Thursday, December 10, 2020

Meditation advice

 10th of December 2020   I made a meditation advice to my Finnish blog about curing . It is for beginners but made thinking of cancer patients, just in case they might need it.
"To such would help MEDITATION, not any bady observation "meditation", but instead ordinary meditation of observing breathing and living in connection with the mandscape around and life around like meditation in motion and of the body observe more mostly just how is good to move. 

In breathing meditation just follow your breathing, observe it and it's effects (healthy sides of them, in a healthy way, with wisdom of life, etc) on the body and mind and to oneäs contact with the environment etc, in fact just ordinarily breathe and feel the air moving in your nostrils etc, and aim to be naturally, without forcing, sit in a good posture,  still but not stiff, but instead like is sporty and a naturally straight back like sports hobbies bring, and aim also at living according to feelings, and thoughts come and go but don't ponder on them but isntead concentrate on feeling sensations and be in balance and enjoy the present moment and the sensation s of beauty brought by nonforcing attention and a somehow wiser way to associate with things, 

not so squarely thinking, not so clumsyly pushy nor artificial but instead according to motivation and valuing the everyday life's basic things done, their ages old basic form, basic current, and find from it a nonforcing way to be fully awake in living one's everyday life, which is natural the same way as breathing is or some other nonforcing basic life, when one likes it or needs a rest pause from the noise of everyday life, and one ought to aim at compassion too, such is good for attention, when one goes along how people and animals do things and not artificially forcing things to some form, but the idea is to just sit relaxedly with back straight and follow one's breathing and as a side effect learn a good nonforcing way to use attention, in other words meditation."

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...