See the blig
Easy Healing by pieces of healthy ways of living and wisdom of life according to positive feelings
Cure attempts to illnesses etc, no background in medicine, born out of comparing with healthy ways of living, ought to cure immediately (5min) after reading and understanding or bring no result. Start from the old index with cure suggestions at . Finnish original . I write via European and American culture (not British). Latest texts seem to have smallened demand to 10% or less. Good miracle healing advice at
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
( "After quitting: Fairies seem ill or ghosts" )
( See , which offers as a solution for them to move to Canton China or to tropics, maybe Africa.
" Obs. Only this blog post is connected with fairies. Otherwise this series of blogs is about Christmas gnome like life and about Christmas elf like life, guessibg those Christmas creatures having largely the same kibd of wusdom of lufe.
I seem to have some mental, spiritual or occult side, or then some of them are rats or mice in my neck, trying to get warm. Anyway, there has lately seemed to be something lije ghosts or fairies often in my neck, shoulders or upper back, kind of an airy imoression lije at school of some girl or female oerson nagging jyst because of veibg in such a mood or such a person, and me myself not botheribg to turn my head all the time, more like tryibg to bear it lije too heavy rain. Anyway this is like a ghost in it being so airy like a buff of smoke or a reflection from a window partly upon somebody else's body. Like a cloth hanging like is traditionally described ghosts but much smalles maybe 20-40cm high. It is female or s transvestite and it feels very very hollow, lije all tge time in need of leaning on others. So maybe it is a fairy because such coukd be some nen's view of which woman woukd like to marry them. On the other hand it may be a transvedtite, since it us as holliw as a transvestite wearing clothes referring to femaly values and female types of skills, compared with a female person actually having those valyes and jyst those types of skills and skill levels, character etc. Maybe it is a transvestite who was banned female ibfluencies because of such errors of social claims he clearly makes. A square dress like men's refers to one schooled type of thinkibg folliwed, whike several such views and skilks etc at the same time like kn free time lufe is usually referred to by wuder sleeves, more expressive volours, clith etc styles morelufe's complexity and cobtent.
Anyway, such a veing seems having caught cold very badly, maybe died just of such. It seems to be a person who does not take any advices even though claimed to come in search for advices. So it is jyst a person who wants suppirt from others.
Instead of a being of tge air, which even here in a northern climate seems consisting of big kibd of fat somewhat round pieces like imoression of sunmer's hottest times or of the air in tropics. See my melody of autumn wind, C15. at .
This fairy might fit a place whwre there is tropics lije jyst being lazying style in a hot weather plus occasionally lookibg at something when the comoany for example shows a view out from the door, or does somethkng like for example is Canton in China such?
Aiming at veing fair kn everything would solve lots of problems and bring much mire success and skills, but such is a big long term choice, so maybe one cannot get people folliw such well enough.
If such resembles some sides of a teen or in some cases a young adult taking the first steps in quite independent life, it maybe would help if one had some subjects to drown into and care about, like now we are doing these handiworks, there is coffee or tea cooking plus some sandwich available, later we planned to go to... Also these Christmas gnome /elf skills advices seem to work as such a subject, start from
The Yle news a moment later had several headers suiting this:
The family suspected of keeping 100 dogs in one square car while travelling long distance, was brought dog food by a truck.
The suspected ship was taken into the officials and they insist on keeping the anchor too.
But if you do not feel well with this subject, continue with the Christmas gnomes subject .
If you on the other hand wonder what is the difference between fairies and elves or Christmas elves,
I have written of elves at , and at
Or did they promise to take a look at the expensive findings underground? And that is why they burden women & others at large, with their lack of strenght to carry life well in practice?
The picture about the shop chain Tokmanni says something about beginnibg to sell food too, but I wonder if it anyway relates with tge link I sent them
Of easing pains of school chikdren and students, but almost all in Finnish
Sunday, January 12, 2025
There ought to be a new address leading to this blog. But it may take from some minutes to a week or so before it works out everywhere. There is already the address leading to the old index of this blog. So there is already some experience of this blog, but of course the people searching for "easy healing" may be a different group from those searching for "miracle healing". These are just thoughts, based on impressions. I have no background in medicine or care professions. I am just a thinker. So all you can do is to read and understand, having some experience of life often helps. The impression is that the healing results have been really good and quick, also for the handicapped, or then there just was no text in those subjects.
Please just read and get some idea of this blog and of these ways of healing. The traditional starting point is the old index, to which there is the link above. Reading it or glancing it from the beginning has seemed nice and relieving for most. If you need some help, please ask others, since I am not any group, and neither am I a spiritual service, and yet these internet adresses are world-wide.
But there may be sabotage.
Spiritual support can help a lot, but for such you need to ask for from your own local church or your admired religious community.
For softer life you can read about the skills for a Christmas gnome like life in the modern world, see but it is a very very long collection of texts and might take years to read through.
