's why I think that the one who tries to make the sick person feel
comfortable and good, to make life smooth, has at the same time done a
good thing in terms of healing.
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I myself have not felt that I need obesity, but now that in the next few
days I have sent this blog to a few places in the medical field, it has since felt
that a similar buffer is necessary, due to the bad luck and harshness of
And on the other hand, we need the wisdom of life, the support of society,
life conditions, lifestyle, etc. charity, the strength it brings to rise above
difficult fates, especially with religion, music, nature, healthy lifestyles and
ordinary life.
eg interested in nurses, is fat and somehow feels like he needs fat to try to
help sick animals.
In the buffer, on the other hand, the idea is that there is a reserve of
energy, e.g. for food and back-up nutrition, that there will be no hungry
moments without food, and therefore good nutritious food and fat that
feels good, or what is needed for recovery in the same way as
after going out in the winter cold.
* Heal a large area
C657. Miracle healing guide plan Heating the
environment at the
same time The perception of a healthy organism, i.e. the goal of healing, is
usually the perception of a large part of the body at once, for example, in
addition to the head and neck, the upper half of the chest as breathing,
active, alive. Instead, the injuries are often local. Thinking about only one
point is somehow suffocated and does not connect that part to the ideal
part of a healthy body, just like the idea of a big chunk of the body, which is
natural to think about at once. Think about an ideal health, for example
nature, ancient healthy lifestyles, good will in the world, a wise way of
living guided by ancient wisdom, impressions and impulses brought by
prayer from this direction. Let that ideal be a guide for your body, heal your
body: live according to ancient wisdom,
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I would think that mental health is also one investment target that is offered
when referring to young people, both in the issues of society
and in social life, understanding and conformity to preferences.
at first perhaps estimated.
healthy lifestyles could be one useful investment target if the example of young
women improves health. Here at least exercise, nature, outdoor
activities, being involved in life and the fact that food is healthy are important.
Young women are generally sensitive to emotions and understand emotional
matters, which e.g. listening to music teaches: to learn some of the great
ancient wisdom that music can teach about life.
in which case the body is much better at healing. Trust in positive feelings,
positive opportunities, a healthy feeling to live life as life should be and good
morals as a motto. Let these create healing, well-being, revitalization
and instructions for health and recovery in that area. Allow one area at a
time to be revitalized from that area to heal particularly well, effectively,
healthily, e.g. in a few seconds already the feeling will change for the
better, and perhaps the body will also become better with it. This
way, the idea is that the injuries would not be so serious anymore, and the
person would not be so sick
improvement instruction
set C662. If the example of young women improves well-being
Young women often live healthier lives than older ones ie
Young women whose company or influence improves are often interested
in spirituality, if nothing else, then for the sake of general
education and just in case, that is, it would be good to read something from a
spiritual direction, beautiful and wise.
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with wisdom
C678. Miracle healing guidebook LVIII on making
healings If you were to do
something very big, perhaps a healing that goes beyond most
people's understanding, like a miracle healing, then for some, if done in a
wise and healthy energetic and emotional way, it might be
successful and for others or not.
Maybe it's the case that the lines that don't work out are ordinary people's rutted
lines, which they easily fall into, while the lines that miraculously heal are those
that are more personal, more civilized in terms of the wisdom of the
heart and sanity, in which case they sometimes have it but
others don't
By nature's own
The body is a miracle of nature, it heals ailments with its own wisdom.
C665. Miracle healing instruction set LVII
Very big ones
Healthy lifestyles, especially exercise, outdoor activities depending on the weather
and especially love of nature, teach the body's own ability to heal ailments if
you just wait a little. I guess being healthy also improves healing. Likewise, healthy
food and a good night's sleep, as well as enough fresh air and cleanliness.
Positive, healthy outlooks in life, as well as emotional harmony and a
beautiful moral, healthy alignment in the world, I guess also increase that
nature's own healing ability. Food, especially fresh vegetables, etc., but of course
decent food according to the food circle. It's also important to notice their
refreshing, fresh rush, the difference to indoor spaces, the wisdom
learned from nature about the way of life to live with the weather.
