Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Suicide prevention via better life

"For example for suicide prevention:
Better quality of life:
Heathy spirit, healthy ways of living etc, very many advices
Dream job quickly http://todreamjob.blogspot.com
More free time according to feelings http://workandfreetime.blogspot.com
"Continuing about suicide prevention via good life:
moving to another kind of district that one likes might help, I mean
whose main professions, main attractions and culture & way of life one
is soulmates with. I wrote some advices about it to my blog

In Finnsih:
" Masennuksen aiheuttaneiden olosuhteiden parantaminen
Masennus on motivoitumaton tunnetila ja väsynyt mielenvire, joka
syntyy siitä, kun elämäntilanne vaikuttaa toivottoman synkältä ja
tulevaisuudennäkymät huonoilta. Masennuksesta paranee parhaiten
korjaamalla nuo suuret epäkohdat. Tässä apua siihen, lähinnä
kirjoittamistani blogeista:

Jos sinua painaa maailman synkkä tulevaisuus uhkakuvineen, katsopa
blogejani http://paratiisiteoria.blogspot.fi ja
http://feelingcomputers.blogspot.fi blogin alusta aloittaen
(tulevaisuuden tietokoneet
"virtual world"
+ linkkejä). Curing future threath scenarios
Moraalista, sen oppimisesta ja hiukan myös sen luomisesta
ympäristöönsä osin omalla esimerkillään olen kirjoittanut blogissani
Ympäristöongelmien ratkaisemisesta jotakin http://kokonaiskuvat.blogspot.fi

Jos sinua painaa koulu lue http://pikakoulu.blogspot.fi ,
ja http://workandfreetime.blogspot.fi
ja vanhempasi ehkä voisivat lukea siitä, että itkisi vaihteeksi
onnesta http://paratiisiteoria.blogspot.fi/2017/04/onnesta-itkeminen.html

Jos sinua painaa työ, lue Haaveammattiin-blogiani
http://nopeaoppisuus.blogspot.fi ja lisää vapaa-aikaa tuova blogini
http://workandfreetime.blogspot.fi (plus sen kirjalinkki) sekä
tunteidenmukaisuuden mahdollisuudesta työnteossa

Laskunmaksu kivemmaksi
Rahavarojen riittävyydestä jotakin
Siivoaminen kivemmaksi

Jos sinua vaivaavat huonosti sujuvat ihmissuhteet, niin "Elä ja anna
toisten elää!" on hyvä ohje, jolla saa sosiaalisista suhteistaan
toimivat, ks. http://yksinaisille.blogspot.fi/2012/03/build-perfect-relationship.html
ja selaa blogia. Ehkä myös blogini
http://tienraivaajat.blogspot.fi/2016/08/ihmissuhteista.html työelämän
ym arjen uudistamisesta.
Jos olet jumiutunut vanhoihin eri lailla suuntautuneisiin
ihmissuhteisiin, niin muutto mukavalle seudulle pois vanhempien ja
vanhojen tuttujen luota voisi auttaa, kunhan valitset seudun, jonka
päärahanlähteinä ovat haavealasi eivätkä lähes ollenkaan ikävät alat,
ks. http://nopeaoppisuus.blogspot.fi
 (ja sisustamisesta

Jos sinua vaivaa onnellisuuden tai elämäntaidon puute, niin lue
blogiani http://happinesstipsblog.blogspot.fi ja
http://opisuomalaisuus.blogspot.com/2014/03/terveet-elamantavat.html .
Katso myös http://musiikkipaivakirja.blogspot.fi/2013/07/lauantaina-13-heinakuuta-2013.html
sekä http://parantamisesta.blogspot.fi/2013/01/sokeritauti-ja-virikkeiden-paljous.html
Tilaa tunteidenmukaisuudelle muiden asioiden suojissa
Jotakin myös muissa blogeissani, joista näet listan profiilisivullani
nimeäni klikkaamalla. Esim. viisaasta tavasta elää syksy blogissani
 ja terveistä elämäntavoista blogissani
 (vuodenkierrosta ja viihtyvyydestä
sekä elämässä onnistumisesta taitojen ja hyväonnisuuden osalta
(Hyvän onnen tavoittamisesta myös blogissakin
http://kuolleistaherattamisenohje.blogspot.com kohdissa Lähestyvän
kuoleman ennustaminen aurasta ja Kuoleman välttäminen.)
Vanhuuteen tenhoavuutta http://harmaahapset.blogspot.fi
Älä ota vaikutteita seuduilta, joilla ei osata elää suomalaiseen
tapaan, esim. Suomen ilmaston vaatimalla elämänrytmillä, tai joilla
ihmisten kehonkieli on lötkö siihen tapaan kuin masentuneilla tai
aineissa olevilla: ehkä he ovat kaikka tavattoman masentuneita
suomalaisiin verrattuna.