14th of January 2025 Obs. These advices aim at healing quickly and well, without needing anything else than ordinary wisdom of life, so just by reading some short piece.
These advices do not seek to cause death or suffering. If you want softer life, you can in addition read my long bunch of advices for skills for a Christmas gnome/elf like life, year around, world-wide, in the modern world, see .
If one needs money for food, one could maybe heal by these advices in the internet a few people per day, and get so for example 10euros per person healed. Just a guess. The Christmas gnome/elf skills texts are also about changing to some much nicer job somewhere where one likes the culture etc.
Free versions of my books at
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Possible healing advices for ufos and/or space travellers
Most of these advices are in this blog
1) "As if of a naturally healthy family"
2) Increasing one's general level of health
3) Miracle healing mice Birds might want to try to miracle heal ufos, humans, animals etc too!
4) Miracle healing advice in serious accidents + emphasizing in it wishing well for the living kind, ufo kinds, etc
5) Better luck by reading in a hobby like way my text about the skills for a Christmas gnome like life, starting at .
If you are a human or an animal, see also the healing advices at , plus the rest of this blog.
Also the advices about giving birth at might suit both humans and animals at large plus propably possible ufos too.
( I do not quite know why I add it here, but if in space a more natural visual environment is needed and one can paint or draw. It seems that some can draw a natural looking tree sheet of wood imitation by a person liking something like math but doing it only rarely or never boringly long, drawing a curve like around this liked thing, then in a row as if continuing to those liked things etc. And while doing this thinking of on the outer and forward side being social group members who are inclined toward practical things, an objective picture of the world, maybe weathers etc. Well, I do not know, but some wood surface imutatiobs appear such. )
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Healthy vegetarian food etc
From my blog
"S9. 10th of November 2022 i have now for a couple of weeks felt like ordinary food were too buttery, so i have been vegetarian for two or three weeks. Some vegetarian food makes me wonder what are the missing food substances vegetarians are looking for. My impression is that the missing food are ordinary vegetarian parts of the normal local diet of those who eat also meat producrs like is customary. So the missing incredient is a glass of orange juice, or a slice of fresh tomato upon a bread with margarin ( margarin corresponds to vegetable oil upon bread, not butter ) and a slice of cheese, or whatever is normal, and just normal amounts of them and not overly much. "
Dried old leftover bakery in maybe fingertipwidth pieces, "maitorahka" milk product usually used for making desserts with berries and sugar, or full milk, farin sugar or sugar, untouched nice healthy berries, maybe frozen ones if there aren't freshly picked berries. Mix these quite evenly and let it be in cool for maybe 10min for the bakery to get wet.
If ordinary food is not enough, maybe if one ought to go to food shops, and if there is a need for sturdy food with which an unexpected ill guest gets forces and wisdom to recover, or for the family if it needs to plan something with fine quality even though the circumstancies do not support it, for example make future plans even if the children are suffering from school.
This is meant to be used very rarely. If you have a job or otherwise life needing such, ask about the foods of different professions and of religious people.
My books might offer some wise options for times of emergencies or when in need of such, see : free downloads, blog links and links to my books for sale at the Amazon internet bookshops.
24.2.2024 "Some foods for different countries" from my blog or maybe you would connect it with the skills at but not all of these are vegetarian at all.
"( ( " I 48. 15th of May 2021 I feel that this text gets classified as "like eskimo", even though I am from Finland in northern Europe, but this is of course a climate four seasons and I have written about weather skills. I feel that for eskimos and for others too a good summer time food would be salmon (or rainbow trout) sallad: equal size pieces of tomato, cucumber and sallad leaves' pieces mixed in a bowl and let be in cool for some time to get juicy taste. Add somewhat smaller pieces of cool fried salmon, mix and serve. " ) )
Today I watched a piece of some video of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. After it I came to think of this kind of food for peope somewhere there. Maybe half a banana that is already quite soft, small pieces of cucumber and half a glas fresh orange-mango juice.
I tried to figure out some kund of food for Arabs too, abd it was: some fresh orange juice, some fresh tomato and a small piece of red paprica ( not a spice ) plus drinking water.
For the Chinese a fresh sallad of pieces of cucumber, leaf sallad, spice called "persilja" in Finnish, pieces of mandarin and small pieces of carrot.
(( I do nit know this, I came to think of my poodle who used to est such, but for people in usa cooked carrots, Fanta lemonade, meat balls brown sauce and tattar or rise. ))
An attempt for tge Japanese : carrot scratched to small pieces, and as dessert red berries with whisped cream.
For Africans water melon, apricot marmelafe on a toast, orange marmelade on a toast, fresh orange juice, and milk.
For Indians cook pieces of tsukin and honey melon and rise.
For the Swiss apricot jam bakery.