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That is, personal doing based on your own life wisdom and the spark
of a moment, chair slips that then get boring when you try to be with
others the way others do and not just with the "Live and let others
live" attitude. That is, sometimes it gets better for a while and you
should just keep doing it for at least a while to learn. And then the
second time it doesn't go well, but it's disabled or sick, etc. and that's
just the way it is, but that doesn't mean that by making an effort on the
other side, like a slightly different character quality, like a
healthier, more independent, but still emotionally wise person
who is engaged in healing, you can't succeed.
As a child, when a person takes a model from someone, even if he
leans heavily on this, he usually doesn't understand very precisely
how he does it and why, and so when he complements the different
points and aspects of doing things, e.g. thought processes, they
go quite differently than with the model, with an object to lean on, and
therefore in a way individually, as it goes well with that child, and so
the alignment is in a way independent for practical reasons and
leaves room for life due to the goal of functionality, taking a model
that works, is often a very good option, as long as you can also do it
towards Omni. But when a person is an adult, and
especially if he has his own life experience and no longer follows suit
but adds his own vision, then if, for example, due to an accident,
he has to follow the example of others, for example to lean on a
doctor in a difficult situation to get through, then at that age he
often already understands the differences between people in
ways of doing things , and so in hötöä it turns out to have taken the model too closely, a lot
figure out so well what the maker why and what is similar
and what is not and what the conditions for making are.
C690. Paralysis of the lower limbs and a model of ideals, not
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C691. Miracle healing manual LIX and vire to
be learned from domestic trees Sometimes if someone is very sick, it
seems as if they are missing the art of living when they are healthy. This is
especially often the case if the person originally comes from a very
different climate, where people behave according to completely different
rhythms and different character qualities and basic necessities.
Someone who knows the climate and lifestyle of the country in question
can pick up the right mood very quickly from domestic trees, from the tone
of their atmosphere, from how it is healthy, what kind of healthy alignment it
seems to have. This is how you can easily learn healthy lifestyles, if you
maintain the alignment all the time and if the edges of thoughts and
lifestyle have as your own alignment anyway, that healthy lifestyles are very
much sought after, e.g. like an arctic animal out in the wild.
The art of healthy living
C732. Miracle healing instruction company LX
more accurate than when I was a child, when the images of the future depended
on the whole worldview, and not like when, after an accident, correcting one's
ways, in a way, giving up one's own line too much, and that new line
doesn't work, it was only good for the other person, and so it depresses,
and the depressed person slouches in place, doesn't try to the fullest,
because the way of trying is not liberal, pro-life and wise enough. And so one
should not take a model from people anymore, but only from ideals and
skills, and even from them with the support of one's life wisdom and not in a
formulaic way, giving up oneself, but also not blindly as if only by order,
but wisely.
Grab the promising wisdom
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C733. Miracle healing instruction set LXI for the
flavor of life
What works well in life is about the flavors of life, not the kraah model.
Take the good ones
and Collect them to empower yourself. In
life, you will encounter this and that, also many beautiful and wonderful things,
uplifting such as music, culture, when it starts bearing, spring birdsong and
improved opportunities for outdoor activities, etc. Grab the wise
aspects they carry, learn life wisdom from them, copy, associate , invest in
positive options in your life, and the overall effect will raise your life to a
better level, including better health and better coping, greater wisdom.
C734. Miracle Healing Guide LXII investment
items for your alignment, even if you don't do them for seconds at first In my
opinion, one of the
most important points of this blog is point 12.
If you invest in life's life-flavored features and the feeling of life's flavor brought
by e.g. nature, which are wonderful, bearable like wow, not the type of tumbling
etc. that don't flow very well, but like familiar life, trees, the charm of nature, the
charm of exercise, etc. , a beneficial influence in the direction of healthy
lifestyles, being successfully involved in life. If you didn't know how some
part of the body would work well, carry, and heal, then from the taste of life you
can get instructions for the rest of your life, some type of life wisdom, carrying
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lifestyle will help if you take them into parts of your day, even if at
first you couldn't manage or know how to do each of them for more than
one to a few seconds at a time, because a healthy life includes
them, they, as parts of the alignment, help carry over the difficulties of the
day, bring a lot of strength and make it so that a person is already on the
path to a healthy lifestyle.
