Thursday, August 10, 2023

Good healing advices for those who have gotten lots of bacteria etc from working in medicare

 These advices ought to help somewhat if one has gotten lots of bacteria etc from working in medicare.


Also available as books at and at other Amazon internet bookshops

You can also try an internet translation to the index at , and also the miracle cure collection might get translated right, but the actual texts have mostly been translated badly wrong, often like evil. 

These Finnish healing advices are made by a professional writer without any background in medicine. So I cannot offer any insight or experience of their use in medicine or in care professions. The advices ought to be safe and all fit well together to be parts of healthy happy civiliced ways of living. 

For example :

"4. Aches and movement intentions  2.2.2012

31. Nerve ache in the nose area and skin & body under the skin warm  22.2.2015
33. Cold aches and keeping the whole body warm  27.2.2015
172. Muscle aches & kramps(?) and sportiness & warmth   23.11.2015
173. Muscle aches after sprts and payinga s much attention to moving  23.11.2015
A261. MStomach aches and correcting life choises tyo be according to feelings   24.1.2016
The above was my own translation. A Google translation of the index is at 

If the translation of the index is understandable enough, one could learn it's advices as a view to healing and healthy ways of living that include a view of wisdom of life according to feelings. Of each of the entries there is a text in Finnish and some of those texts include a few more attempts at healing similar problems or other problems with similar means. 

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