For the British vegetables in oven with some element like bakery, potato, or so, plus some fresh berries vegetsbles or fruit, and maybe milk.
For the Russians hard bread called näkkileipä cheese and a sallad leaf maybe margarin on the bread.
Hot summer day foods for children
vanilla ice cream with berries
lemonade, either light or ordinary, colour like what feels good in the shop
(( if hungry ordinary food that aren't warm anymore, maybe cooked vegetables, brown sauce with meat stripes and åieces of vegetables in it, rise and fresh sallad, but only quite little of the ordinary food and a lot of fresh vegetable sallad, for example equal size peices of tomato, cuycumber and leaf sallad, mixed,kept in cool for a while and served. ))
If on a hot day's evening one feels weakbor fragile and as if crying, one can est a normal meal, even a quite heavy one.
* * *
For west coast of usa small sallad leaves like at the center of a ball like sallad as snacks.
For midwestern usa lingonberry porridge (pink, airy, eaten with cool milk).
(( For eastern usa a dish that loiks somewhat like a big green worm, or a green bakery which has been squeezed a luttle bit by gummy strings, maybe the thickness of a palm. Of sallad or some green plant, cooked schrimp or lax, and some milk product like airy butter like cheese or what is it used in desserts. ))
These ought to a kind of happy easy going life with a civiliced picture of the world followed and good will as a value. So the foods tend to give energy to such a life if it is aimed at, and the view seeks to have some fractureless wisdom. So it kind of interpretes Finnish culture or a school taught view on life. Either for getting such wanted features to one's diet and daily life or by giving a chance to kind of cooking travel, peeks to Finnish life.
The scratched carrot or small pieces of carrot or the like ought to be of fresh carrot.
( ( Arvaus (en nyt oikein osaa arvioida, kun olen ollut kipeänä reilun viikon ja vasta toipilas, mutta siis yritän) :
Alaskalaisille joulutorttua omenahillolla, tuoretta itse tehtyä italiansalaatin tyyppistä makaronisalaattia, joka ei ole etikkainen, sekä ehkä lusäksi kuivahedelmistä tehtyä hedelmäkeittoa kermavaahdon kanssa.
Kanadalaisilla leipänä vehnäpatonkia, jonka välussä tuoresalaattia esim lehtisalaattia, tomaattia ja kurkkya, sekä makaronilaatikkoa, keitettyjä vihanneksia, jotka aika isoja paloja ja keutinvedessä sekä suolaa että öljyä, ja ehkä karjalanpaistia.
Mutta nämä kumpikaan eivät ole tavallisia ruokavalioita, vaan etsivät jotain suomalaistyhppistä virettä, joka suomessa vaatii kevye.pää tavallista suomalaista ruokaa ja mm ulkoilumahdollisuuksia ym mahdollisuuksia päästä vaihtamaan ympyröitä hyväätekevin tavoin.
Suomen Lappiin: piimälimppua, vuohenjuustoa, kirsikkakoristeinen täytekakku, isoja jauhoisia perunoita, uunissa lihaa tai kanaa, parsa-rahkapiirakkaa. Mutten tosiaan näitä tiedä, ajattelin kai ruotsalaisia vieraita tai ruotsinkuelisiä Rovaniemellä.
Arvaus: Venäjän tundralle kasvispiirakkaa plus tavallisia perinteisiä venäläisiä ruokia esim talviversioina.
Chile: lihakaalilaatikkoa ja karpalo-punakaali tms raastesalaattia.
Brasilia: tuoreita kai vihreitä hedelmiä jälkiruokamaisesti, riisi-maitovanukkaan kanssa ja ehkä limonaadia.
Pefu: punakaali-riisi-papu/juures tms pataa, jotain liian kevyttä esim kesäisemmän sään pasteijaa, jossa mm riisiä täytteenä.
Guatemala: jotain tuoretta vihreää hedelmää, ja kai kirkas ei-värjätty kiisseli siitä, ehkä lisäksi maitoa.
Greece: some sallad leaves in big pieces, a part of a piece of bakery, some red berries and fresh water or lemonade, as a dessert red berry juice mixed with water.
Malaysia/Indonesia: some lemonade, slices of fresh fruit(s), a food of sallad leaves in quite big pieces mixed with rise and squeezed avocado
Italy: somethkng like rise porridge from rise, cocoa milk and cocoa flakes, a food of cooked spenate leaves, rise and maybe tiny pieces of fried meat, plus tomato either baked or as fresh, maybe sheets of pasta with some ordinary kind of warm tasting spice plants pieces that are not overly dry. (The problem in the atmosphere seems to be square forms like the walls of houses, etc. So maybe this food is kntended for insects, or the like, to those who are paying too much attentiln to following square forms in thinking, social life, etc.)
) )
23.4.2024 A sturdy vegetarian food:
Squeezed potatoes, sauce made of root type of vegetables, cheese,...?