C735. Miracle Healing Guide Series LXIII * About Eternal Life Ylen's online
news had a story about an ancient elixir of eternal life found in China,
which could be deadly. Somehow, while looking at it, it occurred to
me that it is probably not intended for drinking but for looking at,
referring to something like Chinese gardens with ponds, lotus flowers and
water drops on the leaves. The lotus refers to Buddhism, which
can indeed improve and teach many useful things in life, once you learn
how to improve your perception. Nature can refer to healthy lifestyles and
contact with nature, which therefore also heals, i.e. instead of eternal life,
you can get more healthy years of life, but eternal life, if there is such a
thing, can be in the same direction, only requiring more skills and
favorable conditions. One could think that if the Chinese can live to
a very old age, at least some, then for example Taoism would
have something in the direction of healthy lifestyles, a healthy society
and learning skills for living in a healthy society
In the same way, other beneficial investment targets, which would be
beneficial precisely as a full-time policy, will probably help to some extent
even after a small amount of time, if you have been interested in them in
the past as well, you will try to learn them as part of your life.
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It looks like there is text, but I didn't read it, I just glanced at the beginning,
D746. Miracle Healing Guide LXIV * Varying rhythm bringing
functionality and harmony At least in spring,
if it's dreary, it's often either too
(I learned Taoism well from Stephen Mitchell's excellent English
translation of the Taoist classic Tao Te-Ching
Tao-Te-Ching Laozi/dp/0060812451 but it has to be read
several times and always without compromising objectivity and common
sense, which means that you don't learn much at once, but it's somehow
interesting anyway.
of the type that would be an enlivening ancient healthy lifestyle, at the
same time satisfied life content and a better skill to get along with the
surrounding world, find their place in it, which would at the same time
help towards a long life and make it a contented and contented life.
But that doesn't mean starting to copy distant countries, but Taoism
emphasizes that everyone should build on their own foundation, eg
relying on the culture of their own country instead of being controlled by
theories that have not been understood from abroad.
But this would only be a long life. On the other hand, Buddhism tells
about the journey of the soul, which I guess for the individual is
some kind of long life, or at least not everything would then end in
death. From the point of view of the world, it would then be
essential how many people live, it would create a mainstream, perhaps
the spirit of the times.
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In my seasonal writing http://
variability of the rhythm of living in spring, but I couldn't find it
here, as the blog usually has some problem with
copying the text.
Bad Bet After Miracle Healing D748. The stout bad draw of healing
and showing the model healing
varying degrees or uniformly thick, always the same. Then it probably
helps if, when walking outside and otherwise in your life, you vary
the rhythm with which you walk and do things, so that
you find the points that work and there is harmony in
temperature regulation, in the variation of things in the
circle of life, etc. That is, could a varied rhythm in
doing things as it feels good and brings a good life, but
aiming for a healthy spirit, could we bring something in the direction
of an invigorating harmony, the invigoration brought by exercising
and admiring nature, etc., a healthy spirit, which is favorable for
finding ways to heal.
16/04/2019 Here is the part from my writing: "If the
spring weather in April feels dreary, either too changeable
weather or flat, I guess it helps to have a varied
rhythm when walking outside and in life in general, so you can see
what goes well at any given time and how e.g.
temperature regulation and lifestyle changes
according to the weather and the need for change make
the life experience harmonious."
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D748. The bad luck of healing and showing a model of the art of healing If you
heal well, then of course it
is of interest to the sick and their close circle, and even in good times they
can be around a lot during the rough times of healing, even when they
are quite healthy, even if they would otherwise be sick or very sick thoughtful.
Therefore, you can catch bad luck related to getting sick and many
diseases, life just somehow doesn't go so well. That's why it would be
good to show your essence at least quite often and always at least for
a moment, when you come across a bad attitude, then a model of how to
heal well. The model is good to show to a somewhat slow-witted
beginner, but at least potentially having life wisdom, so that it is well
understood by everyone and you don't even have to explain it to different
people several times. It is good to show the model to the birds as
well, so many will correct it with their song in the spirit of information,
reducing the burden of explaining.
