Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Healing in space

 For healing in space: Please read the corresponding ordinary advice for healing in the indexes, with the healing suggestions in them. 

There are also advices about healthy natural ways of living and doing, on all areas of life. Plus advices about giving birth, etc. 

30.12.2023   About inhabiting new planets, etc   https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/11/animals-in-space.html 

22.3.2024   Some impression of people in the international space station brought to my mind that do they lose body heat by escaping heat radiation, are kind of tired as if too low body temperature in that respect. There are in the cold countries both wall insulation materials and window glass types which prevent a quite large part of heat loss by heat raduation through walls or windows. But it is good to know somewhat that it is cold outdoors. 

10th of July 2024   About return from long time in space, see https://learntalents3.blogspot.com/2024/07/about-mars-experiment-in-news.html 

After writing lots of these guesses of how to get healed via healthy ways of livibg and wisdom of lufe according to feelings, I wrote also something about an impression on some mental side of mice as miracle healers which maybe can help to grow new limbs to replace list ones. After that I have run amazingly much just to that subject, to handicapped, even though I do not know about it, but there are some clmments of mine in the text about miracle healing advices. Anyway, there seem to be too many handicapped compared with my former picture of the world. So one reason may be some having ibtentionally caused such, either for milutary reasons or because of some view of there being lots of such sonewhere and it needing some comment, for exampke in spaceships or in stuck ways stupid long term work like old times' countrysude, someone woukd say. 

One guess is that on long space journeys there are not enough natural sensory stimuli, so someone would guess a bone such. But bones are typically watched vua social eye only, so those bring only simikar influencies as those via social roads. For sensory stimuli of compkex shapes plants are the best, likewise thete are other natural shapes watched largely with tge sense of sight, like pieces of dead plants, or seezs, or landscapes, stobws, maybe crystals, water puddles, maybe some half-frozen thing melting or freezing, etc. 

Accidents are typical when people are not tuned to reactive wise enouch caried lufe or do not hace such life possibilities. Also copyong from machines or buikd things brings less complex understanding and less physical wisdom of life. Also when peopke were changing ftom farming to town lufe, some maybe were not encouraged to or tied to farming skills, and likewise nowadays if there are people chanhing to another kinds of professions and new obes coming to farming areas. Anyway, if one wants to stay in some job, one maybe considers tools and other things connected with that job impirtant, and those are kibd of stationary, so leading to a huge lack in reactilns. And some also care for the ill countryside, so some with more complex looking jnderstanding may associate a lot with the ill, and so one nay get such lack of everyday lufe skills as an influencw fro. One's near environment. 

25th of July 2024   See also https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2024/07/how-to-stay-healthy-and-recover-when.html 

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...