5.heinäkuuta 2024 Tällanen yritelmä ihan cain etäältä miettuessä:
" Pakosta yhtäkkiä kasvissyöntiin siiftyvälle ruokavalioksi kai alkuun nuudelit ja pasta jonkun vihreän silpun tai tahnan kanssa, olisiko pasta con pesto, puolukoita ja karpaloita, hapakaalia, ehkä kiinankaalia, mahdollusesti keitettyä ohraa, hirssiä ja riisiä jonkin tahnan kanssa - voiko olla tonnikala (muttei ole kasvissyöntiä) plus jokin maitotuote, tai herneitä, pikkelssi, keitettyä tattaria, keitettyä riisiä joka lyhytjyvöinen tai katkottu, voiko Pihjous-Venäjällä olla sellaista tapana Sioerian kohdalla?, ja silloin siinä ehkä öljyä tai lämmin/kuuma keitknvesi mukana muttei keitto, ehkä jugurttia ja laineaa persiljaa, vihreää teetä lämpimänä ja hapankaalua, kentues katkarapuriisikakkuha tms kuohkeaa leipää tai paprijasta tms vastaavasti. Ehkä kermaviiliä ja keitettyjä uusia perunoita ja silliä tillin kanssa, tai onkohan soijaliemessä jossa myös tuoreita kasviksia, tofua pannulla paistettuna, taas kuohkeaa punertavaa leipäö, ke tues maustettua sulatejuystoa, tuoretta porkkanaa, perinteine kasviskeitto juureksista lähinnä, siinä myös jotain öljyä, iso kasillinen maitoa tai piimää. Ruisleipää, voita, juustoviipale, kuekkua tai tomaattiviipaleita, tuoretta porkkanaa pitkittäin halottuina, piimää ja vettä, vadelmarahka, ruis-, ohra- tai kauraleipäö, tms. Sillä margariinia tai öljyä ja kurkkuviipale tai pari, anna olla lämpimässä vähän aikaa,pappilan hätävara, tuoremehua, rasvatonta maitoa tms paikalluata, jaffaa tms, riisikakkuja ja päällö paprika-, katkarapu- tms sulatejuustoa ja kurkunviioale, riisiä paksulla maustetulla vaalealla kastikkeella, haudetettuja juurespaloja, kuorittuina keitettyjä perunoita, tilliä ja ehkä vähän voita tai öljyä, mandariinia, banaaninviipaleita, ananasmehua laimennettuna tai pamela, vaniljakastike laimea, hezelmärahka, tuoremehua, vanilja-marjajälkuruoka, riisiä ja suolaisia papuja tms vihanneksia kuin risotto. "
Banaanijäätelötötterö, hapankorppua, kenties Camembert-juustoa, tilliä ja kurkkuviipaleita, kenties lämmin tsukiinikeitto ruukussa vähän kuin vähän öljyinen liemi, kenties kuivahtaneen vaalean leivän viipaleiden palasia liemimäisen jeiton kanssa sen pehmentäminä.
16th of September 2024 In my mind was a picture of some elderly Asian man, somewhat lije the styld of Sangrashita. I think he coukd have eaten squeezed avocado, sunflower food oil and an apricot milk dessert like of bubbles. Maybe also a little bit of canned? tuna fish? plus cooked spenat leaves? and cooked rise?
For tge student in the picture a summer sallad of fresh vegetables (leaf sallad, cucumber pieces, maybe pieces of tomatoes) plus cooked green beans, maybe some cooled cooked pasta and oil that is somewhat of the style of the oil of canned sardin fishes.
See also
The woman in the upmost picture has maybe eaten summer sallad with cooled fried lax fish pieces in it, maybe the fried fish's oil too? maybe cool pasta or is it cooked new potatoes? And some milk dessert like product in it?
The woman in the lowest picture has maybe eaten cooked potatoes with canned sardin fishes and their oil, and some thoroughly cooked vegetables. Plus as dessert pancakes with shop's strawberry jam. Maybe a cool apple from own garden too.
For an exhausted thin elderly man (was the canned tuna fish or cooked leaves too much?), maybe an Arab, a piece of a fresh "punainen viinimarja" berry plus quite cool fresh water.
If one wants beef like but is vegetarian, I guess tofu appears beef like with soya. One can also eat vegetable beefs with oil or fried vegetarian sausages, I guess with those too some oil. Or one coukd eat somewhat older bakery as cool with butter upon it. Or slice a banana to half a lenght long pieces and fry them on a pan and eat them as still wsrm with ice cream. One could also try things like coffee with full milk or cream or with a piece of vanilla ice cream on top of it, maybe with a piece of bakery. One can eat lasagne of pasta sheets and vegetables plus sauce. Or some sallad of pasta/rise/potatoes, oli, cooked beans, fresh sallad leaves, maybe yughurt or the like.
