Friday, November 18, 2022

This blog as a blog print like book

 I collected the texts of this blog to a blog print like book, which ought to be for sale in in a few days. Search "tervola" or maybe you will find it on my author page .

"Healing" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, 118 pages paperback, a large thin book with a picture cover.

The book's page is but the page isn't yet ready. 

Now it appeared quite ready. There was a Look inside possibility in the computer view, and price too, but it said about my address that it isn't possible to deliver it, but on the other hand i wasn't going to buy it, since i am the author but not suited to medicine professionals' work. 

19th of November 2022   The book's page appears ready. 

* * 

 See ( healing by comparing with parts of healthy ways of living, civiliced values, lufe according to feelings and prayer or meditation ) 

( maybe also Skills of Christmas gnomes ) 

* * *

5th of May 2023   The later posted entries until 5th of May 2023 available as the second part of the book at

It may take some days before it is fully available. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Exhausted from long hot season

 If you are exhausted of many hot days in a row, take a walk in cool along a route with green tree branches roadside, maybe in rain, maybe in early morning, and look at the beauty of nature and feel the refreshing cool. 

If it aren't so hot, you could try eating fried lax with it's liquid part on a piece of light coloured bread. Maybe fresh cucumber too. 

Monday, August 15, 2022

Summer scratch in tropics

 If one in the summer or in the tropics gets a scratch from falling, insects or plants, maybe otherwise too, one could try putting tall grasses or tall grasses cut to pieces or lawn cut grasses or them with water on top of the would. If there are small insects or maybe bacteria too, they msybe prefer as natural environment the grasses instead of entering the body. 

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Stomach ache

 Some things which could soften life, if you have stomach ache because of some social problem, lufe situation or the like. Giving up the views that cause the ache, for example someone isn't so close to you or you do not have enough strenght to cobtinue on a certain studies. Go to the toilet. Drink some water. Wear loose comfortable clothes. Go to some nice place, often tidied to comfortable. Take a nice blanket to near you. Ventilate the room so that you have fresh air. Maybe eat a snack, try to listen to what would be right in questions of food. Comfortable subjects like nice music, nice professions, dream like places to move to and confortable enough near byvtoo. Listen to some music, put nasty papers etc away. Maybe take a nap or go out. Watch the beauty of nature. Find some positive motivating things to do, like distant dream job or hobby like nice things to do. Find emotionally better courses for your lufe.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Dog on a hot day

I do not nowadays have dogs but i used to live in a sunside apartment in eastern Finland in North-East Europe with two 40cm high, around 10kg dogs, one of which was fat.  

 Take care that the dog does not spend time in sun. On a walk walk shadowy side, in the shadows of trees and breeze, plan walks so that there are no long pieces in sun. If the dog gets exhausted, keep a pause and leisurely pace, maybe take water and a cup for dogs along on walks. Do not leave the dog to a hot car.

If it is hot at home, ventilate a lot when it is cool time of the day and also when there is breeze. Let the dog stay in cool under the ventilation window. Keep curtains open so much that one can see trees. If it is unbearably hot, shower while avoiding arupt cool or cold and while listening to your dog, paws and maybe the back, but not stomach, with cool water, or let the dog walk to a lake ( or to a washing water bowl of cool water ). Take care of foods but only light summer food according to the weather, but not a tough diet but instead for a meal fatless milk or cooked vegetables or vegetable beef. 

From my Finnish blog 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Try a healthier kind of world

 I have had in my mobile phone's near area share my Finnish blog about healing plus my text about the four seasons  and my long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes and that has produced a feeling of living in a happier world with less miseries around. In English one could try this blog's index in near area share to get a feeling of living in a healthier kind of world .

Dog's poor eye sight at old age

 Old dog's danger of blindness is often a result of it and other old dogs being interested in reading byt lacking the skills in it. Eyesight gets better if one is interested in looking at the nature, especially at ordinary healthy greenbtrees. Here is how to teach a dog to read. You could show the video to your dog with sound too, even though the text is in Finnish language, but it could help to get the idea of how to read.

If the dog learns to read, i guess that newspapers would be best. Later the dog might be interested in my text Skills of Christmas gnomes .