D758. A composition about my dog's åarantam
This note is not mine but my dog's, so in a way it doesn't share the same
vision of healing, but my close circle does, so it may have some of the same
expertise. My dog is very fond of pooping.
of skill on April 24, 2019
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30th of June 2019 If the world is of spirit, you can sometimes when you happen to meet
something gnome like in your life, in your environment, you can maybe wander to a gnome
like world for a while, like for example meeting the weather when you go out and
wandering for a while in a world of weather and nature, maybe adding wisdom of life too.
Likewise if you run into trouble, that may keep you lingering on a not so nice perspective, as
if all were spirit. But if you search for things that usually help out of trouble, like music,
religion, better life, civilized wisdom, maybe the medias, then you typically can
wander to the worlds they create and leave your troubles behind. Often this demands some
energy, so having eaten, preferable good tasting food, often helps doing it's part and
bringing life to a gnome like direction, kind of wirh less nuisancies or with less burden
from them, more fractureless, more free to invest on hobbies, personal interests,
etc, each having theirmoment, their worlds, which can become parts of your daily life
and if you much like them somehow parts of your character too."
Hope for the best
In this way, you could perhaps change the amount and type of your illness or your food and
water to better ones.
D767. On changing the situation: if the world is spirit
D798. Miracle Healing Manual LXV
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26.2.2020 Here is a slightly different way of parsing, but yes
in English:
Wishing well for the world makers one wished for the in the
world, as if people would wish you to stay healthy, kind of
feeling well because people like your course in the world,
energetic and wihtout serious obstructions."
D799. Miracle healing instruction set LXVI * New healing
life contents
Bad lifestyles are said to lead to corruption.
Listen to your sensations, compare how well do not feel and
especially what you estimate how your health would develop in
the near future, would you fall ill and/or get into accidents or
feel well, if you either wished well for the world, kind of very
beautifully with healthy spirit, and tried to follow that line in
your life, even if that does not affect much, or did not care
about the world and did not wish well for the world at large.
in the world, live
beautifully A person to some extent plays along with
the rest of the world, so that if a person is very much like what
is desired from the point of view of the wider world, then he
is somehow in sync with his own nature and he is wished well
so that such a person gets better much better - i.e. to a large
extent spiritually in the world a person who does good, wishes
for good, and has a good life orientation.
The body just can't handle everything. Instead, healthy
lifestyles and a healthy attitude in life, a positive mind, are said
to heal and keep you healthy. In principle, healing streams and
life contents are offered to the sick
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to support recovery and coping, but even then the own life of
the person who talks about them or otherwise offers them is not
necessarily a model: the medical staff, due to exposure to the disease
and the social company of the sick person they encounter, is underactive
or partially sick themselves, which is an awfully big burden for an
ordinary person, and many who come to see the sick may to indulge
in something said to be curative for the sake of its
curative effect, not because one would ordinarily live that way.
D803. Miracle healing instruction set
according to the LXVII model of
healing When I taught healing to my Japanese mastiff (who died last
summer in June 2019), the basic method was enlivening lightening,
showing the model to the patient, as if raising the idea in the air
that hey, how was this one, have you tried it? The idea was that a
sick or injured person, often an animal, would get an idea for
himself and from his own circle of experience, from his own point
of view, he would look for something like the enlivening nature or
the enlivening power of prayer. And then you would look for an
image of a yogi or other skilled spiritual person in someone's
general education, who would also be amazingly well
That's why topics and healthy, emotional life choices that hope for
good in the world can increase healing a lot if you learn them
from someone and are motivated to do them yourself. But on the
other hand, sexual relations when sick can be a burden: the body
can't handle everything and there may not be enough spiritual
holes of its own type in one's life. For example, with a cold, many
people can manage to be on their feet all the time, but if a person
with a cold starts a sexual relationship, his capacity gets
blocked somehow and he remains socially stupid for a long time
and probably doesn't get better at all as well as he would otherwise.
