Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A natural and easy way to get thinner on the spring

Each person has an emotionally felt ideal weight. I guess it would be easy to get thinner if one took that weight as one's goal and ate healthily but instead of a heavier meal let the body reach it's ideal weight and shape according to your character and values.

"When in the spring one feels livelier because of light, warmth, melting snow, increasing possibilities for life and bird song, then one naturally needs less food. Some people get fatter toward winter, and then some part of body fat is for bearing winter cold, likewise some part of how heavy the food is and how much warmth it brings. In the spring when one thinks of the weathers some two weeks in advance and how it would be nice to live in those weathers, how heavy feeling from food, how warm from food, how much fresh fruits etc, and what on the other hand is winter reserves which one can well give up now. Then maybe winter's obesity, if one has such, is superfluous and can be used as energy for day's chores, even without being on a diet, like replacing a heavier meal, since when spring continues there will be warmer and warmer weather, so one does not anymore need fat and heavy food, but instead the main thing is reaching spring liveliness, spring mood and nice habits suited to spring and eventually to the summer."

15.3.2018   Lainaus blogistani http://laihdutuskikkoja.blogspot.fi

11.3.2018   Like this in the beginning of spring winter, when the weathers have just gotten warmer but snow yet not melted, it feels that if one now that there are no hard cold weathers coming, now listens to one's body and one's feeling, of what would bring a pleasant feeling, how fat or slender it would be good to be just now, what the shape of the limbs now in the coming half a week or one and a half weeks, then the body somehow well adapts to that and the cold freezing weather reserves is let to be used as a replacement of a heavier meal quickly away naturally, and the body don't seem to miss it but instead feel relieved. And so also later in the spring sometimes listen tyo one's body and feelings that what would be good for them. But the weathers of spring wary: dizzy clumsiness is a mark of too much warmth, I do not have the skills for this, I cannot bear this is maybe because being too fat and nervousness of too light clothing and of a need of one heavier meal, while being nervously shaken means that one needs to re-estimate one's need of food and warmth to be much bigger. When the spring is far it isn't easy to get so easily thinner, but instead the suitable weight should be found before halfway of spring or at least before the beginning of May.
 But this leaves one thinking that the body should be given as an advice aweight that feels good, a body that feels good, and not a group of images in mind saying yak fat, thin and hungry, I would not bother, or the like

Hyvä olo näyttäisi edellyttävän, että suunta on lämmöntuotannolla lämpimämmäksi eikä viilentäytyminen, jolloin siis painon sopisi yleensä olla vuodenaikaan nähden hoikempi. Silloin toki pitää ateriat huolehtia eikä kituuttaa, etenkään liian vähissä vaatteissa.

Sopivin aika hoikistumiseen on juuri, kun kovia pakkasia ei enää ole tulossa, sillä silloin kovien pakkasten talvivaraa ei enää tarvita mutta toisaalta voi hyvin syödä tavalliset ateriat, sillä ruokaa kuluu enemmän kuin lähellä kesää, kun on lehdetkin puissa ja kukkia. Toisaalta nollakelejä ja räntäkelejä voi olla vielä vappuna, joten jollain heikommalla teholla voi siihen asti laihduttaa, mutta toisaalta silloin tarvitsee ruokaakin vaihtelevasti, ankeina säinä enemmän, eikä hoikistuminen ole niin helppoa, vaikka kesää varten sitä tarvitsisi."
"Laihdutuksen kunkinhetkisen tavoitteen valitsemisesta
"Keväällä hoikistumisesta kirjoitin tuollaisen ohjeen, mistä jäi mietityttämään tuo, että antaako laihduttaja keholleen ohjeen, millainen olla. Ja jos laihduttaminen ei suju, niin antaa myös lihavuusmielikuvia keholleen ohjeiksi? Eli tuon kun oppisi, että miten löytää tunteenomainen ideaalinsa ja elämäntapaideaalinsa mukainen kroppa taitettuna nykyelämäntavan vaatimuksiin vastaamiseen, niin olisiko silloin ideaalikroppa tuossa mielessä helppo saavuttaa ja pitää? Siis kullekin luonteenomainen, ei mikään kilpailu. Mutta silloin ei saisi roikkua niskassa joku tuttava, jonka mieltymykset painon, ulkonäön, tyylin tms suhteen ovat ihan erilaiset kuin omasi."

"If you take the goal of a diet to be so thin that the image of it is energy lack like grey or the like, then your body easily corrects your weight to much bigger. Instead you should find a naturally reddish (emotionally liked) weight & shape of the body, brings a pleasant comfortable feeling, then your body naturally would correct toward that weight & shape. "

Nervous breakdown and as cure more realistical goals

 B577. Nervous breakdown and keep a pause, hug yourself, change to more realistical goalsetting & healthy spirit
 I guess a nervous breakdown means that you have some burden, for example you are ill because of headache, and at the same time you try to force something to a certain form and the thing just slips out of your hands, for example when children grow up to quite adult already. Then the goalsetting has been wrong, maybe impossible or at least trying to guide too much. And one's own way of doing has been forceless, maybe copied from someone who sees things like memorized schooled knowledge, for example if one's child is such, instead of having healthy spirit and healthy ways of doing (see http://finnishskills.blogspot.fi/2015/11/healthy-ways-of-living.html ). The goalsetting goes often wrong when as years pass there is a change in living conditions that has not been said to be at all as big as it is: for example when children grow and they ought to get already somewhat more independent and in the future to go fully different ways from their parents, so that there is left only remaints of guiding for a moment and so it ought to be, one should not spoil the adult lives of one's kids. Then communication is important: why do you have headache, for how big part of the day, how much does it disturb your life and whatyou do, and on the other hand, what should the chidren take care of and why and how they well grow up that way. Also, if you have moved to live further away, then cultural differencies can be many and also other differencies in life circumstancies, and so it would be important to restrict the taks one takes care of to much more narrow,  so that one has energy and skills for learning those new things, since all cultures do not take care of the same things and so taking care of some basic thing of one's old good way of life can take a big part of one's space to move in but anyway be needed for the individual. So one should give up those unrealistical too theoretically made goals, so have a pause for a moment, care oneself to good shape for example by squatting(?) and hugging one's legs, or curling to a chair hugging lightly one's legs (but not lying down if you are not so ill) and so cultivate your feelings and your fractureness to well again, choose then more common sense like goal to replace the old unrealistical ones and inform family members too of the change, and collect forces via healthy spirit and healthy ways of living, which both bring also well functioning.

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...