From my blog :
" 2. heinäkuuta 2024 Hyttysen oloa ehkä helpottaisi pistämisen sijasta voikukan kukkaputken tai ainakin kappaleen matkaa halki reväistyn voikukanlehden maiti tms, siis ihan tuoreen tai vielä maassa kiinni olevan kasvavan voikukan, mahdollisesti puhtaan veden kanssa tai vedellä laimennettuna.
5. heinäkuuta 2024 Jos hyttynen haluaisi olla lihavampi, sille ehkä sopisi ruuaksi raaka sininen lenkki -lenkkimakkara kuorittuna, kenties tavallisella ruokailuveitsellä katkaistu pinta.
Hyttysille tavallusesti paljon seuraa pitävälle, kehonsa metabolialta niitä muistuttavan oloiselle hoikalle tai hoikanpuoleiselle hoitoalohen henkilölle sopisi kai tavallisen ruuan lusäksi suklaata joka on tumman suklaan kurjosta tavalliseen suklaaseen päin esim Fazerin siniseen, vaniljakastiketta jossa vanilja tummina pilkkuina, kentues appelsiinirahkajälkiruoka tai pullanpaloja, fariinisokeria ja rahkaa jälkuruokana, jonka päällä kuorittuja mandariininlohkoja koristeina, säikeisiin huomiota kiinnittäen syötäviä. Mahdollisesti kahvi kermalla tai kermavaahdolla tai vaniljajäätelön palalla.
Pakosta yhtäkkiä kasvissyöntiin siiftyvälle ruokavalioksi kai alkuun nuudelit ja pasta jonkun vihreän silpun tai tahnan kanssa, olisiko pasta con pesto, puolukoita ja karpaloita, hapakaalia, ehkä kiinankaalia, mahdollusesti keitettyä ohraa, hirssiä ja riisiä jonkin tahnan kanssa - voiko olla tonnikala (muttei ole kasvissyöntiä) plus jokin maitotuote, tai herneitä, pikkelssi, keitettyä tattaria, keitettyä riisiä joka lyhytjyvöinen tai katkottu, voiko Pihjous-Venäjällä olla sellaista tapana Sioerian kohdalla?, ja silloin siinä ehkä öljyä tai lämmin/kuuma keitknvesi mukana muttei keitto, ehkä jugurttia ja laineaa persiljaa, vihreää teetä lämpimänä ja hapankaalua, kentues katkarapuriisikakkuha tms kuohkeaa leipää tai paprijasta tms vastaavasti. Ehkä kermaviiliä ja keitettyjä uusia perunoita ja silliä tillin kanssa, tai onkohan soijaliemessä jossa myös tuoreita kasviksia, tofua pannulla paistettuna, taas kuohkeaa punertavaa leipäö, ke tues maustettua sulatejuystoa, tuoretta porkkanaa, perinteine kasviskeitto juureksista lähinnä, siinä myös jotain öljyä, iso kasillinen maitoa tai piimää. Ruisleipää, voita, juustoviipale, kuekkua tai tomaattiviipaleita, tuoretta porkkanaa pitkittäin halottuina, piimää ja vettä, vadelmarahka, ruis-, ohra- tai kauraleipäö, tms. Sillä margariinia tai öljyä ja kurkkuviipale tai pari, anna olla lämpimässä vähän aikaa,pappilan hätävara, tuoremehua, rasvatonta maitoa tms paikalluata, jaffaa tms, riisikakkuja ja päällö paprika-, katkarapu- tms sulatejuustoa ja kurkunviioale, riisiä paksulla maustetulla vaalealla kastikkeella, haudetettuja juurespaloja, kuorittuina keitettyjä perunoita, tilliä ja ehkä vähän voita tai öljyä, mandariinia, banaaninviipaleita, ananasmehua laimennettuna tai pamela, vaniljakastike laimea, hezelmärahka, tuoremehua, vanilja-marjajälkuruoka, riisiä ja suolaisia papuja tms vihanneksia kuin risotto.
15. heinäkuuta 2024 Hyttysmäisen tyylisen ilkeän toisiin puuttuvaisen ihmisen ruokavalioon sopisi ehkä päivittäin aika tavallinen voileipä: kauraleipäviipale tms tummuudeltaan sinne päin, sen päällä voita tms, makkaraviipale tai pari tai vastaavasti juustosiivu tai pari, sekä sen päällä yksi tai kaksi tomaattisiivua tai 2-4 kurkkuviipaletta. Plus raikasta vettä.