Vaikutelmiani parantumisesta (parannusohjeyritelmät jo satoihin
vaivoihin, riittää etsiä oma vaiva karkeasti luokiteltuna hakemistosta
tummennetuin kirjasimin ja lukea sitä vastaava kohta viereisistä sadan
kohdan kokoelmista, parannusohjeen yhteenveto jo otsikossa ja-sanan
jälkeen)  http://parantamisesta.blogspot.fi/
ja (jos läheisesi on juuri kuollut muttei itsemurhaan vaan muuten)

Katsele tervettä kasvavaa puuta, kun mietit elämääsi, niin viisastut!

Uskonto auttaa pois elämän ongelmista, joihin ei uskottu ratkaisua
olevankaan. Uskonto, jonka kanssa tunnet tunteenomaisesti
hengenheimolaisuutta, hyväksyy sinut kai helpoiten piiriinsä. Rukoile
sydämestäsi ei-kaavamaisesti parannusta elämääsi, vaikket uskoisi niin
suuria parannuksia olevan olemassakaan, niin ehkä jotakin tietä
rukouksesi tulee vastatuksi. Vahvasti uskonnolliset kuten paavi ja
Uuden Valamon luostari Suomessa http://www.Valamo.fi voivat auttaa

Undulaatti osaa kuolla suruun

Piristykseksi myös lahjoja, tosin vain blogikirjoituslinkkejäni
http://joululahjoja.blogspot.fi/  "


* * *

10th of July 2020   "About the skill of dying of sorrow
I used to have budgeriga birds andI have the impression that if the pair of a budgie dies, the budgie dies oneself too. It is some kind of skill: when things no longer go well in life, when feelings say that one does not want to continue life without one's spouce, then the budgie has the skills of dying. I guess that it is something like stopping trying to in a reserved way with one's body to do well in life, for example by keeping one's limbs somewhat tensed, so that then the poisons etc preserved in them get freed to one's body and so that if one then wants just sink into something like depression and evaporate away from life and die soon away, then one dies - if one is a budgie, but could it work on humans too?
Here the budgie is left faitfully with what it loves.
But even though I had an old pair of budgies that seemned to love each other and we loved them too, the more social one did not die right after the other one. But some years earlier when I heard that a budgie has the skill of dying of sorrow, I said to my pets that it is a beautiful skill, I would like tyo learn it. And so I across time via my quite many pets that felt well, anyway got an idea of how such is possible.

Even if that would not work out, one could propably that way transform some of one's life toward the things that one loves, even if those were more distant ones, and leave some group of nasty things away even if others don't agree about it.
Years ago I pondered abotu suicide. My mom had chosen for me what profession tostudy and it made my life just horrible, but I did not seem to get rid of it. So I oincdered about suicide. I heard a piece of advice that if someone with cancer or the like has just half a year time to live, he/she ought to think how he/she wants to use it, and dedicate one's ölast times fully to those things, or like feels vbest for him/her. That heloed somewhat me to change profession: I begun to get positive content to life. But when that was not enough for really chamnging profession, I again thought of suicide and figured my own version of the thought: If I would think of committing suicide today, that would break my ties to the old spheres of life, I couldn't go to engineering studies anymore, and so if I would postpone my suicide half a day without telling anyone about it, I could go where ever I like most, like for example travelling in my home country or some happening of a different profession that I like, applying for a job that I would like very much, start a new wonderful hobby or buy with my money some clothes that would have a better spirit like the life I wish for, and wear them just like that - but couldn't go to old nasty spheres of life & old nasty studies. And so that difference to my old life again and again made my life much better and I no longer needed to think of suicide, sonce I had concretically much better life, for example much better professions. "