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10.11.2019 A spiritual person can therefore be good in his mood and
outlook, the better the more undisturbed he has been able to live
wisely, and by following his example, he can heal quickly. But that's
a completely different thing than a person who somehow joins in your
illness and as if takes the trouble on himself and then knows how to
heal it, a bit like being stronger to carry the burden. A
spiritual helper, on the other hand, is visionary, and
when you get sick, your vision suffers a lot, even disappears completely,
so that he cannot take the burden off your shoulders, but only be a
model of how it is easier to bear.
15.12.2019 I have the impression that I saw a very prominent spiritual
person (so not from his circle of acquaintances or a TV character,
but something a bit like Mother Teresa) a spiritual person who
understands a lot about healing, by following a model, i.e. by
learning like a school and practicing like a spiritual hobby, not by
socializing etc. , could heal very well and quickly, lightly from many
types of ailments, including serious illnesses and injuries. But it
would happen lightly, almost unnoticed, somehow by finding a better
way to be and try. And then you should engage in it with a serious
mind, a bit like thinking about becoming a monk, etc., or like
Christmas is so fascinating that you really want to join in
healing, and then from there the self-healing in his life would start
for you, to live like a spiritual person, and at the same time he
would receive from his spirituality a sensitive mood-sensing miracle-
healing attention, with which the body would heal almost immediately
and the strain would lighten. And so you might start moving a
little, and since it was based on that miracle healing skill, you
would then invest in the miracle healing skill in particular, live
on it, and thus get better quickly, a bit like someone who jumps into
motion, who feels that hey now healing has happened, I'm already
starting to recover . But therefore revitalization is an essential main element here.
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D879. Miracle healing instruction set LXVIII * Fluctuating
views & avoid grid pattern
and live like that, and a sensitive mood-aware attention and the right kind
of basic energy in trying, which you get by taking a model
in the way of learning, then they would bring a vision of healing with
which you could give yourself instructions, and by following them, still
living spiritually wisely, you would quickly improve, a lot already in
the next few minutes, maybe seconds, but substantially better already in
the day or night, and then you wouldn't have to gravitate toward
spirituality as much anymore, I think.
September 5, 2020 A spiritual model would probably be good, like the idea
of healing that arose while reading a spiritual book, and therefore not
some kind of human contact. Or at least the book is often a good model.
If and when the feelings about the disease or ailment change over
time, fluctuating into this type, then it probably has to do with what would
be favorable for healing and what would be unfavorable,
causing illness. The grid model and clinging to it is probably
very sickening, but it happens when people are not at their best in
terms of understanding, but try to follow something resembling school
sense, I guess for example the doctor's head worsened by exposure to
illness. On the other hand, more beautiful approaches, more common-
sense and more in line with positive feelings are more favorable for
healing, and thus should be preferred at the expense of the square
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If there is an injury or maybe it is, like you just fell and you
don't know how it happened yet, or there is an injury such
as an old broken bone, a broken tendon, a contusion,
etc., then start repairing it like someone who doesn't
yet know what the injury was exactly. Think about
when you perhaps once read or heard about religious
miraculous healing: what image did you get, what kind of
person (or animal?) would have been so healed, and
now become that person for a while so that your injury
can be healed. From your point of view, give yourself
instructions on how to heal, even if you don't manage
to stay so religious for that long. That is, an instruction
to the body, that being healthy is the goal, and an
image of those areas of the body as healthy as
an instruction to the body, and an image of how they
and the adjacent parts will repair them in a spiritually fine-
tuned and invigorating way, with the help of a beautiful
mind wave, to become healthy, at first perhaps even
a little correctly, and then the religious miracle of the
body and mind thanks to the miraculous healing
ability of the feet, to health. When you feel that such
a healing is an image related to the body, as if it could ideally
already be, then start betting on it, as if after falling you
would get up carefully and start walking lightly, that
maybe this is when I walk carefully, and continue to improve in that and just become hea
D884. Miracle Healing Guidebook LXIX *
Repairing Injury, Basic Version
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Banjo says that the nursing aunt and this work environment must
understand that if you have healed so well that there is no longer any
nursing contact, you don't need one, because these nursing aunts are
or something like that. I advised that Vaapukka's healing
method was, that is, what he learned from me, an enlivening
lightening, which the person to be healed himself does based on
his own skills and tips from the environment. Because the person
himself gets a much bigger, spiritual type and more life-wise type of
vision about how to heal and how the body and body-mind are self-
healing, excellently healing like ancient nature. And then the
idea is that the person gets better in seconds and other ailments,
if there are any, are corrected in minutes or even a minute, and he
walks home on his own feet, or if he was disabled, then after a miraculous
recovery, he needs a new home right away, one with memories
and an atmosphere of a miraculous recovery and not about getting sick.