Terveisiin elämäntapoihin päin korjaamisesta, lähinnä ilmastoon/ilmastoihin liittyen, ohjeita
" 31. heinäkuuta 2024 Ihmetellessänu, mihin kuukautisten alku liittyy, tuli mieleeni, että onko monella kissalla silleen mahakipuinen olo kuin mikä usein tuo kuukautiset. Ja auttaisiko sellaiseen oloon, jos kissalla olisi samettinen tyyny, jolla loikoilla, siis jotenkin samettikankaisen koristetyynyn oloinen, mutta tarrtisi kai olla isompi, esim pyöreä ja sohvaa vastaavasti jotenkin korokkeella, missä olisi hyvä loikoilla. Kenties myös joitain koriste-esineitä pöydällä, ikkunalaudalla tai seinällä samantapaisella ihan hyvällä korkeudella, esim ruukkukukka tai muutama tai kuivakukkia koristeena, ehkä joku rusettikoriste, rottinkiesine, tms. Värit mahakipuun auttavia, eli usein värillisiä mutta taitettuja tätimäiseen tyyliin, joka pehmentää vähän kuin jäätelö joskus rauhoittaa matkalaisten ilmapiiriä tms.
Söisikö kissa vaniljakastiketta ja aika lailla kypsän kuoritun kiiwihedelmän siivuja?
Samassa blogissa ei-syötäväksi kenties aasialaisia kinnostavat mm nämä: "
4. elokuuta 2024 Pitkään avaruudessa olleelle Maahan palanneelle kai tien tai leveän polun varressa kasvavien terveiden luonnontilaisten luonnonkukkien varret, niiden katseleminen liikuskellessa, ehkä auttausivat lihasvoiman ja tavallisen liikkumiskyvyn palauttamisessa.
Kovin urautuneellee aasialaiselle työntekijälle kuemurtelevan polun kulkeminen luontoympäristössä esim 10-20m ehkä auttaisi, kenties muutamana päivänä, plus siitä vaikka retkeilymajalle tms eri tyylin elämään esim torille ja torikahvioon, ehkä joku nähtävyys, kiinnitä huomiota säiden kokemuseen, missä tilaa kulkea ihmusjoukossa, yms, katsele milloin mutäkin monen suosittelemaa nähtävyyttä tms ihmistyypillesi mutta terveen järjen kanssa.
I also saw a picture of a Swedish rich Christmas time variety of foods served somewhere, but I was left thinking that they maybe still were hungry. Would it have satisfied their hunger if they had eaten upon a piece of light bread a slice of salted lax fish or the like plus some dill and a fresh sallad leaf, and drink a vanilla milk shake?
Monday, December 30, 2024
Of easing pains of school pupils, students, etc
In Finnish: See
The text is in Finnish language (Finland, North-East European Union), but some links about wisdom of life are in English. There are many different advices. I am just a (thinker and a) writer with over 10 000 different subjects already. If you translate some text(s) of mine, you are called the author of the translation(s) and my texts are just it's sources.
12th of January 2025 There is also a blog about trying to figure out how to change school toward better. The blog is mainly in Finnish, but some of the latest entries are in English.
About softening life there is my very long Christmas gnome skills text, starting from . And also quite many of my books at may teach skills that somehow soften life.
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Of insects and small holes in the skin
" 14th of December 2024 If there are holes in the skin, either because of insects or because of having hit one's skin against some brush or shaw like bunch of small sharp objects, it might help placing an airy bunch of grass upon that area of skin, so that if there are small insects gone inside the body or there near the wound, which prefer the grasses, the insects would go to the grasses and so the body would heal better.
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Increasing your general level of health
Take as your goal to be ideally healthy in natural healthily wise ways, even if no-one has ever been that healthy, and even if such health varies from person to person and even across time and depending on the situation even on the same person.
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Softer some sides of life by new skills instead of by drugs or medicines
Narcomans, drug addicts or people using some medicines to soften some sides of life, could maybe try reading my advices for a Christmas gnome / elf like life to be possible in the modern world, world-wide, and try if they could by some such skills soften tgeir life like they wish to or need. See which ought to lead to or go to and in the latest(?) post click tge link to the beginning of the Christmas gnomes skills text.
Friday, October 18, 2024
Who can heal
People with insistent health problems sometimes are unaware that some people accept advices about lufe skills and ways of living also from other types of people than what they themselves are, but most people would not agree to change their human type, since it woukd mean a loss of a certain type of work and continuing a different kind of life, maybe unempliyed or in some otger type of job without simikar social position. So if you want advices that may change your thinking type, or values, or ways of living, or the like, such advices often do exist somewhere, for example in the library or in the knowledge of materials to read of the medical personnel associating with the healthy? But often such needs to be mentioned, since some people with a career may get angry from such suggestilns, and people's social eye does not always tell right who knows of such advices and who not.
