Sunday, April 30, 2023

A better eyesight

 " a32.   Yesterday morning I sent to the blind my new healing advice that for looking one ought to be finely sensitive and making livilier, being spiritually consvious that way or how to say it, be so also in the body, especially neck and shoulders, as if starting to listen to beautiful music. A little bit later when I walked to the shop there were birds flying around as if they had said: " a miracle healing, a mirscle healing,..." many having gotten a better eyesight. So nice, kind of fresh. 

" from my text Skills of Christmas gnomes

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Sexual ambivalence, hermafrodite advices

 Some comments on transgender law

a10.   The new transgender law has been so much in the air, that i add this here, even though it does not belong to the traditional Christmas gnlmes. 

"  In principle mind and body are intertwined, so in theory, but propably not in practice, someone could change also one's physical body from female to male or vice versa. Then growing a penis would connect with an almost conyinuous state of mind&of feelings, in which one ponders would one ought to start doing that kind of chores. According to a view I heard from somewhere, the child becomes a boy, if there is some task to which the child is wanted, and a girl if the living conditions are more favorable and there is room for wisdom of life. I guess that a girl thinks  "I would not do such, since I think that my own wisdom of lufe is good, better." and thinks "How can I live in this situation?" 

6th of April 2023 (Easter Thursday)   Changing from woman to man or from man to woman connects with states of mind connected with forming a family : taking care of chores as if a man of the family or group, skilled and responsible, and being with wisdom of lufe thst also cultivates and quarantees good living conditiobs for a child to grow up in. One can learn wisdom of life for example from books and likings. 


4.10.2023    "Both cultivating wisdom of life and caring for needed tasks are needed by all, by the society, just the emphazies in what is mostly one's primary task, differ. Action needs wisdom of life from the doer, and wisdom of lufe needs good healthy ways of living and civiliced wisdom with life in practice following the wisdom. "

* * *

8th of March 2024   "Where does women's wisdom come from
Women's Day 8th of March in the spring winter isn't actually a celebration. Instead it is a wish to end the winter cold by women's wisdom if they happen to such have with such an effect too. If a child wants tl be a girl, it is for most or all imporant that one could get a child of one's own and carry it in one's stomach. So the child is asked, do you think that you would be able to care for the child in your stomach so well that it does not die but is healthy and grows like a child ought to, and care for the child when it has born but is still quite youbg, say a few years, and care for your own body and needs so well that you have the strenght and wisdom etc for such and things run well for you, your family and friends, for the social group you live in and also the society and world good for life in the future. And so most women and girls learn to care for such yhings somewhat, have some wisdom of lufe anf common sense and think that such are needed. And so if the world is of spirit, Women's Day in ghe quite early spring can help to end the winter cold and bring spring weathers. 
I guess such is some general wisdom of how is good to live, suited for all, like healthy ways of living and civiliced wisdom, and taking the environment into account, and wishing well in the world - but even mentioning this causes that many try to convince others of the opposite goals as similarly wise advice in life. But it is like a passer-by of a young person or animal saying/thinking "Gees, good ways of doing and taking the environment into account civilicedly, that's life!". Emotional wisdom of life tells whether one feels well or not, so learning wisdom of life about feelings helps in this a lot, but these are complex subjecrs including wisdom of life, understanding of good ways of doing, of personal differencies, learning, individuality, society level wisdom and one's picture of the world, etc. 

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Easter tradition

 There is in Finland that on the Sunday that begins Easter, children have small branches of a tree or bush that has already partly woken to the spring, has flowers, and is among the first such species, and they have decorated the branches with coloured feathers and maybe coloured paper and threads. They go to relatives or neighbours and wave the branch in front of the other one and say "I freshen, I wave branch, to make you fresh and healthy, for the whole coming year. Which one you give : an egg or a chicken? The branch to you and the wage to me." And so they give the branch to the one whom they waved it and told the verse. And so they get candy, chocolade egg or a little money as coins. I think that doing this as a child to my relatives, with the wage a week later on Easter Sjnday,  made me learn about healing, since there is the spring to learn from, about how one recovers back to life like getting refreshed. 

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...