If the hotiotati succeeds in that, then I guess you can get paid quite
well for it.
D890. 11 years from my poodle: Miracle healing for caregivers
I was surprised by this when my poodle Banjo was interested in
something like a nurse, a bit like Waapukka in his time, and from
Banjo's point of view, the nursing aunt type looked a bit similar to
Waapukka in his time, and my tiplist wasn't, but Banjo said he
would see if he could teach them the art of ighme healing, once
Waapukka part and are similar. I asked what kind, and banjo answered
that they were tired but wanted to improve and somewhat fat, a bit like
the Moomins but maybe not quite so fat
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D902. Miracle healing instruction manual LXX * Meditation
"I guess MEDITATION would help, not any
body observation "meditation" but ordinary breath
observation meditation and dealing with the surrounding landscape &
life in everyday life like movement meditation and the body is only
understood more from the point of view of what is good for
movement. That is, in breathing meditation you follow the
breath, observe it and its effects (in healthy ways, in a healthy way,
wise in life, etc.) on the body and mind and contact with the
environment, etc., i.e. actually just normally breathe, feel the flow of
air in the nose, etc. and try to sit naturally, without forcing, in a
good position, but not rigidly, but in a way that is physically fit
and a natural posture with a straight back like exercise
brings, and we also try to be in tune with our emotions and
thoughts come and go, but don't develop them
so healing enthusiasts. that they think such social contact is
nice and so leave it, unless instructed otherwise. And that's why, says
banjo, one should heal at once, say five, and says that
he doesn't know how many a day, maybe more, so that it
doesn't seem like the work ends when someone gets better.
It is said that meditation heals and develops healing
skills, I guess especially meditation in the bosom of nature, if
you tune in to an invigorating healthy vibe, etc. Here is a meditation
guide for beginners whose quiet life is difficult, prepared with cancer
patients in mind, from section 414.
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My Japanese erect ear, Waapukka, seemed to have miraculous healing
skills through some spiritual connection between animals, and seemed to
heal people as well. Its healing method was probably an enlivening relief,
which the sick or injured person had to do himself.
let's focus on feeling the sensations and being in balance, enjoying this
moment and the sensations of beauty brought by unforced attention
and somehow a wiser way of dealing with things, not so sane, clumsy and
artificial but rather motivated and appreciating
the ancient healthy basic form, the basic flow of everyday
bullshit, and from that you find the unforced awake existing way of living,
which is just as natural as just the flow of breathing, etc.
unforced basic living, when you have become interested in it or need
a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and you also
try to live with it, it is good for your attention span, because you go with
the flow as things happen and do not artificially ramble on, but the
idea so just sit comfortably with your back straight and follow your
breathing and on the other hand learn good unforced attention, i.e.
D914. Miracle healing instruction set LXXI *
Animals capable of miracle healing
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the impression that a neighbor in a wheelchair had been cured by a
mouse with miraculous healing skills. At that time, this blog
had been in my mind and I had told about the animal school to
the birds and other animals that happened to look at my
apartment. See my elf skills post section
E11. There seemed to be friendly little birds in the nearby trees. At the
turn of January to February, many animals are worried
20.4.2021 My apricot-colored poodle chirped a little over a month ago,
but he said that over the past few years he had taught a hundred mice with
miraculous healing skills, which was probably related to the fact
that there lived a man in his sixties in Savoblinna, who my dogs called
a mouse-assistant dentist and a Kazakh, where mice are
dentists, according to my dogs part of culture. Today
After moving here to Puustellinmäki in Leppävaara, Espoo, Postipuuntie,
a week ago, I got a dog from my poodle
from hibernation, and miraculous healing would have been a way for
the mice to survive the winter, a guarantee of food and
warmth, a way to find a place, a way to be accepted. But then my door
over there was closed, so it was unlikely that a mouse had come
through me, especially since I didn't hear of such a thing in Savonlinna.
