Sunday, April 26, 2020

D856. Sleepiness as a way of adapting to changes in life

"Increased need for sleep can be a way to adjust wisely to things. It demands first letting go of things and healthy overnight sleep so that one is rested and refreshed, and then one should rise from the bed and eat breakfast and preferable go out too so that one starts the day in an roughly ok way. And only then one can dream and adjust to things burdening one's mind. Dreaming is different from sleeping. In dreaming you lie comfortably as if going to sleep or like in the summer time leisurely in a garden swing, and so adjust to things which demand adjusting to like changes in life or challenges to rise up to. Each such situation usually has a starting level that isn't enough high, and one ought to form for oneself and for to help others too via social communication, a picture of how to lift the level on each area oif life at a time to what it ought to be for things to go well, like civiliced, with wisdom of life, having healthy spirit, healthy eways of living, with insight, according to feelings, listening to wisdom, fractureless and by it's shape fractureless like lying or summer holiday giuve a chance to . Ad after that stay for a whilke well for the feelings and cultuvcating fracturelessness, adjusting so that things get even more ideal form and that one gets used to such picture as one's usual view of those things. And then continuing to other things, to more active life since the thing has been handled. (If one cannot rest enough when one comes from work, do other things, at least something like watching tv or preferabvly go out and do other thingsm even talk about other things.)"
Translated from my fFinnsih blog  for my gnome text at

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...