Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Stomach ache on a cold winter day

 If it is an 0C or under cold winterday and you have stomach ache, wear warm winter clothes, certainly wooden socks, long warm underpants and a loose woolen shirt. Eat somewhat more sturdily, maybe bake something or cook food in the oven. Spend time under the thickest winter blanket(s) in warm clothes to get thoroughly warm and comfortable but take woolen vlothes away immediately if you start to feel sweating since those shrink when moist and warm, and change to nonwoolen materials.

The skin and body need normal bacteria, but there is none in under 0C air. So avoid very strong detergents etc which means detergents from warmer climates. Tty to wash witvout soap at leadt psrt of the time and always use local mild soaps, shampoos etc. 

Someimes some people from wsrmer vlimates use too thin vlothes and get very aghressive toward others, as if thinking of them being a cause of some illnesd. They should repel cold air nextvto their body by wearing warm loose winter vlothes but they instead get "social" and attack others, which may cause stomach avhe to others nesr by. 

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