it occurred to me that one of the factors that helped in teaching the mice
is a woven horse-knit pattern patch, which is as warm as a blanket
and the pattern also heals aches. It has rolled somewhere, or even a
few woven tags, but I have no observations of mice, etc.
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like dirty little creatures, and that everyone is like that.
As life instructions for mice, I would have recommended the
same for others, i.e. "Live and let others live", i.e. like the trees in
the park: each branch is sovereign, as long as it does not unreasonably
interfere with the lives of others, and healthy lifestyles, especially looking
at tree branches and what you learn from them, for example by walking
along the branch its growth direction.
If it has ever occurred to me how to live with mice etc., the main
advice for mice etc. comes to mind is that cleanliness is the most
important condition for being able to live with mice etc. otherwise you
will get sick and then you can no longer
Among the knitted tags was at least a heart pattern knit with small hearts
as decoration for the bigger heart, and a red patch I just found with
but the more important for mice is my elf blog which my dogs said is important for mice and
other animals because it brings them
So there was a school of mice there
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8.2.2022 "I had the morning's orange juice in the fridge and I drank
a little of it this evening. The juice had the taste of the previous day's raspberry
jam, as if the mice had mixed it into a tasty drink, which is used to
teach young mice to follow in Vaapukka's footsteps to be miracle healers,
somehow learning firsthand on their own. On the other hand,
religiosity can also cause that kind of thing every now and then. But what
wise mice from their teaching ties! I must admire them.
E952. Environmental issues press...
place, although I don't know if anything was communicated about it
other than a thin line about what an elf is, but I've been talking about it for two
and a half years already, I don't really know why.
... If it is the warming of the climate that worries you, it helps to notice
that it is enough to find plants that can be burned dry to replace fossil
fuels, and plants that burn dry are scarce. You could also focus on
purchasing an eco-car: there are already eco-cars and you can probably read
about them online! In general, many of the solutions that are already in use
require, in that way, your own expertise in the solutions of
the advanced ones, i.e. the trade sector, etc.
It helps with heating costs if you ventilate the room until it is dry and
then close the door and windows. With age, many people have noticed
that there are big differences in the perspectives of different parties in
terms of practical functionality, so it's worth paying attention to the aspects
that make different places, professions, religions, cultures and climates work
well for them from their point of view. Many of the things that
people stumble upon when they are young often remain unclear as to why,
and such people get the explanation that the world is spirit, is shaped
by, for example,
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like the everyday life of people and walks of life and not the
points raised by them, in which case environmental issues are
solved by investing in the points of do-gooders and are caused by
focusing on precisely the damaged persons, etc.
E974. A hopeless situation and an enlivening beautiful prayer
Wish the world good, so that your own influence on the world is
positive, enlivening, so the world's influence on you must be
enlivening, so that you can heal better with the help of spirituality and
enlivening. The long-term nature of the alignment greatly
increases the chances of improvement. Love of nature also shines here.
From my elf talent blog and from my
blog "Alanvaihto haaveammattien" it would probably help if you want to
adopt a lifestyle or a profession that solves environmental problems.
E956. Guide to Miracle Healing LXXII * Good wishes for
the world
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If the situation seems hopeless, we should ask for healing, the
ability to flow and heal to health, life to a healthy place.
Is it true that all Paralympic winners get better, e.g. stand on
their own two feet at the award ceremony, that disability sports
increases the skill of getting better so much?
The creation of healing happens beautifully by praying,
you can also get a model from the beauty of nature, and also by
beautifully hoping for good in the world, living in a
good healthy spirit type way.
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Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...