( In the news there was about an artist, was it a singer, a header that "she knows what it is like when in one's veins flows at the same time strong alcohol and agony". The impressiln was that of someobe havibg guessed tgat she/he coukd learn about life skills, wisdom of life from a certain type of people, sone group, but they had not given any advice, just suggested to drink strlng alcohol, so she was left on empty ground, without as much of her former own ways of living or wisdom of life, since she had tried to folliw the example of tge others, but those too maybe had problems and just covered them in some ways, and so she had pains and an empty feeling. But it is so that often peopke do not give others a y advices, sknce peopke are so different, lufe just does not work based on advices of peopke with a somehow rough, neglecting or vague style. Instead the basic wisdom usually recommended works better: live, spend outdoors a minute or two or how you feel liking such and kniw to have the weather skills egc for, exoerience life from moment to moment, get everyday lufe skills, fknd advices that are good for all and that is why those are available, find your own choices of jobs, hobbies, healthy kibd of content to life. Good life ought to cone via such living the life, learning wudely valued basic wusdom of life, instead of copying from others. By slightly copykng you get some social eye, you kniw something of what the lives of those persobs are like, and usually such does not suit others at the level of exact copying, since tge likings of others are often a burden if copied too closely. )
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
These healing advices are not my most important work
It is an old widely known piece of wisdom tgat healthy ways of living keep one healthy or healthier than otherwise, and make one heal quicker. So that is not my invention. Even the basic medicine contacts in Finland are called "terveyskeskus"="health center", because the word "healthy" is said to be the best advice in healing, the healthy is what to aim at, based on one's life experience and civiliced wisdom.
So these healing advices are not necessarily just my idea. I just tried to write my impressions of how to heal, since my name Tervola ("terve"= healthy) is said to teach healing skills. And these healing advices at ( ) are a nice relieving view of healing by pieces of healthy ways of living and wisdom of life.
My main work has been to write about the rationality of feelings, so that also the point of view of technologization would respect old civiliced wisdom and the wisdom of life according to feelings. I have also written of wisdom of life and of learning skills and talents. Please see my books at
21st of October 2024 It really is an old widely known fact that healthy ways of living keep one healthy, and make one recover quicker if there is an illness or wound. The health center got their name from trying to remind of the importance of fully healthy ways of living as a forefigure for getting well and staying well. So school, media, books, fitness courses and medical profwssionals all try to remind of that. I guess that is also how tge capital of Finland got it's name, but once again there was a translatiln problem.
Of healthy ways of living in other climates and cultures, see my text "As if of a naturally healthy family" ealier in this blog.
7th of November 2024 One can take my healing advices into use for exampke alongside other healing methods, either by giving the advice on a piece of paper or in addition reading it aloud. Generally people value medical professionals having all kinds of info about healing, so if some piece of advice is easy and heals safely and quickly, it anyway is a valued side of professional skilks that someone knows it and offers it when it is needed, so that is the reason who some read really lot in their studies of healing, and so people do not think that the advice itself should be any longer.
8th of November 2024 My other texts, see
10th of December 2024 The name Tervola ("healthy sings") is said to have taught those with that name to be skilled healers. It is said that in the old times they at some time managed to get such work out so well that there were no or almost no illnesses, since people understood about how to stsy healthy and heal quickly if there was sometving. But they become famous and so they got patients also from abroad, and it turned out that the foreigners mostly had so different ways of living etc that it was a question of managing to teach them healtvy ways of living, but that was surpfisingly difficult because those places were so different in climate, ways of living, culture, location, etc. Such is the story from some time when there were no roads or at least no cars, some patients came by sledge in the winter time through much of Russia. Now long long time later, my text "As if of a naturally healthy family" seems to have managed to solve a large part of the problem, together with modern culture's wisdom. So it seems that the task has been transferred to many others.
From my blog :
" " Sibelius monument
As far as I understand it is like the feel of nature, like wind by forest's side having a different strenght at each place, a different atmosphere at different distancies and when looking in different directions, so those tell some ages old wisdom of nature connected with living the four seasons there, and so the Sibelius monument seeks to be a wise view of nature's wisdom as a panorama of music, like one can undersrand different oarts of the landscape singing, like a stream, trees near by, wind, weather, character traits suited to living there, etc. "
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
A new book "Healing 6. Miracle healing for first aid in serious accidents : Plus other texts"
The book/ebook ought to be soon available at . It contains texts from this blog and from the blog .
As an ebook at
It ought to appear in the book series
Saturday, September 21, 2024
" I do not so well understand the Eurovision songs. Some later year somebody else's song was called Jezebel. Now I came to wonder did the name seek to say or ask how are people beautiful. So now just a moment ago I tried to compose of that subject: to be somewhat like this song and social with people around, maybe they or quite many would look beautiful: D,E,G(longer),short pause and after it somewhat glidingly A, F, E
Sunday, September 8, 2024
If you would like to change away from medicare work with the help of these advices
I do not know of medicare work, I am just a thinker, a writer and have compised some music some years ago. But my impressiln is that people are often satisfied with havkng these advices. So if you want to change away from medicare work, you coukd just put on your internet page a text saying that you have changed to this view of healing that has been liked by many, and have there the link to the old translated index, , and ask people to read the bmog and discuss with the people near by, see if these advices are good for them. And in addition have some contact adress to the ordinary medicare, if they need such. Such has seemed an easy way to change jobs.
