Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Dog on a hot day

I do not nowadays have dogs but i used to live in a sunside apartment in eastern Finland in North-East Europe with two 40cm high, around 10kg dogs, one of which was fat.  

 Take care that the dog does not spend time in sun. On a walk walk shadowy side, in the shadows of trees and breeze, plan walks so that there are no long pieces in sun. If the dog gets exhausted, keep a pause and leisurely pace, maybe take water and a cup for dogs along on walks. Do not leave the dog to a hot car.

If it is hot at home, ventilate a lot when it is cool time of the day and also when there is breeze. Let the dog stay in cool under the ventilation window. Keep curtains open so much that one can see trees. If it is unbearably hot, shower while avoiding arupt cool or cold and while listening to your dog, paws and maybe the back, but not stomach, with cool water, or let the dog walk to a lake ( or to a washing water bowl of cool water ). Take care of foods but only light summer food according to the weather, but not a tough diet but instead for a meal fatless milk or cooked vegetables or vegetable beef. 

From my Finnish blog parantamisesta.blogspot.com 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Try a healthier kind of world

 I have had in my mobile phone's near area share my Finnish blog about healing www.parantaminen.info plus my text about the four seasons  https://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html  and my long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes learntalents.blogspot.com and that has produced a feeling of living in a happier world with less miseries around. In English one could try this blog's index in near area share to get a feeling of living in a healthier kind of world    https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2018/12/index-with-cure-suggestions-after-word.html .

Dog's poor eye sight at old age

 Old dog's danger of blindness is often a result of it and other old dogs being interested in reading byt lacking the skills in it. Eyesight gets better if one is interested in looking at the nature, especially at ordinary healthy greenbtrees. Here is how to teach a dog to read. You could show the video to your dog with sound too, even though the text is in Finnish language, but it could help to get the idea of how to read.

If the dog learns to read, i guess that newspapers would be best. Later the dog might be interested in my text Skills of Christmas gnomes learntalents.blogspot.com .

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...