Some things which could soften life, if you have stomach ache because of some social problem, lufe situation or the like. Giving up the views that cause the ache, for example someone isn't so close to you or you do not have enough strenght to cobtinue on a certain studies. Go to the toilet. Drink some water. Wear loose comfortable clothes. Go to some nice place, often tidied to comfortable. Take a nice blanket to near you. Ventilate the room so that you have fresh air. Maybe eat a snack, try to listen to what would be right in questions of food. Comfortable subjects like nice music, nice professions, dream like places to move to and confortable enough near byvtoo. Listen to some music, put nasty papers etc away. Maybe take a nap or go out. Watch the beauty of nature. Find some positive motivating things to do, like distant dream job or hobby like nice things to do. Find emotionally better courses for your lufe.