Monday, January 1, 2018

A nasty diagnosis can maybe be undone

A nasty diagnosis (because of having had social influencies that bring failures) can maybe be undone:

 B554. Miracle cure attempt XLVII * Don't decide that you are ill
Different people fall ill to different diseases etc. Their ways of living and ways of doing, their ways of thinking and their habitual ways, their lacks of attention to things and mistreating some things make them vulnerable to different diseases. And because those characteristics spread to others via social contacts, one's company can for a while make others vulnerable to the same or from roughly same kind of reasons - together with the oerson's own and the influencies coming from others - illnesses, wounds, aches etc. So one can at one moment have some ache or the like as if one had just been diagnosized ill, but the situation is much of the same spirit as cumbersome things, failures, poor spirit, misestimates, difficulties in situations, social situations etc as lately: influencies from somewhere or few such influencies together, of course with one's own habits and characyter etc, brings such total effect: first vulnerability and soon problems of roughly that kind. So you must avoid getting stuck that "Aha, I am ill." but instead think that the situation varies as life proceeds, you can decide to drop those nasty influencies away and suppose that it helps at least somewhat, maybe a lot, anbd then maybe you no longer are ill. But for usre getting ill means that you need to keep some holiday, concentrate in one way or another to getting healthy again, for example by avoiding bad influencies and reaching for healthy ways of living.

22.11.2017 See also
 B435. Ihmeparannusohjeyritelmä XXXIV * Viisauden avulla ratkaisten   3.1.2017
A291. Ihmeparannusohjeyritelmä XXV * Elämän virta ja oireet vain lisänä   7.2.2016

Feeling not well at all, and understand tgat others may recommend as their liked choices things you cannot bear

 For feeling not well at all, often helps to keep all persons separate. Like they may recommend as a nice job somethibg you cannot bear, lij...