Sunday, September 8, 2024

If you would like to change away from medicare work with the help of these advices

 I do not know of medicare work, I am just a thinker, a writer and have compised some music some years ago. But my impressiln is that people are often satisfied with havkng these advices. So if you want to change away from medicare work, you coukd just put on your internet page a text saying that you have changed to this view of healing that has been liked by many, and have there the link to the old translated index, , and ask people to read the bmog and discuss with the people near by, see if these advices are good for them. And in addition have some contact adress to the ordinary medicare, if they need such. Such has seemed an easy way to change jobs. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Miracle healing advice for first aid in serious accidents, or big wounds, or something such possible

 " If some accident or other loss of limds is so new that you are not quite sure if it so or if you can live in the old ways, say to yourself, to your body and mind abd to possible spiritual and other helpers around, that a fully healthy body like before is ok, you hooe for such, but fully healthy body is the criterion even if it is in some spiritual sense better somewhat other style somewhere, and sl if there somewhere is a momentary or even longer impression of some parts of the body maybe lacking, tell that it is ok to griw them bavk to the fully healthy body form, even if one needs to repeat such advices several times during thenearest few days, it is anyway good to have a fully healthy body even if it needs the world being somewhat spiritusl in slme sense, in some ways, so it is ok to clntinue with a fully healthy body anyway, even if that means needing to try to be somehow spiritually well for the world the next month or two or I do not kniw for how long. Is there any place for such tasks? " 

( Copied from the entry 6th of September 2024 in the older blog post ) 

See also 

A good (largely the same as the above link) basic miracle healing advice both for first aid and maybe also later 

7th of September 2024   Wishing well for the world means having very many things well at the same time always, so such is a good model for getting one's body well in many ways at the same time always.  

If you would like to change away from medicare work with the help of these advices

 I do not know of medicare work, I am just a thinker, a writer and have compised some music some years ago. But my impressiln is that people...