Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Too much influence from engineering or space travel, and as a cure learning new skills in other areas of life in a good quality way

"Last Sunday 21th of July 2019 it was 50 years since man first set foot on the Moon. It seems that just about all around the world watched the video from that. And so all got lots of influence from engineering, also from others, since the day was the same for all. 50 years ago that was a big change in pictures of the world, I guess, but now it is just a piece of news. Yet surprisingly many are interested in space travel or in engineering, and so the effect lasts for some time, while 50 years ago it lasted the whole 1970's or so.
So I guess that one needs effective means of smallening the amount of influence from engineering. The first advice is of course that one should not oneself be so interested in engineering, not classify it so important. In addition one ought to avoid in terest ins space travel, conversations in engineering style or about engineering, take distance to people who term engineering important, etc. And for oneself, one ought to learn skills in other areas of life, and do it with good quality, from the beginning too, since engineerting often disturbs one's abilities of observation, and so one should be interested in looking complex natural landscapes with a  good eyesight, a good understanding and the sense of atmosphere tones.
 For those who want more distance to engineering, my blog might help. Also my long text "Gnome like life in the modern world" might fit some."

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30th of June 2024   See my booklet "Animals in Space" or the corresponding blog post at a link from .

If there are long space travels like between stars, then such a travel may resemble travelling uneventfully in an evenly gliding box. So one's capacity may get lower. So it may seem that if one arrives to a new planet, one might be helpless somewhat like a person in a wheel chair. But it may make sense to go trough such an unskilled seeming phace when arriving a new planet, dince the environment may be very different and demand lots of learning and a new start with even more lesrning I guess. Such goes easiest if one is kind of small compared with others, less dominant, since nondlminant learn much better than dominant ones, since nondominant just have to take others into account or at least follow civiliced wisdom. New starts also give possibilitues to gradual increase in capacity like feels good, works well and is motivating. Especially looking at landscapes and getting experience of playful moving and of the local weathers, seasons, etc seems important. Starting with little sometimes for a short time, one can end up with bigger and bigger amounts of stimuli, motion, taking part in lufe, etc. 

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...