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Too much influence from engineering or space travel, and as a cure learning new skills in other areas of life in a good quality way

"Last Sunday 21th of July 2019 it was 50 years since man first set foot on the Moon. It seems that just about all around the world watched the video from that. And so all got lots of influence from engineering, also from others, since the day was the same for all. 50 years ago that was a big change in pictures of the world, I guess, but now it is just a piece of news. Yet surprisingly many are interested in space travel or in engineering, and so the effect lasts for some time, while 50 years ago it lasted the whole 1970's or so.
So I guess that one needs effective means of smallening the amount of influence from engineering. The first advice is of course that one should not oneself be so interested in engineering, not classify it so important. In addition one ought to avoid in terest ins space travel, conversations in engineering style or about engineering, take distance to people who term engineering important, etc. And for oneself, one ought to learn skills in other areas of life, and do it with good quality, from the beginning too, since engineerting often disturbs one's abilities of observation, and so one should be interested in looking complex natural landscapes with a  good eyesight, a good understanding and the sense of atmosphere tones.
 For those who want more distance to engineering, my blog http://todreamjob.blogspot.com might help. Also my long text "Gnome like life in the modern world" http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2018/09/gnomes-or-more-likelily-doing-things-in.html might fit some."

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30th of June 2024   See my booklet "Animals in Space" or the corresponding blog post at a link from MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com .

If there are long space travels like between stars, then such a travel may resemble travelling uneventfully in an evenly gliding box. So one's capacity may get lower. So it may seem that if one arrives to a new planet, one might be helpless somewhat like a person in a wheel chair. But it may make sense to go trough such an unskilled seeming phace when arriving a new planet, dince the environment may be very different and demand lots of learning and a new start with even more lesrning I guess. Such goes easiest if one is kind of small compared with others, less dominant, since nondlminant learn much better than dominant ones, since nondominant just have to take others into account or at least follow civiliced wisdom. New starts also give possibilitues to gradual increase in capacity like feels good, works well and is motivating. Especially looking at landscapes and getting experience of playful moving and of the local weathers, seasons, etc seems important. Starting with little sometimes for a short time, one can end up with bigger and bigger amounts of stimuli, motion, taking part in lufe, etc. 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

For comfort

See my long blog text Skills of Christmas gnomes    http://learntalents.blogspot.com/ . It s a bunch of different kinds of texts loosely around life according to feelings.

 You can buy it also as a book from the internet bookshop amazon, see   https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2021/10/book-skills-of-christmas-gnomes.html 

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Measles and valuing liveliness

A287. Measles and valuing liveliness
I just read about the symhtoms of measles and it came to my mind that if (a child?) values at those times more than usually indoor like, theoretical, not with healthy spirit, not connected to nature, thinking and way of living, so is unwisely investing to artificialities, would it produce such symhtoms? Maybe such view was a rumour from child to child? So then would help to value liveliness, healthy spirit, valuing healthy common sense and douptful attitude toward artificialities and to cruel or negative toward life, theoretical ways.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Lack of oxygen and praying & thinking of livelily beautiful religious hymns go open the window

C704, Lack of oxygen and praying & thinking of livelily beautiful religious hymns go open the window
If you faint or almost fromlack of oxygen but wake up at least partly, you can praying and thinking of livelily beautiful religious hymns go open the window like one walking while sleeping doing a religious miracle.
Later it helps to recover to ventilate well, maybe also to drink lots of water if one feels like doing so, vitamins (fruits, fresh juice etc), proper food, spending time outdoors, light and admiring the nature, propably also bird song and music and in these modern times spending at least a little bit time on computer and other ordinary content to life.

22.1.2019   When there is too little oxygen, one survives better if living in a sleepy kind of way, mostly basic life in ordinary positive affairs.

( If pains from official position or the like )

 ( Some bosses or famous people seem to have some kknd of square form indicating their profession or radio program or the like, and the body...