For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lijewise many dominant inflyencies or deeds of others are their or somebody's view of what would help you, what would be a choice you like and enjoy. So communicating of such differencies often helps to feel better, for example peopke tuned to some very different climate and weather situation than what you are in, even if the weathers are only oytdoors, may make you feel ill, like for example in the spring inflyencies from oeople interested in much colder climates often make one feel ill since it is somewhat like eating too heavy food in the summer, you just do not use that much fat etc and don't feel well with a so heavy feeling as a goal. Similarly people may have other life choices going quite the opposite directilns even if they appear the same, like for example how much of each kind of thing or social inflyences one wants in lufe and in which forms, is one oneself skilled or is one jyst trying to hang in the company of others who take care of such thibgs.
Cure attempts to illnesses etc, no background in medicine, born out of comparing with healthy ways of living, ought to cure immediately (5min) after reading and understanding or bring no result. Start from the old index with cure suggestions at . Finnish original . I write via European and American culture (not British). Latest texts seem to have smallened demand to 10% or less. Good miracle healing advice at
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Monday, March 3, 2025
If in need of immediate miracle healing or death
One could try these options:
1) wishing well for living beings in the world as the main course and dedication in life, see
Wish things well for life in the world, well for all living beings, in wise fair ways. Take this as your main course in life, in everything. Wish all kinds of things well for life, also in questions of others, and mention at least in your mind good wise things, wisdom of lufe tgat carries in the long run and in larger groups even uf does not at tge first occasiln seem to affect so much, since beautiful values heal things toward better in the world, and so the environment and things done get benefical for quick good healing.
2) miracle healing advice for first aid in serious accidents, see
3) about waking from death or of continuing to life after death, there is the advice: live in a more alive way (i.e. spiritually wishing well in the world) and make life lighter to bear. There is the blog . Of not needing to continue life or to life after death, there is the advice of giving up obligations like having said that one can well take care of such and such needed or much wanted thing. But sometimes if you do not follow wise enough values with good enough quality, some think that they should not give you a so easy way to quit, so wise values may be needed anyway. But giving up too close ties with others or fixed life arrangements, can let you adjyst your ways of living and your lufe chouces according to your greatest wisdom and wisdom of lufe, and so make you recover to a better life maybe elsewhere.
4) About skills needed in soulwandering there is in my text "Animals In Space" which one can find at a link from
Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear
For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...
Cure attempts to illnesses etc made by comparing with fully healthy ways of living, no medicine, no treatments, ought to cure by reading, un...
Wish well for the world at large so that your effect in the world is positive and beautiful. Pay attention to the landscape around, especia...
B448. Pains, aches and knitted horse model I add this here too since that way it is easier to find. So, to pains seems to help to watch ...