Saturday, June 4, 2022

A story of old times

  "  M7.   30th of May 2022   My parents told me as a child that the name Tervola which our relatives used to have, was said to teach people with that name ("terve"= healthy) to be skilled healers, so skilled that for some doctor it was enough for the patient to just see the doctor and all illnesses and wounds got healed at once. And at those times it seemed that people did not have any illnesses, only accidents and the like. For healing that quickly it is often a way of tge sporty individual to teach healthier ways while passing by : this way, via natural roads with common sense, civiliced wisdom and feelings along. For learning such new cures one ought to pay attention to first moment social impressions of the ill from tge point of view of healthy ways of luvibg, like appeared cumbersome as if..., would it help to use ghe orfinary skill of some fruitful looking usual area of healthy ways of living and civiliced wisdom. See , 

Quotation from my text Skills of Christmas gnomes 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

In tooth pain warm cheek & throat

 Tooth pain often vanishes if one with a warm hand warms cheek and throat a few palm widths from thosecteeth.

About avoiding pains during women's menstruation period

 From my text about the skills of Christmas gnomes 


M11.   About avoiding pains because of women's menstruation period. One should avoid using the same bandage again, also if it looks clean and has been used only for half a minute. One should avoid shit bacteria mixed in blood, so in toilet wipe from center backwards and with clean toilet paper from center forwards. One should avoid detergents in the bottom. One should wash with clean water but shower more like from a distance, not so close to the bottom, not detailedly clean, but wipe with toilet paper instead, and always a new bandage. Treat yourself some favor like a cookie or music. Don't eat food that melts slowly. If there is pain because too heavy food during menstruation period, go to the toiled. Eating lots of sugary candy may help to the pain, but remember to brush yourcteeth with toothpaste after that. 


Thursday, February 3, 2022

Mildening the amount of bacteria by sitting in cool

 If you have too much bacteria and feel that cool would ease it, don't go to so cold that your body will start creating heat in a fever like way, and nit so long in cool or cold either. Instead if your body is quite warm, go and sit near by a ventilation window, like you feel a temptation to just sit and feel your body feeling better. Sit so long that you feel quietened and a longing state of mind at the beauty of the view from the window and gge pleasantness of sitting so. Sit so until your body is somewhat cooler also inside tge limbs, and before there is the danger of cstching cold, raise up and go to where there is normsl indoors temoerature. Maybe after a while take a normal shower, washing hair too, dry with a towel and change to clean clothes that are warm enough. Maybe cook some food with quite much vegetables in it since maybe they make you healthier. Live a nirmal lufe but somewhat quieter than ordinarily and the body still a little bit cooler than normal, and feet maybe llnger cold like having been ling oytdoors in the winter time. Basic advice for avoiding bacteria is to be clean: body, clithes, surfaces, places, air, food and drink clean. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Stomach ache on a cold winter day

 If it is an 0C or under cold winterday and you have stomach ache, wear warm winter clothes, certainly wooden socks, long warm underpants and a loose woolen shirt. Eat somewhat more sturdily, maybe bake something or cook food in the oven. Spend time under the thickest winter blanket(s) in warm clothes to get thoroughly warm and comfortable but take woolen vlothes away immediately if you start to feel sweating since those shrink when moist and warm, and change to nonwoolen materials.

The skin and body need normal bacteria, but there is none in under 0C air. So avoid very strong detergents etc which means detergents from warmer climates. Tty to wash witvout soap at leadt psrt of the time and always use local mild soaps, shampoos etc. 

Someimes some people from wsrmer vlimates use too thin vlothes and get very aghressive toward others, as if thinking of them being a cause of some illnesd. They should repel cold air nextvto their body by wearing warm loose winter vlothes but they instead get "social" and attack others, which may cause stomach avhe to others nesr by. 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Earn a lot via internet


"   J9.   1st of September 2021   Money for music or for a puppy that one likes or for the poor and quite poor, money for food, money for farmers who lack money, etc, money for buying a white curing (nurse oriented or the like) animal friend, money for living around voluntary labour for religiously motivated good causes, money for sports, recreation in nature and hobbies, etc, see I 105. in this text about the skills of Christmas gnomes . The idea was curing by my Finnish blog , partially translated at , by reading aloud or by email or chat copying and pasting primarily from the index but also the needed texts. Paying only if gets cured inside 5min, payment some 20%of local medicine centre basic fee per cured illness, special pay for miracle cures. But I do not have the possibility for such since I am already too much in the subject because of having written the blog.  "

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A thought

 Wishing well for the world, so that you have a positive effect on the world, makes the world's inner nature have a curing effect on your life. 

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...