Friday, September 6, 2024
Miracle healing advice for first aid in serious accidents, or big wounds, or something such possible
" If some accident or other loss of limds is so new that you are not quite sure if it so or if you can live in the old ways, say to yourself, to your body and mind abd to possible spiritual and other helpers around, that a fully healthy body like before is ok, you hooe for such, but fully healthy body is the criterion even if it is in some spiritual sense better somewhat other style somewhere, and sl if there somewhere is a momentary or even longer impression of some parts of the body maybe lacking, tell that it is ok to griw them bavk to the fully healthy body form, even if one needs to repeat such advices several times during thenearest few days, it is anyway good to have a fully healthy body even if it needs the world being somewhat spiritusl in slme sense, in some ways, so it is ok to clntinue with a fully healthy body anyway, even if that means needing to try to be somehow spiritually well for the world the next month or two or I do not kniw for how long. Is there any place for such tasks? "
( Copied from the entry 6th of September 2024 in the older blog post )
See also
A good (largely the same as the above link) basic miracle healing advice both for first aid and maybe also later
7th of September 2024 Wishing well for the world means having very many things well at the same time always, so such is a good model for getting one's body well in many ways at the same time always.
30th of October 2024 Maybe one can try this miracle healing also at some other time, if one's motivation is strong enough for starting a new kind of life.
Friday, August 23, 2024
A new book "Healing 5. : "As if of a naturally healthy family" "
23rd of August 2024 A new booklet "Healing 5. : "As if of a naturally healthy family"
As a paperback 5.30usd +post +tax?
As an ebook 1usd +tax, instant download with unlimited copying allowed
Ought to be soon available at
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
For catching cold, try this
See Ought to suit all climates.
Might help something against a flu, but to a flu it is typical that one somehow happens to keep company to others who think that one shoukd follow some other climate's climate skills ibstead of being suited to the local climate. Each person should care heat regulation separately from others, especially separately from persons with different likkngs or a different situation, like small animals for example.
Sunday, August 4, 2024
About healing the long term patients
I have now been making these healing advices since the spring winter 2011. In the first month of 2021 I moved from Savonlinna back to Espoo. After my apricot poodle died a couple of monts later I have been sleepy and have had the problem of really lits of influencies from other humans, especially since last autumn, when I made advices about giving birth and about babies learning. Lately I have thpught that maybe I so had a view to some long term patients' lives without it disturbing me so much, since I was kind of out of order anyway and mostly just sleeping etc. And it seems that I do not have anything to say especially to the any more unmovingly or any more long term like ill. Even with these this far, mostly they have had different goals, different ways of living aimed at, different values and different degrees of health at all supported, so mostly I have ended up thinking that there maybe could be wisdom of lufe available in written form, but the differencies in life choices are so huge that actual healing advices must be made according to the climate, culture, human type, professional inclinations, etc.
Good general advices include :
As if of a naturally healthy family
Miracle healing advices, including
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Advices for growing winter fur
" ...
If an animal for example wants to grow a better coat, one ought to find friendly (very convinced and skilled, like a husky for example) forefigures teaching a warm coat, and give up former views of a certain kind not-warm-enough coat being just of a compulsory kind, termed fine. And look at the forefigure's attitudes toward coming autumn, especially in the coat area and near by it, like posture, blood circulation, goals, their feeling, how widely they affect, in which ways, what are the thoughts connected to this, feelings and picture of the world, is there any actual deed directed toward the coat, are there classifications for things in the environment, to reactions to them, what is such picture of the world and of the seasons, what is the identity like, what does it say of coat, what should the hairs be like, the outer hairs how water resistent endurable etc, the inner coat how warm, in which ways and how to achieve that. Then just transform your life toward that ideal. "Foods for a weak one to recover must include the ordinary foods of that place and season
If someone feels weak and it seems to be to a large part need for slme heavier foods, it usually is not enough to eat only heavy food plus butter. Instead one shoukd also eat the ordinary foods of that season of the year, for example summer, and especially the foods must be meant for the same climate and the culture one lives in, so those must be bought locally and for example workibg place's dining pissibility might be much needed, since if there is some quite clmmon problem or special need for nutritients, it is most lijelily corrected just by the workibg places vooks etc.
My books as free versions
See the blig
Cure attempts to illnesses etc made by comparing with fully healthy ways of living, no medicine, no treatments, ought to cure by reading, un...
Wish well for the world at large so that your effect in the world is positive and beautiful. Pay attention to the landscape around, especia...
B448. Pains, aches and knitted horse model I add this here too since that way it is easier to find. So, to pains seems to help to watch ...