Sunday, October 10, 2021

Obs! The now-removed previous post contains human-made errors

 There came computer problems to the user interface, the screen just went black, when u trued to edit or remlve yesterday's post, which was said to be machine translated but contains instead errors made by malicious or unskilled humans, maybe pretending to be machines. I have not read through even the foreword and the index contains maybe one and a half thousand entries. DON'T DO ANYTHING DANGEROUS OR PECULIAR. THERE ARE NO SUCH ADVICES IN THE FINNISH LANGUAGE ORIGINAL. 

11th of October 2021   The user interface functioned again and i was able to remove the erroneous supposed machine translation.

I have myself years earlier translated some 600 first headers with the cure suggestions in them, of which 500 are in the kndex in this blog. 

( If pains from official position or the like )

 ( Some bosses or famous people seem to have some kknd of square form indicating their profession or radio program or the like, and the body...